jueves, 24 de febrero de 2022

Obnubilated or officially overlooked?...

..."excess all cause mortality vs 2020 jumped from negative levels (blue) to positive (orange) and stayed that way for most of the year... that is very much the opposite of what one would expect if vaccines were working, especially given higher rates of natural immunity and depletion of vulnerable cohorts."

Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banks and Big State...they run everything and have made the scamdemic 1000x worse and it is now truly unravelling fast: they forgot to include one 'Big' in their scheme and they need to pay up quick or the whole can of worms will smother them: the Insurance companies will need compensating/sating to keep quiet...Eugyppius and the bad cat are full of the numbers: German insurer "claiming side effects are MUCH higher than public data claims". Andreas Schöfbeck of BKK ProVita (a large German Insurer) said "The figures we have found are substantial and demand urgent verification.

Update from Eugyppius says: "The data represents 10,937,716 German insured, over 13% of the country. The data comprises the first six months of 2021, and about half of the billing records for the third quarter of 2021. This is an extremely partial picture of the vaccine side effects, excluding much of the booster campaign here.

This is hard on the heals [oops, forgive the pun] heels of similar news last month from a CEO of a major Insurance Company in the USA who said deaths were Up 40% on the norm, news which the offical data seems to support!

Correlation is not causation but like the bad cat says: 
and if this is not quite a smoking gun, it certainly does look like an awful lot of smoke in the known vicinity of a firearm to simply ignore

martes, 22 de febrero de 2022

Observations and observances II...

Or Observations and observances two...too, to, tu, tutu...THIS was at the beginning of the month and today on the downward slope out of the month...but still worth seeing: it's 22:22, 22/2/22. ooooh.


Red tutu white tutu blue tutu

Observations and observances II...

Or Observations and observances two...too, to, tu, tutu...THIS was at the beginning of the month and today on the downward slope out of the month...but still worth seeing: it's 22:22, 22/2/22. ooooh.

Red tutu white tutu blue tutu

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2022

Only one oasis...

Firstly, this outstanding artwork displayed in the image is available to buy from BOB. 'Dictator' original artwork
GBP10,000.00: "painted on 300gsm watercolour paper and is rendered in Indian ink and watercolours. Size approximately 30cm". I think Bob Moran covers just about every aspect of the sad woke arrogant narcissistic evil that is Justin Trudeau and his current weak attempt at being a dictator in Canada. No exaggeration: "His reaction to a peaceful demonstration has come straight out of a dictator’s playbook. His behaviour has been an affront to all so-called freedom loving democratic nations." says Mark Dolan on GB News

Anyhooo, this blog-post title 'Only one oasis' is of course Ows humour - stolen from someone somewhere online, where or whom I can't recall - for 'just a waterhole', or juste en trou d'eau in French, which of course is Justin Trudeau (I'll get my coat...). Castrito of course is no longer the glistening sweet fresh water he seemed to be, no oasis in the desert but a stagnant bio-film slime covered dirty puddle: shallow, ugly and dangerous.

Interestingly, as reported earlier last week, Castrito called on the Big Banks and Big Tech* to help restore public order by seizing donations, 'outing' those who donated, and threatening freezing corporate AND personal bank accounts: all the while calling the peaceful protestors (not a single violent episode in the whole period) racists, misogynists, terrorists and even 'people who wave swastikas'. 

Many things about this should worry everyone and yet STILL not a single Western leader has condemned anything about the Canadian situation...in fact isn't the deafening silence something else that should worry us all? Yes. Credit to the exceptions (to the quote below I would add NZ, also led by an increasingly shaky sounding weak and dangerous zealot, shaky because I actually think she believed the shit she was spouting and is only now trying to see how she can get out of the hole): 
"The real war is not in Ukraine, it’s in Canada, Australia, France, Brussels, England, Germany, Italy...They just want you to look the other way."

* Big State, Big Banks and Big Tech...just need Big Pharma to get involved and the set is complete.

[Update 17:35 hrs] great article on Pipeline from David Solway: Who Is Justin Trudeau?..."But all of his policy aberrations and cringeworthy absurdities count for little in the light of his latest adventure in political grotesquery. "

And from Tom Luongo, [LINK] Trampling the Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening: "The Great Reset rests on tyrants like Justin Trudeau to win through fear, intimidation and the banal corruption of weak people to support them."

