sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

Olamic obduracy...

You have been warned, again. New Labour ruined the economy, set the country on course for disaster; took away more rights than ever before; generally the worst government ever...and yet that red donkey in a rosette is still a truism isn't it (and certainly true in some places)? Please, I am genuinely gob-smacked - when it is clear that even his own party can stand him - just how the FUCK can 29% prefer Ed Miliband as Prime Minister? Hat-tip: Political Betting, Source: Lord Ashcroft Polls ("polled more than 26,000 voters in 26 constituencies that will be among the most closely contested between the Conservatives and Labour at the next general election").

"Across the battleground I found a 6.5% swing from the Conservatives to Labour – enough to topple 83 Tory MPs and give Ed Miliband a comfortable majority."

See pie chart: 5% sure, 10 maybe, at a push...but 29%?

Update: (off on a tangent) oh well, putting that in perspective, in critically troubled Venezuela [edit] Nike Nick Ripe (Krusty II) is down to 37%!

Olamic obduracy...

You have been warned, again. New Labour ruined the economy, set the country on course for disaster; took away more rights than ever before; generally the worst government ever...and yet that red donkey in a rosette is still a truism isn't it (and certainly true in some places)? Please, I am genuinely gob-smacked - when it is clear that even his own party can stand him - just how the FUCK can 29% prefer Ed Miliband as Prime Minister? Hat-tip: Political Betting, Source: Lord Ashcroft Polls ("polled more than 26,000 voters in 26 constituencies that will be among the most closely contested between the Conservatives and Labour at the next general election").
"Across the battleground I found a 6.5% swing from the Conservatives to Labour – enough to topple 83 Tory MPs and give Ed Miliband a comfortable majority."
See pie chart: 5% sure, 10 maybe, at a push...but 29%?

Update: (off on a tangent) oh well, putting that in perspective, in critically troubled Venezuela [edit] Nike Nick Ripe (Krusty II) is down to 37%!

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Over or out...

Sorry Dave, not this time (I hope you get 2nd!). Probably next year. Even Google backs UKIP "A cross in the bottom box on your ballot paper today is a vote for UKIP…"

Over or out...

Sorry Dave, not this time (I hope you get 2nd!). Probably next year. Even Google backs UKIP "A cross in the bottom box on your ballot paper today is a vote for UKIP…"

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Orbix operation...

Wehay! The Independent reports: "firm, young-looking breasts that keep their shape over time". OK, I'm well behind with the news from Orbix Medical, the company that have developed a new plastic surgery procedure that promises to deliver "firm, young-looking breasts that keep their shape over time" by implanting bra-shaped 'silicone slings' underneath the skin. Taking only 45 minutes it has been approved in the EU: the operation involves the insertion of "silicon cups underneath the breast tissue and anchoring them to the bones of the rib cage with titanium screws".

'The Orbix Breast Support System eliminates breast re-sagging and minimizes scarring following breast procedures, keeping the shape and position of the breast and nipple years after the procedure.'

No offence to this good surgical advance (with medially sound reasons for it) but I'm starting to think that maybe a future blog-post will be 'Oversexed Oldies' with horny old nip-'n-tucked men high on Viagra [remember] servicing their biddy wives - with new firm breasts and each with their own personalised and aesthetically enhanced and tightened vagina - shagging behind the bowling shed.

Orbix operation...

Wehay! The Independent reports: "firm, young-looking breasts that keep their shape over time". OK, I'm well behind with the news from Orbix Medical, the company that have developed a new plastic surgery procedure that promises to deliver "firm, young-looking breasts that keep their shape over time" by implanting bra-shaped 'silicone slings' underneath the skin. Taking only 45 minutes it has been approved in the EU: the operation involves the insertion of "silicon cups underneath the breast tissue and anchoring them to the bones of the rib cage with titanium screws".
'The Orbix Breast Support System eliminates breast re-sagging and minimizes scarring following breast procedures, keeping the shape and position of the breast and nipple years after the procedure.'
No offence to this good surgical advance (with medially sound reasons for it) but I'm starting to think that maybe a future blog-post will be 'Oversexed Oldies' with horny old nip-'n-tucked men high on Viagra [remember] servicing their biddy wives - with new firm breasts and each with their own personalised and aesthetically enhanced and tightened vagina - shagging behind the bowling shed.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Overdue obeisance II...

At last the clock has been reset! 3-2 AET

Overdue obeisance II...

