lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Official Opposition: Osborne's opening...

Good speech from George Osborne, shadow chancellor of the official opposition: reported by Andrew Sparrow in the Guardian. "Opening his speech, Osborne said:

"We meet at a time of national anxiety, in the eye of a financial storm. Our economy is suffering a crisis of confidence and our government is also suffering a crisis of confidence."

The shadow chancellor went on: "The age of irresponsibility - who would have thought that the epitaph of the Brown years would be provided by the man himself?"..."He says he's the candidate of experience. Well, I think we've all had enough of the Gordon Brown experience."

"The cupboard is bare. There is no more money. Tax revenues have collapsed. Unemployment costs are rising. Borrowing is out of control. Labour has done it again,"

All in all the right [pardon the pun] tone with a good, confident message. Interesting that NL had chimed in with a rebuttal of the cost re council tax freeze BEFORE the speech was finished! Overall it was well received: I hope the press reaction is fair: anyone interested in any other Conservative Party policies etc can see it on their excellent new website: policy page HERE:

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Official Opposition: Osborne's opening...

Good speech from George Osborne, shadow chancellor of the official opposition: reported by Andrew Sparrow in the Guardian. "Opening his speech, Osborne said:

"We meet at a time of national anxiety, in the eye of a financial storm. Our economy is suffering a crisis of confidence and our government is also suffering a crisis of confidence."

The shadow chancellor went on: "The age of irresponsibility - who would have thought that the epitaph of the Brown years would be provided by the man himself?"..."He says he's the candidate of experience. Well, I think we've all had enough of the Gordon Brown experience."

"The cupboard is bare. There is no more money. Tax revenues have collapsed. Unemployment costs are rising. Borrowing is out of control. Labour has done it again,"

All in all the right [pardon the pun] tone with a good, confident message. Interesting that NL had chimed in with a rebuttal of the cost re council tax freeze BEFORE the speech was finished! Overall it was well received: I hope the press reaction is fair: anyone interested in any other Conservative Party policies etc can see it on their excellent new website: policy page HERE:

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sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

oh oh...

Another Brown! Phil Brown Manager of Hull City FC. Whoever said that Hull is dull. After 6 games in the English Premier League (football for those not in the know!) they have 11 points; I can't quite remember but I think that was Derby's total at the end of last season! [Update: I remembered correctly] Unfortunately for Arsenal today's win was at their expense; losing 1-2 at home; I think (I'm doing a lot of thinking) that this is only Arsenal's 2nd defeat at the Emirates Stadium. Links to follow...BBC match report HERE...and KAROO who? Black and amber in purple patch give Gunners the included! Throughly deserved by all accounts.

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oh oh...

Another Brown! Phil Brown Manager of Hull City FC. Whoever said that Hull is dull. After 6 games in the English Premier League (football for those not in the know!) they have 11 points; I can't quite remember but I think that was Derby's total at the end of last season! [Update: I remembered correctly] Unfortunately for Arsenal today's win was at their expense; losing 1-2 at home; I think (I'm doing a lot of thinking) that this is only Arsenal's 2nd defeat at the Emirates Stadium. Links to follow...BBC match report HERE...and KAROO who? Black and amber in purple patch give Gunners the included! Throughly deserved by all accounts.

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viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

Oops: Osborne's opportunity...

Gordon Brown has called for an end to the "age of irresponsibility" and he has advocated a "new global order, founded on transparency, not opacity". [BBC] Would that age of irresponsibility be including anytime in the last ten or eleven years? hehehe... Benedict Brogan points out what Gordon seems to have missed and what could be a great opportunity for George Osborne.

Brown also stated that "co-ordinated" solutions to the economic downturn were needed. All sound very familiar:

1998: House of Commons: The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Gordon Brown):

In this year's pre-Budget report, we seek to steer a course of stability amid a world economic downturn...

First, I shall deal with the foundation for long-term economic stability...

Long-term interest rates are now at their lowest for 35 years and the lowest since Britain's boom-bust cycle first became entrenched...

Long-term monetary stability is a precondition of our economic success...

