viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Optimistic official opposition...

"It’s finally happened," Daniel Hannan tells us, (in the - at last - revamped Daily Telegraph blog pages)...he was talking of a "real" opposition in the EU.

"The European Conservatives and Reformists held their inaugural meeting today [Wed 24th] in an atmosphere of unprecedented amity and optimism."

"It is one thing to read about the ECR on paper, another to sit among its members. Here was as sober and respectable a gathering as you will find in Brussels: ex-ministers, professors of economics, former diplomats. Six of the nine participating parties are in government in their home countries." Crackpots, extremists, facists...these are the taunts from the left; they are wrong, they are hypocritical.

"Odd, isn’t it, that pro-Brussels parties are somehow inoculated against the possibility of extremism"

God news all round. A new force to combat the careering juggernaut. "We now have a mechanism in place to advance a wholly different vision of Europe: one based on free people, free markets and free nations". I live in hope.

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Optimistic official opposition...

"It’s finally happened," Daniel Hannan tells us, (in the - at last - revamped Daily Telegraph blog pages)...he was talking of a "real" opposition in the EU.

"The European Conservatives and Reformists held their inaugural meeting today [Wed 24th] in an atmosphere of unprecedented amity and optimism."

"It is one thing to read about the ECR on paper, another to sit among its members. Here was as sober and respectable a gathering as you will find in Brussels: ex-ministers, professors of economics, former diplomats. Six of the nine participating parties are in government in their home countries." Crackpots, extremists, facists...these are the taunts from the left; they are wrong, they are hypocritical.

"Odd, isn’t it, that pro-Brussels parties are somehow inoculated against the possibility of extremism"

God news all round. A new force to combat the careering juggernaut. "We now have a mechanism in place to advance a wholly different vision of Europe: one based on free people, free markets and free nations". I live in hope.

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Obitutary: Just in case you hadn't heard... here's the BBCs list of "MOST POPULAR STORIES NOW" (7a.m. BST) I thought I'd copy their list of most popular read/watched/shared news as I've never seen it as so concerned with a single topic almost exclusively about the death at 50 of "The King of Pop".


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jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Out, out, out III...

More brownstuff from Brown: "I will not walk away from Downing Street". Mr Brown told The Times he had no intention of standing down writes Philip Webster, Political Editor.

Fuck'll be dragged out kicking and screaming by the sound of it. Despite yet more lies today [FTWB] from Gordon Brown he states that newcomers must sigh a pledge: the pledge says, amongst other things, that they must commit to "prudence with public money", LOL! What a complete Tango With Added Tango.

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Out, out, out III...

More brownstuff from Brown: "I will not walk away from Downing Street". Mr Brown told The Times he had no intention of standing down writes Philip Webster, Political Editor.

Fuck'll be dragged out kicking and screaming by the sound of it. Despite yet more lies today [FTWB] from Gordon Brown he states that newcomers must sigh a pledge: the pledge says, amongst other things, that they must commit to "prudence with public money", LOL! What a complete Tango With Added Tango.

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Three absolutely lovely pairs...and I don't mean the shiny, spray-on trousers. The lovely ladies in the picture below were working today to show us a new type of bra.Three lovely pairs Apparently the new ba has been designed to "mimic the ideal lift and support achieved when women hold up their own bust with the help of a brand new structure shaped with four ‘fingers’ that is moulded into each cup" thereby replacing the underwire. Note the "their own bust" and note as well the two girls left and right showing this in practical terms; the image below shows how this 'four finger lift' works...
who's hands?One thing occurs to me - well, more than one - what was that phrase again? "...mimic the ideal lift and support achieved when women hold up their own bust"...then, looking at the position of the thumbs (and ignoring completely the lack of one finger), who's hands are those meant to be?

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Three absolutely lovely pairs...and I don't mean the shiny, spray-on trousers. The lovely ladies in the picture below were working today to show us a new type of bra.Three lovely pairs Apparently the new ba has been designed to "mimic the ideal lift and support achieved when women hold up their own bust with the help of a brand new structure shaped with four ‘fingers’ that is moulded into each cup" thereby replacing the underwire. Note the "their own bust" and note as well the two girls left and right showing this in practical terms; the image below shows how this 'four finger lift' works...
who's hands?One thing occurs to me - well, more than one - what was that phrase again? "...mimic the ideal lift and support achieved when women hold up their own bust"...then, looking at the position of the thumbs (and ignoring completely the lack of one finger), who's hands are those meant to be?

