jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2007

Here's some more mind games for you...if you can't/couldn't be bothered to do the spelling game for FREE RICE then how about NeoWORX flag/country identification game...do you know which country etc... I've just got 15/20 but considering the amount of travel I do (and the amount of time looking at the country-counter in the blog side-bar!) maybe I should have done better; however...some are VERY difficult!

Here's some more mind games for you...if you can't/couldn't be bothered to do the spelling game for FREE RICE then how about NeoWORX flag/country identification game...do you know which country etc... I've just got 15/20 but considering the amount of travel I do (and the amount of time looking at the country-counter in the blog side-bar!) maybe I should have done better; however...some are VERY difficult!

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2007

Bloggers UniteHow’s your spelling /vocabulary? At the weekend I was directed to a website that I enjoyed immensely…by testing your vocabulary - and it’s not easy. [freerice.com] It starts off easy-ish and gradually finds your level by progressively getting harder/easier if you get three in a row right or dropping a level or so each time you fail...and all the while you are providing rice to hungry people for free (endorsed by the United Nation World Food program: WFP) I provided 1000 grains and will return to do some more soon enough; I was level 42 and 43 (I think the range is from somewhere very low up to 50) I’ve added an image link to the Owsblog sidebar to encourage others to use it.

This could be construed as one of my "Acts of Kindness", as trumpeted on blogcatalog and also on YouTube although the actual 'official' day was yesterday (17-12-07)
Bloggers UniteHow’s your spelling /vocabulary? At the weekend I was directed to a website that I enjoyed immensely…by testing your vocabulary - and it’s not easy. [freerice.com] It starts off easy-ish and gradually finds your level by progressively getting harder/easier if you get three in a row right or dropping a level or so each time you fail...and all the while you are providing rice to hungry people for free (endorsed by the United Nation World Food program: WFP) I provided 1000 grains and will return to do some more soon enough; I was level 42 and 43 (I think the range is from somewhere very low up to 50) I’ve added an image link to the Owsblog sidebar to encourage others to use it.

This could be construed as one of my "Acts of Kindness", as trumpeted on blogcatalog and also on YouTube although the actual 'official' day was yesterday (17-12-07)

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2007

Only Oliver...

Pax Quæritur Bello...Peace is sought through War: motto of The English Commonwealth (during the English Interregnum) "Peace is sought through War", heard that somewhere before? :-) 16th December was the day that Oliver Cromwell was given outright power as Lord Protector and the Commonwealth, in existence since only 1649, became a Protectorate. A constitution, the first in the history of the world, granted executive power to the Lord Protector of the "Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland". Is the jury still out over Oliver Cromwell? All time Top 10 Briton or genocidal war criminal?

Only Oliver...

Pax Quæritur Bello...Peace is sought through War: motto of The English Commonwealth (during the English Interregnum) "Peace is sought through War", heard that somewhere before? :-) 16th December was the day that Oliver Cromwell was given outright power as Lord Protector and the Commonwealth, in existence since only 1649, became a Protectorate. A constitution, the first in the history of the world, granted executive power to the Lord Protector of the "Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland". Is the jury still out over Oliver Cromwell? All time Top 10 Briton or genocidal war criminal?

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Oslo oration's obvious ommission...

Al Gore, whilst collecting his Nobel Peace Prize [BBC] said some interesting things but failed to mention a very important and 'inconvenient truth'. He said:

"The Earth has a fever, and the fever is rising. The experts have told us it is not a passing affliction that will heal by itself"... ..."We are what is wrong, and we must make it right."

That is dead right...but not in the way he or 'the experts' mean. What he could have said, and been nearer the truth, were the words of Agent Smith during Morpheus' interrogation:

"The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet."

So in a way Gore is right, WE are what is wrong. Of course he wants to cry doom and gloom over "the climate impacts that might lie ahead"; there are two ways of looking at this: (a) climate change will happen anyway so let's learn to deal with it and survive the changes as long as possible rather than try to stop it (because we can't) or (b) climate change may not happen and we can stop it...so...let's target the easiest and most efficient way we can by targeting the main reason, that worryingly clear reason is amply illustrated HERE; we must reduce the population/stop population growth. World population has doubled in about 40 years and tripled in less than 80...our parents lifetimes...quadrupled in the last century...whichever way you read it the figures are ominous...the planet can't/won't sustain much more.

"In every land the truth, once known, has the power to set us free"

said Gore...but that truth, once known, is rather unpleasant and so are the various cures.

Oslo oration's obvious ommission...

Al Gore, whilst collecting his Nobel Peace Prize [BBC] said some interesting things but failed to mention a very important and 'inconvenient truth'. He said:

"The Earth has a fever, and the fever is rising. The experts have told us it is not a passing affliction that will heal by itself"... ..."We are what is wrong, and we must make it right."

That is dead right...but not in the way he or 'the experts' mean. What he could have said, and been nearer the truth, were the words of Agent Smith during Morpheus' interrogation:

"The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet."

So in a way Gore is right, WE are what is wrong. Of course he wants to cry doom and gloom over "the climate impacts that might lie ahead"; there are two ways of looking at this: (a) climate change will happen anyway so let's learn to deal with it and survive the changes as long as possible rather than try to stop it (because we can't) or (b) climate change may not happen and we can stop it...so...let's target the easiest and most efficient way we can by targeting the main reason, that worryingly clear reason is amply illustrated HERE; we must reduce the population/stop population growth. World population has doubled in about 40 years and tripled in less than 80...our parents lifetimes...quadrupled in the last century...whichever way you read it the figures are ominous...the planet can't/won't sustain much more.

"In every land the truth, once known, has the power to set us free"

said Gore...but that truth, once known, is rather unpleasant and so are the various cures.

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Obliterated or only oblivious...

Today marked the day, in 1979 when the World Health Organisation (WHO) certified the eradication of one orthopoxvirus: smallpox, it is the "only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated from nature" - surely one of the great triumphs of modern science; however..."eradicated from Nature"...but not eradicated from evil Man: despite the wish to eradicate stocks it is still with us: not only in fiction, but also in fact (Nov 2007). The bio-terrorism threat is real; "preparedness" is available: Logical Images VisualDx.

Despite various other 'pox' affecting a range of animals - many can be passed to humans: zoonosis - we (mankind) are the only known hosts of the variola virus. It has killed billions, literally, and is thought to have been the cause of death of 300 - 500 million people in the last century before eradication alone.

Recorded instances of variolation (innoculation with variola - smallpox) began as early as the 10th century through intranasal insufflation of dried crusts of smallpox lesions...hmmm, nice...enjoying your sandwich? In 18th-century Europe, brought to England by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (oh yes!...not a commoner she) from her experiences in Turkey, the method consisted of subcutaneous injection of fluid from smallpox pustules or scabs (like some mustard on that sandwich?) Variolation caused a mild form of smallpox, but prevented more significant problems...like death. There was a certain amount of prejudice from the medical world despite Lady Mary having her daughter treated in front of 'physicians of the Royal Court'. Experiments followed on prisoners and then orphans (hahaha...imagine that today!) until finally acceptance followed the successful treatment of the two daughters of the Prince of Wales.

Religous powers were equally sceptical as they believed the 'providence of life should be in God's hands' (see image of Gentleman's Magazine 1750 - courtesy of the ILEJ, Internet Library of Early Journals click image to enlarge); they got even more irate when variolation became Satan's tools...or vaccination as we know it. Vaccination from vacca, the Latin for cow (cowpox...) throughout England there was a popular concept that dairy maids who had caught cowpox were thereafter immune to smallpox.

