viernes, 18 de febrero de 2022

Obloquy over obvious opposition of our orthodoxy...

...or, what a disgrace the BBC continues to prove themselves to be: Surprise, surprise! Next BBC Religion Editor is yet another Muslim, so "The last three people in charge of religious broadcasting and a commissioning editor appointed by the BBC have been British Asians, three of them Muslims and one from a Muslim family."...bit of a coincidence nothing more; no conspiracy to see here, they were the best qualified for the job, honest!
"It could be seen as a deliberate expression of the scorn which those in the upper echelons of the BBC hold towards Christianity and the British values which come from it, and the promotion and normalisation of Islam."
...writes Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack on The Conservative Woman. Yes, it 'could'. 

Dr. Campbell-Jack is a retired Presbyterian minister so has a dog in the fight I would say but to be honest this should piss us all off and is just typical of the anti-British BBC whose bias is becoming legendary; they simply hate all and everything about the U.K. and especially England. Fuck 'em. 

I suppose the new guy could be a Christian, right? After all, he did walk The Road to Bethlehem, "from Nazareth to Bethlehem, retracing a journey made by Joseph and Mary in the New Testament story of Jesus' birth". More than most Christians! The diary of that journey makes for genuinely interesting reading and Aleem was mistaken as both a Jewish settler and a Palestinian "and so, perhaps, a potential attacker". 

But no, Aleem Maqbool is a very Urdu name and as a previous Pakistan Correspondent (and Gaza/West Bank Correspondent) I'm sure he is in fact...yep,  a Muslim. And reading his BLM love-in (mainly Melina Abdullah quotes) you just know he'll fit in perfectly. 

The BBC tell us  Aleem will take up the new position in Spring 2022, presumably just in time for the Census 21 results [ONS UK Gov] so we'll be able to see how the Muslim population in the UK has grown (yes, I know we won't) but it'll highlight the BBC's fuckwittery. Why not rotate the role? Why not appoint a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Sikh a 'no stated religion' or even - God forbid - a Christian?!!

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