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miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009


Received via e-mail: I know most of you are dog lovers and would like to help: our neighbour, a widow, has lost her Chihuahua puppy and is desperate to find him. She realized he was gone yesterday whilst she was sitting on the couch watching TV; she has told us that she called out and he never responded, which has never happened before. Then she noticed the back door was open! She has been putting up signs everywhere in an effort to have him returned... He answers to the name "Tiny". Thanks in advance for any help in finding Tiny.

(click image to enlarge)
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Received via e-mail: I know most of you are dog lovers and would like to help: our neighbour, a widow, has lost her Chihuahua puppy and is desperate to find him. She realized he was gone yesterday whilst she was sitting on the couch watching TV; she has told us that she called out and he never responded, which has never happened before. Then she noticed the back door was open! She has been putting up signs everywhere in an effort to have him returned... He answers to the name "Tiny". Thanks in advance for any help in finding Tiny.

(click image to enlarge)
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martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Obscurantism offence...

"The Ministry of Truth is a campaign film project to educate and engage you on your rights to stop MPs deceiving you. We're promoting a law which restores the balance of power between elected representatives and their employers - making them truly transparent. Not just for their expenses, but for everything they do in their capacity as MPs"

We all know they should be accountable to us. We all know that they're not.

"What’s all the fuss about?

The Ministry of Truth is campaigning to introduce legislation that makes it illegal for politicians to deliberately deceive the public."

"There’s no law in this country that makes it an offence for MPs to deceive the electorate. Worse than that – there’s no way of removing a sitting MP. Once they’ve been elected they can pretty much do what they like until the next general election. We’ve a general election coming up and this Bill is the perfect way to discover which MPs and which parties genuinely want to end dishonest politics."

Very easily added to Facebook, Blogger etc: Shared via AddThis

Obscurantism offence...

"The Ministry of Truth is a campaign film project to educate and engage you on your rights to stop MPs deceiving you. We're promoting a law which restores the balance of power between elected representatives and their employers - making them truly transparent. Not just for their expenses, but for everything they do in their capacity as MPs"

We all know they should be accountable to us. We all know that they're not.

"What’s all the fuss about?

The Ministry of Truth is campaigning to introduce legislation that makes it illegal for politicians to deliberately deceive the public."

"There’s no law in this country that makes it an offence for MPs to deceive the electorate. Worse than that – there’s no way of removing a sitting MP. Once they’ve been elected they can pretty much do what they like until the next general election. We’ve a general election coming up and this Bill is the perfect way to discover which MPs and which parties genuinely want to end dishonest politics."

Very easily added to Facebook, Blogger etc: Shared via AddThis

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

[Edit: 'dead' image removed] Please fasten you seat belts, there may be some turbulance; in a few minutes we will pass through the cabin with our drinks service; duty free purchases can be made at the rear of the aircraft ...and, oh yes... the pilot's dead. (Except they didn't announce that last bit until they had landed!) Bookmark and Share
Please fasten you seat belts, there may be some turbulance; in a few minutes we will pass through the cabin with our drinks service; duty free purchases can be made at the rear of the aircraft ...and, oh yes... the pilot's dead. (Except they didn't announce that last bit until they had landed!)

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Please fasten you seat belts, there may be some turbulance; in a few minutes we will pass through the cabin with our drinks service; duty free purchases can be made at the rear of the aircraft ...and, oh yes... the pilot's dead. (Except they didn't announce that last bit until they had landed!)

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viernes, 19 de junio de 2009


Update: UK DEBT BOMBSHELL [Link] "by 2011 the interest on the national debt will cost £42.9 billion a year."
No, not a Spanish genetically modified organism but: Oh...My...God. Blatantly copied this evening from the ever-enlightening Burning Our Money we see how Crash Gordon and his glove-puppet Darling are on course to overshadow the highest government borrowing from previous years by AT LEAST twice the previous record - but more probably and more worryingly, by a factor of four.

