martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015

Overflowing ordure...

The picture (left) is from the DT, another HERE shows before and after shots. Reading the sign you can see what is, in effect, all you need to know about the flood disaster and damage that is currently happening in the north of England. The problem is NOT climate change! The floods are NOT unprecedented and have happened for centuries! In England and the UK it rains a lot; sometimes lots and lots! Sometimes it is snow and the thaw causes the floods; sometimes just heavy rain.  For hundreds of years up until 1997 rivers known for flooding were regularly dredged (as were the Somerset Levels); for places like York, currently flooded from the river Ouse overflowing, there is data from centuries ago: "Systematic flood level readings from 1877 and a wealth of documentary records dating back as far as 1263 AD give the City of York a long and rich history of flood records."... "The inclusion of the extended historical flood record (1263–2000) provides an additional eleven events pre-1800, of which five are greater than the largest event in the period 1800–2000."**

The Environment Agency is not fit for purpose and it's adherence to the crazy "....EU directive which discourages proper dredging has been identified as an issue." [WUWT]. I am sure it is inefficiency and inadequacy from the EA making the problems worse: I am certain they wouldn't be doing this on purpose...would they?

**Source: Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200–2000) Hydrological Sciences Journal, Volume 55, Issue 7, 2010. Neil Macdonald & Andrew R. Black

Overflowing ordure...

The picture (left) is from the DT, another HERE shows before and after shots. Reading the sign you can see what is, in effect, all you need to know about the flood disaster and damage that is currently happening in the north of England. The problem is NOT climate change! The floods are NOT unprecedented and have happened for centuries! In England and the UK it rains a lot; sometimes lots and lots! Sometimes it is snow and the thaw causes the floods; sometimes just heavy rain.  For hundreds of years up until 1997 rivers known for flooding were regularly dredged (as were the Somerset Levels); for places like York, currently flooded from the river Ouse overflowing, there is data from centuries ago: "Systematic flood level readings from 1877 and a wealth of documentary records dating back as far as 1263 AD give the City of York a long and rich history of flood records."... "The inclusion of the extended historical flood record (1263–2000) provides an additional eleven events pre-1800, of which five are greater than the largest event in the period 1800–2000."**

The Environment Agency is not fit for purpose and it's adherence to the crazy "....EU directive which discourages proper dredging has been identified as an issue." [WUWT]. I am sure it is inefficiency and inadequacy from the EA making the problems worse: I am certain they wouldn't be doing this on purpose...would they?

**Source: Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200–2000) Hydrological Sciences Journal, Volume 55, Issue 7, 2010. Neil Macdonald & Andrew R. Black

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

Oriel Oxford outrage...

‘The Rhodes Colossus striding from Cape Town to Cairo’

Punch Magazine, 1892

Lefty liberal bullying bullshit continues apace and other spine-less cringing apologists cave in immediately: James Delingpole [Breitbart] on the social justice warriors* trying to change/erase history: the latest kerfuffle being at Oriel College, Oxford University by having the statue of Cecil Rhodes there taken down. The college themselves have proved to have a spine of wet toilet paper.

 * more like black power, racists and hypocrites: "There is absolutely nothing more fulfilling than seeing socially conscious black students dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively!": I hope this racist arsehole is on a police watch list.

Not all at Oxford agree with these tossers (thank God): R W Johnson, emeritus fellow at Oxford University: "I am comparing what the [Rhodes Must Fall] movement are doing with what Al Qaeda and Isis are doing in places like Mali when destroying statues." ['Rhodesgate' DT]

Speaking of racists,  Rhodes himself was one, literally (not even in the new warped sense): "I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race...", hahahaaa. To be honest, we may not be perfect, not by a long way, but looking today at the 'Anglosphere' you have to think he may have had a point. However, Rhodes was not always so simple to pigeonhole: "I could never accept the position that we should disqualify a human being on account of his colour." But, oh yes - the very famous "Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life."

More history and quotes - warts and all - at SAHO

Late update worth a read: 28th Dec: Robin Mitchinson at The Commentator"The kind of anti-intellectual rubbish being thrown at the colonial legacy of Cecil Rhodes raises the question of whether his detractors know anything at all about southern Africa, then and now."

Oriel Oxford outrage...

‘The Rhodes Colossus striding from Cape Town to Cairo’
Punch Magazine, 1892
Lefty liberal bullying bullshit continues apace and other spine-less cringing apologists cave in immediately: James Delingpole [Breitbart] on the social justice warriors* trying to change/erase history: the latest kerfuffle being at Oriel College, Oxford University by having the statue of Cecil Rhodes there taken down. The college themselves have proved to have a spine of wet toilet paper.

 * more like black power, racists and hypocrites: "There is absolutely nothing more fulfilling than seeing socially conscious black students dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively!": I hope this racist arsehole is on a police watch list.

Not all at Oxford agree with these tossers (thank God): R W Johnson, emeritus fellow at Oxford University: "I am comparing what the [Rhodes Must Fall] movement are doing with what Al Qaeda and Isis are doing in places like Mali when destroying statues." ['Rhodesgate' DT]

Speaking of racists,  Rhodes himself was one, literally (not even in the new warped sense): "I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race...", hahahaaa. To be honest, we may not be perfect, not by a long way, but looking today at the 'Anglosphere' you have to think he may have had a point. However, Rhodes was not always so simple to pigeonhole: "I could never accept the position that we should disqualify a human being on account of his colour." But, oh yes - the very famous "Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life."

