sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Offendotrons* 'objectification' obsession...

Protein World's ad has caused the usual uproar** and - as is often the case - "punters are actively purchasing the products the campaigners want banned, as a sort of protest against the protest" writes Martin Daubney at Brietbart; "So it is that, in an era when most life-threatening problems have been solved in the West, Social Justice Warriors construct and angrily confabulate new, First World Problems... ...It’s become something of a 24/7 Twitter soap opera, an X-Factor for the perpetually offended: a constant, noisy audition to a global network of like-minded Offendotrons..." [*borrowed that! Thanks].

"So, in affirmation of all the campaigners haven’t learned since the days of 1920 Prohibition and through punk rock: controversy and banning orders create demand and shift units."

"We've added 5000 new customers. Sales are booming" say Protein World (male bodies on show too). They're only trying to help: it's all about nutrition; they also have a Little Black Dress challenge (PDF). Excellent!

** Uproar for some, phwoar for others, me included; heelloooo Renee Somerfield. 

Offendotrons* 'objectification' obsession...

Protein World's ad has caused the usual uproar** and - as is often the case - "punters are actively purchasing the products the campaigners want banned, as a sort of protest against the protest" writes Martin Daubney at Brietbart; "So it is that, in an era when most life-threatening problems have been solved in the West, Social Justice Warriors construct and angrily confabulate new, First World Problems... ...It’s become something of a 24/7 Twitter soap opera, an X-Factor for the perpetually offended: a constant, noisy audition to a global network of like-minded Offendotrons..." [*borrowed that! Thanks].
"So, in affirmation of all the campaigners haven’t learned since the days of 1920 Prohibition and through punk rock: controversy and banning orders create demand and shift units."
"We've added 5000 new customers. Sales are booming" say Protein World (male bodies on show too). They're only trying to help: it's all about nutrition; they also have a Little Black Dress challenge (PDF). Excellent!

** Uproar for some, phwoar for others, me included; heelloooo Renee Somerfield. 

Outer oblectation...

[edit 17:45] Snow, ice and cold beats sun, sand and heat in the happiness stakes it would seem; or as Bloomberg tells us "Happiness seems to be most abundant a long way from the equator"... ..."The 10 happiest countries are Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia"  ... and "Except for war-torn Syria and Afghanistan, the 10 unhappiest countries are all in Saharan or sub-Saharan Africa" in the World Happiness Report 2015, measuring not GDP/GNP but gross national happiness [GNH]. The UK is just off the left hand chart at #21. 

Outer oblectation...

[edit 17:45] Snow, ice and cold beats sun, sand and heat in the happiness stakes it would seem; or as Bloomberg tells us "Happiness seems to be most abundant a long way from the equator"... ..."The 10 happiest countries are Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia"  ... and "Except for war-torn Syria and Afghanistan, the 10 unhappiest countries are all in Saharan or sub-Saharan Africa" in the World Happiness Report 2015, measuring not GDP/GNP but gross national happiness [GNH]. The UK is just off the left hand chart at #21. 

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Obnoxious ostentation...

Bravo James Bartholomew: now I know what to call it: virtue signalling!

"There was a time when Britain had a form of Christianity in which pride was considered a sin. Maybe that is part of why some of us find all this virtue signalling obnoxious. It’s just showing off. For some of us it is both ridiculous and irritating that people who say that they hate Ukip actually believe they are being more virtuous than others who visit the sick, give money to charity or are kind to someone lonely. But the widespread way in which people now proudly boast suggests there is no shame, no reflection..."

By no means exclusively of the Left, they don't quite have a monopoly, but it is certainly more widespread amongst the liberal-leftie 'do-gooders' who very rarely seem to actually DO any good - "No one actually has to do anything" - preferring to leave it to 'Society' BUT, you know where I'm going with this, don't you? (btw, nearly 28 years ago! Jeez).

Obnoxious ostentation...

Bravo James Bartholomew: now I know what to call it: virtue signalling!
"There was a time when Britain had a form of Christianity in which pride was considered a sin. Maybe that is part of why some of us find all this virtue signalling obnoxious. It’s just showing off. For some of us it is both ridiculous and irritating that people who say that they hate Ukip actually believe they are being more virtuous than others who visit the sick, give money to charity or are kind to someone lonely. But the widespread way in which people now proudly boast suggests there is no shame, no reflection..."
By no means exclusively of the Left, they don't quite have a monopoly, but it is certainly more widespread amongst the liberal-leftie 'do-gooders' who very rarely seem to actually DO any good - "No one actually has to do anything" - preferring to leave it to 'Society' BUT, you know where I'm going with this, don't you? (btw, nearly 28 years ago! Jeez).

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Opposition obeisance...

A picture painting a 100 words. [edit: OK, maybe I meant 1000!] A photo of the Opposition Leaders' debate on the BBC last night: the audience were a completely random selection of the UK electorate, no really, randomly selected from lists of SNP and Labour activists or from their social clubs. Title of the picture? Left and Right. Photo Credit: Stefan Rousseau posted on Twitter (LINK).