At last the clock has been reset! 3-2 AET

Odyssean obsecrations...

Dominic Cummings has been in the news lately, indeed he is making it. He was Michael Gove's main adviser for most of September 2007 – January 2014 and is really making Clegg look bad (yes, I know!). Babble in the Bubble is well worth the read (including/ especially the updates); who would have thought free school meals could be so amusing (you have to laugh otherwise you'll cry)?

Dominic has some interesting things to say: "Courses such as Politics, Philosophy and Economics (and economics in general) [Remember Old Oxfordian Overseers? And follow-up] do not train political leaders well. They encourage superficial bluffing, misplaced confidence... ...and they do not train people to make decisions in complex organisations. Ministers are selected from MPs but MPs are not selected for their ability to devise policy, prioritise, manage complex organisations, or admit and fix errors. In the absence of effective training, many default to gimmicks and attempts to manipulate the media. In the choice between ‘to be’ or ‘to do’, insiders tend to choose the former because the system incentivises behaviour that is contrary to the public interest."

Now who could argue with that! (well, S for one).  Essay on 'Odyssean' Education and 'integrative thinking' is HERE (pdf file). Hat-tips: Raewald and Guido.

Odyssean obsecrations...

Dominic Cummings has been in the news lately, indeed he is making it. He was Michael Gove's main adviser for most of September 2007 – January 2014 and is really making Clegg look bad (yes, I know!). Babble in the Bubble is well worth the read (including/ especially the updates); who would have thought free school meals could be so amusing (you have to laugh otherwise you'll cry)?

Dominic has some interesting things to say: "Courses such as Politics, Philosophy and Economics (and economics in general) [Remember Old Oxfordian Overseers? And follow-up] do not train political leaders well. They encourage superficial bluffing, misplaced confidence... ...and they do not train people to make decisions in complex organisations. Ministers are selected from MPs but MPs are not selected for their ability to devise policy, prioritise, manage complex organisations, or admit and fix errors. In the absence of effective training, many default to gimmicks and attempts to manipulate the media. In the choice between ‘to be’ or ‘to do’, insiders tend to choose the former because the system incentivises behaviour that is contrary to the public interest."

Now who could argue with that! (well, S for one).  Essay on 'Odyssean' Education and 'integrative thinking' is HERE (pdf file). Hat-tips: Raewald and Guido.

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Ozokerite or oozing oil...


"Amid the hysterical counter claims from the ‘interim government’ in Kiev supported by $5bn dollars of American money which chased the duly democratically elected government out of town and now condemns as ‘criminal’ the people of Eastern Ukraine holding a referendum to democratically decide their future – there is a three letter word which is conspicuous by its absence. Can you guess what it is yet?" So writes Anna Raccoon with another excellent blog-post about The bitter legacy of the Western Ukraine and a dark sticky liquid oozing out over the plains: not blood but it could be given the history of the Bloodlands.

"Oh – and the responsibility of deciding which way to send the oil oozing from the ground – east to Russia, or west to Europe?"

The comments and the links in the comments are worth a read too: The Strangelove effect with Obama seeking a greater budget for nuclear weapons than during the Cold War and the sinister expansionism of the European Council. Have we been here before? East vs. West? Hopefully not; indeed who could imagine a repeat of the Worst of the Madness in a "region that experienced the worst of both Stalin’s and Hitler’s ideological madness" and "the site of most of the politically motivated killing in Europe... ...between 1933 and 1945, fourteen million people died there, not in combat but because someone made a deliberate decision to murder them."

Ozokerite or oozing oil...

"Amid the hysterical counter claims from the ‘interim government’ in Kiev supported by $5bn dollars of American money which chased the duly democratically elected government out of town and now condemns as ‘criminal’ the people of Eastern Ukraine holding a referendum to democratically decide their future – there is a three letter word which is conspicuous by its absence. Can you guess what it is yet?" So writes Anna Raccoon with another excellent blog-post about The bitter legacy of the Western Ukraine and a dark sticky liquid oozing out over the plains: not blood but it could be given the history of the Bloodlands.
"Oh – and the responsibility of deciding which way to send the oil oozing from the ground – east to Russia, or west to Europe?"
The comments and the links in the comments are worth a read too: The Strangelove effect with Obama seeking a greater budget for nuclear weapons than during the Cold War and the sinister expansionism of the European Council. Have we been here before? East vs. West? Hopefully not; indeed who could imagine a repeat of the Worst of the Madness in a "region that experienced the worst of both Stalin’s and Hitler’s ideological madness" and "the site of most of the politically motivated killing in Europe... ...between 1933 and 1945, fourteen million people died there, not in combat but because someone made a deliberate decision to murder them."