Despite Edward Jenner being the man famous for 'inventing' vaccination, there has been a growing recognition of Benjamin Jesty as the first to vaccinate against smallpox . "The breakthrough in vaccination came in 1774 with a Dorset farmer, Benjamin Jesty... [he would have been] aware of the rural 'myths' that people who had earlier caught the mild disease of cowpox did not catch the normally fatal disease of smallpox. Furthermore country people had noticed for some time that dairymaids caught the much milder cowpox from their cows but never smallpox. In fact dairymaids were renown for their pure complexions and Jesty’s milkmaids had previously caught cowpox, nursed family members with smallpox yet still had not caught smallpox.

Jesty became convinced that cowpox somehow protected against smallpox and during a smallpox outbreak in the summer of 1774 took his family to a farm where there was an outbreak of cowpox. He took infected pus from the udder of a cow and used the sharp point of a stocking needle to scratch his wife and his sons’ arms just below the elbow where he inserted the pus.

This was the first recorded vaccination and it took place not in the context of established medical procedure by medical experts but on a farm in rural Dorset." (IBMS Institute of BioMedical Science - history zone). The Jestys freely admitted that they were probably not the first with vaccination, but he was the "first person (known) that introduced the Cow Pox by inoculation"...that's their gravestone inscription. Also there are those none-too-happy that Jenner didn't give credit to previous work and 'much of his correspondence was deliberately destroyed leaving enough gaps to wonder how much he knew about Jesty’s experiment which was known about in medical circles.' Some go further, in 1995, Richard Horton, now editor of The Lancet) said:

"The limping truth is that Edward Jenner was a political opportunist who obtained priority in the discovery of vaccination (1796) through his reputation (he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1779 on the strength of his research on cuckoos) and aristocratic social standing (he received financial support from the Duke of Bedford and the lord mayor of London)."

Oooer...not happy at all. That said, it shouldn't lessen our appreciation of Jenner's accomplishments, indeed as early as 1801 he predicted eradication of smallpox. 'It was his relentless promotion and devoted research of vaccination that changed the way medicine was practiced' and ...

In science credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs. — Francis Galton

Obliterated or only oblivious...

Today marked the day, in 1979 when the World Health Organisation (WHO) certified the eradication of one orthopoxvirus: smallpox, it is the "only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated from nature" - surely one of the great triumphs of modern science; however..."eradicated from Nature"...but not eradicated from evil Man: despite the wish to eradicate stocks it is still with us: not only in fiction, but also in fact (Nov 2007). The bio-terrorism threat is real; "preparedness" is available: Logical Images VisualDx.

Despite various other 'pox' affecting a range of animals - many can be passed to humans: zoonosis - we (mankind) are the only known hosts of the variola virus. It has killed billions, literally, and is thought to have been the cause of death of 300 - 500 million people in the last century before eradication alone.

Recorded instances of variolation (innoculation with variola - smallpox) began as early as the 10th century through intranasal insufflation of dried crusts of smallpox lesions...hmmm, nice...enjoying your sandwich? In 18th-century Europe, brought to England by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (oh yes!...not a commoner she) from her experiences in Turkey, the method consisted of subcutaneous injection of fluid from smallpox pustules or scabs (like some mustard on that sandwich?) Variolation caused a mild form of smallpox, but prevented more significant problems...like death. There was a certain amount of prejudice from the medical world despite Lady Mary having her daughter treated in front of 'physicians of the Royal Court'. Experiments followed on prisoners and then orphans (hahaha...imagine that today!) until finally acceptance followed the successful treatment of the two daughters of the Prince of Wales.

Religous powers were equally sceptical as they believed the 'providence of life should be in God's hands' (see image of Gentleman's Magazine 1750 - courtesy of the ILEJ, Internet Library of Early Journals click image to enlarge); they got even more irate when variolation became Satan's tools...or vaccination as we know it. Vaccination from vacca, the Latin for cow (cowpox...) throughout England there was a popular concept that dairy maids who had caught cowpox were thereafter immune to smallpox.

Despite Edward Jenner being the man famous for 'inventing' vaccination, there has been a growing recognition of Benjamin Jesty as the first to vaccinate against smallpox . "The breakthrough in vaccination came in 1774 with a Dorset farmer, Benjamin Jesty... [he would have been] aware of the rural 'myths' that people who had earlier caught the mild disease of cowpox did not catch the normally fatal disease of smallpox. Furthermore country people had noticed for some time that dairymaids caught the much milder cowpox from their cows but never smallpox. In fact dairymaids were renown for their pure complexions and Jesty’s milkmaids had previously caught cowpox, nursed family members with smallpox yet still had not caught smallpox.
Jesty became convinced that cowpox somehow protected against smallpox and during a smallpox outbreak in the summer of 1774 took his family to a farm where there was an outbreak of cowpox. He took infected pus from the udder of a cow and used the sharp point of a stocking needle to scratch his wife and his sons’ arms just below the elbow where he inserted the pus.
This was the first recorded vaccination and it took place not in the context of established medical procedure by medical experts but on a farm in rural Dorset." (IBMS Institute of BioMedical Science - history zone). The Jestys freely admitted that they were probably not the first with vaccination, but he was the "first person (known) that introduced the Cow Pox by inoculation"...that's their gravestone inscription. Also there are those none-too-happy that Jenner didn't give credit to previous work and 'much of his correspondence was deliberately destroyed leaving enough gaps to wonder how much he knew about Jesty’s experiment which was known about in medical circles.' Some go further, in 1995, Richard Horton, now editor of The Lancet) said:
"The limping truth is that Edward Jenner was a political opportunist who obtained priority in the discovery of vaccination (1796) through his reputation (he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1779 on the strength of his research on cuckoos) and aristocratic social standing (he received financial support from the Duke of Bedford and the lord mayor of London)."
Oooer...not happy at all. That said, it shouldn't lessen our appreciation of Jenner's accomplishments, indeed as early as 1801 he predicted eradication of smallpox. 'It was his relentless promotion and devoted research of vaccination that changed the way medicine was practiced' and ...

In science credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs. — Francis Galton

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007

Outbreak of optimism...

Update: Thursday 6th December: Spoken like a true Statesman...NOT! Chavez is now truly losing the plot: today at a press conference - with the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard chiefs - designed to reinforce the point that he wasn't pressured into recognising the 'No' win said: "Fue una victoria de mierda y la nuestra una derrota de coraje"
"It was a shit victory and ours a courageous loss"!!!
Update: Tuesday 4th December: Predictably, the abstention rate of 44% is causing some concern: what's clear is that while millions of Mr Chavez's supporters probably still back him, they were unconvinced by his proposed reforms to the (new!) Constitution"
Perhaps I made a mistake in the timing of my proposals, that could be, that we are not politically mature enough,"... "It's a challenge for us, we're going to convince those of our comrades who have doubts, those who have fears concerning socialism."
Venezuela and the Latin American blogosphere is alight with far more optimism than pessimism over yesterday's very close defeat in the referendum for constitutional change. (some say TOO close!) The main emphasis for most is that at least 3 million voters from Chavez's re-election failed to show up to vote in the referendum: the following from Vcrisis:

"The result of the referendum lends itself to different readings, the most obvious being number of votes for and against the illegal, and now unpopular, reform: 4.379.392 in favor (a year ago 7.309.080 people voted for Chavez in the presidential race) and 4.504.354 against it. Ergo while the opposition, led by the student movement, managed to increase its numbers by some 200,000 (compared to votes cast for Manuel Rosales last December), officialdom, in spite of the huge advantage in terms of funds and media, saw 3 million of its supporters shunning the reform and sitting out the vote. Some chavistas have attributed this defeat to poor performance on behalf of Chavez´s government. Such candid admissions, to be applauded and encouraged by all of us, just reiterate what we have been saying all along."