"That is incompetence of an exceptionally high order."

Government borrowingSoaring into the stratosphere

"Today's public borrowing stats are way beyond dire: they are OMG terminal." (click on image for link to cumulative public sector finance and net debt on the UK National Statistics website)

In the first two months of this financial year the government borrowed £30.5bn, comfortably over twice what they borrowed in the same two months last year.

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Update: UK DEBT BOMBSHELL [Link] "by 2011 the interest on the national debt will cost £42.9 billion a year."
No, not a Spanish genetically modified organism but: Oh...My...God. Blatantly copied this evening from the ever-enlightening Burning Our Money we see how Crash Gordon and his glove-puppet Darling are on course to overshadow the highest government borrowing from previous years by AT LEAST twice the previous record - but more probably and more worryingly, by a factor of four.

"That is incompetence of an exceptionally high order."

Government borrowingSoaring into the stratosphere

"Today's public borrowing stats are way beyond dire: they are OMG terminal." (click on image for link to cumulative public sector finance and net debt on the UK National Statistics website)

In the first two months of this financial year the government borrowed £30.5bn, comfortably over twice what they borrowed in the same two months last year.

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Out, out, out II...

What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their country be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born politician?
...paraphrasing what was apparently said by contemporary biographer Edward Grim, writing in Latin: to quote the more well known phrase

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

...that according to historian Simon Schama is incorrect.

Gordon Brown is going too far in his scorched earth policy of trying to change parliament - under the guise of sorting it out after the expenses scandal - and do as much to undermine the UK as he can...he has now surrendered significant powers over the City to the EU...this is TREASON.

The European Commission and other EU officials are celebrating after the Prime Minister accepted on Thursday night the creation of European supervisors over national regulators.

This is so bad it just makes it more believable that this was the plan all along; Brown made such a patent mess with the FSA etc - he was warned even before he did it in 1997 - that the credit crunch was felt so much more than it should have been in the UK...and now we see it has been used as an excuse to give what has been the only powerhouse that the UK has had in 2 decades. I know it's going a bit far to assume Brown planned that far ahead but he is certainly taking advantage of the current turmoil to do as much damage as possible.
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Out, out, out II...

What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their country be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born politician?
...paraphrasing what was apparently said by contemporary biographer Edward Grim, writing in Latin: to quote the more well known phrase

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

...that according to historian Simon Schama is incorrect.

Gordon Brown is going too far in his scorched earth policy of trying to change parliament - under the guise of sorting it out after the expenses scandal - and do as much to undermine the UK as he can...he has now surrendered significant powers over the City to the EU...this is TREASON.

The European Commission and other EU officials are celebrating after the Prime Minister accepted on Thursday night the creation of European supervisors over national regulators.

This is so bad it just makes it more believable that this was the plan all along; Brown made such a patent mess with the FSA etc - he was warned even before he did it in 1997 - that the credit crunch was felt so much more than it should have been in the UK...and now we see it has been used as an excuse to give what has been the only powerhouse that the UK has had in 2 decades. I know it's going a bit far to assume Brown planned that far ahead but he is certainly taking advantage of the current turmoil to do as much damage as possible.
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Orthodoxy of overspending - over...

After this weeks Prime Minister's Questions with repeat after repeat of the exact same LIES even "some of Gordon Brown’s colleagues know the game is up." With the disgraceful and lying Brownstuff continuing to flow Gordon Brown would do well to read Bagehot in the The Economist this week, in the print edition but online HERE: "The end of the New Labour orthodoxy on public spending".

"In fact Labour might do better to fight on Mr Cameron’s ground: yes, there must be cuts, it could argue, but only we can be trusted to make them humanely. That stance would help dispel the government’s reputation for profligacy, while chiming with a residual hunch that the party cares more about the public services than the Tories. For Mr Brown, that might be too humiliating and disorienting a reversal; but if he can’t manage it, his successor as Labour leader will probably have to. When that happens, British politics will have a new consensus—and it will be the opposite of the one New Labour intended."

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Orthodoxy of overspending - over...