Only one oasis...

Firstly, this outstanding artwork displayed in the image is available to buy from BOB. 'Dictator' original artworkGBP10,000.00: "painted on 300gsm watercolour paper and is rendered in Indian ink and watercolours. Size approximately 30cm". I think Bob Moran covers just about every aspect of the sad woke arrogant narcissistic evil that is Justin Trudeau and his current weak attempt at being a dictator in Canada. No exaggeration: "His reaction to a peaceful demonstration has come straight out of a dictator’s playbook. His behaviour has been an affront to all so-called freedom loving democratic nations." says Mark Dolan on GB News

Anyhooo, this blog-post title 'Only one oasis' is of course Ows humour - stolen from someone somewhere online, where or whom I can't recall - for 'just a waterhole', or juste en trou d'eau in French, which of course is Justin Trudeau (I'll get my coat...). Castrito of course is no longer the glistening sweet fresh water he seemed to be, no oasis in the desert but a stagnant bio-film slime covered dirty puddle: shallow, ugly and dangerous.

Interestingly, as reported earlier last week, Castrito called on the Big Banks and Big Tech* to help restore public order by seizing donations, 'outing' those who donated, and threatening freezing corporate AND personal bank accounts: all the while calling the peaceful protestors (not a single violent episode in the whole period) racists, misogynists, terrorists and even 'people who wave swastikas'. 

Many things about this should worry everyone and yet STILL not a single Western leader has condemned anything about the Canadian situation...in fact isn't the deafening silence something else that should worry us all? Yes. Credit to the exceptions (to the quote below I would add NZ, also led by an increasingly shaky sounding weak and dangerous zealot, shaky because I actually think she believed the shit she was spouting and is only now trying to see how she can get out of the hole): 
"The real war is not in Ukraine, it’s in Canada, Australia, France, Brussels, England, Germany, Italy...They just want you to look the other way."
* Big State, Big Banks and Big Tech...just need Big Pharma to get involved and the set is complete.

[Update 17:35 hrs] great article on Pipeline from David Solway: Who Is Justin Trudeau?..."But all of his policy aberrations and cringeworthy absurdities count for little in the light of his latest adventure in political grotesquery. "

And from Tom Luongo, [LINK] Trampling the Truckers – The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening: "The Great Reset rests on tyrants like Justin Trudeau to win through fear, intimidation and the banal corruption of weak people to support them."

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2022

Obloquy over obvious opposition of our orthodoxy...

...or, what a disgrace the BBC continues to prove themselves to be: Surprise, surprise! Next BBC Religion Editor is yet another Muslim, so "The last three people in charge of religious broadcasting and a commissioning editor appointed by the BBC have been British Asians, three of them Muslims and one from a Muslim family."...bit of a coincidence nothing more; no conspiracy to see here, they were the best qualified for the job, honest!
"It could be seen as a deliberate expression of the scorn which those in the upper echelons of the BBC hold towards Christianity and the British values which come from it, and the promotion and normalisation of Islam."

...writes Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack on The Conservative Woman. Yes, it 'could'. 

Dr. Campbell-Jack is a retired Presbyterian minister so has a dog in the fight I would say but to be honest this should piss us all off and is just typical of the anti-British BBC whose bias is becoming legendary; they simply hate all and everything about the U.K. and especially England. Fuck 'em. 

I suppose the new guy could be a Christian, right? After all, he did walk The Road to Bethlehem, "from Nazareth to Bethlehem, retracing a journey made by Joseph and Mary in the New Testament story of Jesus' birth". More than most Christians! The diary of that journey makes for genuinely interesting reading and Aleem was mistaken as both a Jewish settler and a Palestinian "and so, perhaps, a potential attacker". 

But no, Aleem Maqbool is a very Urdu name and as a previous Pakistan Correspondent (and Gaza/West Bank Correspondent) I'm sure he is in fact...yep,  a Muslim. And reading his BLM love-in (mainly Melina Abdullah quotes) you just know he'll fit in perfectly. 

The BBC tell us  Aleem will take up the new position in Spring 2022, presumably just in time for the Census 21 results [ONS UK Gov] so we'll be able to see how the Muslim population in the UK has grown (yes, I know we won't) but it'll highlight the BBC's fuckwittery. Why not rotate the role? Why not appoint a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Sikh a 'no stated religion' or even - God forbid - a Christian?!!