More interestingly, because of the polls indicating a win for the 'No' camp, Chavez had tried to make this a definitive 'for me' or 'against me'...he even said:

"Those who vote NO are doing a favor to George W. Bush. Our real opponent, our real enemy is the US Empire. On Sunday we are going to deal another knockout blow to the American imperialism. Nobody should forget that it is the backdrop of the battle."
It seems that finally the Venezuelan public are recognising the difference between reality and rhetoric.

Outbreak of optimism...

Update: Thursday 6th December: Spoken like a true Statesman...NOT! Chavez is now truly losing the plot: today at a press conference - with the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard chiefs - designed to reinforce the point that he wasn't pressured into recognising the 'No' win said: "Fue una victoria de mierda y la nuestra una derrota de coraje"
"It was a shit victory and ours a courageous loss"!!!
Update: Tuesday 4th December: Predictably, the abstention rate of 44% is causing some concern: what's clear is that while millions of Mr Chavez's supporters probably still back him, they were unconvinced by his proposed reforms to the (new!) Constitution"
Perhaps I made a mistake in the timing of my proposals, that could be, that we are not politically mature enough,"... "It's a challenge for us, we're going to convince those of our comrades who have doubts, those who have fears concerning socialism."
Venezuela and the Latin American blogosphere is alight with far more optimism than pessimism over yesterday's very close defeat in the referendum for constitutional change. (some say TOO close!) The main emphasis for most is that at least 3 million voters from Chavez's re-election failed to show up to vote in the referendum: the following from Vcrisis:

"The result of the referendum lends itself to different readings, the most obvious being number of votes for and against the illegal, and now unpopular, reform: 4.379.392 in favor (a year ago 7.309.080 people voted for Chavez in the presidential race) and 4.504.354 against it. Ergo while the opposition, led by the student movement, managed to increase its numbers by some 200,000 (compared to votes cast for Manuel Rosales last December), officialdom, in spite of the huge advantage in terms of funds and media, saw 3 million of its supporters shunning the reform and sitting out the vote. Some chavistas have attributed this defeat to poor performance on behalf of Chavez´s government. Such candid admissions, to be applauded and encouraged by all of us, just reiterate what we have been saying all along."

More interestingly, because of the polls indicating a win for the 'No' camp, Chavez had tried to make this a definitive 'for me' or 'against me'...he even said:

"Those who vote NO are doing a favor to George W. Bush. Our real opponent, our real enemy is the US Empire. On Sunday we are going to deal another knockout blow to the American imperialism. Nobody should forget that it is the backdrop of the battle."
It seems that finally the Venezuelan public are recognising the difference between reality and rhetoric.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

Outstanding observations...

The outstanding observations I speak of? That would be An Efflux Of Labour Effluvia posted today on The Huntsman.

"As the Rats emerge blinking in the sunlight from the sewer that is the Labour Party, the spectacle of Comrade Harman ripping into Comrade Brown like two ferrets in a sack will cheer everyone who despises Labour and all its rotten works. Let us hope it gets significantly worse before it gets better."

I was led there from Ian Dale's Diary: Top 50 New Labour Sleaze stories - first posted 18 months ago the list is now at 90 plus...probably a few more with all the latest news - but looking at the reams of seemingly endless lists of New Labour Sleaze it made me wonder why people still try to compare New Labour's constant and rank corruption with the 'original' Tory Sleaze which, quite honestly, pales into insignificance and would indeed probably be a distant memory had it not played a major role (no pun intended!) in costing them the 1997 election. Referring to The Huntsman again in the post Banana Republic News - with other links to "Labour’s sleazebaggery - it is deeply extensive, far too large for this blog but you can savour the rank putrefaction of their corruption" - [what a way with words!] we are reminded of that sleaze, which became many of the final nails in the last Conservative government's coffin. (the list is part way down but it's worth reading the whole post)

"Most of us were utterly repelled by the sleaze exhibited by individual MPs as the last Conservative Government put on the rictus that precedes rigor mortis. Many Tories must have stayed resolutely at home as a result and have stayed at home resolutely ever since."

Outstanding observations...

The outstanding observations I speak of? That would be An Efflux Of Labour Effluvia posted today on The Huntsman.

"As the Rats emerge blinking in the sunlight from the sewer that is the Labour Party, the spectacle of Comrade Harman ripping into Comrade Brown like two ferrets in a sack will cheer everyone who despises Labour and all its rotten works. Let us hope it gets significantly worse before it gets better."

I was led there from Ian Dale's Diary: Top 50 New Labour Sleaze stories - first posted 18 months ago the list is now at 90 plus...probably a few more with all the latest news - but looking at the reams of seemingly endless lists of New Labour Sleaze it made me wonder why people still try to compare New Labour's constant and rank corruption with the 'original' Tory Sleaze which, quite honestly, pales into insignificance and would indeed probably be a distant memory had it not played a major role (no pun intended!) in costing them the 1997 election. Referring to The Huntsman again in the post Banana Republic News - with other links to "Labour’s sleazebaggery - it is deeply extensive, far too large for this blog but you can savour the rank putrefaction of their corruption" - [what a way with words!] we are reminded of that sleaze, which became many of the final nails in the last Conservative government's coffin. (the list is part way down but it's worth reading the whole post)

"Most of us were utterly repelled by the sleaze exhibited by individual MPs as the last Conservative Government put on the rictus that precedes rigor mortis. Many Tories must have stayed resolutely at home as a result and have stayed at home resolutely ever since."

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007

World Cup LogoOh the IRONY! The World Cup qualifying draw has finished: England get a relatively 'easy looking' group except there's going to be a lot of miles - mainly a long, long way eastwards - to get through!...and with some old friends!

Group 6: Croatia, England, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Andorra...

Somebody tell Tony Henry he won't be singing this time :-)
World Cup LogoOh the IRONY! The World Cup qualifying draw has finished: England get a relatively 'easy looking' group except there's going to be a lot of miles - mainly a long, long way eastwards - to get through!...and with some old friends!

Group 6: Croatia, England, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Andorra...

Somebody tell Tony Henry he won't be singing this time :-)

Online ordeal...

Another Megan's Law? Not the legislation passed in California in 2004 that "provides the public with Internet access to detailed information on registered sex offenders" [Link] but possible new laws drafted from the online ordeal and subsequent suicide of 13 year old Megan Meier.

In The Observer, Caroline Davies reports today "Anguish for mother of suicide girl as 'cyber-tormentor' escapes the law": events of almost a year ago but that are now coming to a head and that could lead to a new development in law-making. Those accused of causing Megan's death cannot be tried under any current laws:
"...despite both police and FBI investigations, Megan's embittered parents have been told that [the woman they accuse] faces no charges. Cyberspace, it seems, has outpaced the law."
It is this situation that is causing a wave of 'virtual vigilantism' (equally bad IMHO) against 'the accused' - a neighbour - but also the start of a move to press for change.