More history and quotes - warts and all - at SAHO

Late update worth a read: 28th Dec: Robin Mitchinson at The Commentator"The kind of anti-intellectual rubbish being thrown at the colonial legacy of Cecil Rhodes raises the question of whether his detractors know anything at all about southern Africa, then and now."

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Olid oligophrenia or obvious opportunism?...

...not sure this is a good thing! From The Economist

But to be honest he wouldn't be any worse than Obama whose failings are various (and disgracefully, not too publicised: [edit] MSM, your blatant and biased failings leave us all in a worse place; ignoring ... scandals just isn't right).

And are we sure there aren't too many coincidences with the timing of Trump's loudest/most reported outburst's? They tend "to often coincide with scandalous revelations that reflect poorly on Democratic politicians" [Link]

Olid oligophrenia or obvious opportunism?...

...not sure this is a good thing! From The Economist
But to be honest he wouldn't be any worse than Obama whose failings are various (and disgracefully, not too publicised: [edit] MSM, your blatant and biased failings leave us all in a worse place; ignoring ... scandals just isn't right).

And are we sure there aren't too many coincidences with the timing of Trump's loudest/most reported outburst's? They tend "to often coincide with scandalous revelations that reflect poorly on Democratic politicians" [Link]

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Order order on official ordure...

Jonathan Portes on the National Institute of Economic and Social Research website [NIESR]: "The government admits it has statistics on recent EU migration - and won't publish them". From Guido this morning: mainly because of EU referendum and possible Brexit migration data is being suppressed: "HMRC are refusing to release the data, giving this extraordinary excuse:

"… following the General Election, there is an active negotiation process at an international level in which UK Ministers and officials are engaged to secure support from the European Commission and other Member States for changes in EU law governing EU migrants’ access to benefits in the UK, in line with the Government’s manifesto commitments. The information is being used to inform the development of policy options as part of the negotiation process and therefore relates to the formulation of Government policy. HMRC continues to believe that releasing information in the form requested would, at this stage, be unhelpful to the negotiation process."

This is shocking on two levels..."

As mentioned back in August: "And when we look at the National Insurance numbers (NINos) and the probable number of illegal immigrants we can safely say the ONS figures are a massive UNDER estimate"; regarding the fact that there were over 200K NI numbers issued to Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants but only about 50K immigrants as having entered the country? [Breitbart]

Needless to say, this is just the minor part of the problem because non-EU immigration is probably the greater problem in both numbers and possible religious/ ethnic community problems in the near future. 

Order order on official ordure...

Jonathan Portes on the National Institute of Economic and Social Research website [NIESR]: "The government admits it has statistics on recent EU migration - and won't publish them". From Guido this morning: mainly because of EU referendum and possible Brexit migration data is being suppressed: "HMRC are refusing to release the data, giving this extraordinary excuse:
"… following the General Election, there is an active negotiation process at an international level in which UK Ministers and officials are engaged to secure support from the European Commission and other Member States for changes in EU law governing EU migrants’ access to benefits in the UK, in line with the Government’s manifesto commitments. The information is being used to inform the development of policy options as part of the negotiation process and therefore relates to the formulation of Government policy. HMRC continues to believe that releasing information in the form requested would, at this stage, be unhelpful to the negotiation process."
This is shocking on two levels..."

As mentioned back in August: "And when we look at the National Insurance numbers (NINos) and the probable number of illegal immigrants we can safely say the ONS figures are a massive UNDER estimate"; regarding the fact that there were over 200K NI numbers issued to Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants but only about 50K immigrants as having entered the country? [Breitbart]

Needless to say, this is just the minor part of the problem because non-EU immigration is probably the greater problem in both numbers and possible religious/ ethnic community problems in the near future. 

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Omnipotent ocracy obreption...

Congratulations, a deal has been done, the delegates from nigh on 200 countries have agreed: "A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of negotiations." [sic] [BBC] Read that didn't misread it. Next, they must stop the sun rising in the East; they obviously think they can. Canute* has been reassessed by history: now we know he wasn't a Nature God trying to turn back the tide but a fine King demonstrating his own limitations. Will today's politicians get the same reassessment? No, their shenanigans will be laughed at but not in time to save our sanity, money souls. Politics, more specifically, the redistribution of wealth is the only reason for this utter shite fest.

COP21 in Paris attracted thousands, 25,000 official delegates so clearly Paris is nicer than Lima where only 15,000 met last year; you forgot, these Conference of Parties (COP) jollies are pretty much annual bashes now. Of course that 25K official attendee number can be tripled/quadrupled or more, at least: guards, aides, secretaries, chauffeurs, cooks, hangers on etc. And then think of the protesters/ demonstrators, the happy-clappy brigade. However, don't fret, those thousands of delegates were given welcome bags that were 100% recycled! [face-palm]. The agreement [Full text PDF] seems impressive enough but it's about a handful of countries given hundreds of other countries money.

Food for thought - and recalling the oneirataxic omphaloskepsis - to feed the ever growing population we must produce more food; to do so our plant breeding advancements and animal nutrition efficiency will only get us so far: Mother Nature needs help to grow things and to do so she will need more CO2 in the atmosphere than we currently have...oops.

