domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

Ornamental orifice...

The Caganer is a traditional Catalan figure, 'endearing, highly respected and beloved' in the typical Catalan Christmas; usually behind a wall next to Jesus' manger. The name means The Shitter and is not [meant to be] a real joke - although to outsiders it can seem a shock or even an insult - on the contrary, it is meant a tribute to whomever it represents; Obama is one bestseller this year. One official website puts it thus (link by clicking on image)

"The Caganer was a obliged figure in the Christmas Cribs of the eighteenth century since at that time was believed that with his fertile depositions the soil of the crib will became rich and productive for the coming year! It was also believed that he would bring good health and calm to the body and the soul, which is necessary to do the crib with pride and happiness that Christmas brings at home. Putting this jolly little man in the crib used to bring luck and happiness." [sic]

Caganer Gordon BrownNow, I find that a little hard to believe, I think it probably did start out as joke, maybe because it is a very distinct possibility that someone, maybe a shepherd, maybe Joseph or one of the Wise Men would be taken short, certainly a bit scared and in awe of the occasion etc; also, anyone aware of how many people relieve themselves wherever they can (see ordure option) would certainly know it happens all over the world: 2.6 billion people, or 4 out of every 10 people on the planet do not have a toilet (nor a box, bucket, latrine etc) and just 'go' where they can. That said, re the The Caganer, it has become a traditional addition and nowadays all major figures or celebrities in sport, politics etc are 'rewarded' with their depiction in clay, squatting and squeezing out a good turd. Even Gordon Brown has been so rewarded (image left) although in my opinion - would you ever have guessed? - he really is a shit.

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Ornamental orifice...

The Caganer is a traditional Catalan figure, 'endearing, highly respected and beloved' in the typical Catalan Christmas; usually behind a wall next to Jesus' manger. The name means The Shitter and is not [meant to be] a real joke - although to outsiders it can seem a shock or even an insult - on the contrary, it is meant a tribute to whomever it represents; Obama is one bestseller this year. One official website puts it thus (link by clicking on image)

"The Caganer was a obliged figure in the Christmas Cribs of the eighteenth century since at that time was believed that with his fertile depositions the soil of the crib will became rich and productive for the coming year! It was also believed that he would bring good health and calm to the body and the soul, which is necessary to do the crib with pride and happiness that Christmas brings at home. Putting this jolly little man in the crib used to bring luck and happiness." [sic]

Caganer Gordon BrownNow, I find that a little hard to believe, I think it probably did start out as joke, maybe because it is a very distinct possibility that someone, maybe a shepherd, maybe Joseph or one of the Wise Men would be taken short, certainly a bit scared and in awe of the occasion etc; also, anyone aware of how many people relieve themselves wherever they can (see ordure option) would certainly know it happens all over the world: 2.6 billion people, or 4 out of every 10 people on the planet do not have a toilet (nor a box, bucket, latrine etc) and just 'go' where they can. That said, re the The Caganer, it has become a traditional addition and nowadays all major figures or celebrities in sport, politics etc are 'rewarded' with their depiction in clay, squatting and squeezing out a good turd. Even Gordon Brown has been so rewarded (image left) although in my opinion - would you ever have guessed? - he really is a shit.

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sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Opportunist offers...

Not fit for purpose...(did you see what I did there? Thanks to Cincinnus) 20/20 on 20 by 2020 or in other words my vision on the EU's target of 20% reductions by the year 2020. Anyone want a bet that it won't happen? They've taken 2 years just to agree this target for fuck's sake and it sounds like all they want is something they can try and entice incoming President Obama to agree to. "EU leaders claim historic leap towards low-carbon future", well of course they claim that. In The Guardian, "European leaders tonight announced they were leading the world towards a low-carbon future after sealing an ambitious climate change pact by making generous concessions to the big polluters in European heavy industry".

"This is a major advance. Europe, after these decisions, remains the leader on climate change." said Brown....yes, another part of the world you've help save.

"This is a transformational funding stream for a transformational technology," said David

"This is a message especially to our US partners," said Barroso. (like, please don't just ignore us again)

"This council will go down in the history of Europe." said Sarkozy. Down, yep, I think that is where it will go but I bet carbon emissions don't. Of course he just wanted it to be agreed on his watch. He also said (reported in the FT)

"We are starting to change the way we do things in Europe, talking less and doing more," Nicholas, that's what you might think but it is an interesting and long overdue admission of the way things have been done. Anyway, all this is just a Kyoto Lite that was ignored by the US and all those that did sign up haven't cutback greenhouse gas emissions to any great effect, in fact the real polluters, that weren't given reduction targets but did sign the treaty, are increasing emissions.