"Last week Dardenne Prairie's board of aldermen unanimously passed a law making cyber-harassment a misdeamenour with a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine."

Online ordeal...

Another Megan's Law? Not the legislation passed in California in 2004 that "provides the public with Internet access to detailed information on registered sex offenders" [Link] but possible new laws drafted from the online ordeal and subsequent suicide of 13 year old Megan Meier.

In The Observer, Caroline Davies reports today "Anguish for mother of suicide girl as 'cyber-tormentor' escapes the law": events of almost a year ago but that are now coming to a head and that could lead to a new development in law-making. Those accused of causing Megan's death cannot be tried under any current laws:
"...despite both police and FBI investigations, Megan's embittered parents have been told that [the woman they accuse] faces no charges. Cyberspace, it seems, has outpaced the law."
It is this situation that is causing a wave of 'virtual vigilantism' (equally bad IMHO) against 'the accused' - a neighbour - but also the start of a move to press for change.

"Last week Dardenne Prairie's board of aldermen unanimously passed a law making cyber-harassment a misdeamenour with a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine."

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Ogling oriental oomph...

Oriental oomph!

Views of the 5th China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition; I think there are also some cars at the show. (Image link: picture credit Dayoo Photo)

Ogling oriental oomph...

Oriental oomph!

Views of the 5th China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition; I think there are also some cars at the show. (Image link: picture credit Dayoo Photo)

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007

Update: 10a.m., 20/11/07: The presidents of Iran and Venezuela, whilst signing energy, finance and industry agreements, foresee the downfall of the "U.S. Empire" due to the weak dollar. Chavez called it a strategic alliance: here in El Universal: "...pronto no hablaremos de dólares, el dólar se hunde y con él se hunde el imperio de Estados Unidos, gracias a Dios y a las luchas de los pueblos. Hay que pedirle a Dios que acelere el fin del perverso imperio de EEUU". A rough translation of which is:
"Soon we won't talk in dollars, the dollar is in downfall and with it the US Empire, thanks to God and the efforts of our people. We should ask God to speed up the end of the perverse US Empire"
The news in English from China View: Venezuela and Iran to work against US: "they will defeat U.S. imperialism together, noting that the fall of the dollar is a prelude to the end of Washington's global dominance."
Only the third OPEC summit in 47 years - the 2nd one was in Caracas in 2000. This had more than a few issues to discuss: the weak dollar and high oil price; energy security and internal divisions etc. Chavez used his opening speech to take another swipe at the USA suggesting what could happen if they committed “una locura”: "If the United States was mad enough to attack Iran or aggress Venezuela again the price of a barrel of oil could reach $150 or even $200," He added that "The basis of all aggression is oil. It is the underlying reason," and I think we know what and who he had in mind. He also suggested that due to their beneficial position they should do more on the political stage:

"Today, Opec stands strong. It is stronger than it has ever been in the past. Opec should set itself up as an active geopolitical agent."
Ecuador, rejoining OPEC at this summit and now governed by ‘Chavite/Chavista’ Rafael Correa agreed. Another thorn in the side was Iran's disagreement on which points OPEC should be concentrating: Iranian officials wanted the final statement to express concern about the weakness of the dollar. We know why! Chavez and Almadinejad are buddies and I wonder how far the 'alliance' would go if one or the other was really attacked. During last year's ominous outlook Chavez said,

"We will stand beside Iran in every time and occasion and under every circumstance."
Hosting the summit, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was a voice of reason and hopefully a brake on what Chavez is trying to do:

"Those who want Opec to take advantage of its position are forgetting that Opec has always acted moderately and wisely. "Oil shouldn't be a tool for conflict; it should be a tool for development."
Off on a tangent...regarding oil prices, they are quick to defend who gets what from the price of a barrel: this graph shows clearly what is the take in the G7 countries. "In the UK, for example, the government receives substantially more from taxation than what OPEC gets from the sale of its oil." In fact that graph/figure doesn't include VAT which is added...in the UK's case clearly a tax on tax!

To digress even more, but remaining on the twin topics of Chavez and the UK (but not getting waylaid onto the hilarious hoohah of last week - that won't go away - with the Spanish King, which is now, amongst other things, a ringtone hit! ) last week saw what Venezuela Analysis called "London Hosts Most Representative European Conference To Date On Venezuela" hosted by Ken Livingstone with the following UK representatives: Diane Abbott MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, George Galloway MP. Hahahahahahahahah...a wonderful joke...if it were not serious. Red Ken hopes to help Chavez with Caracas' transport/traffic problems, a noble aim, however he says:
"As we meet Venezuela is debating a new series of constitutional reforms to strengthen democratic participation. I particularly welcome plans to transform the capital, Caracas."
I cannot believe Livingstone is that naive so there must be other reasons why he is ignoring what is really happening in Venezuela. The reforms are anything but "strengthening democratic participation! The following from Vdebate.org: "In fact, Mr. Chavez's rewrite would complete his transformation into an autocrat. It would lengthen his presidential term from six to seven years and remove the current limit of two terms, allowing him to serve indefinitely. He would have broad powers to seize property, to dispose of Venezuela's foreign exchange reserves, to impose central government rule on local jurisdictions and to declare indefinite states of emergency under which due process and freedom of information would be suspended."
Update: 10a.m., 20/11/07: The presidents of Iran and Venezuela, whilst signing energy, finance and industry agreements, foresee the downfall of the "U.S. Empire" due to the weak dollar. Chavez called it a strategic alliance: here in El Universal: "...pronto no hablaremos de dólares, el dólar se hunde y con él se hunde el imperio de Estados Unidos, gracias a Dios y a las luchas de los pueblos. Hay que pedirle a Dios que acelere el fin del perverso imperio de EEUU". A rough translation of which is:
"Soon we won't talk in dollars, the dollar is in downfall and with it the US Empire, thanks to God and the efforts of our people. We should ask God to speed up the end of the perverse US Empire"
The news in English from China View: Venezuela and Iran to work against US: "they will defeat U.S. imperialism together, noting that the fall of the dollar is a prelude to the end of Washington's global dominance."
Only the third OPEC summit in 47 years - the 2nd one was in Caracas in 2000. This had more than a few issues to discuss: the weak dollar and high oil price; energy security and internal divisions etc. Chavez used his opening speech to take another swipe at the USA suggesting what could happen if they committed “una locura”: "If the United States was mad enough to attack Iran or aggress Venezuela again the price of a barrel of oil could reach $150 or even $200," He added that "The basis of all aggression is oil. It is the underlying reason," and I think we know what and who he had in mind. He also suggested that due to their beneficial position they should do more on the political stage:

"Today, Opec stands strong. It is stronger than it has ever been in the past. Opec should set itself up as an active geopolitical agent."
Ecuador, rejoining OPEC at this summit and now governed by ‘Chavite/Chavista’ Rafael Correa agreed. Another thorn in the side was Iran's disagreement on which points OPEC should be concentrating: Iranian officials wanted the final statement to express concern about the weakness of the dollar. We know why! Chavez and Almadinejad are buddies and I wonder how far the 'alliance' would go if one or the other was really attacked. During last year's ominous outlook Chavez said,

"We will stand beside Iran in every time and occasion and under every circumstance."
Hosting the summit, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was a voice of reason and hopefully a brake on what Chavez is trying to do:

"Those who want Opec to take advantage of its position are forgetting that Opec has always acted moderately and wisely. "Oil shouldn't be a tool for conflict; it should be a tool for development."
Off on a tangent...regarding oil prices, they are quick to defend who gets what from the price of a barrel: this graph shows clearly what is the take in the G7 countries. "In the UK, for example, the government receives substantially more from taxation than what OPEC gets from the sale of its oil." In fact that graph/figure doesn't include VAT which is added...in the UK's case clearly a tax on tax!

