sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Ominous overlording odorivector...

DT Mandleson interviewFollowing on from yesterday's post about tales from the snakepit the arch kingmaker is now in "the city that made bunkers famous". The image (with a sinsiter look that seems to be saying "I vill only say zis vunce" although it was from a few years ago when Mandy was European Union trade chief) links to the Telegraph's Mandleson interview. "I'm there to work for the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole. That doesn't make me Gordon Brown's deputy." hmmm, that has more than one way of reading, and on his "saving" of gordon brown as PM he says "It is almost unimaginable rather than just simply ironic." Mandy also made sure he was "needed" by suggesting that threats of a challenge to Brown are still very much a probability.

Salisbury, Wolsey etc are among those people from history with vast although not absolute power with whom Mandy has been compared; others have compared him to fictional characters...not least the amusing hypnotist python Kaa in Jungle Book - you know " trust in me" - and of course the ultimate in sinister aides-de-camp Lord Vader.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Was the tem "aide de camp" meant to be a pun?

    Seriously, though, we should be comforted by the thought of a general election in less than a year.

  2. hahaha...indeed it was although the word popped into my head before the idea that it was rather more than appropriate! I suppose Camp Assistant, although technically the correct translation, is even more "punable"
