lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Only oldies?...

The old shouldn't be allowed to vote? WTF? "Of course, barely concealed contempt for the working classes, particularly the white poor, is nothing new to social media or the liberal press. But, the all-out attacks on senior citizens post-referendum has shocked many." Who are the morons suggesting such things? They are:

Headlines in the Europhile press have included: “How old people have screwed over the younger generation” from the Independent, and "EU Referendum Results: Young 'Screwed By Older Generations'…" from the Huffington Post.
VICE gave us: [...] "Brexit Proves Baby Boomers Should Get Less of a Vote".
GQ Magazine went all out, producing: "WE SHOULD BAN OLD PEOPLE FROM VOTING". Writing about “them” as if the older generations are some foreign species, the reasons given by the author included:

The above section quoted from Liam Deacon at Breitbart. Those writing the linked articles are seriously deluded or don't have a good sense of humour (I think they actually mean what they have written which pretty much makes them pretty low specimens.) How about a better idea?



This idea isn't new: "Admit it, an 18 year-old shouldn't be allowed to vote". "Even the French classical liberal economist Frédéric Bastiat – no proponent of obtrusive government – warned that unbridled voting rights would lead to disaster.Writing in his famous essay 'The Law,' Bastiat noted that exclusions to voting are justified because “it is not the voter alone who suffers the consequences of his vote; because each vote touches and affects everyone in the entire community; because the people in the community have a right to demand some safeguards concerning the acts upon which their welfare and existence depend." [edit] "Bastiat was, at the time (mid-19th century), writing about children and women."

Mitrailleuse adds: "Kids don’t have the mental capacities or own enough assets to be fully vested in society."  Indeed! he's on about the USA but it still applies. [LINK]

By the way, why are they all using the unusually large 25-49 age group? It isn't so clear cut:

From Lord Ashcroft Polls: How the UK voted and why [LINK]

Only oldies?...

The old shouldn't be allowed to vote? WTF? "Of course, barely concealed contempt for the working classes, particularly the white poor, is nothing new to social media or the liberal press. But, the all-out attacks on senior citizens post-referendum has shocked many." Who are the morons suggesting such things? They are:
Headlines in the Europhile press have included: “How old people have screwed over the younger generation” from the Independent, and "EU Referendum Results: Young 'Screwed By Older Generations'…" from the Huffington Post. VICE gave us: [...] "Brexit Proves Baby Boomers Should Get Less of a Vote". GQ Magazine went all out, producing: "WE SHOULD BAN OLD PEOPLE FROM VOTING". Writing about “them” as if the older generations are some foreign species, the reasons given by the author included:
The above section quoted from Liam Deacon at Breitbart. Those writing the linked articles are seriously deluded or don't have a good sense of humour (I think they actually mean what they have written which pretty much makes them pretty low specimens.) How about a better idea?

This idea isn't new: "Admit it, an 18 year-old shouldn't be allowed to vote". "Even the French classical liberal economist Frédéric Bastiat – no proponent of obtrusive government – warned that unbridled voting rights would lead to disaster.Writing in his famous essay 'The Law,' Bastiat noted that exclusions to voting are justified because “it is not the voter alone who suffers the consequences of his vote; because each vote touches and affects everyone in the entire community; because the people in the community have a right to demand some safeguards concerning the acts upon which their welfare and existence depend." [edit] "Bastiat was, at the time (mid-19th century), writing about children and women."

Mitrailleuse adds: "Kids don’t have the mental capacities or own enough assets to be fully vested in society."  Indeed! he's on about the USA but it still applies. [LINK]

By the way, why are they all using the unusually large 25-49 age group? It isn't so clear cut:
From Lord Ashcroft Polls: How the UK voted and why [LINK]

sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

Online omni-incompetence...

This is funny: there is currently a petition to have a 2nd referendum... except there isn't. All of the 1.7 million (at time of writing) who have signed seem to have misread it; so have ALL the media. Read what it says very carefully. If you go to the government petition website you'll see the petition was posted in MAY (May 25th) and refers to rules for the referendum already run! It was set up the week after "2nd referendum" was in the news and David Cameron was saying it wouldn't be possible, "once in a generation, once in a lifetime", and as per his Tweet HERE.

Maybe this petition was even started by someone who favoured Leave...probably was considering it was Nigel Farage who suggested it could go to a 2nd referendum. Even funnier, if you go to the petition map you can see where most signatures are coming from: London, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton...yes, you get the idea: [edit 1620 hrs] a student/millennial/snowflake brigade are on a mission - voted in numbers - yet don't seem educated enough to understand the English.

Online omni-incompetence...