After this weeks Prime Minister's Questions with repeat after repeat of the exact same LIES even "some of Gordon Brown’s colleagues know the game is up." With the disgraceful and lying Brownstuff continuing to flow Gordon Brown would do well to read Bagehot in the The Economist this week, in the print edition but online HERE: "The end of the New Labour orthodoxy on public spending".

"In fact Labour might do better to fight on Mr Cameron’s ground: yes, there must be cuts, it could argue, but only we can be trusted to make them humanely. That stance would help dispel the government’s reputation for profligacy, while chiming with a residual hunch that the party cares more about the public services than the Tories. For Mr Brown, that might be too humiliating and disorienting a reversal; but if he can’t manage it, his successor as Labour leader will probably have to. When that happens, British politics will have a new consensus—and it will be the opposite of the one New Labour intended."

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jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Oily obsession...

Undies ads going OTT? NO! We want more...I mean know what I mean!

Sexy Eva in CK Below is another Eva CK ad from last year for Klein's Secret Obsession was banned from US TV. Eva said,

'I love my country, but I believe that we are too quick to censor nudity....'We seem ok with violence, but nudity we race to criticise and censor. I'm not at all ashamed or frightened about showing my body.'

'We believe the commercial is exceptional and hits the mark for Secret Obsession.' said Tom Murry, president and chief operating officer of Calvin Klein Inc. no doubt happy with more exposure..oops!
Eva Secret Obsession
Both images link to Daily Mail article "Are fashion ads going too far?" with more pics (including some with with Irish model Jamie Dornan - just to prove there's no sexism involved!)
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Oily obsession...

Undies ads going OTT? NO! We want more...I mean know what I mean!

Sexy Eva in CK Below is another Eva CK ad from last year for Klein's Secret Obsession was banned from US TV. Eva said,

'I love my country, but I believe that we are too quick to censor nudity....'We seem ok with violence, but nudity we race to criticise and censor. I'm not at all ashamed or frightened about showing my body.'

'We believe the commercial is exceptional and hits the mark for Secret Obsession.' said Tom Murry, president and chief operating officer of Calvin Klein Inc. no doubt happy with more exposure..oops!
Eva Secret Obsession
Both images link to Daily Mail article "Are fashion ads going too far?" with more pics (including some with with Irish model Jamie Dornan - just to prove there's no sexism involved!)
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martes, 16 de junio de 2009

On offer...

With Gordon Brown's blatant public lies last week it seems appropriate that his financial support is drying up and leaving bearly a single source for Labour coffers...except the Unions; so no surprise today at their 2009 conference that Unison chirps up with the biggest threat: that of withdrawing their stuffed brown envelopes from anyone who doesn't toe their line. John McDonnell, Labour MP leading a group of MPs as The Campaign Group wants union rights increased and an end to privatisation of the public services.

"I welcome Dave Prentis's speech today at Unison conference. It is an indication of the revulsion within rank-and-file trade unionists at the government policies of privatisation."

I don't agree (except regarding the Post Office, in fact I am staggered that a Labour government - albeit faded rosé tinged instead of red - would even consider it for a second) but you have to respect the guy and that he stands up for what the Labour Party should be.

However, the Conservative Party should beware, and the excellent Letters from a Tory tells us today how they have been given a slight reprieve because the government was defeated (in the House of Lords) over it's attempts to thwart the Conservatives by banning donations to political parties by tax exiles. Apparently 46 Labour rebels "(the biggest rebellion since 1997)" swayed the vote Labour still desperate to stop Ashcroft donations:

Labour’s desire to attack the Conservatives on any grounds, regardless of how spurious they are, should not be underestimated. Electoral reform, MPs’ second jobs, party donations – they can and will try everything to hurt the Conservatives. Labour will never reform trade union funding as this would bankrupt them overnight so I see no reason why the Conservatives should bug [Lord Ashcroft about his] donations, but with Labour in charge of the legislative agenda I would brace yourself for a barrage of attacks as Labour try to undermine the Conservative Party’s credibility and honesty because they have no policy debates to concern themselves with.

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On offer...

With Gordon Brown's blatant public lies last week it seems appropriate that his financial support is drying up and leaving bearly a single source for Labour coffers...except the Unions; so no surprise today at their 2009 conference that Unison chirps up with the biggest threat: that of withdrawing their stuffed brown envelopes from anyone who doesn't toe their line. John McDonnell, Labour MP leading a group of MPs as The Campaign Group wants union rights increased and an end to privatisation of the public services.