If you want to do your bit the chart below gives what can be assumed as an average "Western" citizen's usage. What will you cut back on?...and there my friends lies the crux of the matter: the climate crisis (not the finacial one...or the others!) isn't going to disappear in a puff of smoke, although that is possibly one outcome for 'our' Earth! We have some alternatives (wind, tide, sun...) but any technologies we need that would actually reduce emissions by any significant amount aren't there and are certainly not just round the corner and meanwhile we all think what we can car? no foreign travel? no hot water? no heating the house? Well, maybe next year...

Emissions TradingLink through the image to the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme

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Opportunist offers...

Not fit for purpose...(did you see what I did there? Thanks to Cincinnus) 20/20 on 20 by 2020 or in other words my vision on the EU's target of 20% reductions by the year 2020. Anyone want a bet that it won't happen? They've taken 2 years just to agree this target for fuck's sake and it sounds like all they want is something they can try and entice incoming President Obama to agree to. "EU leaders claim historic leap towards low-carbon future", well of course they claim that. In The Guardian, "European leaders tonight announced they were leading the world towards a low-carbon future after sealing an ambitious climate change pact by making generous concessions to the big polluters in European heavy industry".

"This is a major advance. Europe, after these decisions, remains the leader on climate change." said Brown....yes, another part of the world you've help save.

"This is a transformational funding stream for a transformational technology," said David

"This is a message especially to our US partners," said Barroso. (like, please don't just ignore us again)

"This council will go down in the history of Europe." said Sarkozy. Down, yep, I think that is where it will go but I bet carbon emissions don't. Of course he just wanted it to be agreed on his watch. He also said (reported in the FT)

"We are starting to change the way we do things in Europe, talking less and doing more," Nicholas, that's what you might think but it is an interesting and long overdue admission of the way things have been done. Anyway, all this is just a Kyoto Lite that was ignored by the US and all those that did sign up haven't cutback greenhouse gas emissions to any great effect, in fact the real polluters, that weren't given reduction targets but did sign the treaty, are increasing emissions.

If you want to do your bit the chart below gives what can be assumed as an average "Western" citizen's usage. What will you cut back on?...and there my friends lies the crux of the matter: the climate crisis (not the finacial one...or the others!) isn't going to disappear in a puff of smoke, although that is possibly one outcome for 'our' Earth! We have some alternatives (wind, tide, sun...) but any technologies we need that would actually reduce emissions by any significant amount aren't there and are certainly not just round the corner and meanwhile we all think what we can car? no foreign travel? no hot water? no heating the house? Well, maybe next year...

Emissions TradingLink through the image to the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme

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All this talk of superheroes, Flash Gordon and saving the world is a timely reminder (ahem) of the vast unexplored space surrounding us and what we've done as a race to explore it: 40 years ago today Gordo flew higher than any other; I refer of course to Gordo the monkey who "was not the first animal to have ventured into space, but he is the first primate to have flown so high." I'm sure there are more than a few parallels to be drawn with modern politics: at the time no other Gordo had flown so high but then sunk so low...without a trace in fact.

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All this talk of superheroes, Flash Gordon and saving the world is a timely reminder (ahem) of the vast unexplored space surrounding us and what we've done as a race to explore it: 40 years ago today Gordo flew higher than any other; I refer of course to Gordo the monkey who "was not the first animal to have ventured into space, but he is the first primate to have flown so high." I'm sure there are more than a few parallels to be drawn with modern politics: at the time no other Gordo had flown so high but then sunk so low...without a trace in fact.

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miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Over overspending...

"The true extent of Britain's debt" is a matter of debate, Gordon Brown had been saying 37% of GDP, the ONS has it at 43% of GDP; however, including PFI, bank bail-out and public sector pensions it gets up to almost 140%...but it doesn't stop there:

"The reason Britain is in so much trouble is that our corporate and household debts are huge. It is the combination that makes us such a credit liability."... "the UK economy and financial system highly vulnerable when, as now, global banking and capital flows dries up."