This is funny: there is currently a petition to have a 2nd referendum... except there isn't. All of the 1.7 million (at time of writing) who have signed seem to have misread it; so have ALL the media. Read what it says very carefully. If you go to the government petition website you'll see the petition was posted in MAY (May 25th) and refers to rules for the referendum already run! It was set up the week after "2nd referendum" was in the news and David Cameron was saying it wouldn't be possible, "once in a generation, once in a lifetime", and as per his Tweet HERE.

Maybe this petition was even started by someone who favoured Leave...probably was considering it was Nigel Farage who suggested it could go to a 2nd referendum. Even funnier, if you go to the petition map you can see where most signatures are coming from: London, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton...yes, you get the idea: [edit 1620 hrs] a student/millennial/snowflake brigade are on a mission - voted in numbers - yet don't seem educated enough to understand the English.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Our overall OUT oblectation...

The image and 1000 words? Or 10,000 words! Anyway, here's a few: the London bubble filter*, Scottish wanting independence and probably, IMHO, NI fear of getting left out. No more to add. Interactive map of all areas etc at Daily Telegraph (I blanked out Gibraltar as they had it for 'Leave' but they voted overwhelmingly to Remain (naturally, going first they have to play safe - look where they are! - I suspect if they got to vote the next day (today, they would have voted 99.9% to Leave).

* Imagine if the UK had to leave it to parliament, to let our "elected representatives" decide!

Our overall OUT oblectation...

The image and 1000 words? Or 10,000 words! Anyway, here's a few: the London bubble filter*, Scottish wanting independence and probably, IMHO, NI fear of getting left out. No more to add. Interactive map of all areas etc at Daily Telegraph (I blanked out Gibraltar as they had it for 'Leave' but they voted overwhelmingly to Remain (naturally, going first they have to play safe - look where they are! - I suspect if they got to vote the next day (today, they would have voted 99.9% to Leave).

* Imagine if the UK had to leave it to parliament, to let our "elected representatives" decide!

Opinium over others...

...again. And this time at least they were on the right side along with TNS. Most of the others may need to rethink their employment. Mike Smithson at Political Betting early afternoon yesterday posted the final polling table below: "Once the final polls came our I wrote that if LEAVE did it it would be as big a polling disaster as GE2015. In fact then none of the final polls were in range. At least this time two of them, TNS and Opinium, got very close and were showing LEAVE leads."

As it is, the UK has voted for BREXIT - to leave the EU - by 52% to 48% (51.9 to 48.1). Turnout was 72% overall, 73% in England. Leave won the majority of votes in England (Leave 53.4% 15,188,406 votes to Remain's 46.6% 13,266,996 votes) and Wales (Leave 52.5% 854,572 votes to Remain 47.5% 772,347 votes). Northern Ireland Remain won (44.2%, 349,442 votes to 55.8% 440,437 votes); while Scotland seemed to mirror the GE numbers with Remain majorities in all areas (Leave 38.0% 1,018,322 votes to Remain 62.0% 1,661,191)

Opinium over others...

...again. And this time at least they were on the right side along with TNS. Most of the others may need to rethink their employment. Mike Smithson at Political Betting early afternoon yesterday posted the final polling table below: "Once the final polls came our I wrote that if LEAVE did it it would be as big a polling disaster as GE2015. In fact then none of the final polls were in range. At least this time two of them, TNS and Opinium, got very close and were showing LEAVE leads."

As it is, the UK has voted for BREXIT - to leave the EU - by 52% to 48% (51.9 to 48.1). Turnout was 72% overall, 73% in England. Leave won the majority of votes in England (Leave 53.4% 15,188,406 votes to Remain's 46.6% 13,266,996 votes) and Wales (Leave 52.5% 854,572 votes to Remain 47.5% 772,347 votes). Northern Ireland Remain won (44.2%, 349,442 votes to 55.8% 440,437 votes); while Scotland seemed to mirror the GE numbers with Remain majorities in all areas (Leave 38.0% 1,018,322 votes to Remain 62.0% 1,661,191)

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

Obnubilating obloquy...

BBC joins unbelievable media craziness: note the headline! (BBC News Home page, 20:20 pm, Friday 17th.).  I agree with every word written by James Delingpole: "Project Grief: Remain’s Dirty Politicking Has Hit an All-Time Low". The Guardian and various other publications as well as hordes on Twitter were at it immediately it hit the news with accusations about Leave, Brexit, Farage's fault etc ...IMMEDIATELY. Sick fuckers. Nearly all media called Jo Cox a "Remain MP" (not Labour MP, or female MP...). Then EU politicians piled explicitly saying she was killed because of her views on the EU: "murdered for her dedication to European democracy and humanity". WTF?

Louise Mensch wrote: "Jo Cox MP Was the Best of Britain. Politicising Her Death is the Worst". Indeed. And "It is beyond disgusting, then, to use this man’s mental collapse and psychological unsoundness as a weapon in a political campaign."

By the way, the plot thickens...eye witness accounts falling apart.

Obnubilating obloquy...