"I welcome Dave Prentis's speech today at Unison conference. It is an indication of the revulsion within rank-and-file trade unionists at the government policies of privatisation."

I don't agree (except regarding the Post Office, in fact I am staggered that a Labour government - albeit faded rosé tinged instead of red - would even consider it for a second) but you have to respect the guy and that he stands up for what the Labour Party should be.

However, the Conservative Party should beware, and the excellent Letters from a Tory tells us today how they have been given a slight reprieve because the government was defeated (in the House of Lords) over it's attempts to thwart the Conservatives by banning donations to political parties by tax exiles. Apparently 46 Labour rebels "(the biggest rebellion since 1997)" swayed the vote Labour still desperate to stop Ashcroft donations:

Labour’s desire to attack the Conservatives on any grounds, regardless of how spurious they are, should not be underestimated. Electoral reform, MPs’ second jobs, party donations – they can and will try everything to hurt the Conservatives. Labour will never reform trade union funding as this would bankrupt them overnight so I see no reason why the Conservatives should bug [Lord Ashcroft about his] donations, but with Labour in charge of the legislative agenda I would brace yourself for a barrage of attacks as Labour try to undermine the Conservative Party’s credibility and honesty because they have no policy debates to concern themselves with.

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sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Ode to odious overspenders...

From: The Guardian: "Carol Ann Duffy leaps into expenses row with first official poem as laureate. New poem Politics makes a passionate commentary on corrosiveness of politics on politicians".

How it makes of your face a stone

that aches to weep, of your heart a fist,

clenched or thumping, sweating blood, of your tongue

an iron latch with no door. How it makes of your right hand

a gauntlet, a glove-puppet of the left, of your laugh

a dry leaf blowing in the wind, of your desert island discs

hiss hiss hiss, makes of the words on your lips dice

that can throw no six. How it takes the breath

away, the piss, makes of your kiss a dropped pound coin,

makes of your promises latin, gibberish, feedback, static,

of your hair a wig, of your gait a plankwalk. How it says this –

politics – to your education education education; shouts this –

Politics! – to your health and wealth; how it roars, to your

conscience moral compass truth, POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS.

Politics by Carol Ann Duffy

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Ode to odious overspenders...

From: The Guardian: "Carol Ann Duffy leaps into expenses row with first official poem as laureate. New poem Politics makes a passionate commentary on corrosiveness of politics on politicians".

How it makes of your face a stone

that aches to weep, of your heart a fist,

clenched or thumping, sweating blood, of your tongue

an iron latch with no door. How it makes of your right hand

a gauntlet, a glove-puppet of the left, of your laugh

a dry leaf blowing in the wind, of your desert island discs

hiss hiss hiss, makes of the words on your lips dice

that can throw no six. How it takes the breath

away, the piss, makes of your kiss a dropped pound coin,

makes of your promises latin, gibberish, feedback, static,

of your hair a wig, of your gait a plankwalk. How it says this –

politics – to your education education education; shouts this –

Politics! – to your health and wealth; how it roars, to your

conscience moral compass truth, POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS.

Politics by Carol Ann Duffy

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Ominous overlording odorivector...

DT Mandleson interviewFollowing on from yesterday's post about tales from the snakepit the arch kingmaker is now in "the city that made bunkers famous". The image (with a sinsiter look that seems to be saying "I vill only say zis vunce" although it was from a few years ago when Mandy was European Union trade chief) links to the Telegraph's Mandleson interview. "I'm there to work for the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole. That doesn't make me Gordon Brown's deputy." hmmm, that has more than one way of reading, and on his "saving" of gordon brown as PM he says "It is almost unimaginable rather than just simply ironic." Mandy also made sure he was "needed" by suggesting that threats of a challenge to Brown are still very much a probability.

Salisbury, Wolsey etc are among those people from history with vast although not absolute power with whom Mandy has been compared; others have compared him to fictional characters...not least the amusing hypnotist python Kaa in Jungle Book - you know " trust in me" - and of course the ultimate in sinister aides-de-camp Lord Vader.