It is also because Britain has a new long-term fiscal framework with clear disciplines set out in the code for fiscal stability that we are laying before Parliament this afternoon that, as world growth slows, fiscal policy is able to make its contribution to stability and future growth in Britain...

The Government are steering a stable course, prudently investing in our future, proudly building strong public services and consistently keeping our promises to the British people. I commend this statement to the House.

Of course he said similar things on several occasions every year for the last decade and all would suggest the same thing...HE LIED! This must be the age he means to end. Let's hope so and what better way to start by disappearing from the scene...PLEASE!

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Oops: Osborne's opportunity...

Gordon Brown has called for an end to the "age of irresponsibility" and he has advocated a "new global order, founded on transparency, not opacity". [BBC] Would that age of irresponsibility be including anytime in the last ten or eleven years? hehehe... Benedict Brogan points out what Gordon seems to have missed and what could be a great opportunity for George Osborne.

Brown also stated that "co-ordinated" solutions to the economic downturn were needed. All sound very familiar:

1998: House of Commons: The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Gordon Brown):

In this year's pre-Budget report, we seek to steer a course of stability amid a world economic downturn...

First, I shall deal with the foundation for long-term economic stability...

Long-term interest rates are now at their lowest for 35 years and the lowest since Britain's boom-bust cycle first became entrenched...

Long-term monetary stability is a precondition of our economic success...

It is also because Britain has a new long-term fiscal framework with clear disciplines set out in the code for fiscal stability that we are laying before Parliament this afternoon that, as world growth slows, fiscal policy is able to make its contribution to stability and future growth in Britain...

The Government are steering a stable course, prudently investing in our future, proudly building strong public services and consistently keeping our promises to the British people. I commend this statement to the House.

Of course he said similar things on several occasions every year for the last decade and all would suggest the same thing...HE LIED! This must be the age he means to end. Let's hope so and what better way to start by disappearing from the scene...PLEASE!

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lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

Otoño (Autumn)

Click on the excellent Otoño (Autumn) Google logo for a beautiful autumn photo from Westonbirt - a must for all nature lovers: "Westonbirt, The National Arboretum is one of the most spectacular tree gardens in the world. An historical collection of over 3,000 different trees and shrub species many of which are rare or endangered in their native lands." ...and of course there are plenty of decent pubs [Ale Trail] nearby to aide and abet one's relaxation :-)
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Otoño (Autumn)

Click on the excellent Otoño (Autumn) Google logo for a beautiful autumn photo from Westonbirt - a must for all nature lovers: "Westonbirt, The National Arboretum is one of the most spectacular tree gardens in the world. An historical collection of over 3,000 different trees and shrub species many of which are rare or endangered in their native lands." ...and of course there are plenty of decent pubs [Ale Trail] nearby to aide and abet one's relaxation :-)
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domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Oligophrenic, obvoluted overspending...

Gordon Brown is really quaint: you'll see what I mean at the end of this post. Click on the image to go to the calculator or alternatively go to The Tax Payers' Alliance site and read about the true extent of Gordon Brown's Economic Failure or link direct to their full report [PDF file 1MB]
Gordon Brown calculator
Also you may like to read what Gord had to say in the Guardian; I'm sure it's a joke - seriously, in it Brown says:

"But let me be clear: this is not the moment to junk the economic policy framework that has secured sustained growth, high employment and low inflation over the past decade. The progressive British model that New Labour has pioneered has been successful

So while we respond to a world that is changing all around us, our values of fairness and social justice remain our guide. Everything we have done since 1997, and everything we do this week in Manchester, is driven by one thing: our united commitment to fair rules, fair chances, and a fair say for all."

"Gordon Brown is the prime minister"

The sign off is what first made me think it must be a wind-up! There are about 350 comments so far and I am not exaggerating when I say that less than ten are pro New Labour or Gordon (I recall only ONE that was supportive plus a handful of "it would be the same under the Tories" etc.) More bad news elsewhere: Gordon Brown’s one-hour interview with Jeff Randall and the Sky News team on Friday is reported HERE in the Daily Telegraph and titled "The sub-prime minister has led us beyond boom and into bust"

The speed of decline has been breathtaking…

There’s no contrition, no admission of fallibility, no recognition of blunders – and most certainly no apology. This isn’t clever. It insults the electorate’s intelligence…

Oh, by the way...a little quote from the past: "I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the future." He said he was determined that the UK should not return to the "instability, speculation and negative equity" of the 1980s and 1990s....who said that? I know you could stitch up most politicians (in fact most anybody) by quoting what they've said in the past but Brown has lied and spun for over decade and many have been saying it for over a decade....and he's still at it. Do I need to go on?