BBC joins unbelievable media craziness: note the headline! (BBC News Home page, 20:20 pm, Friday 17th.).  I agree with every word written by James Delingpole: "Project Grief: Remain’s Dirty Politicking Has Hit an All-Time Low". The Guardian and various other publications as well as hordes on Twitter were at it immediately it hit the news with accusations about Leave, Brexit, Farage's fault etc ...IMMEDIATELY. Sick fuckers. Nearly all media called Jo Cox a "Remain MP" (not Labour MP, or female MP...). Then EU politicians piled explicitly saying she was killed because of her views on the EU: "murdered for her dedication to European democracy and humanity". WTF?

Louise Mensch wrote: "Jo Cox MP Was the Best of Britain. Politicising Her Death is the Worst". Indeed. And "It is beyond disgusting, then, to use this man’s mental collapse and psychological unsoundness as a weapon in a political campaign." By the way, the plot thickens...eye witness accounts falling apart.

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Obvious octrois...

The EU is not the Single Market. Obvious to some, others remain oblivious. Nice report and post at Independent Britain.

"This great country’s days are not over. Leaving the EU would be but the first step in a great global journey towards greater prosperity and purposeful political engagement. There is a lot of work to be done to rebuild our democratic institutions and policy-making expertise, but the first step is to leave the EU."

Well said.

Obvious octrois...

The EU is not the Single Market. Obvious to some, others remain oblivious. Nice report and post at Independent Britain.

"This great country’s days are not over. Leaving the EU would be but the first step in a great global journey towards greater prosperity and purposeful political engagement. There is a lot of work to be done to rebuild our democratic institutions and policy-making expertise, but the first step is to leave the EU."

Well said.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Opacity of ogling onomatomania...

[Edited:'dead' image/video removed]
Something I've been thinking for quite a long while now, due to increased difficulty finding certain things by 'Googling'. I put part of the difficulty down to the sheer amount of crap out there but sometimes I was thinking Google are intentionally misunderstanding my searches! 'Don't be evil'... However: "Published on 9 Jun 2016
While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulating autocomplete recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton. If true, this would mean that Google Searches aren’t objectively reflecting what the majority of Internet searches are actually". 
Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers, and yes, amazing work by Source Fed.  And related to yesterday's post.

Update 11th June: Google responds, hat-tip Zero Hedge: "the autocomplete algorithm is designed to avoid completing a search for a person’s name with terms that are offensive or disparaging" that for all 'sides'? At least from now on it will be anyway...maybe.

Opacity of ogling onomatomania...

[Edited:'dead' image/video removed] Something I've been thinking for quite a long while now, due to increased difficulty finding certain things by 'Googling'. I put part of the difficulty down to the sheer amount of crap out there but sometimes I was thinking Google are intentionally misunderstanding my searches! 'Don't be evil'... However: "Published on 9 Jun 2016 While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulating autocomplete recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton. If true, this would mean that Google Searches aren’t objectively reflecting what the majority of Internet searches are actually". Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers, and yes, amazing work by Source Fed.  And related to yesterday's post.

Update 11th June: Google responds, hat-tip Zero Hedge: "the autocomplete algorithm is designed to avoid completing a search for a person’s name with terms that are offensive or disparaging" that for all 'sides'? At least from now on it will be anyway...maybe.

Opacity of ogling onomatomania...

Something I've been thinking for quite a long while now, due to increased difficulty finding certain things by 'Googling'. I put part of the difficulty down to the sheer amount of crap out there but sometimes I was thinking Google are intentionally misunderstanding my searches! 'Don't be evil'... However: "Published on 9 Jun 2016 While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulating autocomplete recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton. If true, this would mean that Google Searches aren’t objectively reflecting what the majority of Internet searches are actually". Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers, and yes, amazing work by Source Fed.  And related to yesterday's post.

Update 11th June: Google responds, hat-tip Zero Hedge: "the autocomplete algorithm is designed to avoid completing a search for a person’s name with terms that are offensive or disparaging" that for all 'sides'? At least from now on it will be anyway...maybe.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Obama's obversion...

[Edited:'dead' image/video removed]
Obama has endorsed someone he knows - and has said - is inadequate and a liar. Who'da thunk it. And it appears the gloves are off...get the popcorn in!  And just for background info a smattering of the assorted baggage the Clinton's are dragging round: 'From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer' [Link]. By the way, those scandals really are just the tip of the iceberg.

Obama's obversion...

[Edited:'dead' image/video removed] Obama has endorsed someone he knows - and has said - is inadequate and a liar. Who'da thunk it. And it appears the gloves are off...get the popcorn in!  And just for background info a smattering of the assorted baggage the Clinton's are dragging round: 'From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer' [Link]. By the way, those scandals really are just the tip of the iceberg.

Obama's obversion...