To digress even more, but remaining on the twin topics of Chavez and the UK (but not getting waylaid onto the hilarious hoohah of last week - that won't go away - with the Spanish King, which is now, amongst other things, a ringtone hit! ) last week saw what Venezuela Analysis called "London Hosts Most Representative European Conference To Date On Venezuela" hosted by Ken Livingstone with the following UK representatives: Diane Abbott MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, George Galloway MP. Hahahahahahahahah...a wonderful joke...if it were not serious. Red Ken hopes to help Chavez with Caracas' transport/traffic problems, a noble aim, however he says:
"As we meet Venezuela is debating a new series of constitutional reforms to strengthen democratic participation. I particularly welcome plans to transform the capital, Caracas."
I cannot believe Livingstone is that naive so there must be other reasons why he is ignoring what is really happening in Venezuela. The reforms are anything but "strengthening democratic participation! The following from Vdebate.org: "In fact, Mr. Chavez's rewrite would complete his transformation into an autocrat. It would lengthen his presidential term from six to seven years and remove the current limit of two terms, allowing him to serve indefinitely. He would have broad powers to seize property, to dispose of Venezuela's foreign exchange reserves, to impose central government rule on local jurisdictions and to declare indefinite states of emergency under which due process and freedom of information would be suspended."

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

Organic orchestral oompah...

Britain awaits the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra reports Laura Clout in the Daily Telegraph: "They give the phrase 'playing with your food' a whole new meaning"

Food sounding good
...founded in 1998, the 11-strong group carve their produce before every show,They prefer organic produce and use highly sensitive microphones to pick up the subtlest crunch of onion skin or squeak of lettuce leaves." (picture link), and the best bit? They make soup afterwards :-)

Organic orchestral oompah...

Britain awaits the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra reports Laura Clout in the Daily Telegraph: "They give the phrase 'playing with your food' a whole new meaning"

Food sounding good
...founded in 1998, the 11-strong group carve their produce before every show,They prefer organic produce and use highly sensitive microphones to pick up the subtlest crunch of onion skin or squeak of lettuce leaves." (picture link), and the best bit? They make soup afterwards :-)

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007

Online outlet...

Many who read this won't have seen what I'm on about as it refers to BBC Online content for those connecting from a non-UK country. "What's changing on the BBC Website?"
You will have noticed that the BBC website features a limited amount of advertising when viewed from outside the UK.

That's the only alteration - the content of the site remains unchanged and continues to feature the same high quality journalism and entertainment that the BBC has always pioneered. We've introduced advertising to visitors outside of the UK because the new revenue created will allow us to further improve our journalism, our programmes and our website in the years ahead.

Impartiality is of the utmost importance to us at the BBC and for this reason advertising will be clearly separated from editorial content. Advertising will not have any bearing on the news, information or programme content or create the impression of endorsement by the BBC.

We guarantee that you will continue to receive the same high-quality independent content that has made the BBC website one of the most popular news and entertainment sites in the world.
Then there's a list of FAQ's and finally this general information:
BBC Worldwide Limited is the main commercial arm and a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The company exists to maximise the value of the BBC's assets for the benefit of the licence payer and invest in public service programming in return for rights. The company has six core businesses: Global Channels, Global TV Sales, Magazines, Content & Production, Home Entertainment and Digital Media.
Now to be fair, in principle there is nothing wrong with this; most people that use the BBC from another country would not be contributing to it via 'taxes' (the Licence Fee) apart from expats etc, of course...but my concern is that if the BBC is receiving large amounts of money from commercial companies, at some stage there is sure to be a problem with impartial editing despite the assurance that "advertising will not have any bearing on the news, information or programme content or create the impression of endorsement by the BBC"...or their "guarantee that you will continue to receive the same high-quality independent content"...am I being unfair? Can we trust Auntie?

Online outlet...

Many who read this won't have seen what I'm on about as it refers to BBC Online content for those connecting from a non-UK country. "What's changing on the BBC Website?"
You will have noticed that the BBC website features a limited amount of advertising when viewed from outside the UK.

That's the only alteration - the content of the site remains unchanged and continues to feature the same high quality journalism and entertainment that the BBC has always pioneered. We've introduced advertising to visitors outside of the UK because the new revenue created will allow us to further improve our journalism, our programmes and our website in the years ahead.

Impartiality is of the utmost importance to us at the BBC and for this reason advertising will be clearly separated from editorial content. Advertising will not have any bearing on the news, information or programme content or create the impression of endorsement by the BBC.

We guarantee that you will continue to receive the same high-quality independent content that has made the BBC website one of the most popular news and entertainment sites in the world.
Then there's a list of FAQ's and finally this general information:
BBC Worldwide Limited is the main commercial arm and a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The company exists to maximise the value of the BBC's assets for the benefit of the licence payer and invest in public service programming in return for rights. The company has six core businesses: Global Channels, Global TV Sales, Magazines, Content & Production, Home Entertainment and Digital Media.
Now to be fair, in principle there is nothing wrong with this; most people that use the BBC from another country would not be contributing to it via 'taxes' (the Licence Fee) apart from expats etc, of course...but my concern is that if the BBC is receiving large amounts of money from commercial companies, at some stage there is sure to be a problem with impartial editing despite the assurance that "advertising will not have any bearing on the news, information or programme content or create the impression of endorsement by the BBC"...or their "guarantee that you will continue to receive the same high-quality independent content"...am I being unfair? Can we trust Auntie?

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

Operation Orchard oblivion...

Has this been forgotten, or disregarded? Why is there almost no news; why are there no ripples in the world pond re the Israeli bombing of Syrian 'nuclear' material from North Korea and other infrastructure in September this year? Last month in the Spectator James Forsyth and Douglas Davis reported how it came "So close to war"... World War Three. This was alluded to 'by a very senior British ministerial source' whom told The Spectator 'If people had known how close we came to world war three that day there’d have been mass panic.'
"The scale of the potential threat — and the intelligence methods that were used to follow the transfer — explain the dense mist of official secrecy that shrouds the event. There have been no official briefings, no winks or nudges, from any of the scores of people who must have been involved in the preparation, analysis, decision making and execution of the operation. Even when Israelis now offer a firm ‘no comment’, it is strictly off the record."
"The secrecy is itself significant." I'll say so: the silence is deafening.

Operation Orchard oblivion...

Has this been forgotten, or disregarded? Why is there almost no news; why are there no ripples in the world pond re the Israeli bombing of Syrian 'nuclear' material from North Korea and other infrastructure in September this year? Last month in the Spectator James Forsyth and Douglas Davis reported how it came "So close to war"... World War Three. This was alluded to 'by a very senior British ministerial source' whom told The Spectator 'If people had known how close we came to world war three that day there’d have been mass panic.'
"The scale of the potential threat — and the intelligence methods that were used to follow the transfer — explain the dense mist of official secrecy that shrouds the event. There have been no official briefings, no winks or nudges, from any of the scores of people who must have been involved in the preparation, analysis, decision making and execution of the operation. Even when Israelis now offer a firm ‘no comment’, it is strictly off the record."
"The secrecy is itself significant." I'll say so: the silence is deafening.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007

Opiparous onions...

