domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Oh-Oh II...

Shit hits the fan: the leaked US cables also reveal that... [Link]

Update Tuesday p.m.: it seems the Bankers are next; Calling England tells us of an article in Forbes Magazine in which "the messenger" says:
Assange: If you think about it, we have a publishing pipeline that’s increasing linearly, and an exponential number of leaks, so we’re in a position where we have to prioritize our resources so that the biggest impact stuff gets released first.
Me: So do you have very high impact corporate stuff to release then?
Assange: Yes, but maybe not as high impact…I mean, it could take down a bank or two.
Me: That sounds like high impact.
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Organ opt-out option...

Interesting post last week on Liberal Vision about organ donor opt-out system that would replace the donor card ('opt-in') system.
"An opt-out scheme would create a presumption that the state, in this case the NHS, owns you on death, unless you remember to declare otherwise, and have some system to prove you have done so, either a card, medical records, or a national database."
However, a poll they refer to chimes with what we were told a few years ago, that nearly two-thirds would be willing to donate their organs for transplantation after their death. LV end their piece with the phrase "The result of most such surveys depends on how you frame the debate and questions" and I can guarantee a 100% against opt-out poll result if you asked them today: "Do you want the Coalition to own your body after death?".

I suggest the medical powers that be in the UK look for ways to make people want to donate rather than attempt to force the issue! "Presumed consent may not increase organ donation" [Link]

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Outstanding oratorio...

Maybe the idea is that if the people won't go to church then the church should go to the people: as it was in the beginning... Chorus Niagara provide a 'stunning showcase of Christmas cheer' [Link].

Hattip Celestial Junk via EU Referendum

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viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Overflowing outrage...

Flight of fantasy or Flight of the Con d'or? hehehe; what a palaver...and again over nothing and certainly not fantasy. Howard Flight and his remarks have been described as idiot, disgraceful, shameful, repugnant** etc, I think he wasn't so far off the mark.
"We're going to have a system where the middle classes are discouraged from breeding because it's jolly expensive, but for those on benefit there is every incentive."
Now, IMHO the contirved outrage is over the use of the word 'breeding'. Had he said:
"We're going to have a system where the middle classes are discouraged from unprotected shagging because raising children is jolly expensive but for those on benefit there is every incentive"
...I'm sure he would have got away with it! Almost. Channel 4 FactCheck conclude: offensive phrase but "...a valid question: do tax and benefits influence how many children people have?" Apparently Ed Miliband, is making attempts to reach out to what he calls 'the squeezed middle' which I've heard helps but a condom would be safer and better.

** These words are all reported from various friends and foes alike on the BBC report [Link]. I read the comments on view and was [pleasantly] surprised:

"Well I agree with him. You shouldn't have children you (not the state) cannot afford."

"Typical upper class hogwash from someone with his head in the sand. The working class will dig the country from the mess we're in not peers or the government."

"I don't think he should apologise - I agree. The benefit system does encourage poorer people to "breed" and to use this as their source of income. This is completely wrong if people with a bit more money don't get any help at all - raising a child is indeed expensive and tricky for anyone in this day and age."

"David Cameron was wrong. Howard Flight is right as the cost of raising children properly is a serious disincentive for middle class families. For those dependent on state benefits the more children they have the more money they receive. Families are allocated larger council houses if they have more children whereas a middle class family with more children will not be able to afford a bigger house."

"This is just another example of the Conservatives, or contributor to the Conservative party clearly out of touch with the nation."

"Whatever happened to freedom of speech?"

"I find it hard to believe that anyone, no matter how poor, would have a child so that they can claim an extra £11 a week in child benefit. A week's worth of nappies costs more than that."

"He should never have apologised. It's reflective of the sorry state of British politics when a peer (albeit soon-to-be) cannot speak his mind. This is regardless of whether he's right or wrong (and he is right in my view). We need more people like Mr Flight, not fewer."