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Overdue obeisance...

Today is International Nurses Day (IND); OK, forgive the image, I decided on a 'cartoon' one and if you think I spent many hours viewing images of sexy nurses to get the right one I am offended and I'll have you know that you'll only be 95% right. I shouldn't be flippant, IND is celebrated around the world every May 12 [the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth].

This year's theme is Nurses: A Force for Change – A vital resource for health.  The kit (no!) is HERE (pdf) and although it is very sector-specific I found it interesting.  An educated nurse workforce + a good work environment = high quality care.  "This simple, evidence based, equation whether applied at a global or a local level in the health system is fundamental to understanding how to make the best of the vital resource which is nursing."

Some stories here; my very best wishes to all our hardworking and oft maligned nurses; and I can only apologise for only realising that 'today was the day' half an hour ago :-(

Overdue obeisance...

Today is International Nurses Day (IND); OK, forgive the image, I decided on a 'cartoon' one and if you think I spent many hours viewing images of sexy nurses to get the right one I am offended and I'll have you know that you'll only be 95% right. I shouldn't be flippant, IND is celebrated around the world every May 12 [the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth].

This year's theme is Nurses: A Force for Change – A vital resource for health.  The kit (no!) is HERE (pdf) and although it is very sector-specific I found it interesting.  An educated nurse workforce + a good work environment = high quality care.  "This simple, evidence based, equation whether applied at a global or a local level in the health system is fundamental to understanding how to make the best of the vital resource which is nursing."

Some stories here; my very best wishes to all our hardworking and oft maligned nurses; and I can only apologise for only realising that 'today was the day' half an hour ago :-(

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Obverting outrage; obviate obnubilation ...

[LINK Vanguard News]

[edited 13:30] Too little too late? Mrs. Obama joining the call for some action on the situation of the Nigerian school girls that were abducted FOUR WEEKS AGO by Nigerian Islamic terrorists (very surprised by the comments under that article btw). Relatively little has been reported about this until recently (with some exceptions [ABC Spanish]) despite the sudden spike in reporting [that seems like a contradiction but it isn't]; Nigerian-American writer Teju Cole called the abductions Twitter's 'cause of the day', a bit like flavour of the month; on Twitter he went further saying: "For four years, Nigerians have tried to understand these homicidal monsters. Your new interest (thanks) simplifies nothing, solves nothing." However, I am sure the school girls, as they [edit: allegedly] suffer multiple rapes every day or get their throats cut, appreciate the hashtag thought [sarc off]. Four weeks, the longer it goes the harder it will be to get those still alive back in one piece: does anyone think they are all still together, eating and sleeping happily as a group in a hall? They are already split into singles or small groups, maybe even sent to other Islamic militant groups, maybe in other countries. Small mercies: some have already escaped and others found in the forest.

Obama and his government hadn't seemed that interested; in fact they only put Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in November last year, having refused to do so on more than one occasion previously, including the 2011 bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Abuja. The mainstream media’s sudden interest in the abducted girls and Boko Haram is amazing. This devout Muslim group... has been waging bloody jihad in Nigeria for years, while the U.S. government, the United Nations and the mainstream media [and just about everyone except those condemned as anti-Muslim hate mongers] yawned. And will new outrage be short-lived? These otrocities often are e.g. who recalls the Kenyan Mall attack last autumn? Who knows that Boko Haram has already murdered in the most brutal fashion nearly 2600 people in the first three months of this year? They target teachers, doctors, schools..."but above all, Christians". This is a religious war; attacks are on-going (overshadowed by the mass abduction) but have been going on for years; hopefully this latest upsurge international interest will spark some serious countermeasures: Goodluck Jonathan, Action This Day.

"It is also time for Western liberals to wake up", Well said Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "If they choose to regard Boko Haram as an aberration, they do so at their peril. The kidnapping of these schoolgirls is not an isolated tragedy; their fate reflects a new wave of jihadism that extends far beyond Nigeria and poses a mortal threat to the rights of women and girls"...[and boys, and men, and Christians].

