viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010
Occupational overpayment...
* the salary was standardised last year to stop the whole range of different - in each country - salaries, so I wouldn't mind betting this new allowance is the sweetener to those MEPs that would have lost out in the new salary scale.
** MEPs "can sign in 10 pm in the evening and 7 am in the morning and receive 2 days' daily allowance without having taken part in any meeting or other relevant parliamentary activity." (from link below)
Good list of all their goodies HERE.
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010
Orlando Orcinus orca obit...
"What all these incidents tell us is what marine parks don't want you to know: captive killer whales are dangerous to people, even those who have worked with these animals for years and years,"... ..."In both episodes with Tillikum, the whale wasn't necessary trying to hurt the unintended victims, but his very size and behavior makes him a danger to people, even if the whale were just 'playing' with the people. Simply put, these are wild animals. Taming them is only an illusion; their natural behaviors will always pose a threat to the people foolish enough to interact with them."
martes, 23 de febrero de 2010
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
Ocracy orchidectomy...
As Bullygate rages on with claim and counter claim - diverting attention from the well documented fact that Brown is a bully - we see (image - click for source) that the UK Parliament is all action, a hive of ardent activity, all MPs toing and froing, full steam ahead.!...errr, no.
'Nothing important' you say, no important business, just back from their (other) hols, no real business...well, it's 'only' Defence Questions: questions in the House of Commons to Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth and his team of ministers! FFS!
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
Many claims, oft repeated before this weekend [Dizzy], that Gordy mistreats staff. "Civil service chief warned Gordon Brown over abusive treatment of staff" [Observer]
Mandy tells the BBC earlier today that Crash Gordon was "demanding of people" but "doesn't bully people". You'll note that in the interview mealy-mouthed Mandy only vociferously denies what hasn't actually been suggested i.e. hitting people...classic New Labour doublespeak.
National Bullying Helpline chief executive says that
OK, admittedly this could be staff in that office that have little contact with Brown...could be."Over recent months we have had several inquiries from staff within Gordon Brown's office."
Nobody has said Brown actually clocked anyone but he is clearly the mean, miserable, meagre and mistreating (of staff) middle-manager that he looks and acts like; he most certainly isn't a good leader and he most certainly isn't/wasn't good at economics or money management. Any twat can borrow and spend other people's money!
sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010
Overseas options...
I can add only two things: (a) TATA the owners are set to make a killing in carbon credits [EU Referendum] by closing the plantThe contrast between the manic, expensive and misplaced activism to “save” the banks, subsidising bankers and their bonuses to a fault, and the hand wringing inactivity over the steelworks is stark.
...and (b) can you imagine the uproar if the Conservatives were letting this happen?That this is not a major, front-page scandal should be a source of amazement. We are paying an electricity "tax" of the order of £1.5 billion to an Indian steelmaker, for the privilege of have the production in the UK closed down and the work transferred to India.
Our osseous Olympians...
Interestingly (for me), at the FIBT World Cup last year in Lake Placid (FIBT - International Bobsleigh and Tobogganing Federation) Shelley got the silver and, exactly a year ago also in Lake Placid, Amy Williams won silver at the World Championships; guess where Great Britain's last individual gold was? 1980, Lake Placid: Robin Cousins, figure skating. Clearly team GB needs to relocate!
*Update 10:30am: I could be mistaken but I think this is ONLY the 4th ever solo GB Winter Olympics gold medal and the FIRST EVER that wasn't figure skating. It also puts in fine perspective how fantastic the back-to-back golds in 1976, 1980 and 1984 was [John Curry, Robin Cousins (male figure skating) and Torville & Dean (pairs) respectively].
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010
Ominous overtones III...
Interesting that both in the article from El Universal, and Chavez, use 'England' and not 'Britain'...Update: although in later reports, i.e. HERE they are using Reino Unido (United Kingdom)"Hasta cuándo Inglaterra pretenderá, rompiendo con todo el derecho internacional, violar los principios básicos de la geografía. Vayánse de ahí"..."A los ingleses se les agota el petróleo del Mar del Norte y están desesperados. Los yanquis también están desesperados"
[my translation] "How long does England [sic] aim - breaking all international Law - to violate the basic principles of geography. Get out of there!"... ... "North Sea Oil is running out for the English and they're desperate. The Yankees also are desperate"
Anyway, that wasn't why I was posting; the reason was that the article is about military excercises taking place with the "peasant militias" (Something I've touched on before, when they were springing up in every city a few years ago) and Hugo stating that 'we will not attack anyone, we are only preparing more and more - and better - for the overall defense of the Republic.'...Yep. Or maybe there's another reason: by coincidence the Venezuelan government has vociferously decried the military coup in Niger; getting a little nervous Hugo?
Update: the Chavez/Falklands thing now being reported as a story in its own right with the militia story secondary.
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010
Outstanding opposition...
Update: just read the graveyard one re postal votes! ROFL!
Update 2 (Friday): more equally funny but non-filtered posters at jontomes place.
