"Coming to the BBC, an everyday story of bias and falling standards"...coming? Peter Oborne in the DT this week:
"Sadly, it is only very rarely that the BBC keeps its side of the bargain, and this negligence is starting to become a scandal. Rather than representing the nation as a whole, it has become a vital resource – and sometimes attack weapon – for a narrow, arrogant Left-Liberal elite.""This problem is made much worse by the fact that bias is not the only problem. A further difficulty is lack of standards. It is not simply the opinions of BBC producers and reporters that are suspect. So are the facts they put in front of the public" (my emphasis); I would agree with Oborne, admittedly it is a minor part of total BBC output but the omission of facts - which, it must be said, is akin to lying - on various topics not part of the indoctrinated BBC view, is also a daily occurrence.
Hat-tip: Biased BBC.