"The great debt deceit: how Gordon Brown cooked the nation’s books"... this week's Spectator: Fraser Nelson and Peter Hoskin revealed the true extent of part of the nation's debt — and Brown’s scandalous manipulation of the Private Finance Initiative (GBP110+ billion)...and don't forget the GBP100 - 150 billion 'raid' on pensions; this isn't even the whole picture: "public borrowing for the first three months of the fiscal year 2008-09 rose to £24.4billion, almost £10billion higher than in the same period last year and the worst figure since records began in 1946." [DT] Gordon Brown, you are indeed, quaint.

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Oligophrenic, obvoluted overspending...

Gordon Brown is really quaint: you'll see what I mean at the end of this post. Click on the image to go to the calculator or alternatively go to The Tax Payers' Alliance site and read about the true extent of Gordon Brown's Economic Failure or link direct to their full report [PDF file 1MB]
Gordon Brown calculator
Also you may like to read what Gord had to say in the Guardian; I'm sure it's a joke - seriously, in it Brown says:

"But let me be clear: this is not the moment to junk the economic policy framework that has secured sustained growth, high employment and low inflation over the past decade. The progressive British model that New Labour has pioneered has been successful

So while we respond to a world that is changing all around us, our values of fairness and social justice remain our guide. Everything we have done since 1997, and everything we do this week in Manchester, is driven by one thing: our united commitment to fair rules, fair chances, and a fair say for all."

"Gordon Brown is the prime minister"

The sign off is what first made me think it must be a wind-up! There are about 350 comments so far and I am not exaggerating when I say that less than ten are pro New Labour or Gordon (I recall only ONE that was supportive plus a handful of "it would be the same under the Tories" etc.) More bad news elsewhere: Gordon Brown’s one-hour interview with Jeff Randall and the Sky News team on Friday is reported HERE in the Daily Telegraph and titled "The sub-prime minister has led us beyond boom and into bust"

The speed of decline has been breathtaking…

There’s no contrition, no admission of fallibility, no recognition of blunders – and most certainly no apology. This isn’t clever. It insults the electorate’s intelligence…

Oh, by the way...a little quote from the past: "I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the future." He said he was determined that the UK should not return to the "instability, speculation and negative equity" of the 1980s and 1990s....who said that? I know you could stitch up most politicians (in fact most anybody) by quoting what they've said in the past but Brown has lied and spun for over decade and many have been saying it for over a decade....and he's still at it. Do I need to go on?

"The great debt deceit: how Gordon Brown cooked the nation’s books"... this week's Spectator: Fraser Nelson and Peter Hoskin revealed the true extent of part of the nation's debt — and Brown’s scandalous manipulation of the Private Finance Initiative (GBP110+ billion)...and don't forget the GBP100 - 150 billion 'raid' on pensions; this isn't even the whole picture: "public borrowing for the first three months of the fiscal year 2008-09 rose to £24.4billion, almost £10billion higher than in the same period last year and the worst figure since records began in 1946." [DT] Gordon Brown, you are indeed, quaint.

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jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

Opinions of others...

Really just an update on what I was posting last week about our friend -perhaps the 'r' in friend isn't necessary - Hugo the clown. My previous post related the latest problems but Human Rights Watch has published 'A Decade Under Chávez' on the problems in Venezuela that states in the final sentence of the Executive Summary:

"Venezuela will not achieve real and sustained progress toward strengthening its democracy—nor will it serve as a useful model for other countries in the region—so long as its government continues to flout the human rights principles enshrined in its own constitution."

Ironically it was the government of Hugo the Man (before too much clowning and before the rot had crossed the Rubicon) that introduced that Constitution.

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Opinions of others...