Only a snapshot but more 'in favour' than not.

Update: just noticed Iain Dale said much the same thing last night.

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miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Outstanding, one, one, one...

Well you can guess that the "one, one, one" refers to: 'One Person, One Voice, One Thought' (ahem) and the Bloom-ing shite-fest that the Euro Parliament got into today, Godwin's law...or was it Godfrey? (more HERE at UKIP's Independence Home,or go straight to the video HERE, worth listening to the whole 15 minute video) but the 'outstanding' is for Nigel Farage and the "Bunker mentality", 3 minutes of sticking to the them, HERE..."Just who the hell do you think you people are? You are very, very dangerous people indeed". Please listen. I realise Farage has his faults but this was simply superb, correct and would that most of our politicians acted this way. More on Bloom's gloom/boom at BBC, The Guardian and more interestingly from Dan Hannan who explains that the target today is in fact himself a serial "Nazi-jibber" but pro EU so of course no action is ever taken! Better Off Out.

P.S. What's in it for EU? Hilarious, including the made-up myths.

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lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Opinion of obtrucation...

Today we remember...Twenty years ago Margaret Thatcher resigned** as Tory leader. Thatcher is the only woman to have been Leader of the Conservative Party but more importantly the only woman to serve as Prime Minister of the UK, something she did for longer than anyone since 1827 (consecutively). Nice touch with videos etc HERE from Tim at Conservative Home.

** Worth remembering she wasn't kicked out as everyone likes to 'recall'; she resigned after failing to win the first ballot outright...haha you might say but she slaughtered the opposition getting nearly 54% of the vote (see details), however new rules stated that the winner must win by a clear 15% margin from the nearest rival; she missed this target by only 6 votes, not six percent...six votes...and there were 6 abstentions and 17 spoiled/void ballots. Imagine had she won: probably - although by no means certain - she would have lost in 1992 to Labour and Kinnock: no Major, no "1997 landslide" (it wasn't by the way), no Blair years, no Brown years. IMAGINE! Heseltine and Co have a lot to answer for; maybe their heads should be on the spikes next to Blair's and Brown's.

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domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Ostensible otherworldly orator...

Otherworldly is right, EU Referendum calls it Barking Bloody Mad. Al Gore...calling climate change "the new global terror". He has outlined "the doom the world is awaiting" and called the failure of world leaders to clinch some sort of deal a "startling paradox". According to the Hindustan Times - in India, where he is spouting his nonsense to anyone who'll listen - Gore now thinks the "solution for the problem was taking the issue back to the grassroots and creating a political storm to compel the leaders to react to climate change". That sounds to me like Al is calling for more civil unrest at world God, how else will he be able to continue to make millions? Needless to say the seemingly unnoticed closing of the Chicago Climate Exchange (with it's Gore and Obama connections) would help to explain why Gore is ramping up the hyperbole.

P.S. The European equivalent Climate Exchange may also fail within a year or two unless a new 'Kyoto Protocol' is agreed.

Update 11:15am: browsing that paper I see the reason for the madness: Gordon Brown is there giving a speech "Lessons from the Last Global Crisis"! Mind you, it sounds like he may be "getting it": "We assumed that the risks the banks were taking were well diversified".

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sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Obstrobogulous obscurantism...

Venezuela to repay $336M of debt to Colombia. Also, both countries have vowing to cooperate more in the anti-drug war AND Venezuela has deported three suspected rebels back to Colombia in a sign of improved cooperation between the two countries [VOA]. Sounds good you say...but this is the cost of obscurantism...clearly Chavez is so relieved that Colombia has decided to extradite Walid Makled to Venezuela and not to the evil empire - a drug trafficker who claims he has paid millions of dollars to senior military officials and politicians in the Venezuelan government, and can prove it - is now surely facing a mystery death an unfortunate accident.

A poll at El Universal (image, click to enlarge) is currently almost 91% of the opinion that either he won't get a decent trial in Venezuela or that it would a more balanced trial in the USA (which IMHO is what Chavez is afraid of). 

