viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Oborne on ossified 'opposition'...

"Coming to the BBC, an everyday story of bias and falling standards"...coming? Peter Oborne in the DT this week:
"Sadly, it is only very rarely that the BBC keeps its side of the bargain, and this negligence is starting to become a scandal. Rather than representing the nation as a whole, it has become a vital resource – and sometimes attack weapon – for a narrow, arrogant Left-Liberal elite."
"This problem is made much worse by the fact that bias is not the only problem. A further difficulty is lack of standards. It is not simply the opinions of BBC producers and reporters that are suspect. So are the facts they put in front of the public" (my emphasis); I would agree with Oborne, admittedly it is a minor part of total BBC output but the omission of facts - which, it must be said, is akin to lying - on various topics not part of the indoctrinated BBC view, is also a daily occurrence.

Hat-tip: Biased BBC.

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Overpopulation oddity...

World population is reaching 7 billion next month (I'd go for 11/11/11 just because it's a great date). What's your number? ask the BBC, but look at the graph - the same as most others - I've mentioned on more than one occasion about overpopulation and I've also asked why all the 'powers that be' show world population rise trend lessening: "- the number of years between billions has shrunk alarmingly: "two billion in 1927 (est), three billion in 1960, four billion in 1974, five billion in 1987, and six billion in 1999" see the very clear pattern." What is the reason they think 12 - 14 billion by 2050 (or higher really if the current trend continues) isn't more likely?

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Or odd ditty: you're overrated, you're overvalued, you're overstretched, you're over, you're out, you're o, euro. Or maybe not quite yet [edit] "Markets may believe this for a bit. The first reactions have been to rally on the news."

Off topic...sort of, late edit re the possibility of a debate and referendum : "The House having divided: Ayes 111, Noes 483." Did your MP offer their constituents and you a say on the EU? Less than 20% did: the list is under John Redwood's contribution HERE:
"We need to wake up. We need to do what the British people want us to do. We need to take responsibility for governing this country. We need to enact the laws. We need to debate and argue about it in here. Brussels has too much power. The British people need a say. Let us have a vote."
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sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011

Occupy objicient...

A few html issues now! "A satirical take on Occupy Wall Street in the style of talking blues...". Go to the site and listen to it and a few others by Jon HERE.

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miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

Ocracy oblectation...

Great giggle to start the day: Thought of the Day (from today's International Man communique):
"Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there." P. J. O'Rourke.
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martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Ordure or obstipation...

[Edited:'dead' image removed] The news that some motorbikes may begin to smell poo - instead of just sounding like turkeys farting - has turned out to be more shitty seems the stories of a Toilet Bike powered by the driver's poo are not all they seem: the bike (and its comfy looking 'throne' seat) was only developed to advertise Toilet maker Toto's environmental activities; the bike is in fact powered by a bio-gas fuel sourced from livestock waste and household waste-water (click on image for article).

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Ordure or obstipation...

The news that some motorbikes may begin to smell poo - instead of just sounding like turkeys farting - has turned out to be more shitty seems the stories of a Toilet Bike powered by the driver's poo are not all they seem: the bike (and its comfy looking 'throne' seat) was only developed to advertise Toilet maker Toto's environmental activities; the bike is in fact powered by a bio-gas fuel sourced from livestock waste and household waste-water (click on image for article).

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Ongoing OWS: occupation ontology...

This may look similar to the blog-post title immediately below but it isn't: [edited 8 a.m.] this is another Occupy post. "The potentials and contradictions of the OccupyWallStreet movement are far too many to enumerate." Nail on head! From Unemployed Negativity (so was the great image). It's about the on-going Occupy protests (will something as simply as winter chill be what finally dissipates the protests?). Every report I've read and every interview with anyone involved seems to throw up different reasons for protest and different grievances; one good thing is that - at least on the surface - there seems to be no party political angle at all. I found that 'Unemployed' post via Rob Horning yesterday on PopMatters, his opinion too nailed it for me:
"So basically the debate seemed to go in circles for me. I think the governmentality critique needs to be taken seriously. I think that the protests do form a material basis for the articulation of a different kind of subjectivity, and the longer the protests persist, the more plausibility and ideological heft that subjectivity has. But I also think that inability to measure the degree to which that emerging alternative is actually changing people’s sensibilities and changing how they live and conceive what is possible makes the protests hard to sustain, especially in the face of empiricist critiques and the practical demand for tangible accomplishments."
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sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Ongoing Ows...

Well, hello...almost back to normal now; I have just spent one of the worse weeks I have had for a long time*: Owsblog - along with at least 30 other blogs - was hacked and looked like THIS. The blog is now pretty much as it was, not 100 percent but as near as damn it (previous posts and comments weren't effected and most of the template were backed up) but it doesn't feel the same as I have not 'won' it back, it was released by the hacker so I can only assume he (odds are it's he?) can do the same again whenever he likes. My personal e-mail was also hacked and spam sent to all my contacts, this was no coincidence and I end the week with my Hotmail, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts deleted. I began to have serious fears of identity theft but that appears not to be the case. I hope from now on things are settled.

* This is worrying in itself but it does confirm what I already know.

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viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Oneirataxic odorivector occupation?...

If you're looking for OWS blog then I can safely say - and being very polite too - YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE! Chris Hedges has written in the 2nd 'Occupied Wall Street Journal' that "The goal to us is very, very clear. It can be articulated in one word—REBELLION. What the elites fail to realize is that rebellion will not stop until the corporate state is extinguished." Wrong! (and really a bit laughable, don't you think?) The first link asks a few pertinent questions but it really does appear to be those that pretend to be the great unwashed doing what they do...again. Image and more from A Tangled Web.

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viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Odious ophidian...

Well, the fat useless (but highly paid) git isn't really ophidian (snake-like) but he certainly spits venom; no doubt he also writes in green ink; ironically this is how he accuses Sarah Palin of being "Shriekily filled with venom" against Obama. The Aged P over at Biased BBC rips MM a new one, deservedly so as MM starts with a complete lie and the article goes downhill from there in a lying shit-fest opinion piece. Is it really so news-worthy that someone not running for POTUS announces they're not running for POTUS?

P.S. More great reading on why Mark Mardell isn't fit for purpose.

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martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Overdue ovation...

Bojo's mojo? He does seem to have livened up the proceedings at the Conservative Conference. Rhubarb or Viagra? I presume Melanie's opinion is shared by any 'real' conservative Conservative; he is also perfectly placed - being 'outside' the Coalition - to swoop; if he does, will he pick his time well? And I wonder what was in DC's mind as joked last night and as one that led the ovation for Boris today.

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sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Osborne's optimism...

A poll of almost 1400 members for ConservativeHome found that although just over 40% agree with the level of measures being taken by the Chancellor George Osborne, however, more than 50% think 'that his spending scaleback should be faster and deeper', (click on image to enlarge) to avoid tax rises or that there should be some sort of tax cut policy to aid growth. Tax cuts before the next election are something George has all but ruled out today...mind you, he did say "unlikely" and of course who knows when the next election will be! The optimism is obvious in the interview in the DT today, however, as the Economist mentions today - also it must be said - in a fairly optimistic outlook:
"British policymakers should do all they can to lift the economy. But they know that Europe might ultimately decide its fate."
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Onward oldies...

Great news for any old gits that are good at their job and want to continue! Forced retirement when reaching the Default Retirement Age (DRA), 'regardless of someone's ability to work' has ended. Mind you, this may just be the intro to various measures to soften the introduction of higher retirement ages.

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