sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

Only one over...

"[Fraser Nelson] came across a striking fact while researching this piece: if Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US how would we rank? The answer is that we’d be the 2nd-poorest state in the union, poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi, and if you take out the south east we’d be poorer than that too." Holy crap. In The Spectator today: Why Britain is poorer than any US state, other than Mississippi.

Only one over...

"[Fraser Nelson] came across a striking fact while researching this piece: if Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US how would we rank? The answer is that we’d be the 2nd-poorest state in the union, poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi, and if you take out the south east we’d be poorer than that too." Holy crap. In The Spectator today: Why Britain is poorer than any US state, other than Mississippi.

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Obvious obstrobogulous observations...

"Le nostre sofferenze di oggi sono il preludio di quelle che subirete anche voi europei e cristiani occidentali nel prossimo futuro... "...I vostri principi liberali e democratici qui non valgono nulla. Occorre che ripensiate alla nostra realtà in Medio Oriente perché state accogliendo nei vostri Paesi un numero sempre crescente di musulmani. Anche voi siete a rischio. Dovete prendere decisioni forti e coraggiose, a costo di contraddire i vostri principi. Voi pensate che gli uomini sono tutti uguali. Ma non è vero. L’Islam non dice che gli uomini sono tutti uguali."

"Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future... "...Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal."

Hat-tip: Cranmer. Source: Corriere della Sera

Obvious obstrobogulous observations...

"Le nostre sofferenze di oggi sono il preludio di quelle che subirete anche voi europei e cristiani occidentali nel prossimo futuro... "...I vostri principi liberali e democratici qui non valgono nulla. Occorre che ripensiate alla nostra realtà in Medio Oriente perché state accogliendo nei vostri Paesi un numero sempre crescente di musulmani. Anche voi siete a rischio. Dovete prendere decisioni forti e coraggiose, a costo di contraddire i vostri principi. Voi pensate che gli uomini sono tutti uguali. Ma non è vero. L’Islam non dice che gli uomini sono tutti uguali."

"Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future... "...Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal."

Hat-tip: Cranmer. Source: Corriere della Sera

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Odze on...

[Edited: 'dead' video/image removed]
Possibly the most heartening news this morning is re the visit by a group of British Jews and Israelis to Bradford in obvious and excellent defiance to racist fucktard George Galloway who had recently said that the city should be an "Israel free zone". The group, led by Rabbi Shneur Odze who is also a UKIP candidate, took the trip this weekend "to defend the British sense of fair play and tolerance" [Link: Breitbart]

Even better: HERE is a petition calling for Mr Galloway to be prosecuted for hate speech under the Public Order Act 1986. And Bradford will be happy because "the local tourist office in Bradford has received a surge of requests for brochures from British Jews". In case you wondered Owsblog's opinion is strongly pro Israeli and happy to debate with anyone who isn't fully blinkered and willing to learn the facts. 

Odze on...

[Edited: 'dead' video/image removed] Possibly the most heartening news this morning is re the visit by a group of British Jews and Israelis to Bradford in obvious and excellent defiance to racist fucktard George Galloway who had recently said that the city should be an "Israel free zone". The group, led by Rabbi Shneur Odze who is also a UKIP candidate, took the trip this weekend "to defend the British sense of fair play and tolerance" [Link: Breitbart] Even better: HERE is a petition calling for Mr Galloway to be prosecuted for hate speech under the Public Order Act 1986. And Bradford will be happy because "the local tourist office in Bradford has received a surge of requests for brochures from British Jews". In case you wondered Owsblog's opinion is strongly pro Israeli and happy to debate with anyone who isn't fully blinkered and willing to learn the facts. 

Odze on...

Possibly the most heartening news this morning is re the visit by a group of British Jews and Israelis to Bradford in obvious and excellent defiance to racist fucktard George Galloway who had recently said that the city should be an "Israel free zone". The group, led by Rabbi Shneur Odze who is also a UKIP candidate, took the trip this weekend "to defend the British sense of fair play and tolerance" [Link: Breitbart] Even better: HERE is a petition calling for Mr Galloway to be prosecuted for hate speech under the Public Order Act 1986. And Bradford will be happy because "the local tourist office in Bradford has received a surge of requests for brochures from British Jews". In case you wondered Owsblog's opinion is strongly pro Israeli and happy to debate with anyone who isn't fully blinkered and willing to learn the facts. 

lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

Ottoman overkill...

Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red is an installation at the Tower of London's dry moat and "it will continue to grow throughout the summer until the moat is filled with 888,246 ceramic poppies, each poppy representing a British or Colonial military fatality during the war." Link

The war to end all wars...the Great War. It certainly wasn't the former but there are those who don't wish to call it the latter either; I disagree, I know vocabulary usage changes but really nobody thinks it refers to 'great' as in good. Yesterday, 100 years ago Germany attacked France; today 100 years ago Germany invaded Belgium and in response Belgium and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany (also, the USA declared its neutrality). The numbers are horrifying: almost ten million military dead (9,911,000), 7,750,000 missing (mostly presumed dead), over 21 million wounded. [Wiki]. Russia had the greatest number of deaths (civilian and military combined), almost 2% of the population but some countries lost over 10% of the entire population (Serbia); an oft forgotten or ignored fact is that in the Ottoman Empire lost almost 15% of its then population: in fact taking civilian deaths from all causes (military action, crimes against humanity, malnutrition, disease etc.) the Ottoman Empire accounts for 33% of the total civilian deaths of WWI. Obviously this includes the deaths from the 'policy of extermination' i.e. Armenian Genocide and other ethnic groups like the Assyrians and Greeks, similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during the WWI period.

When we remember the military dead, soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice, please remember too the not inconsiderable 7.5 million civilians who lost their lives.

P.S. I donate monthly to The Royal British Legion, please help too if you can.

Ottoman overkill...

Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red is an installation at the Tower of London's dry moat and "it will continue to grow throughout the summer until the moat is filled with 888,246 ceramic poppies, each poppy representing a British or Colonial military fatality during the war." Link

The war to end all wars...the Great War. It certainly wasn't the former but there are those who don't wish to call it the latter either; I disagree, I know vocabulary usage changes but really nobody thinks it refers to 'great' as in good. Yesterday, 100 years ago Germany attacked France; today 100 years ago Germany invaded Belgium and in response Belgium and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany (also, the USA declared its neutrality). The numbers are horrifying: almost ten million military dead (9,911,000), 7,750,000 missing (mostly presumed dead), over 21 million wounded. [Wiki]. Russia had the greatest number of deaths (civilian and military combined), almost 2% of the population but some countries lost over 10% of the entire population (Serbia); an oft forgotten or ignored fact is that in the Ottoman Empire lost almost 15% of its then population: in fact taking civilian deaths from all causes (military action, crimes against humanity, malnutrition, disease etc.) the Ottoman Empire accounts for 33% of the total civilian deaths of WWI. Obviously this includes the deaths from the 'policy of extermination' i.e. Armenian Genocide and other ethnic groups like the Assyrians and Greeks, similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during the WWI period.

When we remember the military dead, soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice, please remember too the not inconsiderable 7.5 million civilians who lost their lives.

P.S. I donate monthly to The Royal British Legion, please help too if you can.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Overpaid officials?...

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From ZeroHedge (by Steve Hanke of The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore):"The EU fiscal austerity bandwagon keeps rolling on with Matteo Renzi, Italian Prime Minister and current President of the EU, holding the reigns. Indeed, Renzi recently went so far as to form an anti-austerity coalition with France and Spain. According to the coalition, its members simply cannot impose further spending cuts. They assert that their budgets have been cut to the bone. This claim is ludicrous.To be honest, mostly they are not 'overpaid' in terms of salary (except for Italy!); 3 or 4 times would be acceptable IMHO but let's not forget that most of these salaries are more than boosted (often at least doubled) by expenses etc.  

Overpaid officials?...

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From ZeroHedge (by Steve Hanke of The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore):"The EU fiscal austerity bandwagon keeps rolling on with Matteo Renzi, Italian Prime Minister and current President of the EU, holding the reigns. Indeed, Renzi recently went so far as to form an anti-austerity coalition with France and Spain. According to the coalition, its members simply cannot impose further spending cuts. They assert that their budgets have been cut to the bone. This claim is ludicrous.To be honest, mostly they are not 'overpaid' in terms of salary (except for Italy!); 3 or 4 times would be acceptable IMHO but let's not forget that most of these salaries are more than boosted (often at least doubled) by expenses etc.