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Obvious omission III...

I seem to have missed the outraged overeaction. Can't move for the media coverage that we saw re Lord Young's ill-advised yet still true enough statement that many hadn't really had a bad time at all during the recession...but finding it hard to find much on yet another resignation for the shadow cabinet; perhaps Ed doesn't know yet but Labour MP Eric Joyce was banned from driving AGAIN: "not compus mentis" at the wheel of a car: surely Ed, you should be decrying this as "disgraceful".

P.S.The number of people available to Ed is shrinking: those that have refused to serve in the shadow cabinet, those already removed and facing trial, and those on their way out.

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One overriding objection...

Economic..."not ill-considered or xenophobic, as subsequent critics have repeatedly claimed".

Peter Oborne sings the praises of Margaret Thatcher and William Hague on their Euro warnings. He also "tried to reach the leading politicians who tried so hard 10 years ago to abolish the pound – Heseltine, Leon Brittan, Mandelson, Neil Kinnock, Charlie Kennedy. I wanted to ask them whether they stood by their extravagant warnings. I wanted to ask them for an apology. Not one of them came back... ...Other apologies are called for. From the BBC, which distorted the debate."

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Official outlook: obscure...

Or maybe not, maybe it's as clear as day: "Homeland, Socialism, or Death". And it seems that the Homeland will indeed suffer Death; via Socialism. Non oil exports are down 56% in 5 years [only in Spanish]. Also, yet another farm company, once known for horse breeding and a genetic centre for Brahman cattle becomes - in less than a year - an asset-robbed, survive-only-by-subsidy socialist nighmare; it has 'lost' 20 thousand head of cattle and is now a "farm that yields nothing but expenses"; at this rate, from Commander President Hugo Chávez downwards via the Vice-Ministry for Social Welfare through the Ministry of Communes (my God you can't get much more Orwellian-sounding than that!) they will ensure death via socialism.

Expropriations, too much government control and regulation plus legal uncertainty "are the main factors hindering economic growth in Venezuela"...that and the chronic breakdown in security and food shortages etc. 'Analysts expect Venezuelan economy to remain stagnant':
"A Castro-communist system is being established. It seeks to eliminate private enterprise. With the elimination of the private sector, economic growth is not likely to occur."
Tell us something we don't know! In a recent report, Barclays (Investment) said 'that in the first quarter of 2011, and specifically in the first weeks of the year, the government will devalue its currency by 15 percent' (scroll to bottom of article: 19 Nov).

P.S. Minor typographical edits made, 16:30 CET. 

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miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Oblivious of observation...

Today is International Students' Day. It is, obviously, an international observance of students: the day originates from the execution without trial of nine students and professors on the 17th of November in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia: during a student demonstration against the ocupation one student, Jan Opletal, was shot. He died later and his funeral procession became another demonstration; this was harshly put down and resulted in drastic measures being taken by the Nazis: all Czech colleges and universities were shut down and more than 1,200 students were arrested and sent to concentration camps, as well as the aforementioned executions. Interesting that the NUS had a demonsration last week and plan another next week but their website , where incidentally, they "Demand Extra", has no mention of the significance of today, in fact it doesn't mention it at all: the European Student's Union do [ESU] (and NUS are members); the ESU, make a big deal of the cuts being made in higher education budgets across Europe; additionally they have a 2011 project with the aim of comparing European funding systems in order to share best practices.
"This decrease has often been replaced by the introduction or increase of tuition fees. These fees have not filled the funding gap, but they have made it more difficult for people to participate in and complete higher education."
Anyway, just a thought. One would have thought that the NUS would have some mention of it...

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domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Overpowering operation overkill...

James knew he could be in Some Kind of Trouble but he says he would have refused to take the world Back To Bedlam, imagine All The Lost Souls. Luckily UK Commanding Officer General Mike Jackson came on the radio and told NATO Supreme Commander Europe General Wesley Clark (US)" I'm not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War 3". [BBC]

James knew what to say: "You're Beautiful".

