sábado, 5 de febrero de 2022

Or once on...

...[the jab hamster wheel] is it riskier to jump off than to stay on?" asked Jean. Radagast - the blog author - replies "You’ll have to jump off at some point. Better to do it earlier than later." Faultless logic really. 

Please read this [Link] from RINTRAH (simply 'the online diary of a Dutch man.'): 'Suppression of the innate immune system: The main cause of the pandemic of the fully vaccinated' 

"It wasn’t immediately obvious that the vaccines increase infection risk by disabling innate immunity, because initially your body is flooded with effective neutralizing antibodies against this virus. It’s only once the antibodies begin to wane, that it becomes clear that the main methods your body normally uses to prevent or abort infection have been disabled.

And if you understand that this is what has happened, then you also understand how this happened" 

Hat-tip in the comments from of the following link: the Naked Emperor's latest post: A Picture is worth a Thousand Words. or a graph

More from RINTRAH (please read the whole thing...and the comments).
You don’t have to believe me anymore, at this point you can just look at the numbers coming out daily. If these vaccines could solve the problem for us, you wouldn’t be seeing:

-Record deaths in Israel

-Record ICU admissions in Israel

-Record cases in Israel


-Record cases throughout highly vaccinated regions of the world

-Unexplainable excess mortality that seems to come and go together with different variants of this virus

-People who continually get reinfected

All of these are irreconcilable with a vaccine that works. We’ve seen ninety percent of Israeli elderly above 60 receive three doses of this vaccine. The pandemic is supposed to be over in Israel but it’s not, they’re doing worse than ever before.
The conclusion: "The fact that there’s a sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus doesn’t suddenly make the process easier, it mainly makes us less critical about potential flaws and risks involved.

And now you can see the consequences of that."

Another report saying something similar (pre print and not peer reviewed) HERE: Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, et al. Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs. Authorea. January 21, 2022.

DOI: 10.22541/au.164276411.10570847/v1

And just for fun: Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe [Nature]

And off on a tangent: I agree entirely with Francis Hoar: the problems we are facing and will face are not the fault of Covid 19 or even SARS CoV 2, it is "the worst public policy decision in peace time." To be fair he has been saying similar for the whole pandemic period.

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