Wonderful, sumptious and health giving onions: something we all knew but that continues to get more confirmation. The BBC reports Institute of Food research that shows eating a meal rich in compounds called flavonoids (in this case quercetin - found in onions, apples tea and red wine and even higher levels in the less-frequently eaten capers or lovage) reduces some early signs of heart disease. Worth noting that seperate research shows the absorption of quercetin from onions is twice that from tea and more than three times that from apples.

The US National Onion Association reports that studies have shown that quercetin protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

"In addition, onions contain a variety of other naturally occurring chemicals known as organosulfur compounds that have been linked to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels."
Also, as the British Onions site tells us, new scientific research "has discovered the humble onion could be just what the doctor ordered to give our brains a boost. The research findings could prove valuable in the fight against aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, while also providing protection from the effects of modern life." (The fantastic pictures in this post are taken from their image gallery)

Apart from all that we know that onions are low in calories but pack a punch in the flavour stakes and can be added to almost any savoury meal, someone once said that every meal began with peeling an onion. They are also sodium, fat, and cholesterol free, and provide dietary fibre, plus vitamins C and B6, potassium, and other key nutrients. Try raw onion on it's own with olive oil (and vinegar) and a pinch of salt as dressing - that plus a sliced apple plus maybe a chunk of strong, hard cheese and a glass or two of red wine and you can feel the benefit: a meal fit for a king!! If you're not keen on the strong flavour then try sweet onions: they still taste like an onion, but be much sweeter and milder. If however you're not keen on that either then you can just read about them: Ode to the Onion.

Opiparous onions...

Wonderful, sumptious and health giving onions: something we all knew but that continues to get more confirmation. The BBC reports Institute of Food research that shows eating a meal rich in compounds called flavonoids (in this case quercetin - found in onions, apples tea and red wine and even higher levels in the less-frequently eaten capers or lovage) reduces some early signs of heart disease. Worth noting that seperate research shows the absorption of quercetin from onions is twice that from tea and more than three times that from apples.

The US National Onion Association reports that studies have shown that quercetin protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

"In addition, onions contain a variety of other naturally occurring chemicals known as organosulfur compounds that have been linked to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels."
Also, as the British Onions site tells us, new scientific research "has discovered the humble onion could be just what the doctor ordered to give our brains a boost. The research findings could prove valuable in the fight against aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, while also providing protection from the effects of modern life." (The fantastic pictures in this post are taken from their image gallery)

Apart from all that we know that onions are low in calories but pack a punch in the flavour stakes and can be added to almost any savoury meal, someone once said that every meal began with peeling an onion. They are also sodium, fat, and cholesterol free, and provide dietary fibre, plus vitamins C and B6, potassium, and other key nutrients. Try raw onion on it's own with olive oil (and vinegar) and a pinch of salt as dressing - that plus a sliced apple plus maybe a chunk of strong, hard cheese and a glass or two of red wine and you can feel the benefit: a meal fit for a king!! If you're not keen on the strong flavour then try sweet onions: they still taste like an onion, but be much sweeter and milder. If however you're not keen on that either then you can just read about them: Ode to the Onion.

Octactinal orthopaedic operation...

Update, a.m. 08/11/07: So far, so good..."She has withstood the operation, she is safe and doing well," said Dr Sharan Patil, the consultant orthopaedic surgeon who led the 36-stong team that operated on Lakshmi.
Good luck tommorrow Lakshmi Tatma. She's a two-year-old girl - named after the Hindu goddess of wealth who has four arms - and will undergo a 40-hour operation tomorrow as doctors try to give her a chance at a normal life: she was born with four arms and four legs. [DT Link]

Octactinal orthopaedic operation...

Update, a.m. 08/11/07: So far, so good..."She has withstood the operation, she is safe and doing well," said Dr Sharan Patil, the consultant orthopaedic surgeon who led the 36-stong team that operated on Lakshmi.
Good luck tommorrow Lakshmi Tatma. She's a two-year-old girl - named after the Hindu goddess of wealth who has four arms - and will undergo a 40-hour operation tomorrow as doctors try to give her a chance at a normal life: she was born with four arms and four legs. [DT Link]

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

Out of order, overbearing oligarchy...

Chavez - TyrannyChavez has become what he claims to oppose. Today I am strongly tempted to join what would be my first political demonstration in years...many, many years. This afternoon, in front of the Venezuelan Consulate in Barcelona those Venezuelans against the changes to their country's Constitution will gather to show their displeasure: I hope it is well attended although only a small internet campaign has been evident.

The numerous changes to the Constitution were approved yesterday; The Devils' Excrement reports:
"Thus, it was a very dark day today, in which one of the most sordid processes in the country’s democratic history was completed. The man that reached power by being critical of decisions being made by politicians in smoke filed rooms, has single handedly imposed his illegal will and staged the final needed coup on the country’s Constitution, so that he can impose his dictatorial and autocratic rule on all Venezuelans."
Nicely put. Venezuela's national assembly gave its final approval to a number of constitutional reforms that strengthens to almost limitless the powers of President Hugo Chavez. The changes were approved by 160 of the 167 members of the assembly….only 96%...somebody’s for the chop! These changes will become law if a December referendum approves them; this is what the protests were about this week when Venezuelan troops used tear gas and water cannon against protesters against the planned reforms and wanting more time to understand any changes before a referendum. This strong-armed response was possibly due to the successful march last week when pro-Chavez demonstrators failed to upset the students march.

The main change is abolishing presidential term limits, but far more ominous is the fact that President Chavez is also proposing to "bypass legal controls on the executive during a state of emergency"; also he will change the country's internal boundaries making regional terriotories with governors all appointed by the president, something that will no doubt be supported by the thousands of local "communal councils" that will be given more power over what happens in their districts and who in turn will no doubt be supported by party faithful, armed militias.
"...a 1 million-strong civilian militia for a "war of resistance" against the United States."
It seems almost natural then that he would also wish an increase in presidential control over the central bank, something also in the approved reforms.

Changing tack a little, Chavez's anti-US rhetoric extends to all walks of life: he wants his people to know more about their history and heros, a noble aim in fact, something taht can be done by etaching history; however he describes it as breaking "the dictatorship of Hollywood", using this new film factory to make movies that better reflect the values and beliefs he is promoting through his socialist revolution....or propaganda as it's called. "More money is going to one film then we've had for all our films for years," says veteran director Alfredo Anzola. He is supportive of some of the government's ideas, but he is sceptical about Cinema City's role.
"I feel sure they want to make good films. What I don't like is that they'll only be the films they want to make. We fought for years to make films that were decided by the film community."
One of the first films could be Beauty and the Beast...sorry about that, uncalled for personal insults won't help...Naomi Campbell was there to attend a rally promoting state programs for single mothers; being an active member of Nelson Mandela Children's Fund she also expressed the hope that Chavez and Mandela could meet. However on arrival she told press: "I'm not going to be political. Thank you very much." Next day she was in a different mood when she said:
"Estoy maravillada, en las 24 horas que llevó aquí presente, de ver todo el amor que se refleja en los programas sociales que se extienden especialmente hacia las mujeres y los niños en este país"
Translated: "I've been here for 24 hours and I'm amazed to see the love and encouragement for the social programs that you have here for women and children in Venezuela," These days you can't be invited to Venezuela and not be political dear.

Out of order, overbearing oligarchy...