Islamic scholars of course are denouncing the kidnapping and subsequent pronouncements by Boko Haram as "a gross misinterpretation of Islam", interestingly, even Al Qaeda seem to have the same message; what about the wholesale slaughter of Christians, burning of churches, beheadings, attacking schools, "incessant bombings and blood letting" that's been happening for years?

Multiple Hat-tip: The Trent (Nigeria's Internet Newspaper).

Obverting outrage; obviate obnubilation ...

[LINK Vanguard News]
[edited 13:30] Too little too late? Mrs. Obama joining the call for some action on the situation of the Nigerian school girls that were abducted FOUR WEEKS AGO by Nigerian Islamic terrorists (very surprised by the comments under that article btw). Relatively little has been reported about this until recently (with some exceptions [ABC Spanish]) despite the sudden spike in reporting [that seems like a contradiction but it isn't]; Nigerian-American writer Teju Cole called the abductions Twitter's 'cause of the day', a bit like flavour of the month; on Twitter he went further saying: "For four years, Nigerians have tried to understand these homicidal monsters. Your new interest (thanks) simplifies nothing, solves nothing." However, I am sure the school girls, as they [edit: allegedly] suffer multiple rapes every day or get their throats cut, appreciate the hashtag thought [sarc off]. Four weeks, the longer it goes the harder it will be to get those still alive back in one piece: does anyone think they are all still together, eating and sleeping happily as a group in a hall? They are already split into singles or small groups, maybe even sent to other Islamic militant groups, maybe in other countries. Small mercies: some have already escaped and others found in the forest.

Obama and his government hadn't seemed that interested; in fact they only put Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in November last year, having refused to do so on more than one occasion previously, including the 2011 bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Abuja. The mainstream media’s sudden interest in the abducted girls and Boko Haram is amazing. This devout Muslim group... has been waging bloody jihad in Nigeria for years, while the U.S. government, the United Nations and the mainstream media [and just about everyone except those condemned as anti-Muslim hate mongers] yawned. And will new outrage be short-lived? These otrocities often are e.g. who recalls the Kenyan Mall attack last autumn? Who knows that Boko Haram has already murdered in the most brutal fashion nearly 2600 people in the first three months of this year? They target teachers, doctors, schools..."but above all, Christians". This is a religious war; attacks are on-going (overshadowed by the mass abduction) but have been going on for years; hopefully this latest upsurge international interest will spark some serious countermeasures: Goodluck Jonathan, Action This Day.

"It is also time for Western liberals to wake up", Well said Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "If they choose to regard Boko Haram as an aberration, they do so at their peril. The kidnapping of these schoolgirls is not an isolated tragedy; their fate reflects a new wave of jihadism that extends far beyond Nigeria and poses a mortal threat to the rights of women and girls"...[and boys, and men, and Christians].

Islamic scholars of course are denouncing the kidnapping and subsequent pronouncements by Boko Haram as "a gross misinterpretation of Islam", interestingly, even Al Qaeda seem to have the same message; what about the wholesale slaughter of Christians, burning of churches, beheadings, attacking schools, "incessant bombings and blood letting" that's been happening for years?

Multiple Hat-tip: The Trent (Nigeria's Internet Newspaper).

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Origami over-organ off...

It seems the idea is a good one but the company may be about to fold because the inventor seems to have spent his load, splurging and shooting his wad by creaming off the taxpayer funded grant money on a playboy lifestyle and perhaps confusing condom with condo. Clearly the pump and grind caused him to pop; with all the friction he eventually did his nut but still hasn't come clean about his personal behaviour  The Origami website states that "Latex condoms were first introduced around 1902,  just a year before the Wright Brothers' first successful flight at Kitty Hawk. Airplane technology has advanced us to landing on the moon and Mars while the rolled condom has essentially remained the same"...so has the wheel. Hat-tip Weasel Zippers, no, really!

Origami over-organ off...

It seems the idea is a good one but the company may be about to fold because the inventor seems to have spent his load, splurging and shooting his wad by creaming off the taxpayer funded grant money on a playboy lifestyle and perhaps confusing condom with condo. Clearly the pump and grind caused him to pop; with all the friction he eventually did his nut but still hasn't come clean about his personal behaviour  The Origami website states that "Latex condoms were first introduced around 1902,  just a year before the Wright Brothers' first successful flight at Kitty Hawk. Airplane technology has advanced us to landing on the moon and Mars while the rolled condom has essentially remained the same"...so has the wheel. Hat-tip Weasel Zippers, no, really!