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
The delectable Rania Al Abdullah (Queen consort of Jordan) is back in Barcelona and staying at the new Hotel W. Nothing odd in that except the suite is called Extreme Wow (naturally top of the range!)
Dodgy MP is a lying scumbag. Interesting progression of his expenses (152,749 quid in 2007/08).
China break Russia's 46-year hold on pairs figure skating gold. Now that's over they can have sex! "Don't wait until you're 37... get your gold" said Zhao.
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010
Obstrobogulous overt opportunism...
Very presidential electionish in the US style. As Fraser goes on to write, "Prepare for plenty more of this in the campaign", indeed. As if to say 'look how nice and normal Sarah is, Gordon must be decent.' Well, that's obviously the intent and no doubt many thousands of morons will be convinced by it.It was a production featuring not just Brown, but the planet's entire inventory of people who like him... ...all the stops were being pulled out because they all see this as a campaign device. Sarah, easily Brown's no.1 weapon, was on full display. The camera kept cutting to her, as if they are a joint ticket.
I'll say it's unusual! Iain Dale writes:"It's unusual, in a democracy, to see such a favourable piece of television for a government leader - the audience were almost indecently supportive. God knows where they found them from."
And Iain goes on to say that it "clearly breaches various aspects of the OFCOM code". Well, we'll see if anything gets done..."As an interview it stank. And I say this with some regret because I actually think Piers Morgan can be a very talented interviewer. But there was no probing, no exploring, nothing. It was just an hour long party political broadcast on behalf of the Gordon Brown Party".
Another Iain, Martin in his WSJ blog raises an interesting point about the contradiction revealed in how Brown reacted to the death of the then Labour leader John Smith, oddly enough I think the new version that he immediately phoned Blair to discuss the leadership is far nearer the probable truth than the "Brownite image... ...of a Brown immobilised by grief at the death of his friend Smith and incapable of thinking clearly about the politics of the situation". IM also seems to think that because no politics was mentioned in the interview that,
...but I think it is clear that this wasn't the aim at all, far from it: the politics was left out on purpose, after all, on any political question the real ogre that Brown is would reemerge and that is precisely what dear Piers was intentionally avoiding."In the end it was a lame interview and amounted to a considerable journalistic failure. After all, here was a Prime Minister 'opening up' for an hour of popular television. But out of it Morgan got no revelation, interesting insight or truly fresh perspective."
So, as the title suggest I think this was gross opportunistic and excrutiating; therefore I think plans for Cameron to do the same should be avoided at all cost.
PLEASE, Conservatives, DO NOT do this shit!
Update 4pm: I quite like the daily Mash's take, HERE: "GORDON Brown was today waiting for opinion poll results that will reveal whether or not Britain really is that stupid."
domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010
Onset of obesity: overweight or obese II...
It's not only the US: according to the World Health Organization the statistics of obesity in the whole of Europe (not just the EU) are staggering, reaching epidemic proportions. In only two decades this problem has trebled, and if no action is taken there will be an estimated 150 million obese adults (20% of the population) and 15 million obese children and adolescents (10% of the population) in the region by next year (2010). In most countries today, between 30% and 80% of adults are overweight. [EOD Link]"of more than 100 obese children and teenagers found more than half were overweight by 24 months and 90% were overweight by the age of five."
Clearly what happens in the first few years of life is important: general health and education tend to be dealt with reasonably effectively in most cases but weight tends to be ignored...ignored, not overlooked because it is noted but nothing is done. "Currently, it is estimated that one in three children in the UK will be overweight or obese by the time they reach year six." [Healthcare Republic]
Last year there were reports that the Department of Health was considering assessing 2yr-old's growth as part of its Quality and Outcome Framework strategy but so far it hasn't happened: the target is to "Reduce the rate of overweight and obese children to 2000 levels by 2020..." but 'for the purposes of this childhood is defined as children age 2-10 years old, and "To demonstrate a reduction from the forecast rate [...] the prevalence of child obesity in under 11s needs to be a maximum of 18.1% by 2011." [HM Gov Delivery Agreement: PDF]. If it is estimated that currently one in three under six-year olds are overtweight or obese and that under two's aren't checked, then taking into account the recent research it seems this target is another that is already doomed to failure.We want GP practices to measure children for signs of obesity at eight months and then again at two years as part of the QOF
"Rapid weight gain in the first 12 months of life to increase risk of obesity at age 7"....but checks should start preconception (obviously not on the as yet uncreated child!) so says The Child Growth Foundation [CGF] and their approach: PDF
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
Organic overheads...
The answer to the question: they all are! ...which helps explain why "in Washington they're not sure who's in charge". You should recognise at least two maybe three of the images and the 4th, who you may need help recognising, is Jerzy Buzek, a former Polish prime minister who is president or speaker of the European parliament (the others clockwise from top
The organic overheads could refer to too many heads (OK!) but the organic part of the post is about new EU logo for organic produce, and very nice it is too: chosen after the European Commission assessed 3,500 competition entries.