P.S. * some words you can get from 'Canute': acute, cant, cunt, nut...

Omnipotent ocracy obreption...

Congratulations, a deal has been done, the delegates from nigh on 200 countries have agreed: "A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of negotiations." [sic] [BBC] Read that didn't misread it. Next, they must stop the sun rising in the East; they obviously think they can. Canute* has been reassessed by history: now we know he wasn't a Nature God trying to turn back the tide but a fine King demonstrating his own limitations. Will today's politicians get the same reassessment? No, their shenanigans will be laughed at but not in time to save our sanity, money souls. Politics, more specifically, the redistribution of wealth is the only reason for this utter shite fest.

COP21 in Paris attracted thousands, 25,000 official delegates so clearly Paris is nicer than Lima where only 15,000 met last year; you forgot, these Conference of Parties (COP) jollies are pretty much annual bashes now. Of course that 25K official attendee number can be tripled/quadrupled or more, at least: guards, aides, secretaries, chauffeurs, cooks, hangers on etc. And then think of the protesters/ demonstrators, the happy-clappy brigade. However, don't fret, those thousands of delegates were given welcome bags that were 100% recycled! [face-palm]. The agreement [Full text PDF] seems impressive enough but it's about a handful of countries given hundreds of other countries money.

Food for thought - and recalling the oneirataxic omphaloskepsis - to feed the ever growing population we must produce more food; to do so our plant breeding advancements and animal nutrition efficiency will only get us so far: Mother Nature needs help to grow things and to do so she will need more CO2 in the atmosphere than we currently have...oops.

P.S. * some words you can get from 'Canute': acute, cant, cunt, nut...

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Oppression over...

Nick Ripe indicates which way he should have gone...

...or at least we can hope this really is the beginning of the end for the Krusty (deceased) and Nick Ripe Roadshow. Nearly 75% turnout and an [edited] overwhelming majority in votes mean a large majority in the Venezuelan National Assembly for the opposition. Hopefully they can remain united and steer the donkey [Update: who spat his dummy afterwards: "I decided to hear it one more time and there was no mistake about it: Nicolás said "I didn’t get my majority, so now you don’t get your house""] on the right path for Venezuela.

You don't have to dig very deep to know why this beautiful country with massive potential has become such a disaster but here, In five charts, you can see just the recent damage Maduro's policies has caused. Recession is forecast for 2016 as well so the road to recovery will be long and hard.

Hopefully political prisoners could now be released, especially those there for only doing what Maduro does every day. 

Oppression over...

Nick Ripe indicates which way he should have gone...
...or at least we can hope this really is the beginning of the end for the Krusty (deceased) and Nick Ripe Roadshow. Nearly 75% turnout and an [edited] overwhelming majority in votes mean a large majority in the Venezuelan National Assembly for the opposition. Hopefully they can remain united and steer the donkey [Update: who spat his dummy afterwards: "I decided to hear it one more time and there was no mistake about it: Nicolás said "I didn’t get my majority, so now you don’t get your house""] on the right path for Venezuela.

You don't have to dig very deep to know why this beautiful country with massive potential has become such a disaster but here, In five charts, you can see just the recent damage Maduro's policies has caused. Recession is forecast for 2016 as well so the road to recovery will be long and hard.

Hopefully political prisoners could now be released, especially those there for only doing what Maduro does every day. 

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Obsidional objurgation...

Douglas Murray has it almost right [Link] "The Paris attacks show that barbarians are inside the gate". "We don’t know who is here in our continent, and among those who are here there are too many who are active enemies of our societies and our way of life." We know this, everyone knows it; the only mystery is why governments and politicians not only ignore the obvious facts but actively and willingly - at complete opposition to the people of every nation they supposedly represent - take actions that can only exacerbate the problem by importing thousands more 'refugees'. Will the impitoyable war emerge? Or will another hash-tag, t-shirt wearing linked-armed and candle-lit vigil be the sum of all action?

Indeed, it's as Mark Steyn writes: The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates [Link]
"I'm Islamed out. I'm tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Marseilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day. The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening ineffectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries"..."So I say again: What's the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn't prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his "pitiless war" isn't serious. And, if they're still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel's mad plan to reverse Germany's demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren't serious."

Amen to that.

Update: apologies for lack of Ows comment but these guys write so well and their words are worth linking to.  Douglas Murray again: an update of an article earlier this year: "The West’s movement towards the truth is remarkably slow. We drag ourselves towards it painfully, inch by inch, after each bloody Islamist assault"... ..."the results of ongoing mass immigration to the West at the same time as a worldwide return to Islamic literalism means that this is now a problem for all of us. To stand even a chance of dealing with it, we are going to have to wake up to it and acknowledge it for what it is."  ...who thinks seriously that any of today's 'ruling' (not serving) politicians will do this?

Obsidional objurgation...

Douglas Murray has it almost right [Link] "The Paris attacks show that barbarians are inside the gate". "We don’t know who is here in our continent, and among those who are here there are too many who are active enemies of our societies and our way of life." We know this, everyone knows it; the only mystery is why governments and politicians not only ignore the obvious facts but actively and willingly - at complete opposition to the people of every nation they supposedly represent - take actions that can only exacerbate the problem by importing thousands more 'refugees'. Will the impitoyable war emerge? Or will another hash-tag, t-shirt wearing linked-armed and candle-lit vigil be the sum of all action?