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sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Overseas operators...

Like Grumpy Old Twat, I thought the following - although not new - 'was an excellent explanation of how people in the higher tax bracket will benefit the most from having a tax reduction'...(to howls and shrieks from the left about how unfair it is especially to the poor etc.) If you wish for more complicated info then look at the IFS survey of the UK tax system (link: PDF): see the table on page 38 where we see the top 1% of taxpayers forking out for 23% of the total income tax take with the top 10% of taxpayers paying over 50% of the total inocme tax liability. However, back to the easy version; I'm starting with the tagline:
"For those who understand, no explanation is needed
For those who do not understand, no explanation"
"Suppose that once a week, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to £100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this ...

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay £1
The sixth would pay £3.
The seventh would pay £7.
The eighth would pay £12.
The ninth would pay £18.
And the tenth man (the richest) would pay £59.

So, that's what they decided to do: the ten men drank in the bar every week and seemed quite happy with the arrangement until, one day, the owner caused them a little problem. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your weekly beer by £20."

Drinks for the ten men would now cost just £80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free, but what about the other six men? The paying customers? How could they divide the £20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share? They realized that £20 divided by six is £3.33 but if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then not only would the first four men still be drinking for free, but the fifth and sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fairer to reduce each man's bill by a higher percentage. They decided to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

And so, the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (a 100% saving).
The sixth man now paid £2 instead of £3 (a 33% saving).
The seventh man now paid £5 instead of £7 (a 28% saving).
The eighth man now paid £9 instead of £12 (a 25% saving).
The ninth man now paid £14 instead of £18 (a 22% saving).
And the tenth man now paid £49 instead of £59 (a 16% saving).
Each of the last six was better off than before with the first four continuing to drink for free.

But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got £1 out of the £20 saving", declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got £10!"

"Yeah, that's right!" exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a £1 too. It's unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!"

"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get £10 back, when I only got £2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute!" yelled the first four men in unison, "we didn't get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!" The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next week the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. When it came to paying the bill, they discovered something important, they didn't have enough money between all of them to pay for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and government ministers, is how our tax system works. The people who already pay the highest taxes will naturally get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy and they just might not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas, where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier."

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D. Professor of Economics.

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viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Opposing oppression...

Raedwald on the button again:
"It's because I love Europe that I condemn with every breath I take the grotesque evil of the EU. The EU is evil in exactly the same way that the Soviet Union was evil; that in a pretence at securing the good of all, the freedoms of each are trampled upon, that power and its maintenance becomes an end in itself, that privilege and patronage are reserved to the ruling elite, and that any countervailing loyalties and allegiances are crushed. The corruption of power, the spoilation of national dignity, the cruel subjugation of human spirit and conscience are all works of true evil and counter to our shared Christian culture and heritage. Every one of us has a moral duty to oppose the EU."
Sorry for lack of orginal Ows comment in this post and yesterday's based around three of the 5 or 6 excellent blogposts in one day from Autonomous Mind but when someone says something you agree with but says it in a much better way then why not quote it!

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jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Ominous omissions...

Autonomous Mind has been rampant the last couple of days: all three links below are to that blog. The 'ominous omissions' relate to the blog-post re the usual suspects: "In every conflict there are people who are described as ‘fifth columnists’. These are people who clandestinely or otherwise undermine a larger group such as a nation from within, in order to help an external enemy. The don’t see the external entity as an enemy because they share its aims and are therefore comfortable to side against their own people. They engage in propaganda and work actively promote the aims of the external entity." The omission was in the total lack of coverage from the BBC and The Guardian of yesterday's speech by the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. Autonomous Mind follows it up today with another stunner re "The truth Herman Van Rompuy is trying to hide".
"That fear which ferments inside the EU does indeed lead to egoism. One only needs to look at Van Rompuy or his colleague in the Commission, José Manuel Barroso, to see the rampant egoism and unswerving belief that they and their colleagues alone know best and that we must bend to their will. Because of the EU’s fear they try to stoke fear in people. They falsely claim that rejection of their creed leads to nationalism. They claim that sovereign, independent nation states will lead to war. It is a lie."
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Alright. 1964 pop art classic. "The contemporary and post-war art auction in New York has closed with another record sale – Roy Lichtenstein's "Ohhh... Alright" sold for $42.6 million (£26.4 million), taking the combined autumn sales to over $1 billion". Industrial painting pays.

