lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2021

Obnubilation or overtly offing oldies?...

Hidden in plain sight...This article last week from Alex Berenson (his Wiki page editors will be made to eat their words sometime soon) caused a storm: "Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age"..."And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government". The fact checker shad a field day with some valid objections...these were fine and correct BUT but couldn't hole the data 'below the waterline'. The image below caused the furour and as he reported back then the graph is correct based on the data [UK Gov pdf.]

Now Alex has followed up, acknowledging the objections and answering them: the title from last week withstands the inspection, it is valid. Please read it all. 
"What’s behind the rise in those deaths in the vaccinated elderly? We don’t know. But we’d better find out. Especially since we are now stuffing boosters into their arms."
Something is wrong.

Obnubilation or overtly offing oldies?...

Hidden in plain sight...This article last week from Alex Berenson (his Wiki page editors will be made to eat their words sometime soon) caused a storm: "Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age"..."And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government". The fact checker shad a field day with some valid objections...these were fine and correct BUT but couldn't hole the data 'below the waterline'. The image below caused the furour and as he reported back then the graph is correct based on the data [UK Gov pdf.]
Now Alex has followed up, acknowledging the objections and answering them: the title from last week withstands the inspection, it is valid. Please read it all. 
"What’s behind the rise in those deaths in the vaccinated elderly? We don’t know. But we’d better find out. Especially since we are now stuffing boosters into their arms."
Something is wrong.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021

Oh? OMG! Omicron!!...

The point of the image is at the end of the blog-post...if you can't be bothered with all the great info :-)

So just as the sheeple were thinking the restrictions were a thing of the past, just as news that the lack of problems in most Africa seem to be making the news (there are good logical reasons why), just as you booked your Christmas party...da da daaaahhh.. a new deadly variant pops up, and suddenly all over the place (6-10 countries), and is a "variant of concern", WHO...well, viruses going viral, by the time a variant is identified it will have already spread far and beyond where it was identified. Whoda thunk it? Plus of course the new scary deadly more contagious variant is also in - in fact first detected in - the fully vaccinated

Alastair Cavendish (at British, not what you think!) writes of The Ogre: "Every single institution; the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the courts, the police force, the scientific and medical establishment, the BBC and the rest of the legacy media, is rotten beyond redemption. The known rules of ancient liberty are no longer generally known, let alone observed."
... Experience, however, tells me that [politicians] will not. The type of people who seek power, and who are prepared to lie and flatter and backstab their way to it over decades of ignominy are not likely to leave their better-adjusted fellow citizens in peace.
"The Ogre stalks with hands on hips,
While drivel gushes from his lips..

Dare I quote Julia Hartley-Brewer (on Twitter) re Bozo's press conference and the brave honest timid cowed complicit media: "Every sodding question at this press conference is 'why aren't you going further, bringing in more rules?'

Also interesting stuff from Michael Curzon, writing on Bournbrook:
"From what we do know so far, this press conference was unnecessary. The ramping up of restrictions, including those relating to masks, is reactionary. But regardless of this, Britons will now be that little bit more scared ...
... whether that be about the ruining of (another) Christmas or a fear of Covid itself, or, of course, both.

Ooh, and by the way – we are told that the measures will be reviewed in three weeks (when the number of Omicron case in Britain will, inevitably, have risen). Do you reckon this review will see restrictions being taken away, or new restrictions being added to the pile?

Finally, Andrew Lilico in The Spectator: "The tyranny of Boris Johnson’s mask mandate", and don't be fooled, it is very clearly tyranny: "Absent any emergency justification, the imposition on the public is simple tyranny.
"It is not legitimate to restrict our liberties in this way 'just in case'.
"The coronavirus emergency is over – and it has been over for months. There is no plausible justification for introducing mask mandates at this time."
The image above suggests SARS CoV 2 has been 'only' endemic for most of this year, certainly positive testing below 5% would suggest that (present but manageable). 

Oh? OMG! Omicron!!...

The point of the image is at the end of the blog-post...if you can't be bothered with all the great info :-)

So just as the sheeple were thinking the restrictions were a thing of the past, just as news that the lack of problems in most Africa seem to be making the news (there are good logical reasons why), just as you booked your Christmas party...da da daaaahhh.. a new deadly variant pops up, and suddenly all over the place (6-10 countries), and is a "variant of concern", WHO...well, viruses going viral, by the time a variant is identified it will have already spread far and beyond where it was identified. Whoda thunk it? Plus of course the new scary deadly more contagious variant is also in - in fact first detected in - the fully vaccinated

Alastair Cavendish (at British, not what you think!) writes of The Ogre: "Every single institution; the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the courts, the police force, the scientific and medical establishment, the BBC and the rest of the legacy media, is rotten beyond redemption. The known rules of ancient liberty are no longer generally known, let alone observed."
... Experience, however, tells me that [politicians] will not. The type of people who seek power, and who are prepared to lie and flatter and backstab their way to it over decades of ignominy are not likely to leave their better-adjusted fellow citizens in peace.
"The Ogre stalks with hands on hips, While drivel gushes from his lips..." 