"Here is the picture narrowed down to short- term debt (ie, due by next Christmas)" see graph below, full story HERE from Nelson Fraser at The Spectator.
G7 Countries - rations of short-term external debt/GDP, 2003Q2 - 2008 Q2

There are more gob-smacking numbers over at BOM (Burning Our Money) where they estimate - on the back of a fag packet :-) - that by 2013/14 it will be costing 100 BILLION pounds per year just to service the debts. Or if you want it really scary then BOM can provide for you...and this was 2.5 years ago! [Link]

These numbers should be on the front pages of every newspaper in the country and on the news channels and programmes of every TV station...well I can't imagine the BBC complying but the others should.

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Over overspending...

"The true extent of Britain's debt" is a matter of debate, Gordon Brown had been saying 37% of GDP, the ONS has it at 43% of GDP; however, including PFI, bank bail-out and public sector pensions it gets up to almost 140%...but it doesn't stop there:

"The reason Britain is in so much trouble is that our corporate and household debts are huge. It is the combination that makes us such a credit liability."... "the UK economy and financial system highly vulnerable when, as now, global banking and capital flows dries up."

"Here is the picture narrowed down to short- term debt (ie, due by next Christmas)" see graph below, full story HERE from Nelson Fraser at The Spectator.
G7 Countries - rations of short-term external debt/GDP, 2003Q2 - 2008 Q2

There are more gob-smacking numbers over at BOM (Burning Our Money) where they estimate - on the back of a fag packet :-) - that by 2013/14 it will be costing 100 BILLION pounds per year just to service the debts. Or if you want it really scary then BOM can provide for you...and this was 2.5 years ago! [Link]

These numbers should be on the front pages of every newspaper in the country and on the news channels and programmes of every TV station...well I can't imagine the BBC complying but the others should.

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sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

Overweening officials...

Following on from my previous post today about certain "on-this-days" I note that in certain European countries and elsewhere it is also St. Nicholas Day - I knew this before but have just read something that made me want to post about it...bear with me...first though a comment that St. Nicholas is also patron saint of amongst other things nudists, the falsely accused, pawnbrokers, prostitutes and repentant thieves but he is mostly 'remembered' for giving to the poor, usually giving to the poor anonymously, a custom that continued after his death. He is also known as Santa Claus...and - still bearing with me I hope - about to take up the reins in the rotating presidency of the European Union will be Václav Klaus who is sure to cause a few ripples...much of which I am sure to agree with (see this Herald Tribune article for more details of why [IHT] ).

Anyway, what led me to post was the post on EU Referendum: Which one's the democrat? ., totally believable! Read it; it ends thus:

[President Vaclav Klaus] "I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word[s] 'Soviet Union'. I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really."

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Overweening officials...

Following on from my previous post today about certain "on-this-days" I note that in certain European countries and elsewhere it is also St. Nicholas Day - I knew this before but have just read something that made me want to post about it...bear with me...first though a comment that St. Nicholas is also patron saint of amongst other things nudists, the falsely accused, pawnbrokers, prostitutes and repentant thieves but he is mostly 'remembered' for giving to the poor, usually giving to the poor anonymously, a custom that continued after his death. He is also known as Santa Claus...and - still bearing with me I hope - about to take up the reins in the rotating presidency of the European Union will be Václav Klaus who is sure to cause a few ripples...much of which I am sure to agree with (see this Herald Tribune article for more details of why [IHT] ).

Anyway, what led me to post was the post on EU Referendum: Which one's the democrat? ., totally believable! Read it; it ends thus:

[President Vaclav Klaus] "I did not compare you with the Soviet Union, I did not mention the word[s] 'Soviet Union'. I only said that I have not experienced such an atmosphere, such style of debate in the past 19 years in the Czech Republic, really."

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Today 30 years ago here in Spain the people voted positively in a referendum for The Constitution of Spain; it is regarded as the culmination of the Spanish transition to democracy from the Francoist dictatorship. The long road from their 'original democracy' started back in the early 1800s, the first constitution was written in 1812 after the Spanish people had risen up against French domination and with British help under Wellington booted out Napoleon. It continued through the loss of colonies, more than one dictator, staying out of both World Wars and in between, a bloody civil war.

Today, is also the day, 10 years ago Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela; happy anniversay Hugo...ten years...not quite sure of any connection except that Venezuela seems to be heading from democracy to dictatorship or at least hovering between the blurred lines of the two.