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Ominous overlording odorivector...

DT Mandleson interviewFollowing on from yesterday's post about tales from the snakepit the arch kingmaker is now in "the city that made bunkers famous". The image (with a sinsiter look that seems to be saying "I vill only say zis vunce" although it was from a few years ago when Mandy was European Union trade chief) links to the Telegraph's Mandleson interview. "I'm there to work for the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole. That doesn't make me Gordon Brown's deputy." hmmm, that has more than one way of reading, and on his "saving" of gordon brown as PM he says "It is almost unimaginable rather than just simply ironic." Mandy also made sure he was "needed" by suggesting that threats of a challenge to Brown are still very much a probability.

Salisbury, Wolsey etc are among those people from history with vast although not absolute power with whom Mandy has been compared; others have compared him to fictional characters...not least the amusing hypnotist python Kaa in Jungle Book - you know " trust in me" - and of course the ultimate in sinister aides-de-camp Lord Vader.

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viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

[Edit: 'dead' image removed] Apologies in advance for so little original comment in this post; please be content with the wonderful prose from this week's The Spectator - who can express in a far more effective way than I - the disgraceful conduct, lack of mandate, lack of accountability and lack of democracy that the UK is currently suffering; the first two links open in print mode for easier reading (all on a single page) simply cancel the print window if it opens. "Matthew d’Ancona says that, by sticking with Brown, Labour has opted for a mad collective delusion. The party is still in thrall to the trio who invented New Labour and cannot think beyond the Blair-Brown era — an incapacity for which it will pay a terrible price."

"Gordon Brown remains Prime Minister, he has formed a new Cabinet — just — and the Parliamentary Labour Party did not rise up on Monday night to defenestrate their leader. On they limp, these shambling, morally broken MPs, muttering to themselves that it could be worse, that catastrophe has been averted, that the moment of maximum danger is behind them. How deceived can a political tribe be? The expenses scandal shed unforgiving light upon a parliament of spivs. Now we have a parliament of zombies."

"The real sickness is Labour’s, not Brown’s" "Fraser Nelson says that the governing party has lost its hunger for office — and is now unhealthily dominated by the mega-union Unite and its political chieftain, Charlie Whelan."

" is unfair to blame Gordon Brown entirely for Labour’s demise. Truly awful political leaders do surface from time to time; the question is what their parties do with them. In the last two weeks, it has become devastatingly clear that Labour’s modus operandi is to flail around — and then do nothing. This is not just a matter of cowardice, as important as that doubtless is. There are deeper, institutional reasons for this collective paralysis. For the once-awesome New Labour organism has contracted a disease, which will not only take it out of government but may yet finish it off in opposition, too.

Crucially, Labour has now become a factional government in a way it was not even a fortnight ago. Mr Brown’s attempt to build a ‘government of all the talents’ has ended with a government of virtually none. Instead of Tony Blair’s Big Tent, which notionally had space for everyone, we have Mr Brown’s fiercely defended military bivouac. His key lieutenant, Lord Mandelson, now runs a department so vast that ten ministers report to him (just five report to the Chancellor)."

That last sentence is astounding for a man twice forced to resign from government. "Post-reshuffle, Mandelson wields more power than any peer since Salisbury"... Or, as William Hague said hilariously, "It would be no surprise to wake up in the morning and find that he had become an archbishop" likening Mandy to the power possessed by Thomas - later Cardinal - Wolsey Bookmark and Share
snake pit or vampire bat! Apologies in advance for so little original comment in this post; please be content with the wonderful prose from this week's The Spectator - who can express in a far more effective way than I - the disgraceful conduct, lack of mandate, lack of accountability and lack of democracy that the UK is currently suffering; the first two links open in print mode for easier reading (all on a single page) simply cancel the print window if it opens.
"Matthew d’Ancona says that, by sticking with Brown, Labour has opted for a mad collective delusion. The party is still in thrall to the trio who invented New Labour and cannot think beyond the Blair-Brown era — an incapacity for which it will pay a terrible price."