Obloquy over obvious opposition of our orthodoxy...

...or, what a disgrace the BBC continues to prove themselves to be: Surprise, surprise! Next BBC Religion Editor is yet another Muslim, so "The last three people in charge of religious broadcasting and a commissioning editor appointed by the BBC have been British Asians, three of them Muslims and one from a Muslim family."...bit of a coincidence nothing more; no conspiracy to see here, they were the best qualified for the job, honest!
"It could be seen as a deliberate expression of the scorn which those in the upper echelons of the BBC hold towards Christianity and the British values which come from it, and the promotion and normalisation of Islam."
...writes Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack on The Conservative Woman. Yes, it 'could'. 

Dr. Campbell-Jack is a retired Presbyterian minister so has a dog in the fight I would say but to be honest this should piss us all off and is just typical of the anti-British BBC whose bias is becoming legendary; they simply hate all and everything about the U.K. and especially England. Fuck 'em. 

I suppose the new guy could be a Christian, right? After all, he did walk The Road to Bethlehem, "from Nazareth to Bethlehem, retracing a journey made by Joseph and Mary in the New Testament story of Jesus' birth". More than most Christians! The diary of that journey makes for genuinely interesting reading and Aleem was mistaken as both a Jewish settler and a Palestinian "and so, perhaps, a potential attacker". 

But no, Aleem Maqbool is a very Urdu name and as a previous Pakistan Correspondent (and Gaza/West Bank Correspondent) I'm sure he is in fact...yep,  a Muslim. And reading his BLM love-in (mainly Melina Abdullah quotes) you just know he'll fit in perfectly. 

The BBC tell us  Aleem will take up the new position in Spring 2022, presumably just in time for the Census 21 results [ONS UK Gov] so we'll be able to see how the Muslim population in the UK has grown (yes, I know we won't) but it'll highlight the BBC's fuckwittery. Why not rotate the role? Why not appoint a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Sikh a 'no stated religion' or even - God forbid - a Christian?!!

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2022

Oblectation over one outstanding...

Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fid Def 

From The Royalists UK [Twitter feed"70 photographs for 70 years: As we approach Accession Day and the start of Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we are publishing 70 photographs for 70 years of service. Thank you, Your Majesty." 

Queen's Jubilee Medal [Forces.net] "The Platinum Jubilee medal will be given out to members of the Armed Forces... ..."The medals will also be given out to frontline emergency service workers, prison service staff and members of the Royal Household."

Today Queen Elizabeth II marks the 70th anniversary of her reign; it is unique: no other British monarch has ever reached this milestone; she is the longest-reigning incumbent monarch and the longest-reigning female monarch in history.

Oblectation over one outstanding...

Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fid Def 

From The Royalists UK [Twitter feed"70 photographs for 70 years: As we approach Accession Day and the start of Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we are publishing 70 photographs for 70 years of service. Thank you, Your Majesty." 

Queen's Jubilee Medal [Forces.net] "The Platinum Jubilee medal will be given out to members of the Armed Forces... ..."The medals will also be given out to frontline emergency service workers, prison service staff and members of the Royal Household."
Today Queen Elizabeth II marks the 70th anniversary of her reign; it is unique: no other British monarch has ever reached this milestone; she is the longest-reigning incumbent monarch and the longest-reigning female monarch in history.

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2022

Or once on...

...[the jab hamster wheel] is it riskier to jump off than to stay on?" asked Jean. Radagast - the blog author - replies "You’ll have to jump off at some point. Better to do it earlier than later." Faultless logic really. 

Please read this [Link] from RINTRAH (simply 'the online diary of a Dutch man.'): 'Suppression of the innate immune system: The main cause of the pandemic of the fully vaccinated' 

"It wasn’t immediately obvious that the vaccines increase infection risk by disabling innate immunity, because initially your body is flooded with effective neutralizing antibodies against this virus. It’s only once the antibodies begin to wane, that it becomes clear that the main methods your body normally uses to prevent or abort infection have been disabled.