Really just an update on what I was posting last week about our friend -perhaps the 'r' in friend isn't necessary - Hugo the clown. My previous post related the latest problems but Human Rights Watch has published 'A Decade Under Chávez' on the problems in Venezuela that states in the final sentence of the Executive Summary:

"Venezuela will not achieve real and sustained progress toward strengthening its democracy—nor will it serve as a useful model for other countries in the region—so long as its government continues to flout the human rights principles enshrined in its own constitution."

Ironically it was the government of Hugo the Man (before too much clowning and before the rot had crossed the Rubicon) that introduced that Constitution.

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viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

Orchestrating Orinoco orchidectomy...

The build-up of pressure is almost palpable: an alledged coup plot against Hugo Chavez was dismantled only yesterday: apparently the ex Minister of Defense Raúl Isaías Baduel is behind the plot: so reports Jaime López in El Mundo...of course you won't be surprised to hear that Chavez blames the US:

"Tanto el mandatario venezolano como su ministro de Exteriores, Nicolás Maduro, acusaron expresamente a EEUU de estar detrás del intento de golpe de Estado y de los planes para asesinar al presidente, como parte de un 'nuevo asalto imperialista' en la región."

...which translated says: Both the Venezuelan leader and his Foreign Minister, Nicolas Maduro, expressly (deliberately) accused the U.S. of being behind the coup attempt and the plans to assassinate the president, as part of a "new imperialist assault" in the region. More comment HERE in English (NY Times).

"Mr. Chávez has claimed at least 26 times in the last six years that there were plots to kill him, according to counts in the local media."

The above comment comes at the end of the NYT article. All this on top of the arrival of Russian bombers this week and a Russian warships and troops on the way for joint manoeuvres. Now we hear of that yesterday the US ambassador will be expelled from Venezuela - he has 72 hours to leave - in solidairty with the tit-for-tat explusions between Bolivia and the USA. "Chavez made the move in solidarity with Bolivia after his Andean ally expelled the U.S. diplomat there, accusing him of aiding violent protests. He said a new American ambassador will not be welcome in Caracas "until there's a U.S. government that respects the people of Latin America,"

All this no doubt is just smoke and mirrors to deflect attention from the decrees brought in by Chavez just over a month ago on the eve of the end of the 18-month period during which the National Assembly granted Chávez complete and exclusive power to pass laws by decree. It is feared that many of these decrees grant Chavez power he didn't get when he lost last year's referendum.

"While Chávez is here, it is the People who command, not the oligarchy".

Yes, you guessed it, Chavez said this himself missing the gob-smackingly ironic fact that he is the new oligarchy! With all this going on Red Ken will fit right in! (the interview is from a notoriously pro-Chavez site and it includes some glaring untruths - 100% literacy for instance...yes, and this years harvest breaks all records...fraternal greetings comrade! He also states - re 2002 coup attempt - "it really is much more potentially violent because America has sent killers down there to bump off Chavez",something I'm sure he has evidence of; yes, Ken?)
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Orchestrating Orinoco orchidectomy...

The build-up of pressure is almost palpable: an alledged coup plot against Hugo Chavez was dismantled only yesterday: apparently the ex Minister of Defense Raúl Isaías Baduel is behind the plot: so reports Jaime López in El Mundo...of course you won't be surprised to hear that Chavez blames the US:

"Tanto el mandatario venezolano como su ministro de Exteriores, Nicolás Maduro, acusaron expresamente a EEUU de estar detrás del intento de golpe de Estado y de los planes para asesinar al presidente, como parte de un 'nuevo asalto imperialista' en la región."

...which translated says: Both the Venezuelan leader and his Foreign Minister, Nicolas Maduro, expressly (deliberately) accused the U.S. of being behind the coup attempt and the plans to assassinate the president, as part of a "new imperialist assault" in the region. More comment HERE in English (NY Times).

"Mr. Chávez has claimed at least 26 times in the last six years that there were plots to kill him, according to counts in the local media."