Indeed, it's as Mark Steyn writes: The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates [Link] "I'm Islamed out. I'm tired of Islam 24/7, at Colorado colleges, Marseilles synagogues, Sydney coffee shops, day after day after day. The west cannot win this thing with a schizophrenic strategy of targeting things and people but not targeting the ideology, of intervening ineffectually overseas and not intervening at all when it comes to the remorseless Islamization and self-segregation of large segments of their own countries"..."So I say again: What's the happy ending here? Because if M Hollande isn't prepared to end mass Muslim immigration to France and Europe, then his "pitiless war" isn't serious. And, if they're still willing to tolerate Mutti Merkel's mad plan to reverse Germany's demographic death spiral through fast-track Islamization, then Europeans aren't serious."

Amen to that.

Update: apologies for lack of Ows comment but these guys write so well and their words are worth linking to.  Douglas Murray again: an update of an article earlier this year: "The West’s movement towards the truth is remarkably slow. We drag ourselves towards it painfully, inch by inch, after each bloody Islamist assault"... ..."the results of ongoing mass immigration to the West at the same time as a worldwide return to Islamic literalism means that this is now a problem for all of us. To stand even a chance of dealing with it, we are going to have to wake up to it and acknowledge it for what it is."  ...who thinks seriously that any of today's 'ruling' (not serving) politicians will do this?

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Opposition offence...

...or, in Venezuela, it's an offence to be the Opposition, almost. The Organization of American States (OAS) has severely criticized Tibisay Lucena (the venal, corrupt and totally partisan [par for the course in most Venezuelan institutions] leader of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE). [Reuters, also The Devil's Excrement] In a harshly-worded letter (ooooh) he wrote that Venezuelan authorities were failing to ensure fairness the coming 6th December fair elections.

The letter [here as PDF in English] [here PDF in Spanish] describes concerns regarding "the overall conditions of the process and the election campaign, an uneven playing field" putting it mildly in an "atmosphere characterized by serious political polarization and mistrust..."; use of funds for campaigns being abused with government candidates using national funds, the government deploying large numbers of civil servants and state resources for campaign purposes etc.

Reduced access to the [controlled] media. Contrived confusion on rigged ballots, with even new Krusty Nick Ripe speaking on national television assisting the cheat (he also 'promoted' an "ongoing campaign of threats and prosecution of workers, students, and popular sectors" along with the current president of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello (Godgiven Hair), "who supports and promotes illegal activities of espionage and tracking of opponents."
Changing the rules of the game: blatant gerrymandering, disqualification of opposition candidates ("There have been cases where they were prejudged, with no possibility of getting their defense [sic] admitted." Investigation of political parties etc... get the picture.

Opposition offence...

...or, in Venezuela, it's an offence to be the Opposition, almost. The Organization of American States (OAS) has severely criticized Tibisay Lucena (the venal, corrupt and totally partisan [par for the course in most Venezuelan institutions] leader of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE). [Reuters, also The Devil's Excrement] In a harshly-worded letter (ooooh) he wrote that Venezuelan authorities were failing to ensure fairness the coming 6th December fair elections.

The letter [here as PDF in English] [here PDF in Spanish] describes concerns regarding "the overall conditions of the process and the election campaign, an uneven playing field" putting it mildly in an "atmosphere characterized by serious political polarization and mistrust..."; use of funds for campaigns being abused with government candidates using national funds, the government deploying large numbers of civil servants and state resources for campaign purposes etc.

Reduced access to the [controlled] media. Contrived confusion on rigged ballots, with even new Krusty Nick Ripe speaking on national television assisting the cheat (he also 'promoted' an "ongoing campaign of threats and prosecution of workers, students, and popular sectors" along with the current president of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello (Godgiven Hair), "who supports and promotes illegal activities of espionage and tracking of opponents." Changing the rules of the game: blatant gerrymandering, disqualification of opposition candidates ("There have been cases where they were prejudged, with no possibility of getting their defense [sic] admitted." Investigation of political parties etc... get the picture.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Oneirataxic omphaloskepsis...

Ooh, I do love easy to understand 'science', especially with even easier pictures to look at; 2% of the entire atmosphere are greenhouse gases; 4% of that 2% is CO2 and just 3.4% of that 4% is caused by human activity. Can this be shown in every school to reverse the climate drowning dog exploding child [yes, really!] brainwashing?

Please read yet another excellent WOWT guest post, plus all the comments if you dare; suffice to say that surely by now most sane climate alarmists and consensusites should be at least shuffling their feet and navel gazing.


n. - contemplation of the navel for the purpose of obtaining philosophic calm [LL]


n. - inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality

Oneirataxic omphaloskepsis...

Ooh, I do love easy to understand 'science', especially with even easier pictures to look at; 2% of the entire atmosphere are greenhouse gases; 4% of that 2% is CO2 and just 3.4% of that 4% is caused by human activity. Can this be shown in every school to reverse the climate drowning dog exploding child [yes, really!] brainwashing?