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Offensive omnes

Hehehe...From Dizzy: "True equality is about being offensive to everyone right?". [Source]

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miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Orchestra onore...

Happy 82nd birthday to the composer of some of the best music in the best films ever...if you've got 11 minutes to spare THIS is the finale of one of the best of those best: Harmonica and Frank final showdown.

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Objurgating obscurantic objicients...

Tuition fee tossers, Tuition fee twats, call them what you will. Objurgating obscurantist objicients. Or, in other words: rebuking the objectors that deliberately prevent full facts/details becoming known. Riots in London, student protest turns violent. Lefty Marxist student rent-a-mob tagging along with the useful idiot NUS - that now decry such violence - complete coincidence they decided to route the march ending right next to Conservative HQ. Also, I wouldn't mind betting that anyone interviewed wouldn't have a fucking clue what the proposals were. Do they know that the student gets to repay the loan over 25 years and that is according to their ability to pay and that any outstanding tuition fee debt will be written-off. Or that graduates earning below £21,000/year wouldn't pay any real interest on loans. Where was this anger when Labour brought in tuition fees? Where is the press decrying the ridiculous state of affairs where 40 or 50% of students go to university thereby massaging unemployment figures and giving another excuse to import more immigrants because all those who before got jobs etc are now "forced" into higher education?

Let's look at this tripling of tuition fees: how much does it add to the typical student's probable debt/loan/etc. I know it's simplistic looking at the totals and assuming all students will be in the same boat, but anyway: does it triple it? No. Does it double it? No. Is it the same? No. Is it less? On the lower end, YES!!!! Look at the image left (click for BBC article) and add the current and proposed total, using 6000 which is the new lower cap and not 9000 quid which is the upper tier that universities 'can only charge' if they have sufficient access for poorer students i.e. better for poor families and better for any student because universities that are currently at full stretch due to Labour's fucking stupid equalisation social engineering fuck-fest would have more to invest in their education.

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martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Ows observation...

I just happened to notice something about Tamara Mellon's sofa. Guido posted the rather nice image that I copy here mentioning that she is among UK business envoys accompanying David Cameron to China. And why not: she is co-founder, president and chief creative officer of Jimmy Choo shoes and back in June was made an OBE (Officer of the British Empire) in recognition of her contributions to the fashion industry [exhibit A]. Anyway, the image above was taken by Terry Richardson for Interview Magazine back in April but since then Tamara has had Douglas Friedman for Harper's Bazaar in to take some shots too [exhibit B]...she has about 400 pairs of shoes in her closet by the way! Anyway, same sofa in all three images!!...of course It wasn't just the sofa I noticed, that cute pussy looks so cosy and relaxed.

P.S. Speaking of Choo, just remembered a really funny Spanish joke about Pamela Choo...yes, Ows has been drinking.

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Ows observation...

I just happened to notice something about Tamara Mellon's sofa. Guido posted the rather nice image that I copy here mentioning that she is among UK business envoys accompanying David Cameron to China. And why not: she is co-founder, president and chief creative officer of Jimmy Choo shoes and back in June was made an OBE (Officer of the British Empire) in recognition of her contributions to the fashion industry [exhibit A]. Anyway, the image above was taken by Terry Richardson for Interview Magazine back in April but since then Tamara has had Douglas Friedman for Harper's Bazaar in to take some shots too [exhibit B]...she has about 400 pairs of shoes in her closet by the way! Anyway, same sofa in all three images!!...of course It wasn't just the sofa I noticed, that cute pussy looks so cosy and relaxed.

