...paraphrasing what was apparently said by contemporary biographer Edward Grim, writing in Latin: to quote the more well known phrase
...that according to historian Simon Schama is incorrect."Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"
Gordon Brown is going too far in his scorched earth policy of trying to change parliament - under the guise of sorting it out after the expenses scandal - and do as much to undermine the UK as he can...he has now surrendered significant powers over the City to the EU...this is TREASON.
This is so bad it just makes it more believable that this was the plan all along; Brown made such a patent mess with the FSA etc - he was warned even before he did it in 1997 - that the credit crunch was felt so much more than it should have been in the UK...and now we see it has been used as an excuse to give what has been the only powerhouse that the UK has had in 2 decades. I know it's going a bit far to assume Brown planned that far ahead but he is certainly taking advantage of the current turmoil to do as much damage as possible.The European Commission and other EU officials are celebrating after the Prime Minister accepted on Thursday night the creation of European supervisors over national regulators.
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