Reading on the blatantly pro-Chavez website Venezulea Analasis I was sifting through various articles, impressed that Venezuela was 4th in a Life Satisfaction poll (rather than take their spin I looked it up myself [IDB]...) when I noticed another article named "To Stop the Advance of the Right, We Must Strengthen People's Power" where they interviewed Gonzalo Gómez of Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Interesting..."The Right" aren't part of the people?

[VA] What does the election of opposition governors and mayors mean for the community councils, communal organizing in general, and the communal cities proposed in Chávez's recent law-decrees?

[GG] Well, surely they are going to be an obstacle and they are going to be enemies of this. They are going to try to destroy it. At best, they will manipulate it initially, and they will go and converse, dialogue, and begin to build bridges from the government.

But this is a dialogue of traitors aimed at taking advantage and buying time to prepare for what they are going to do afterward. We are talking about the counter-revolution. We are talking about a rancid ultra-right wing. They are mortal enemies of people's organizations, of popular power. against, or God forbid, indulge in dialogue that is not pro Chavez and you must be a traitor, a rancid, ultra-right mortal enemy of the people.

P.S. In that last link "another article" it appears that Dave Lee Travis is a Venezuelan hero!

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Today 30 years ago here in Spain the people voted positively in a referendum for The Constitution of Spain; it is regarded as the culmination of the Spanish transition to democracy from the Francoist dictatorship. The long road from their 'original democracy' started back in the early 1800s, the first constitution was written in 1812 after the Spanish people had risen up against French domination and with British help under Wellington booted out Napoleon. It continued through the loss of colonies, more than one dictator, staying out of both World Wars and in between, a bloody civil war.

Today, is also the day, 10 years ago Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela; happy anniversay Hugo...ten years...not quite sure of any connection except that Venezuela seems to be heading from democracy to dictatorship or at least hovering between the blurred lines of the two.

Reading on the blatantly pro-Chavez website Venezulea Analasis I was sifting through various articles, impressed that Venezuela was 4th in a Life Satisfaction poll (rather than take their spin I looked it up myself [IDB]...) when I noticed another article named "To Stop the Advance of the Right, We Must Strengthen People's Power" where they interviewed Gonzalo Gómez of Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Interesting..."The Right" aren't part of the people?

[VA] What does the election of opposition governors and mayors mean for the community councils, communal organizing in general, and the communal cities proposed in Chávez's recent law-decrees?

[GG] Well, surely they are going to be an obstacle and they are going to be enemies of this. They are going to try to destroy it. At best, they will manipulate it initially, and they will go and converse, dialogue, and begin to build bridges from the government.

But this is a dialogue of traitors aimed at taking advantage and buying time to prepare for what they are going to do afterward. We are talking about the counter-revolution. We are talking about a rancid ultra-right wing. They are mortal enemies of people's organizations, of popular power. against, or God forbid, indulge in dialogue that is not pro Chavez and you must be a traitor, a rancid, ultra-right mortal enemy of the people.

P.S. In that last link "another article" it appears that Dave Lee Travis is a Venezuelan hero!

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viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Oneirataxian outing...

Oneirataxia n. - inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. (How appropriate!)
They've done it againOh how I appears that Gordon Brown will be going on a "Listen to the People Tour" in early reported by that scandalously biased toilet paper The Daily Mirror. Hahahaha..."listen"? This is the lying fool that has spectacularly failed to listen to any advice probably for as long as anyone can remember.
I continued laughing as I read all the very predictable (and why not!) comments HERE on CentreRight, from whence I was led to the Mirror - wouldn't go near the shit-heap otherwise - after they asked: "So let's give him a taster of what to expect when he hits the road next month. What do you want to tell Gordon Brown?", the prize must go to Norm Brainer (hehehe) for this reply. I hope there's good security on the tour: it could get a bit rough!
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Oneirataxian outing...

Oneirataxia n. - inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. (How appropriate!)
They've done it againOh how I appears that Gordon Brown will be going on a "Listen to the People Tour" in early reported by that scandalously biased toilet paper The Daily Mirror. Hahahaha..."listen"? This is the lying fool that has spectacularly failed to listen to any advice probably for as long as anyone can remember.
I continued laughing as I read all the very predictable (and why not!) comments HERE on CentreRight, from whence I was led to the Mirror - wouldn't go near the shit-heap otherwise - after they asked: "So let's give him a taster of what to expect when he hits the road next month. What do you want to tell Gordon Brown?", the prize must go to Norm Brainer (hehehe) for this reply. I hope there's good security on the tour: it could get a bit rough!
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