Chavez - TyrannyChavez has become what he claims to oppose. Today I am strongly tempted to join what would be my first political demonstration in years...many, many years. This afternoon, in front of the Venezuelan Consulate in Barcelona those Venezuelans against the changes to their country's Constitution will gather to show their displeasure: I hope it is well attended although only a small internet campaign has been evident.

The numerous changes to the Constitution were approved yesterday; The Devils' Excrement reports:
"Thus, it was a very dark day today, in which one of the most sordid processes in the country’s democratic history was completed. The man that reached power by being critical of decisions being made by politicians in smoke filed rooms, has single handedly imposed his illegal will and staged the final needed coup on the country’s Constitution, so that he can impose his dictatorial and autocratic rule on all Venezuelans."
Nicely put. Venezuela's national assembly gave its final approval to a number of constitutional reforms that strengthens to almost limitless the powers of President Hugo Chavez. The changes were approved by 160 of the 167 members of the assembly….only 96%...somebody’s for the chop! These changes will become law if a December referendum approves them; this is what the protests were about this week when Venezuelan troops used tear gas and water cannon against protesters against the planned reforms and wanting more time to understand any changes before a referendum. This strong-armed response was possibly due to the successful march last week when pro-Chavez demonstrators failed to upset the students march.

The main change is abolishing presidential term limits, but far more ominous is the fact that President Chavez is also proposing to "bypass legal controls on the executive during a state of emergency"; also he will change the country's internal boundaries making regional terriotories with governors all appointed by the president, something that will no doubt be supported by the thousands of local "communal councils" that will be given more power over what happens in their districts and who in turn will no doubt be supported by party faithful, armed militias.
"...a 1 million-strong civilian militia for a "war of resistance" against the United States."
It seems almost natural then that he would also wish an increase in presidential control over the central bank, something also in the approved reforms.

Changing tack a little, Chavez's anti-US rhetoric extends to all walks of life: he wants his people to know more about their history and heros, a noble aim in fact, something taht can be done by etaching history; however he describes it as breaking "the dictatorship of Hollywood", using this new film factory to make movies that better reflect the values and beliefs he is promoting through his socialist revolution....or propaganda as it's called. "More money is going to one film then we've had for all our films for years," says veteran director Alfredo Anzola. He is supportive of some of the government's ideas, but he is sceptical about Cinema City's role.
"I feel sure they want to make good films. What I don't like is that they'll only be the films they want to make. We fought for years to make films that were decided by the film community."
One of the first films could be Beauty and the Beast...sorry about that, uncalled for personal insults won't help...Naomi Campbell was there to attend a rally promoting state programs for single mothers; being an active member of Nelson Mandela Children's Fund she also expressed the hope that Chavez and Mandela could meet. However on arrival she told press: "I'm not going to be political. Thank you very much." Next day she was in a different mood when she said:
"Estoy maravillada, en las 24 horas que llevó aquí presente, de ver todo el amor que se refleja en los programas sociales que se extienden especialmente hacia las mujeres y los niños en este país"
Translated: "I've been here for 24 hours and I'm amazed to see the love and encouragement for the social programs that you have here for women and children in Venezuela," These days you can't be invited to Venezuela and not be political dear.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2007

Ocean's oldest...

Or at least the oldest we know about! "A clam dredged up off the coast of Iceland is thought to have been the longest-lived animal discovered." [BBC link] Scientists said the mollusc, an ocean quahog clam, was aged between 405 and 410 years and could offer insights into the secrets of longevity.
"When this animal was a juvenile, King James I replaced Queen Elizabeth I as English monarch, Shakespeare was writing his greatest plays Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth and Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for espousing the view that the Sun rather than the Earth was the centre of the universe."
[Bangor University] What concerns me is that the Bangor University spokesman said that they had received money from the Help The Aged (UK charity) to fund part of the research; now I know that, in simple terms, the work is investigating what makes us grow old but surely Help the Aged should be doing more 'current' work..i.e. helping the aged!

Ocean's oldest...

Or at least the oldest we know about! "A clam dredged up off the coast of Iceland is thought to have been the longest-lived animal discovered." [BBC link] Scientists said the mollusc, an ocean quahog clam, was aged between 405 and 410 years and could offer insights into the secrets of longevity.
"When this animal was a juvenile, King James I replaced Queen Elizabeth I as English monarch, Shakespeare was writing his greatest plays Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth and Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for espousing the view that the Sun rather than the Earth was the centre of the universe."
[Bangor University] What concerns me is that the Bangor University spokesman said that they had received money from the Help The Aged (UK charity) to fund part of the research; now I know that, in simple terms, the work is investigating what makes us grow old but surely Help the Aged should be doing more 'current' work..i.e. helping the aged!

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

OK…I’ve left it for a week (mainly due to not being online) but now I can post about the finale to the great 2007 Rugby World Cup. Firstly credit to Argentina for their supreme performance against France (for the 2nd time)…the second time was so much more a complete, rounded display of tough rugby, absorbing long periods of French pressure in the first half going in at 17-3 up and then a masterful display of heroic defence and massive work-rate leading to some wonderful tries; good post and comments here on Green and Gold Rugby “French dicked”!

“But an extra thanks for highlighting just where the future of rugby is; rediscovering the 'joie de vivre' that has always made rugby great. Forgotten under pressure by Australia, New Zealand and France. Pushed to new levels by Argentina, Tonga and Fiji.”
Or as Baldinio says here:
"The passsing, the tackling, the turnovers, the punch-ups!Who said that the bronze medal wasn't important, who said that this was a match too far for the team in celestial blue?Argentina played with a style and panache all the way through this tournament from that rain soaked Friday back in September when they shocked the hosts at the Stade De France. Last night they were playing at the Parc De Princes, the bear-pit of French rugby and they made the bears look all cuddly and non-threatening, that five minute spell just before half time when they defended their own line against wave after wave of French attacking moves..."
Uniting a country?Now the final: what an occasion…again I couldn’t breath partly due to the excitement but also partly due to the stress of 12 hours on a plane, no luggage, credit cards swiped and worst of all I was trembling from what I can only assume was ‘a bad pint’ :-) South Africa won; they were easily the best team in the tournament and the only unbeaten one; both teams in the final gave their all and the South Africans stood up when it counted. The last score was a penalty in minute 61; I don’t think anyone begrudges them their win…fantastic, all consuming defence and domination in the lineout were the main reasons for the win and Matlock deserved to be MOTM. Jake White, the South African coach, said what we all agree with and history has shown it again and again.

"I've always said defence wins World Cup. History is an amazing thing and it just keeps repeating itself,"
SI picture link; another RWC 2007 final summary on the IRB's official site here:

Reigning champions England came into the match on the back of four impressive victories after a poor start to the tournament but were unable to find a way through a disciplined Springboks outfit who were miserly in defence, dominated the line-outs and kicked five penalties.
However, this graciousness doesn’t mean I’m not going to slag off the ref…NOT the video ref and Cueto’s possible touchdown…he made a call that could have been controversial either way, he took a bit too long but after the heat of the moment has been shown to have made the right decision (millimetres!) No, I’m on about Irish/French Alain: as usual he was generally OK but in my opinion made several crucial wrong calls: firstly Moody (trip on Butch James) and possibly even Flood (push on Montgomery) should have been yellow carded – rules are rules….that could have changed the game, as could the following:

First half, the first SA penalty: Tait slipped and was adjudged to be holding on; the first and clearest offence was in fact a 100% clear and blatant penalty AGAINST Steyn – over the top and lying on top, no attempt to move and trying to play the ball on the ground – no doubt whatsoever.