Dare I quote Julia Hartley-Brewer (on Twitter) re Bozo's press conference and the brave honest timid cowed complicit media: "Every sodding question at this press conference is 'why aren't you going further, bringing in more rules?'

Also interesting stuff from Michael Curzon, writing on Bournbrook:
"From what we do know so far, this press conference was unnecessary. The ramping up of restrictions, including those relating to masks, is reactionary. But regardless of this, Britons will now be that little bit more scared ...
... whether that be about the ruining of (another) Christmas or a fear of Covid itself, or, of course, both. Ooh, and by the way – we are told that the measures will be reviewed in three weeks (when the number of Omicron case in Britain will, inevitably, have risen). Do you reckon this review will see restrictions being taken away, or new restrictions being added to the pile?"

Finally, Andrew Lilico in The Spectator: "The tyranny of Boris Johnson’s mask mandate", and don't be fooled, it is very clearly tyranny: "Absent any emergency justification, the imposition on the public is simple tyranny.
"It is not legitimate to restrict our liberties in this way 'just in case'.
"The coronavirus emergency is over – and it has been over for months. There is no plausible justification for introducing mask mandates at this time."
The image above suggests SARS CoV 2 has been 'only' endemic for most of this year, certainly positive testing below 5% would suggest that (present but manageable). 

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

Obedible ovine or objicient oblocutor...

Interesting and worrying stuff from the increasing quoted and watched Neil Oliver on the UK's GB NEWS (from last saturday, 20th Nov). Read it all. 

"Mark Twain said history doesn’t repeat but it rhymes." In Austria the unthinkable is happening; 'they have history' you say, but "Other countries – Germany, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy – are on the same path as Austria, towards locking down the unvaccinated." This in the patent and-becoming-more-obvious-every-day [accidentally-on-purpose ignoring of the fact] that the unvaccinated pose no risk whatsoever. 
Many of those unvaccinated were therefore working in shops and cafes and restaurants and so on – as lowly servants, if you will – but as soon as their shifts ended they could not be in those same places, certainly not as customers. 
Ludicrous, illogical...sinister. 
We turn blind eyes and deaf ears to uncounted numbers of girls raped and abused in Rotherham and other towns all over England, for fear of upsetting community relations. We promise never to forget the Holocaust while simultaneously turning a blind eye to the abuse, perhaps genocidal abuse, of the Uyghur Muslims in China. 
Neil has words that match my own and many others: "How on earth have we got here, and so quickly?". The totalitarian bent [as you can see from previous posts isn't solely using COVID] has come to the fore and Lord Acton's phrase is so true: "All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." In 20 months the direction of travel hasn't changed but the sidle has become a gallop. 

Coming to a town near you: "...we have a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws". 

Will you obey or will you object?

[Update 23.11.21.]: Lord Sumption in the Telegraph, "Europe's latest wave of Covid authoritarianism has set a dangerous new precedent". 
"The absence of moral scruple in pursuit of what is thought to be a public good is the first symptom of totalitarianism"

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

Overhead orbital oblectation...

Tonight there will be a partial lunar eclipse "of a Lifetime!" fact of many lifetimes! It will be the "longest partial eclipse of the Moon since the 15th century, and there won't be one this long until February 8, 2669"...only once in more than a millennium. This is an eclipse of the Micro Full Beaver Moon* and "will look like an 'almost' total lunar eclipse": unfortunately only "for those in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia." although judging by the eclipse map we may just get a peek in the UK if the skies are clear. 

You can watch it LIVE with HERE

* that isn't a porno film, it's what the full moon in November is called.

Overhead orbital oblectation...

Tonight there will be a partial lunar eclipse "of a Lifetime!" fact of many lifetimes! It will be the "longest partial eclipse of the Moon since the 15th century, and there won't be one this long until February 8, 2669"...only once in more than a millennium. This is an eclipse of the Micro Full Beaver Moon* and "will look like an 'almost' total lunar eclipse": unfortunately only "for those in North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia." although judging by the eclipse map we may just get a peek in the UK if the skies are clear. 

You can watch it LIVE with HERE

* that isn't a porno film, it's what the full moon in November is called.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

Obedible ovines or oligophrenia over obvious obfuscation...

Scary stuff, no? Graphs of death and various different problems caused by vaccinations, always going to happen, although one year does seem to stand out. Yes there far many more people vaccinated in 2021, very rarely is there an almost 'world wide' drive, but to have deaths and life-threatening issues and permanent disabilities at a rate more than the previous 30 years all added together (only 20 on show in the image above) would surely be enough to get some media reporting...just one mainstream source? Just to iterate:
"As of November 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago."  