I see the photo has already done the rounds: good comments here too (IMHO!) [The Spectator]

Opposition obeisance...

A picture painting a 100 words. [edit: OK, maybe I meant 1000!] A photo of the Opposition Leaders' debate on the BBC last night: the audience were a completely random selection of the UK electorate, no really, randomly selected from lists of SNP and Labour activists or from their social clubs. Title of the picture? Left and Right. Photo Credit: Stefan Rousseau posted on Twitter (LINK).

I see the photo has already done the rounds: good comments here too (IMHO!) [The Spectator]

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Oncoming obtenebration II...

The news in the UK that inflation rates stayed at zero [££Times and/or handy Economist graph HERE on what's what] (missing deflation but headed there anyway?) currently paints a rosy picture for the UK consumer, will the phrase "The economy, stupid" hold true for the coming UK General Election in May?

Across the water however, some very worrying figures emerged:

"...in a world in which the only economic growth comes as a result of new credit entering the economy (as opposed to Fed reserves being stuck in the S&P), the only thing that matters is how easy it is to get credit into the hands of those who need it. As it turns out it has never been more difficult to get credit... "And without any new credit entering the economy, a recession is all but assured."

Time will tell...

Oncoming obtenebration II...

The news in the UK that inflation rates stayed at zero [££Times and/or handy Economist graph HERE on what's what] (missing deflation but headed there anyway?) currently paints a rosy picture for the UK consumer, will the phrase "The economy, stupid" hold true for the coming UK General Election in May?

Across the water however, some very worrying figures emerged:
"...in a world in which the only economic growth comes as a result of new credit entering the economy (as opposed to Fed reserves being stuck in the S&P), the only thing that matters is how easy it is to get credit into the hands of those who need it. As it turns out it has never been more difficult to get credit... "And without any new credit entering the economy, a recession is all but assured."
Time will tell...

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Opiparous obvention...

Things of beauty to be appreciated all your life; something to make your's and other's lives better; things that will make everyone happy...and a beautiful girl in a make-me-horny dress to attract your attention. The Ten Cannots: lessons that Ed and Ed and their tribe of lying hypocritical [and in some cases downright evil] shysters should learn:

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.

You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.

You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

[W.J.H. Boetcker - Wiki]

Opiparous obvention...

Things of beauty to be appreciated all your life; something to make your's and other's lives better; things that will make everyone happy...and a beautiful girl in a make-me-horny dress to attract your attention. The Ten Cannots: lessons that Ed and Ed and their tribe of lying hypocritical [and in some cases downright evil] shysters should learn:

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

[W.J.H. Boetcker - Wiki]

Obviously only one...

From a year or two or three ago...Ouch. It's a spoof...right?

Obviously only one...

From a year or two or three ago...Ouch. It's a spoof...right?

sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

Obama's obambulation...

Obama seems to be thrashing about with an innate anti-Midas touch desperately trying to find something to enable him to be remembered for something good; he may manage it: there's still a while to go.  Let's hope he isn't remembered as the guy who heralded a new big bang: his overt 'cooling' towards Israel and even more overt crazy-gang bending-over-backwards to the Iranians (so poor that even the Democrats are questioning some of it) seem to indicate he wants a permanent solution to the Middle East problem...very permanent. Obama said,

"The issues at stake here are bigger than politics" ..."These are matters of war and peace."

Yeah, we know...but you seem intent on making war more likely?

[Update: Iran’s statement in Farsi on the 'deal' contradicts Obama’s and Kerry's claims...you don't say?! Some US figures quoted even differ to the Italian and French texts of the talks!] [Link: NY Post]

On another topic, Obama even managed to condemn the Muslim terrorists that targeted Kenyan Christians without using the words Islam, Muslim or Christians...(click on image to enlarge) a job at the BBC awaits!

Obama's obambulation...

Obama seems to be thrashing about with an innate anti-Midas touch desperately trying to find something to enable him to be remembered for something good; he may manage it: there's still a while to go.  Let's hope he isn't remembered as the guy who heralded a new big bang: his overt 'cooling' towards Israel and even more overt crazy-gang bending-over-backwards to the Iranians (so poor that even the Democrats are questioning some of it) seem to indicate he wants a permanent solution to the Middle East problem...very permanent. Obama said,
"The issues at stake here are bigger than politics" ..."These are matters of war and peace."
Yeah, we know...but you seem intent on making war more likely?

[Update: Iran’s statement in Farsi on the 'deal' contradicts Obama’s and Kerry's claims...you don't say?! Some US figures quoted even differ to the Italian and French texts of the talks!] [Link: NY Post]

On another topic, Obama even managed to condemn the Muslim terrorists that targeted Kenyan Christians without using the words Islam, Muslim or Christians...(click on image to enlarge) a job at the BBC awaits!

Obvious option...

All the campaigning that the Conservative Party need to do...

Obvious option...

All the campaigning that the Conservative Party need to do...