Please read yet another excellent WOWT guest post, plus all the comments if you dare; suffice to say that surely by now most sane climate alarmists and consensusites should be at least shuffling their feet and navel gazing.

n. - contemplation of the navel for the purpose of obtaining philosophic calm [LL]
n. - inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015

Ows oblectation...

...over the years. Owsblog began over ten years ago; I was unable to post on the actual 'birthday' (21st Sept) anniversary but decided to put the most viewed blog-post from each year as a present to myself. [edit] Interestingly the variety isn't as wide as you might expect; a few of the high rankings are just (I presume) people using Google for images and being led here; I'd say only five or so themes cover all ten posts whereas what I have posted most about doesn't figure at all (lucky I don't do it for money!) :-)

[Note: some of the links in the older posts are inactive]

2015 (YTD): obstreperous ogling oblectation: the Sun's Page 3 and will it /won't it continue.

2014: outbreak of oil odium: oil price control 'gloves are off' amongst producer and price setting countries; also the worry that so many countries 'need' the price of oil over USD100 a barrel.

2013: Owsblog's 3rd most viewed post ever and my favourite (except for the orgasm posts ([see 2005] ) Obama's offspring II..."I thought these were just typical of a plethora of Obama's seemingly cretinous statements but I hope it isn't more sinister and part of a general symptom of virulent black racism being the new normal"...

2012: October: a bit tame and presumably just a number of people Googling the images although each is linked.

2011: Odd Obama osculation: again not much text, only Obama kissing Chavez, yes...but it was just a Benetton campaign.

2010: Oracle octopus opts regarding the predicted results for the World Cup finals that year when cephalopod celebrity Paul opted for various winners throughout the tournament, including eventual winners, Spain (overall, English born [Weymouth] Paul predicted 11 out of 13 correctly.)

2009: the most viewed ever, Overt obscurantism re demonising of our porcine friends by naming a human problem 'swine' flu: "If you show symptoms PLEASE do not go anywhere near a pig farm, the last thing that industry needs is a pig actually getting the virus!"

2008Orgasmic olisbos, the history of vibrators and the original meaning of 'hysteria', plus lucky doctors! "Arising from the touch of the genital organs required by the treatment, there follows twitchings accompanied at the same time by pain and pleasure...from that time she is free of all the evil she felt"

2007: Ows's optical opiate: OK, OK...I'm not assuming people popped in to read the prose: 'Sexiest Women in the World according to readers of FHM Magazine in the UK'.

2006: One's opprobrium offers opportunity…, Kate Moss on her 'comeback': "Is she now the top paid model? In only one year she has gone from being Cocaine Kate, with many kicking her hard while she was down, to Kate the Great"

2005: I knew it! Well up on the most read/viewed was the Ows 'Orgasm' series: the middle of that series being the 2nd most read/viewed ever: Orgasms... the second coming. "While all orgasms are organically the same, varying only in strength and length, a woman may not experience them all in the same way..."

Ows oblectation...

...over the years. Owsblog began over ten years ago; I was unable to post on the actual 'birthday' (21st Sept) anniversary but decided to put the most viewed blog-post from each year as a present to myself. [edit] Interestingly the variety isn't as wide as you might expect; a few of the high rankings are just (I presume) people using Google for images and being led here; I'd say only five or so themes cover all ten posts whereas what I have posted most about doesn't figure at all (lucky I don't do it for money!) :-)
[Note: some of the links in the older posts are inactive]
2015 (YTD): obstreperous ogling oblectation: the Sun's Page 3 and will it /won't it continue.
2014: outbreak of oil odium: oil price control 'gloves are off' amongst producer and price setting countries; also the worry that so many countries 'need' the price of oil over USD100 a barrel.
2013: Owsblog's 3rd most viewed post ever and my favourite (except for the orgasm posts ([see 2005] ) Obama's offspring II..."I thought these were just typical of a plethora of Obama's seemingly cretinous statements but I hope it isn't more sinister and part of a general symptom of virulent black racism being the new normal"...
2012: October: a bit tame and presumably just a number of people Googling the images although each is linked.
2011: Odd Obama osculation: again not much text, only Obama kissing Chavez, yes...but it was just a Benetton campaign.
2010: Oracle octopus opts regarding the predicted results for the World Cup finals that year when cephalopod celebrity Paul opted for various winners throughout the tournament, including eventual winners, Spain (overall, English born [Weymouth] Paul predicted 11 out of 13 correctly.)
2009: the most viewed ever, Overt obscurantism re demonising of our porcine friends by naming a human problem 'swine' flu: "If you show symptoms PLEASE do not go anywhere near a pig farm, the last thing that industry needs is a pig actually getting the virus!"
2008Orgasmic olisbos, the history of vibrators and the original meaning of 'hysteria', plus lucky doctors! "Arising from the touch of the genital organs required by the treatment, there follows twitchings accompanied at the same time by pain and pleasure...from that time she is free of all the evil she felt"
2007: Ows's optical opiate: OK, OK...I'm not assuming people popped in to read the prose: 'Sexiest Women in the World according to readers of FHM Magazine in the UK'.
2006: One's opprobrium offers opportunity…, Kate Moss on her 'comeback': "Is she now the top paid model? In only one year she has gone from being Cocaine Kate, with many kicking her hard while she was down, to Kate the Great"
2005: I knew it! Well up on the most read/viewed was the Ows 'Orgasm' series: the middle of that series being the 2nd most read/viewed ever: Orgasms... the second coming. "While all orgasms are organically the same, varying only in strength and length, a woman may not experience them all in the same way..."