P.S. Speaking of Choo, just remembered a really funny Spanish joke about Pamela Choo...yes, Ows has been drinking.

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sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Oncoming Olympian oarsmen...

Congratulations to Great Britain's rowers: not only did GB's lightweight men's four of win gold - marking the moment when GB won a hat-trick of Olympic-class golds at a World Championships for the first time in history - but they also broke GB's world championships gold medal record. This gold adds to the lightweight men's double scull and the women's quadruple scull golds plus further medals: two silvers and a bronze to their overall tally today. GB has more chances of medals tomorrow 7th November when the last seven medal finals will be decided on the closing day of the 2010 World Rowing Championships at Lake Karapiro (NZ): both eights will be racing as well as both double sculls and the lightweight men's single scull final.

Update Sunday 7th: a further gold and two silvers put GB on top. "Great Britain finished the event, 21 months from the start of London 2012, with four gold medals, four silvers and a bronze from the 14 Olympic-class events, plus a gold and silver from Paralympic events." [BBC]

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viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Orange opus...

Remember, remember the 5th of November...for the Glorious Revolution! The sensible revolution, the conservative revolution, the [relatively] Bloodless Revolution; this War of the English Succession leading to diplomatic and economic revolution.
"It is both certain and evident to all men, that the public peace and happiness of any state or kingdom cannot be preserved, where the Laws, Liberties, and Customs, established by the lawful authority in it, are openly transgressed and annulled; more especially where the alteration of Religion is endeavoured, and that a religion, which is contrary to law, is endeavoured to be introduced; upon which those who are most immediately concerned in it are indispensably bound to endeavour to preserve and maintain the established Laws, Liberties and customs, and, above all, the Religion and Worship of God, that is established among them; and to take such an effectual care, that the inhabitants of the said state or kingdom may neither be deprived of their Religion, nor of their Civil Rights."
William of Orange.

About 83 years previously something else happened on November 5th, with some Catholic terrorists and some gunpowder. Treason. His Grace Archbishop Cranmer has as good a blogpost as any about treason and this other Euro Catholic affair.

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Oldham onceover...

"If we don't get the white folk angry he's gone." he is now! The Labour Party's new shadow immigration minister, Phil Woolas, was ejected for breaching election laws.
"For the first time in 99 years a specially convened election court has overturned the result of a parliamentary poll and ordered a rerun after two high court judges ruled the result of the Oldham East [General Election] poll void."
[The Guardian]

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miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Oklahoma outlaws...

OK, Oklahoma. Looking at the shape of the state it clearly points west! And yesterday the public confirmed that they want to keep pointing west when, what had been on the cards since May/June, was passed; back then a ban on local courts considering Sharia or other international law in their rulings was proposed. Well they voted 70 to 30% in favour of the ban (incidentally, at the same time they voted by 75 to 25% to keep English as the official language). See those votes and the outcome of the other proposals HERE. The proposal was really down to those that think the U.S. may be at risk of falling under Sharia law and they point to examples in Europe and especially the UK where "Muslims can enter special Sharia courts to decide divorce and custody cases if both parties agree. Criminal and other civil cases are still heard in secular courts." The proposal is also very specific: "
The measure amends the state constitution to forbid "courts from considering or using Sharia Law." It defines Sharia as Islamic law "based on two principal sources, the Koran and the teaching of Mohammed."
That quote from the War Room of the Salon magazine (click on image). Last week in the LA Times Nicholas Riccardi quoted Saad Mohammed of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City saying that,
"'It's just a scare tactic.' On the other hand, he added, since there is no Sharia in Oklahoma, the amendment is also largely harmless"... ... "Whether it passes or not, I don't think it's going to affect anyone."'
Well if it's harmelss then you've got no reason to worry then have you? However, I disagree: now this has passed - and by a convincing majority - I think other States, certainly some of those in the cental US, away from the more liberal East and West Coasts, will start a drive for similar proposals in their States. Ojala. ;-)

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martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


Speechless..."Authorities in Spain were today trying to decide what to do with a 10-year-old girl and the baby she gave birth to last week..."

