Scary stuff, no? Graphs of death and various different problems caused by vaccinations, always going to happen, although one year does seem to stand out. Yes there far many more people vaccinated in 2021, very rarely is there an almost 'world wide' drive, but to have deaths and life-threatening issues and permanent disabilities at a rate more than the previous 30 years all added together (only 20 on show in the image above) would surely be enough to get some media reporting...just one mainstream source? Just to iterate:
"As of November 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago."
Info from OpenVAERS [LINK] who are a private company that "takes the PUBLICLY available data from the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and make it more user friendly". In the UK we have something similar in the Yellow Card Scheme, with the current info (last week's) summary on the UK Gov website HERE, or in pdf format HERE. For full info of UK spontaneous reports received between Jan 4th and Nov 3rd this year see U.K. Gov pdf HERE; total reports 236,386 (total reactions 838,844), total deaths 1118 (just on Astra Zeneca 'vaccine') [edit 13/11: just to be clear, there have been deaths from all the vaccines, not just the AZ total shown here!]
OpenVAERS is not affiliated with HHS, the CDC or the FDA. Bear in mind that VAERS take information on reports of adverse events following vaccination many of which could be unverified BUT, being voluntary, there is a huge possibility that adverse events are massively under-reported (actually the VAERS website says only a 'small fraction' of vaccine injuries are reported). There are plenty of corroborating reports too: "it is estimated that only 1-10% of all adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS. Doctors have been conditioned to not connect a child’s subsequent maladies with vaccine visits, therefore the bulk of the cases go unreported:" [LINK], 2009 pdf, BMJ 2010 NCBI 2015, CDC 2019, PubMed 2020...etc.
No doubt the estimated 1-10% isn't applicable in this current situation but we can assume a great many more than are reported are actually happening.
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