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

Opposition occamy...

No, not the winged, serpent-bodied creature from Harry Potter but an alloy imitating gold or silver: something that seems it could be of great value but doesn't really stand up to inspection or analysis: yes, Jeremy Corbyn has won Labour leadership contest outright in the first round: "The veteran left winger got almost 60% of more than 400,000 votes cast, trouncing his rivals Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall" [BBC] ...back to the future. Less than three months ago he only stood "as an alternative to the Stepford ['cloned/conformist'] candidates standing for the leadership". For all those who have sorely missed the animated debates* from the idealogical divide in politics, well now you can rest assured those days are back.

Not that you're bothered but Corbyn and I have a lot in common: Arsenal F.C., a love of cheese, secondary education was grammar school and...erm, well, that's it except I presume he speaks Spanish as his 2nd and 3rd wives are from Chile and Mexico respectively.

* debate from the 'Right': the Left don't and can't debate. Despite saying that we should remember he has been the MP for Islington North for over three decades; I concur with Nick Hurd, the current Conservative MP from a previous home constituency of mine:

Opposition occamy...

No, not the winged, serpent-bodied creature from Harry Potter but an alloy imitating gold or silver: something that seems it could be of great value but doesn't really stand up to inspection or analysis: yes, Jeremy Corbyn has won Labour leadership contest outright in the first round: "The veteran left winger got almost 60% of more than 400,000 votes cast, trouncing his rivals Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall" [BBC] ...back to the future. Less than three months ago he only stood "as an alternative to the Stepford ['cloned/conformist'] candidates standing for the leadership". For all those who have sorely missed the animated debates* from the idealogical divide in politics, well now you can rest assured those days are back.

Not that you're bothered but Corbyn and I have a lot in common: Arsenal F.C., a love of cheese, secondary education was grammar school and...erm, well, that's it except I presume he speaks Spanish as his 2nd and 3rd wives are from Chile and Mexico respectively.

* debate from the 'Right': the Left don't and can't debate. Despite saying that we should remember he has been the MP for Islington North for over three decades; I concur with Nick Hurd, the current Conservative MP from a previous home constituency of mine:

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Obama's Ohioan onomatomania...

Today the name of North America's tallest mountain, Mount McKinley in Alaska, will be changed to 'Denali', which in the Athabascan language (Alaskan native) means "the high one"...Yep. The US DOI informs us; the decision was endorsed by Obama: "Under Obama's action, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will use her legal authority to end the long debate and rename the mountain" [Reuters]

The Mountain has spoken? The mountain was named in 1896 after William McKinley, the Ohioan who became the 25th President of the United States and was assassinated in 1901. The first recorded reference to Denali in the journal of British explorer Captain George Vancouver around about 1794; Denali is already the name of the National Park (including Denali National Monument and Denali Preserve as well) and has been called that since 1917, why change the name of the mountain? And why now? It's an anagram of 'denial'. not sure whether that could be funny or not.

Moving other Decline of USA news, the University of Texas removes Jefferson Davis statue [Link]. Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers

However, the not having things named after POTUS will be continued, no doubt...right?...Oh FFS. 

Obama's Ohioan onomatomania...

Today the name of North America's tallest mountain, Mount McKinley in Alaska, will be changed to 'Denali', which in the Athabascan language (Alaskan native) means "the high one"...Yep. The US DOI informs us; the decision was endorsed by Obama: "Under Obama's action, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will use her legal authority to end the long debate and rename the mountain" [Reuters]
The Mountain has spoken? The mountain was named in 1896 after William McKinley, the Ohioan who became the 25th President of the United States and was assassinated in 1901. The first recorded reference to Denali in the journal of British explorer Captain George Vancouver around about 1794; Denali is already the name of the National Park (including Denali National Monument and Denali Preserve as well) and has been called that since 1917, why change the name of the mountain? And why now? It's an anagram of 'denial'. not sure whether that could be funny or not.

Moving other Decline of USA news, the University of Texas removes Jefferson Davis statue [Link]. Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers

However, the not having things named after POTUS will be continued, no doubt...right?...Oh FFS. 

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Objurgatory oblectation...

From probably the most copied piece of film ever: Hitler reacts to England Rugby World Cup selection, really very funny:

Objurgatory oblectation...

From probably the most copied piece of film ever: Hitler reacts to England Rugby World Cup selection, really very funny:

Ongoing overcrowding III...

"Net long-term international migration = +330,000 (up 94,000 from YE March 2014), in the year
ending (YE) March 2015.

The net migration figure was a statistically significant increase from 236,000 in YE March 2014
and is the highest net migration on record."

