sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Origami over-organ off...

It seems the idea is a good one but the company may be about to fold because the inventor seems to have spent his load, splurging and shooting his wad by creaming off the taxpayer funded grant money on a playboy lifestyle and perhaps confusing condom with condo. Clearly the pump and grind caused him to pop; with all the friction he eventually did his nut but still hasn't come clean about his personal behaviour  The Origami website states that "Latex condoms were first introduced around 1902,  just a year before the Wright Brothers' first successful flight at Kitty Hawk. Airplane technology has advanced us to landing on the moon and Mars while the rolled condom has essentially remained the same"...so has the wheel. Hat-tip Weasel Zippers, no, really!

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