Another poor decision was when the South African front row popped up and the Boks pulled (not pushed) the scrum round; two offences that would be a free kick to England but the decision was given as a scrum to SA for the scrum going 90º - ridiculous.

Second half: fourth SA Penalty: blatant offside and obstruction from Van de Linde, should have been an England penalty; however SA release the ball down the blind and Corry is penalised at the tackle (rightly)

Fifth SA Penalty: (minute 61) minor and harshly adjudged obstruction against England – if the ref was consistent I would have no problem; however I was frustrated to say the least, when two much worse and more blatant offences by the Boks, in easily kickable positions, went unpunished.

Between minute 62 (when the ball sailed through to make the score 15 - 6) and minute 68 there were 3 or 4 occasions when offences by South Africa should have been penalised, all in their own half (two almost in front of the posts) that went unpunished: one was one of the aforementioned obstructions, then a high and dangerous tackle on Paul Sackey; then Butch James lies over the ball on the England side and helps the ball back…the correct decision would have been a penalty in front of the posts but all the happened was a South African turnover. That 6 minute period could and should have changed the game more than the video-ref call.

Sour grapesAll this may sound like whinging sour grapes…and it is (click on image)…however I must insist that this is against referee calls and not the Boks; in fact I’m a fan of SA rugby and all my dad’s family have lived there for nigh on 60 years and those who may have heard me speak (in English) may even note a Highveld twang (which in fact is a North London blended with South Africa, Australia, Canada, Venezuela, Somerset and Spain!!!)…they won, it’s over, well done.

Moving on quickly!...Nadir of the tournament: being crushed and humiliated 36 – 0 against South Africa!

High points: England’s unexpected run into and past the Quarter Finals; Argentina’s two wins against France; Georgia vs. Ireland, how they deserved to win that game, outplaying the men in green in every position; Japan vs. Fiji – what an exciting finish – about 85 minutes before the ball went out!; Portugal singing (thanks for the heads-up Baldinio) and their try against New Zealand; American winger scoring after showing SA speed-merchant Habana a ‘clean pair of heels’ (thanks for the heads-up Kenji); Tonga all-but pipping SA at the post – what a difference a bounce can make! Wales vs. Fiji! …and many more…
OK…I’ve left it for a week (mainly due to not being online) but now I can post about the finale to the great 2007 Rugby World Cup. Firstly credit to Argentina for their supreme performance against France (for the 2nd time)…the second time was so much more a complete, rounded display of tough rugby, absorbing long periods of French pressure in the first half going in at 17-3 up and then a masterful display of heroic defence and massive work-rate leading to some wonderful tries; good post and comments here on Green and Gold Rugby “French dicked”!

“But an extra thanks for highlighting just where the future of rugby is; rediscovering the 'joie de vivre' that has always made rugby great. Forgotten under pressure by Australia, New Zealand and France. Pushed to new levels by Argentina, Tonga and Fiji.”
Or as Baldinio says here:
"The passsing, the tackling, the turnovers, the punch-ups!Who said that the bronze medal wasn't important, who said that this was a match too far for the team in celestial blue?Argentina played with a style and panache all the way through this tournament from that rain soaked Friday back in September when they shocked the hosts at the Stade De France. Last night they were playing at the Parc De Princes, the bear-pit of French rugby and they made the bears look all cuddly and non-threatening, that five minute spell just before half time when they defended their own line against wave after wave of French attacking moves..."
Uniting a country?Now the final: what an occasion…again I couldn’t breath partly due to the excitement but also partly due to the stress of 12 hours on a plane, no luggage, credit cards swiped and worst of all I was trembling from what I can only assume was ‘a bad pint’ :-) South Africa won; they were easily the best team in the tournament and the only unbeaten one; both teams in the final gave their all and the South Africans stood up when it counted. The last score was a penalty in minute 61; I don’t think anyone begrudges them their win…fantastic, all consuming defence and domination in the lineout were the main reasons for the win and Matlock deserved to be MOTM. Jake White, the South African coach, said what we all agree with and history has shown it again and again.

"I've always said defence wins World Cup. History is an amazing thing and it just keeps repeating itself,"
SI picture link; another RWC 2007 final summary on the IRB's official site here:

Reigning champions England came into the match on the back of four impressive victories after a poor start to the tournament but were unable to find a way through a disciplined Springboks outfit who were miserly in defence, dominated the line-outs and kicked five penalties.
However, this graciousness doesn’t mean I’m not going to slag off the ref…NOT the video ref and Cueto’s possible touchdown…he made a call that could have been controversial either way, he took a bit too long but after the heat of the moment has been shown to have made the right decision (millimetres!) No, I’m on about Irish/French Alain: as usual he was generally OK but in my opinion made several crucial wrong calls: firstly Moody (trip on Butch James) and possibly even Flood (push on Montgomery) should have been yellow carded – rules are rules….that could have changed the game, as could the following:

First half, the first SA penalty: Tait slipped and was adjudged to be holding on; the first and clearest offence was in fact a 100% clear and blatant penalty AGAINST Steyn – over the top and lying on top, no attempt to move and trying to play the ball on the ground – no doubt whatsoever.

Another poor decision was when the South African front row popped up and the Boks pulled (not pushed) the scrum round; two offences that would be a free kick to England but the decision was given as a scrum to SA for the scrum going 90º - ridiculous.

Second half: fourth SA Penalty: blatant offside and obstruction from Van de Linde, should have been an England penalty; however SA release the ball down the blind and Corry is penalised at the tackle (rightly)

Fifth SA Penalty: (minute 61) minor and harshly adjudged obstruction against England – if the ref was consistent I would have no problem; however I was frustrated to say the least, when two much worse and more blatant offences by the Boks, in easily kickable positions, went unpunished.

Between minute 62 (when the ball sailed through to make the score 15 - 6) and minute 68 there were 3 or 4 occasions when offences by South Africa should have been penalised, all in their own half (two almost in front of the posts) that went unpunished: one was one of the aforementioned obstructions, then a high and dangerous tackle on Paul Sackey; then Butch James lies over the ball on the England side and helps the ball back…the correct decision would have been a penalty in front of the posts but all the happened was a South African turnover. That 6 minute period could and should have changed the game more than the video-ref call.

Sour grapesAll this may sound like whinging sour grapes…and it is (click on image)…however I must insist that this is against referee calls and not the Boks; in fact I’m a fan of SA rugby and all my dad’s family have lived there for nigh on 60 years and those who may have heard me speak (in English) may even note a Highveld twang (which in fact is a North London blended with South Africa, Australia, Canada, Venezuela, Somerset and Spain!!!)…they won, it’s over, well done.

Moving on quickly!...Nadir of the tournament: being crushed and humiliated 36 – 0 against South Africa!

High points: England’s unexpected run into and past the Quarter Finals; Argentina’s two wins against France; Georgia vs. Ireland, how they deserved to win that game, outplaying the men in green in every position; Japan vs. Fiji – what an exciting finish – about 85 minutes before the ball went out!; Portugal singing (thanks for the heads-up Baldinio) and their try against New Zealand; American winger scoring after showing SA speed-merchant Habana a ‘clean pair of heels’ (thanks for the heads-up Kenji); Tonga all-but pipping SA at the post – what a difference a bounce can make! Wales vs. Fiji! …and many more…