"It's a nice elegant design and I look forward to buying products carrying this logo", seriously, someone actually said that: the EU commissioner for agriculture Mariann Fischer Boel! From news in The Express (hat-tip Subrosa)
Needless to say, as pointed out this will increase the cost and it needs asking just how organic are products that have been transported all across Europe...and from where? Could this be a design fault or an EU assumption that if they say it's organic then who cares what country it's from? And as one of the comments in the Express helpfully and correctly points out, bullshit is organic!
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
Obvious obstipation II...
So says Daniel Finkelstein in The Times Comment Central yesterday (my emphasis). Brown's constant lying is what we've known about for years and the attitude came across clearly in the Labour Party campaign poster (left) Shane Greer shows why it's so wrong. So, just as well that the Conservatives can produce their own (below; possibly equally short on truth...but so much better!)"He basically lies about the policies of other parties, then attacks the lie. He hopes that no one will be bothered to pick him up on the detail.... ...It's is a very dangerous political technique, this, because it robs political debate of any truth or objective content. It needs to be challenged relentlessly."
'Brownite politics at its worst' says Peter Hoskin (click on image). Only a couple of months left before the election! Should be fun...NOT.
lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010
Organic order...
Loads more on YouTube HERE.
Hat-tip: Conservative Home.
sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010
Tony "will have to explain"..."when he wishes"..."what he can do. Is it just me or is that very, very strange?"I think you will find that many people in Labour who are no longer in government but who have been part of the project' for years will have a role. Tony will have to explain, when he wishes, what he can do."
I can think of only one motive: Gordon and Labour, after a recent run of goodish polls in their favour have decided to play their ace card to make sure they lose the election. God damn those good polls, how could they factor in moronic Labour voters? The plan is, as many have said for years, that the Conservatives must win, stagger through the double-dip recession, make limp excuses for the inflation (look at the 1980's figures that Labour could line up to to say it's what the Tories always do) and fail to win in 2014/15. That's Gordon's plan.
Hat tip: Paul Waugh
Ostracised online objicients...
Read the excellent article in full: "The global warming guerrillas" HERE. (opens in print mode to read on one page instead of six!)Yet, this time round, despite 20 years of being told they were not just factually but morally wrong, of being compared to Holocaust deniers, of being told they deserved to be tried for crimes against humanity, of being avoided at parties, climate sceptics seem to be growing in number and confidence by the day.
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
Obvoluting obloquies...
Great, I thought, a decent man, back to basics etc...remembering the days when Tory sleaze was almost entirely the petty sexual indiscretions of a few MPs (yeah yeah, brown envelopes too...) - whereas for the last decade or so it's been downright full-on New Labour corruption - however, this Terry sacking was not so simple, as James Forsyth tells us: "[his] sacking as England captain tells us something interesting about what is considered a sackable offence in today's world and what is not.". i.e. it wasn't until the money side of Terry's indiscretions came up, [that I am now reading about: FFS!...does he need the money? Why not give it to mates of his or something?] that he was sacked! Well, maybe Fabio would have demoted him anyway...maybe."It took Fabio Capello just ten minutes to strip John Terry of the England captaincy yesterday.
The Italian family man and strict disciplinarian made it clear he would not be part of the dither and hypocrisy over the disgraced star"
Jeez, on that standard why are only 4 MP's facing the law? It should be more like 40, or even 400!
P.S. That last link from the BBC has ALREADY disappeared completely from their UK politics page (and related links) after only 8 hours and I presume this is because it's worse for Labour than the Conservatives. Clearly not important as THIS then, an "anti-Tory" story manages to say up for 28 hours and counting.
P.P.S. Photo is of French underwear model Vanessa Perroncel who's at the centre of claims surrounding England captain John Terry's alleged affair
miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010
Observing ophelimity?...
martes, 2 de febrero de 2010
Oneiric omophagia...
omophagia n. - eating of raw flesh.
oneiric adj. - having to do with dreams
Wakes up.
Anyway, Brownstuff cooked, probably tastes like shit; certainly full of shit in this death-bed conversion recall of pre 1997 promises. The ONLY way there should be an AV option for elections is if voting were compulsary.
Older origins...
So, if the sun is out the hairy guy will see his shadow but if it's cloudy he won't. And as that last link suggest both have roots in the pagan festival Imbolc which celebrated the beginning of Spring after the usually cold, dark Winter.If Candlemas day be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight; But if it be dark with clouds and rain, Winter is gone and will not come again.
lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010
Outing obnubilation...
Peter Dunscombe runs the 8 Billion quid corporation pension fund; he is also "a climate change fanatic... ... who addresses conferences about 'ethical investments', is also chairman of the Institutional Investment Group on Climate Change(IIGCC), which has 47 members and manages four trillion euros' worth of investments; yes, four trillion. Their goal is to find as many 'climate change' investment opportunities as possible."
Interesting to say the least!So now we really know why BBC staffers are so fanatical about 'climate change'. It's naked self-interest. In 2008, there were 18,736 contributors to the BBC pension fund; every man jack of them benefits from climate alarmism.