"Gordon Brown remains Prime Minister, he has formed a new Cabinet — just — and the Parliamentary Labour Party did not rise up on Monday night to defenestrate their leader. On they limp, these shambling, morally broken MPs, muttering to themselves that it could be worse, that catastrophe has been averted, that the moment of maximum danger is behind them. How deceived can a political tribe be? The expenses scandal shed unforgiving light upon a parliament of spivs. Now we have a parliament of zombies."

"The real sickness is Labour’s, not Brown’s"

"Fraser Nelson says that the governing party has lost its hunger for office — and is now unhealthily dominated by the mega-union Unite and its political chieftain, Charlie Whelan."

" is unfair to blame Gordon Brown entirely for Labour’s demise. Truly awful political leaders do surface from time to time; the question is what their parties do with them. In the last two weeks, it has become devastatingly clear that Labour’s modus operandi is to flail around — and then do nothing. This is not just a matter of cowardice, as important as that doubtless is. There are deeper, institutional reasons for this collective paralysis. For the once-awesome New Labour organism has contracted a disease, which will not only take it out of government but may yet finish it off in opposition, too.

Crucially, Labour has now become a factional government in a way it was not even a fortnight ago. Mr Brown’s attempt to build a ‘government of all the talents’ has ended with a government of virtually none. Instead of Tony Blair’s Big Tent, which notionally had space for everyone, we have Mr Brown’s fiercely defended military bivouac. His key lieutenant, Lord Mandelson, now runs a department so vast that ten ministers report to him (just five report to the Chancellor)."

That last sentence is astounding for a man twice forced to resign from government. "Post-reshuffle, Mandelson wields more power than any peer since Salisbury"...

Or, as William Hague said hilariously, "It would be no surprise to wake up in the morning and find that he had become an archbishop" likening Mandy to the power possessed by Thomas - later Cardinal - Wolsey

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snake pit or vampire bat! Apologies in advance for so little original comment in this post; please be content with the wonderful prose from this week's The Spectator - who can express in a far more effective way than I - the disgraceful conduct, lack of mandate, lack of accountability and lack of democracy that the UK is currently suffering; the first two links open in print mode for easier reading (all on a single page) simply cancel the print window if it opens.
"Matthew d’Ancona says that, by sticking with Brown, Labour has opted for a mad collective delusion. The party is still in thrall to the trio who invented New Labour and cannot think beyond the Blair-Brown era — an incapacity for which it will pay a terrible price."

"Gordon Brown remains Prime Minister, he has formed a new Cabinet — just — and the Parliamentary Labour Party did not rise up on Monday night to defenestrate their leader. On they limp, these shambling, morally broken MPs, muttering to themselves that it could be worse, that catastrophe has been averted, that the moment of maximum danger is behind them. How deceived can a political tribe be? The expenses scandal shed unforgiving light upon a parliament of spivs. Now we have a parliament of zombies."

"The real sickness is Labour’s, not Brown’s"

"Fraser Nelson says that the governing party has lost its hunger for office — and is now unhealthily dominated by the mega-union Unite and its political chieftain, Charlie Whelan."

" is unfair to blame Gordon Brown entirely for Labour’s demise. Truly awful political leaders do surface from time to time; the question is what their parties do with them. In the last two weeks, it has become devastatingly clear that Labour’s modus operandi is to flail around — and then do nothing. This is not just a matter of cowardice, as important as that doubtless is. There are deeper, institutional reasons for this collective paralysis. For the once-awesome New Labour organism has contracted a disease, which will not only take it out of government but may yet finish it off in opposition, too.

Crucially, Labour has now become a factional government in a way it was not even a fortnight ago. Mr Brown’s attempt to build a ‘government of all the talents’ has ended with a government of virtually none. Instead of Tony Blair’s Big Tent, which notionally had space for everyone, we have Mr Brown’s fiercely defended military bivouac. His key lieutenant, Lord Mandelson, now runs a department so vast that ten ministers report to him (just five report to the Chancellor)."

That last sentence is astounding for a man twice forced to resign from government. "Post-reshuffle, Mandelson wields more power than any peer since Salisbury"...

Or, as William Hague said hilariously, "It would be no surprise to wake up in the morning and find that he had become an archbishop" likening Mandy to the power possessed by Thomas - later Cardinal - Wolsey

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