Info from OpenVAERS [LINK] who are a private company that "takes the PUBLICLY available data from the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and make it more user friendly". In the UK we have something similar in the Yellow Card Scheme, with the current info (last week's) summary on the UK Gov website HERE, or in pdf format HERE. For full info of UK spontaneous reports received between Jan 4th and Nov 3rd this year see U.K. Gov pdf HERE; total reports 236,386 (total reactions 838,844), total deaths 1118 (just on Astra Zeneca 'vaccine') [edit 13/11: just to be clear, there have been deaths from all the vaccines, not just the AZ total shown here!]

OpenVAERS is not affiliated with HHS, the CDC or the FDA. Bear in mind that VAERS take information on reports of adverse events following vaccination many of which could be unverified BUT, being voluntary, there is a huge possibility that adverse events are massively under-reported (actually the VAERS website says only a 'small fraction' of vaccine injuries are reported). There are plenty of corroborating reports too: "it is estimated that only 1-10% of all adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS. Doctors have been conditioned to not connect a child’s subsequent maladies with vaccine visits, therefore the bulk of the cases go unreported:" [LINK], 2009 pdf, BMJ 2010 NCBI 2015, CDC 2019, PubMed 2020...etc.

No doubt the estimated 1-10% isn't applicable in this current situation but we can assume a great many more than are reported are actually happening. 

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021

Omniparity of observance...

At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them.

Today [The Legion] asks you 'to pause at 11am – mute your phone, close your laptop, switch off the telly – for just two minutes and pay your respects to our Armed Forces community, past and present.'

"What we're remembering this year: In 2021 we are marking 100 years since the nation’s collective Remembrance traditions were first brought together, such as the poppy, two-minute silence, Armistice Day, the service for the Unknown Warrior, and the march-past at the Cenotaph."

Omniparity of observance...

At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will remember them.

Today [The Legion] asks you 'to pause at 11am – mute your phone, close your laptop, switch off the telly – for just two minutes and pay your respects to our Armed Forces community, past and present.'
"What we're remembering this year: In 2021 we are marking 100 years since the nation’s collective Remembrance traditions were first brought together, such as the poppy, two-minute silence, Armistice Day, the service for the Unknown Warrior, and the march-past at the Cenotaph."

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021

Obmutescent over obvious obscurantism...

Most of the country is still silent on the ongoing craziness all around us. Yes it's still me, on 9-11 in the UK; exactly 31 weeks since my last post on Owsblog. To be honest they have been seven months I could have better used by continuing to post here. And what has changed? Well the vaccine problems (1) and Lockdown extremism (2a) (2b) have been highlighted, just 12% of the excess home deaths that involved Covid-19; conspiracy theories all come true, cunts trying to forget their COVID evil by shouting about the climate. Nothing has changed there either, the sheer ARROGANCE of world leaders (Jeez, none fit for running a small town drama group or a kiosk on a street corner) to think they can stop climate change. We've said this (3) all before (4). But anyhooo... the booster bonanza will save you all now (remember three weeks to flatten the curve?) for a double jab that didn't give immunity, doesn't stop transmission and doesn't stop infection, is killing youth at horrific levels (just check the rise in 'unexplained deaths' if you can find them in the news) 


(1) Can you spot the unsafe vaccine?
(2a) A total of 75,474 excess deaths in homes in England and Wales were registered between March 7 2020 and October 29 2021, according to PA news agency analysis of data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Worth repeating: "Of this number, just 8,824 – or 12% – were deaths that involved Covid-19."
(2b) In the US, per 100k, 2020 saw... ...a whopping 23 additional deaths among those aged 15 to 24. In the UK we know suicides, alcohol related deaths etc all also increased significantly.
And from old Owsblog posts (apologies if any links are dead now restored/replaced): 
(3) from 2012...Remember the science is settled? Remember there is consensus? Remember drowning pets and exploding children? Remember being told not to eat meat or the Inconvenient Truth and Al Gore's Nobel prizeOoops
(4) from 2015 COP21 in Paris attracted thousands, 25,000 official delegates so clearly Paris is nicer than Lima where only 15,000 met last year; you forgot, these Conference of Parties (COP) jollies are pretty much annual bashes now. Of course that 25K official attendee number can be tripled/quadrupled or more, at least: guards, aides, secretaries, chauffeurs, cooks, hangers on etc. And then think of the protesters/ demonstrators, the happy-clappy brigade. However, don't fret, those thousands of delegates were given welcome bags that were 100% recycled! [face-palm]. The agreement [Full text PDF] seems impressive enough but it's about a handful of countries given hundreds of other countries money.

Food for thought - and recalling the oneirataxic omphaloskepsis - to feed the ever growing population we must produce more food; to do so our plant breeding advancements and animal nutrition efficiency will only get us so far: Mother Nature needs help to grow things and to do so she will need more CO2 in the atmosphere than we currently have...oops. 

[btw... the world is greener now. The climate alarmists want to make us and the Earth LESS green]

P.S. How to stop Uk climate alarmism? just show them this news: "Truth-telling about pets can be a painful process but cats and dogs, particularly, are having a devastating impact on the planet."