Just two points from the summary from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Migration Statistics (PDF full report); this is getting stupid. From Migration Watch press release: "There could hardly be a worse time for the Treasury to cut the funds available for immigration control." Looking at Fig 4 (in the ONS link) we see that from 2011 to 2013 there was a fair amount of success (down 25%) in lowering the non-EU immigration but half of this was counteracted by increased EU immigration. Since 2013 both sets have increased. Nearly 30% of the total net immigration (year to March 2015) were students, we'll give them benefit of the doubt although many thousands are not students at all and as we have seen in the past, some colleges and courses or tests were entirely false (and "Each year, around 100,000 non-EU students get their visas to stay in the UK extended"). A full 16% (year to March 2015) say the reason they came was "looking for work", WTF? If I turned up anywhere at a frontier and said I was just looking for work I would get turned back; I cannot think of any of the 50-60 countries that I have visited that would accept this. Are no questions asked? At all? A further 13% came as family/to join someone already here. Dare I suggest that of this 29% nearly* all shouldn't be here. * clearly some family of those on long term work contracts should be.

[Update] And when we look at the National Insurance numbers (NINos) and the probable number of illegal immigrants we can safely say the ONS figures are a massive UNDER estimate

Ongoing overcrowding III...

"Net long-term international migration = +330,000 (up 94,000 from YE March 2014), in the year ending (YE) March 2015. 
The net migration figure was a statistically significant increase from 236,000 in YE March 2014 and is the highest net migration on record."
Just two points from the summary from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Migration Statistics (PDF full report); this is getting stupid. From Migration Watch press release: "There could hardly be a worse time for the Treasury to cut the funds available for immigration control." Looking at Fig 4 (in the ONS link) we see that from 2011 to 2013 there was a fair amount of success (down 25%) in lowering the non-EU immigration but half of this was counteracted by increased EU immigration. Since 2013 both sets have increased. Nearly 30% of the total net immigration (year to March 2015) were students, we'll give them benefit of the doubt although many thousands are not students at all and as we have seen in the past, some colleges and courses or tests were entirely false (and "Each year, around 100,000 non-EU students get their visas to stay in the UK extended"). A full 16% (year to March 2015) say the reason they came was "looking for work", WTF? If I turned up anywhere at a frontier and said I was just looking for work I would get turned back; I cannot think of any of the 50-60 countries that I have visited that would accept this. Are no questions asked? At all? A further 13% came as family/to join someone already here. Dare I suggest that of this 29% nearly* all shouldn't be here. * clearly some family of those on long term work contracts should be.

[Update] And when we look at the National Insurance numbers (NINos) and the probable number of illegal immigrants we can safely say the ONS figures are a massive UNDER estimate

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Oblectation over osiedle ounces...

More of the same?

...maybe. A German and a Pole have contracted a law firm in Walbrzych, Poland (did you know...) who say they have found a train rumoured to be a missing Nazi gold train that disappeared in World War Two. Polish media say the men want 10% of the value of the train's contents.

The train - presuming it's the one they think it is - "which has become infamous in local folklore" is said to have up to 300 tonnes of gold on board. A metric tonne is just under 35,274 ounces so if true we're talking 10.5 MILLION ounces, which at today's gold price that's a very cool 12 BILLION USD; not to mention other treasures that may be aboard.

Oblectation over osiedle ounces...

More of the same?
...maybe. A German and a Pole have contracted a law firm in Walbrzych, Poland (did you know...) who say they have found a train rumoured to be a missing Nazi gold train that disappeared in World War Two. Polish media say the men want 10% of the value of the train's contents.

The train - presuming it's the one they think it is - "which has become infamous in local folklore" is said to have up to 300 tonnes of gold on board. A metric tonne is just under 35,274 ounces so if true we're talking 10.5 MILLION ounces, which at today's gold price that's a very cool 12 BILLION USD; not to mention other treasures that may be aboard.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Officially Oliver...

Inferno: Cantos 28-30, Circle 8, Ditches 9-10

– Dividers and Deceivers

Oliver was the most popular name for a baby boy in England and Wales in 2014; this is the second year running. Full list HERE and Amelia is the most popular girl's name, also for the 2nd consecutive year [ONS data]. Breibart London tells us that "Muhammad is the most popular name given to newborn baby boys in London"; note too that Mohammed is 10th. Taking the three most common variants (there are about fourteen overall) it is easy to see that it is not only London: in England and Wales those three variants total 7,240, a full 9% higher than the 'winner' Oliver.

Now this isn't hidden [e.g. BBC] but it is never the headline, which should be Mohammed most popular boys name AGAIN: since 2007 it has been 1st or 2nd.

Many try, every year, to claim it isn't so: they say Harry and Henry add up, or Jack and John, or Jake and Jacob or some other variant stretching interchangeability to the limit; thing is, they are completely missing the point (not to mention 2nd names) that this particular name isn't because it's a la mode or a sporty hunk, or a pretty-boy celebrity or some young pop millionaire; it is chosen by Muslim parents to commemorate their Prophet presumably hoping their son will take the Prophet as their example; historical fact, religious texts and accepted biographies show us this isn't a particularly good thing.

It is also the most popular name in other European capitals, and - believe it or not - even Israel: [Haaretz]"The authority circulated a list with the 10 most popular names for boys and for girls under the heading, “The most common names among babies born this year” – referring to the Jewish year 5774 – but neglected to mention that the list only included Hebrew names". ...and yes, the world.

...perhaps in a couple of decades one of the recent baby Olivers will be writing a Soldier's Catechism for the 2nd 'Civil' War. No, how silly of me: no way will it be as long as 20 years. 

Officially Oliver...