The above comment comes at the end of the NYT article. All this on top of the arrival of Russian bombers this week and a Russian warships and troops on the way for joint manoeuvres. Now we hear of that yesterday the US ambassador will be expelled from Venezuela - he has 72 hours to leave - in solidairty with the tit-for-tat explusions between Bolivia and the USA. "Chavez made the move in solidarity with Bolivia after his Andean ally expelled the U.S. diplomat there, accusing him of aiding violent protests. He said a new American ambassador will not be welcome in Caracas "until there's a U.S. government that respects the people of Latin America,"

All this no doubt is just smoke and mirrors to deflect attention from the decrees brought in by Chavez just over a month ago on the eve of the end of the 18-month period during which the National Assembly granted Chávez complete and exclusive power to pass laws by decree. It is feared that many of these decrees grant Chavez power he didn't get when he lost last year's referendum.

"While Chávez is here, it is the People who command, not the oligarchy".

Yes, you guessed it, Chavez said this himself missing the gob-smackingly ironic fact that he is the new oligarchy! With all this going on Red Ken will fit right in! (the interview is from a notoriously pro-Chavez site and it includes some glaring untruths - 100% literacy for instance...yes, and this years harvest breaks all records...fraternal greetings comrade! He also states - re 2002 coup attempt - "it really is much more potentially violent because America has sent killers down there to bump off Chavez",something I'm sure he has evidence of; yes, Ken?)
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jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Optimistic opinion...

After the great England football performance last night, and a hat-trick by Theo Walcott (now the youngest player to score a hatrick for England - after also being the youngest player 2 years ago) I was very pleased by his down-to-earth reaction and Arsenal Coach Arsene Wenger's comments: when he was asked how good he thought Theo could be, AW replied: "Don't set any limitations on any human being. Once you have talent, the rest is down to how much you want it and how intelligent you are." ...more good comments followed but it reminded me of the Nike "Courage" advert [Link to ad] that leads in with the phrase "Everything you need is already inside" followed by myriad diverse images including many of skill, and courage and pain and exploit and success all to the 'chorus' of The Killers track "All These Things That I've Done": full version of the track (not the ad) on YouTube HERE.

I know it's a bit early for getting too excited but don't forget I've already got money on an England vs. Spain World Cup final in South Afrca in 2010...I got soul but I'm not a soldier :-)

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Optimistic opinion...

After the great England football performance last night, and a hat-trick by Theo Walcott (now the youngest player to score a hatrick for England - after also being the youngest player 2 years ago) I was very pleased by his down-to-earth reaction and Arsenal Coach Arsene Wenger's comments: when he was asked how good he thought Theo could be, AW replied: "Don't set any limitations on any human being. Once you have talent, the rest is down to how much you want it and how intelligent you are." ...more good comments followed but it reminded me of the Nike "Courage" advert [Link to ad] that leads in with the phrase "Everything you need is already inside" followed by myriad diverse images including many of skill, and courage and pain and exploit and success all to the 'chorus' of The Killers track "All These Things That I've Done": full version of the track (not the ad) on YouTube HERE.

I know it's a bit early for getting too excited but don't forget I've already got money on an England vs. Spain World Cup final in South Afrca in 2010...I got soul but I'm not a soldier :-)

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lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Ordeal or obnubilation...

The BBC describe the 'ordeal' of Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant who has mentioned how, whilst on a trekking holiday to South America last week, he was held at gunpoint by guards in Colombia who searched his bags, they all carry guns so it’s fairly common at Colombian airports – I'm presuming he was in Bogota - to be 'in the line of fire' so to speak; however I am dubious, MF says that they "mistook a jar of coffee whitener he was carrying for cocaine". Now who am I to suggest it is a fabrication (no pun intended…oh all right, it was!) but these soldiers aren't stupid, and they usually have dogs, in fact on my numerous incursions into Colombia I've been stopped many times and I always have little bags, bottles and boxes of white powder…all part of the job you understand…and I’ve never had need to 'panic' and stuff my face with the offending article (MF said he did just that); in fact on one occasion I had several clear, square, transparent plastic bags looking exactly like those you may see in many films with drugs and never has anyone bat an eyelid – they know and they have ways of knowing and their dogs tell them if drugs are about.