"Doctors remarked that the baby was welcomed into the new family, who said that childbirth at a young age was not abnormal in their native Romania"...sometimes it's hard to understand other cultures.

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lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Obstipated obstrobogulous oaf...

Un poco loco en el coco, Coco not Crusty: the clown continues...he is now being more of a showman, teasing the audience by stating beforehand that he would be announcing another takeover just to keep everyone's attention. And Benedict Mander at the FT missed one out! He writes "Expropriate it! The Chavez approach to Venezuela’s housing shortage", "What do a steel company, urban development projects and golf courses all have in common?". Well add to that the cacao producers; Chavez said, after inviting "everyone to help us to become an important cocoa producer again" that he would seize cocoa processing companies if they did not join "a strategic agreement with the State...again? What the fuck have you done then? Venezuela is home to some of the finest chocolate, "Together with Ecuador, Venezuela produces about 70% of the world's fine cocoa"...say the Nestle sponsored Cocoa Plan but I guess Hugo is on about quantity not quality**. Anyway, more doom and gloom. The golf course bit was classic Chavez, clearly to him only the whiskey-swilling, evil bourgeois play golf but his twattishness could lead to more trouble; he is inciting Venezuelans to take any land they think isn't being used correctly.

** The highest quality cacao comes from the Criollo variety and one of the largest producers of Criollo beans is Venezuela (however, it has lower yields and is not as disease resistant)

P.S. On a calmer and more flippant note, Ows likes chocolate; here's all you could possibly want to know: odd orgasmic ordeal (it get's serious after about 3 paragraphs and it's worth getting to the end!)

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Objicient opinions...

A few good articles this morning. Below are a couple that are well worth a read: The first, three posts from Prodicus highlighting the slick and slimey quangocracy and Euro crapocracy and their high-on-the-hog piss-taking; mainly quoting from a great article in last month's issue of The American Spectator: Politics as a Profession by Roger Scruton.
"There is now a well-trodden career path from the politicized NGOs of the left, via the left-leaning quangos, to high office in the Labour Party and thence to the lucrative bureaucracies of the European Union. The Parliamentary Labour Party now consists almost entirely of career politicians who have spent their lives spending other people's money and providing ideological reasons for stealing more of it."
"An astonishing example is Baroness Ashton..."; Prodicus reminds us that Baroness Ashton - EU foreign secretary - gets a salary of £313,213 (** 25% more than Obama!) a year not including vast and generous expenses, will get an annual pension of £62,925 after only five or six years and will get moving expenses and a golden handshake of £445,674. Now, being able to get by in a few languages myself I was stunned to read that Ashton is learning French, Scruton writes:
"When our country had control of its foreign relations, a knowledge of French was the first requirement for any position in foreign affairs. Now, it seems, you can reach the very summit of European politics with no qualifications at all."
My emphasis in bold mainly because I toyed with the idea of a FCO or similar job when I returned from South America and know what he says was certainly a requirement. Unfuckingbelievable...
(** = Obama's salary is USD400K).

Anyway, the second blog that strikes a cord with me today, from Raedwald on Labour's Institutional Corruption and the fact that it comes as no surprise that the UK has slipped down the Transparency International corruption league; that 'Labour have left the entire public sector institutionally corrupt' with their failed social experiments.
"Until we return this nation to one in which fairness and equity reign, where merit alone, blind of colour, creed, class or sex, is the sole determinant of the benison of employment at the taxpayer's expense, we will languish amongst the corrupt nations of the world."
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