jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022

Omnifarious opportunities or Overlord: OpenAI

Skynet took just 25 days* to become self-aware...

Who knows. Last week Spartacus had a talk with ChatGPT : We've Come a Long Way [LINK]. This is Open AI's Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGTP...you'll have to wait now because it got to over a million users in about a day, with almost zero media coverage!). 

Have a read, the chat is very complicated, we're way beyond Delphi and Sophia. 

Despite the reservations and limitations that Spartacus mentions in the conclusions, it sounds mind-blowingly good. 
"Also, with how fast these deep learning neural networks are improving, and their potential for sudden and hugely disruptive innovation across a wide variety of industries, all I can say is, buckle up. Things are about to get very, very weird." 
More at Epoch Times from Hans Mahncke [LINK] who was 'blown away' by it. 

By the way...Artificial Intelligence in fiction has been around for about 150 years! Funnily enough on the Wiki page (yeah, yeah, I know) on the 'Implausibility'..."Engineers and scientists have taken an interest in the way AI is presented in fiction. In films like the 2014 Ex Machina or 2015 Chappie, a single isolated genius becomes the first to successfully build an artificial general intelligence; scientists in the real world deem this to be unlikely."...erm, Open AI is Elon Musk's baby [late edit: Link added]

[Apologies: sign-up or £$€ may be required for some of the links.]

* Very later edit: this was in Terminator 2: Judgment Day

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022

Overcrowding or overreacting III: observing oncoming oneirodynia...

...we've been here before. Do [Are] my visions of future nightmares akin to The Camp of the Saints [PDF book link] overegging the pudding? Well, is anyone surprised about the newly released ONS data on ethic groups in England and Wales? Bear in mind this is the actual divulged information given to census representatives or filled out on the forms/online; I am sure it is all 100% accurate and the reality, no extras hiding, no unknowns** {sarc off}.
Census 2021 info is finally coming out...yes, 'finally': in case you hadn't noticed we are 30 days from 2023...why the delay? One snippet [in London] "36.8% of people identified as “White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British” in 2021 – down from 44.9% in 2011."...under 37%, that isn't very high is it, even for a 'metropolis'? 

More: "As part of the 'White' ethnic group, 74.4% of the population in England and Wales identified their ethnic group as 'English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British'".

  • 87.5% in 2001
  • 80.5% in 2011
  • 74.4% in 2021

This isn't prejudice; it isn't racist and now it isn't a conspiracy theory either. Yet another one becoming fact; think that's 25-nil now. 

** And we also know that anything up to a million or more are unknown, that is confirmed by government personnel, and the current polemic of the English Channel taxi/RN/RNLI people-trafficking service is a trickle in comparison. Hence weak politicians cries for an amnesty etc (to stop/hide the headache).