Inferno: Cantos 28-30, Circle 8, Ditches 9-10
– Dividers and Deceivers
Oliver was the most popular name for a baby boy in England and Wales in 2014; this is the second year running. Full list HERE and Amelia is the most popular girl's name, also for the 2nd consecutive year [ONS data]. Breibart London tells us that "Muhammad is the most popular name given to newborn baby boys in London"; note too that Mohammed is 10th. Taking the three most common variants (there are about fourteen overall) it is easy to see that it is not only London: in England and Wales those three variants total 7,240, a full 9% higher than the 'winner' Oliver.

Now this isn't hidden [e.g. BBC] but it is never the headline, which should be Mohammed most popular boys name AGAIN: since 2007 it has been 1st or 2nd.

Many try, every year, to claim it isn't so: they say Harry and Henry add up, or Jack and John, or Jake and Jacob or some other variant stretching interchangeability to the limit; thing is, they are completely missing the point (not to mention 2nd names) that this particular name isn't because it's a la mode or a sporty hunk, or a pretty-boy celebrity or some young pop millionaire; it is chosen by Muslim parents to commemorate their Prophet presumably hoping their son will take the Prophet as their example; historical fact, religious texts and accepted biographies show us this isn't a particularly good thing.

It is also the most popular name in other European capitals, and - believe it or not - even Israel: [Haaretz]"The authority circulated a list with the 10 most popular names for boys and for girls under the heading, “The most common names among babies born this year” – referring to the Jewish year 5774 – but neglected to mention that the list only included Hebrew names". ...and yes, the world.

...perhaps in a couple of decades one of the recent baby Olivers will be writing a Soldier's Catechism for the 2nd 'Civil' War. No, how silly of me: no way will it be as long as 20 years. 

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Owing options...

Another interesting money related graph; not the debt (see Owning outstanding) but - look away Venezuelans - the world's riskiest sovereign debt (the Business Insider graph uses cost prices of CDS (credit-default swaps), "which are derivatives that pay out if a borrower defaults.". Hat-tip Caracas Chronicles where DAUZ has a an great explanation of how CDS work for those not so au fait with the financial lingo and definitions.

Owing options...

Another interesting money related graph; not the debt (see Owning outstanding) but - look away Venezuelans - the world's riskiest sovereign debt (the Business Insider graph uses cost prices of CDS (credit-default swaps), "which are derivatives that pay out if a borrower defaults.". Hat-tip Caracas Chronicles where DAUZ has a an great explanation of how CDS work for those not so au fait with the financial lingo and definitions.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Octogenarian Oracle of Omaha's Oregon opportunity...

Bowl of nuts...

Despite in 2006 saying he would be giving most of his fortune away, Warren Buffett now has a real-time net worth of more than USD67 billion [Forbes]. His latest - and biggest - deal could be described as merely a nuts 'n bolts affair: "Precision Castparts manufactures nuts, bolts and other fasteners for aerospace companies such as Airbus and Boeing. It also makes pipes and fittings for power and industrial companies" but PCC is a bit more than that.

Berkshire Hathaway paid - in a cash deal - USD235 per share (21% above PCC's closing share price on Friday!); there are at least a dozen PCC companies in the UK. The press release is number 666.  

Octogenarian Oracle of Omaha's Oregon opportunity...

Bowl of nuts...
Despite in 2006 saying he would be giving most of his fortune away, Warren Buffett now has a real-time net worth of more than USD67 billion [Forbes]. His latest - and biggest - deal could be described as merely a nuts 'n bolts affair: "Precision Castparts manufactures nuts, bolts and other fasteners for aerospace companies such as Airbus and Boeing. It also makes pipes and fittings for power and industrial companies" but PCC is a bit more than that.

Berkshire Hathaway paid - in a cash deal - USD235 per share (21% above PCC's closing share price on Friday!); there are at least a dozen PCC companies in the UK. The press release is number 666.  

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Osorio's overstatement; OLP overkill...

Basically bankrupt [Link]

[edited a.m. 090815] Venezuelan 'Minister for Food' (really?) Carlos Osorio pledged two months ago that the food crisis would be over in two months...not only is it still going on but the lines of waiting customers are getting longer. Also, looting in increasing (when the people in the lines get exacerbated) but the government would rather try to shoot the messenger in an attempt to belie the message. And now the unthinkable: the beer is running out; "take away beer and things get risky" [Link], this I can vouch for from personal experience (bit like THIS). From the 'Link' link, a store owner - without 'milk and bottled water for months' - says "People more freaked out about losing beer than water – it shows how distorted our priorities have become here"; in a land where petrol costs the tank-filler less than 2 dollar cents a litre this is hardly surprising. The courts silence opposition but also "low-profile dissenters", and are slowly but surely 'annulling' political parties by appointing pro-government cliques to lead them. There is no doubt that the country is near to a 'major social crisis' (been there for years some say and no surprise to others), this year's elections will be interesting.

The OLP have been busy, (Operativo de Liberación y Protección del Pueblo / The People's Liberation and Protection Operative) with Krusty 2nd Nick Ripe saying that the OLP will continue until "criminal gangs and paramilitary practices infiltrated into the country by the right are eliminated"...fine but I'm assuming that many of these are the same gangs formed and armed by Chavez.