Mr. Fabricant actually sounds like a clever (and a good) guy and according to what his website tells us can speak French and German plus a little of some other languages…so what’s all this about then? Why tell the press about it? Surely if it was just him and his friend they could have kept quiet: it’s not really news, it’s uncommon for the BBC to advertise (Coffemate)….something is odd…

That said, the real crazy part is that Mr Fabricant said...

although Colombian coffee was "really very, very good", he did not trust trying the local milk, which is why he had brought the coffee whitener with him

For fuck's sake…the coffee's really very good so you put whitener in it?'re on a trekking holiday so you need to travel light but you take coffee whitener? ...come on, what really happened? What were you doing there?

P.S. Colombian milk is fine...mostly: there's always the odd local problem!

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Ordeal or obnubilation...

The BBC describe the 'ordeal' of Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant who has mentioned how, whilst on a trekking holiday to South America last week, he was held at gunpoint by guards in Colombia who searched his bags, they all carry guns so it’s fairly common at Colombian airports – I'm presuming he was in Bogota - to be 'in the line of fire' so to speak; however I am dubious, MF says that they "mistook a jar of coffee whitener he was carrying for cocaine". Now who am I to suggest it is a fabrication (no pun intended…oh all right, it was!) but these soldiers aren't stupid, and they usually have dogs, in fact on my numerous incursions into Colombia I've been stopped many times and I always have little bags, bottles and boxes of white powder…all part of the job you understand…and I’ve never had need to 'panic' and stuff my face with the offending article (MF said he did just that); in fact on one occasion I had several clear, square, transparent plastic bags looking exactly like those you may see in many films with drugs and never has anyone bat an eyelid – they know and they have ways of knowing and their dogs tell them if drugs are about.

Mr. Fabricant actually sounds like a clever (and a good) guy and according to what his website tells us can speak French and German plus a little of some other languages…so what’s all this about then? Why tell the press about it? Surely if it was just him and his friend they could have kept quiet: it’s not really news, it’s uncommon for the BBC to advertise (Coffemate)….something is odd…

That said, the real crazy part is that Mr Fabricant said...

although Colombian coffee was "really very, very good", he did not trust trying the local milk, which is why he had brought the coffee whitener with him

For fuck's sake…the coffee's really very good so you put whitener in it?'re on a trekking holiday so you need to travel light but you take coffee whitener? ...come on, what really happened? What were you doing there?

P.S. Colombian milk is fine...mostly: there's always the odd local problem!

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domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008


07 Sept 200809 Sept 2007"Britain’s official opposition continues to lead by a large margin, according to a poll by YouGov published in the Daily Telegraph. 45 per cent of respondents would vote for the Conservative party in the next election to the House of Commons, unchanged since mid-August." Looking at this time last year (image right) it doesn't make good reading for Gordon Brown and New heart bleeds.

Click on either image to get the respective details from Angus Reid Global Monitor; interestingly all parties are down from last month - a total of 6% points, 3, 2, and 1 respectively - but the 'others' are only up 2%...people getting turned off UK politics again? I hope not, I don't consider myself a vindictive person but I want Brown to suffer: Blair was always the wise-cracking, pretty-boy, rictus-faced fuck-wit front man whereas Brown was the meat and bones of New's a pity that Ali Campbell and Handy Mandy aren't suffering too (my God...I am vindicticve aren't I!) MUAhahahaha...MUAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha...

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07 Sept 200809 Sept 2007"Britain’s official opposition continues to lead by a large margin, according to a poll by YouGov published in the Daily Telegraph. 45 per cent of respondents would vote for the Conservative party in the next election to the House of Commons, unchanged since mid-August." Looking at this time last year (image right) it doesn't make good reading for Gordon Brown and New heart bleeds.

Click on either image to get the respective details from Angus Reid Global Monitor; interestingly all parties are down from last month - a total of 6% points, 3, 2, and 1 respectively - but the 'others' are only up 2%...people getting turned off UK politics again? I hope not, I don't consider myself a vindictive person but I want Brown to suffer: Blair was always the wise-cracking, pretty-boy, rictus-faced fuck-wit front man whereas Brown was the meat and bones of New's a pity that Ali Campbell and Handy Mandy aren't suffering too (my God...I am vindicticve aren't I!) MUAhahahaha...MUAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha...

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