And if you understand that this is what has happened, then you also understand how this happened" 

Hat-tip in the comments from of the following link: the Naked Emperor's latest post: A Picture is worth a Thousand Words. or a graph

More from RINTRAH (please read the whole thing...and the comments).
You don’t have to believe me anymore, at this point you can just look at the numbers coming out daily. If these vaccines could solve the problem for us, you wouldn’t be seeing:

-Record deaths in Israel

-Record ICU admissions in Israel

-Record cases in Israel


-Record cases throughout highly vaccinated regions of the world

-Unexplainable excess mortality that seems to come and go together with different variants of this virus

-People who continually get reinfected

All of these are irreconcilable with a vaccine that works. We’ve seen ninety percent of Israeli elderly above 60 receive three doses of this vaccine. The pandemic is supposed to be over in Israel but it’s not, they’re doing worse than ever before.
The conclusion: "The fact that there’s a sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus doesn’t suddenly make the process easier, it mainly makes us less critical about potential flaws and risks involved.

And now you can see the consequences of that."

Another report saying something similar (pre print and not peer reviewed) HERE: Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, et al. Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs. Authorea. January 21, 2022.

DOI: 10.22541/au.164276411.10570847/v1

And just for fun: Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe [Nature]

And off on a tangent: I agree entirely with Francis Hoar: the problems we are facing and will face are not the fault of Covid 19 or even SARS CoV 2, it is "the worst public policy decision in peace time." To be fair he has been saying similar for the whole pandemic period.

Or once on...

...[the jab hamster wheel] is it riskier to jump off than to stay on?" asked Jean. Radagast - the blog author - replies "You’ll have to jump off at some point. Better to do it earlier than later." Faultless logic really. 

Please read this [Link] from RINTRAH (simply 'the online diary of a Dutch man.'): 'Suppression of the innate immune system: The main cause of the pandemic of the fully vaccinated' 

"It wasn’t immediately obvious that the vaccines increase infection risk by disabling innate immunity, because initially your body is flooded with effective neutralizing antibodies against this virus. It’s only once the antibodies begin to wane, that it becomes clear that the main methods your body normally uses to prevent or abort infection have been disabled. And if you understand that this is what has happened, then you also understand how this happened" 

Hat-tip in the comments from of the following link: the Naked Emperor's latest post: A Picture is worth a Thousand Words. or a graph

More from RINTRAH (please read the whole thing...and the comments).
You don’t have to believe me anymore, at this point you can just look at the numbers coming out daily. If these vaccines could solve the problem for us, you wouldn’t be seeing:

-Record deaths in Israel

-Record ICU admissions in Israel

-Record cases in Israel


-Record cases throughout highly vaccinated regions of the world

-Unexplainable excess mortality that seems to come and go together with different variants of this virus

-People who continually get reinfected

All of these are irreconcilable with a vaccine that works. We’ve seen ninety percent of Israeli elderly above 60 receive three doses of this vaccine. The pandemic is supposed to be over in Israel but it’s not, they’re doing worse than ever before.
The conclusion: "The fact that there’s a sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus doesn’t suddenly make the process easier, it mainly makes us less critical about potential flaws and risks involved.

And now you can see the consequences of that."

Another report saying something similar (pre print and not peer reviewed) HERE: Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, et al. Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs. Authorea. January 21, 2022.

DOI: 10.22541/au.164276411.10570847/v1

And just for fun: Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe [Nature]

And off on a tangent: I agree entirely with Francis Hoar: the problems we are facing and will face are not the fault of Covid 19 or even SARS CoV 2, it is "the worst public policy decision in peace time." To be fair he has been saying similar for the whole pandemic period.

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2022

Observations and observances...

Candlemas Marmota monax Twos Day not Twosday

Well, what a month so far...a new moon in Aquarius (not quite dawning of the age...) and the Year of the Tiger starting; always been good for me. And today, well, Candlemas (snowdrops), Groundhog Day and the tutu...so it's said: well, today is obviously the first of a few palindrome dates this month: 2/2/22, Twos Day, not to be confused with Twosday (22/2/22..which is a Tuesday!). Love it.

btw, click on the images for info.

Observations and observances...

Candlemas Marmota monax Twos Day not Twosday

Well, what a month so far...a new moon in Aquarius (not quite dawning of the age...) and the Year of the Tiger starting; always been good for me. And today, well, Candlemas (snowdrops), Groundhog Day and the tutu...so it's said: well, today is obviously the first of a few palindrome dates this month: 2/2/22, Twos Day, not to be confused with Twosday (22/2/22..which is a Tuesday!). Love it.

btw, click on the images for info.