Obama has endorsed someone he knows - and has said - is inadequate and a liar. Who'da thunk it. And it appears the gloves are off...get the popcorn in!  And just for background info a smattering of the assorted baggage the Clinton's are dragging round: 'From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer' [Link]. By the way, those scandals really are just the tip of the iceberg.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Outrageous or obvious?...

From the DT: "Nigel Farage: Migrants could pose sex attack threat to Britain". 'Women may be at a particular risk from the "cultural" differences between British society and migrants' [Link]. What he says is perfectly true and blatantly obvious, especially when we know what happened in Cologne, Germany where gangs of immigrants - all young men - sexually abused hundreds of women last New Year’s Eve. What really irks me is that even now the Telegraph says "allegedly" does the BBC but you'd expect it from them. In the BBC link Treasury minister Andrea Leadsom - amongst others ('sunk to new depths', 'disgraceful') - is calling Farage's comments 'outrageous'.

What is in fact REALLY outrageous is that we have had THOUSANDS of such cases here in the UK already, worse: rape of children, drugged and abused and passed around between groups of pervert scum; ignored and swept under the carpet for over TEN YEARS (we know it is at least 2 or 3 decades of Muslim abuse: "it appears that racially motivated grooming of girls stems from 1990s onwards and is being underplayed by the media and politicians fearing political correctness.") by Police, social workers, council employees etc. Rotherham is the most infamous but there's Derby, Rochdale, Telford, Keighley and more; or further south Peterborough, Banbury, Bristol, Oxford, Aylesbury...and more; you'd think they would have noticed.

Apologies if this offends anyone: unfortunately the caption underneath is 100% true. 

The press ignored it too, similar to Cologne where the press was told not to report on the Cologne attacks. Sinister. So, it isn't outrageous for Farage to say this: it is stating the bloody obvious. This and dozens (probably hundreds) of cases are happening every day, across Europe: the common denominator - apart from Islam - is the attempts to hide it, to cover it up. Sweden in particular for well over a decade: when they realised their crime figures pointed to the clear and obvious over-representation (by miles) of Muslim (yes, it has to be said) immigrants they did what? Clamp down? No. Mass arrest? No...they stopped publishing the crime stats!

You might think the UK problem was mainly Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Somali and those that are coming are predominantly Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi but unfortunately I doubt it's entirely the rural/izzat thing: they are already fighting each other over child abuse! "Afghan and Pakistani migrants have fought each other, rioted and burnt down brand new accommodation on the Greek Island of Lesbos after the two ethnic groups accused each other of molesting children and stealing."

Jesus Wept. 

Outrageous or obvious?...

From the DT: "Nigel Farage: Migrants could pose sex attack threat to Britain". 'Women may be at a particular risk from the "cultural" differences between British society and migrants' [Link]. What he says is perfectly true and blatantly obvious, especially when we know what happened in Cologne, Germany where gangs of immigrants - all young men - sexually abused hundreds of women last New Year’s Eve. What really irks me is that even now the Telegraph says "allegedly" does the BBC but you'd expect it from them. In the BBC link Treasury minister Andrea Leadsom - amongst others ('sunk to new depths', 'disgraceful') - is calling Farage's comments 'outrageous'.

What is in fact REALLY outrageous is that we have had THOUSANDS of such cases here in the UK already, worse: rape of children, drugged and abused and passed around between groups of pervert scum; ignored and swept under the carpet for over TEN YEARS (we know it is at least 2 or 3 decades of Muslim abuse: "it appears that racially motivated grooming of girls stems from 1990s onwards and is being underplayed by the media and politicians fearing political correctness.") by Police, social workers, council employees etc. Rotherham is the most infamous but there's Derby, Rochdale, Telford, Keighley and more; or further south Peterborough, Banbury, Bristol, Oxford, Aylesbury...and more; you'd think they would have noticed.

Apologies if this offends anyone: unfortunately the caption underneath is 100% true. 
The press ignored it too, similar to Cologne where the press was told not to report on the Cologne attacks. Sinister. So, it isn't outrageous for Farage to say this: it is stating the bloody obvious. This and dozens (probably hundreds) of cases are happening every day, across Europe: the common denominator - apart from Islam - is the attempts to hide it, to cover it up. Sweden in particular for well over a decade: when they realised their crime figures pointed to the clear and obvious over-representation (by miles) of Muslim (yes, it has to be said) immigrants they did what? Clamp down? No. Mass arrest? No...they stopped publishing the crime stats!

You might think the UK problem was mainly Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Somali and those that are coming are predominantly Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi but unfortunately I doubt it's entirely the rural/izzat thing: they are already fighting each other over child abuse! "Afghan and Pakistani migrants have fought each other, rioted and burnt down brand new accommodation on the Greek Island of Lesbos after the two ethnic groups accused each other of molesting children and stealing."

Jesus Wept.