domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Opiparous oxyopia...

BOJO's mojo a GO-GO: "But there should be no confusion between the wonders of Europe [...] with a political project that [..] is in real danger of getting out of proper democratic control". [Politics Home] Suffice to say that Boris is a welcome addition to the Out/ Leave/ GO/ No2EU/ Brexit campaign but IMHO the EU has had no proper democratic control since it started!

'What Brexit would look like for Britain', Dan Hannan [The Spectator]:  "The alternative to remaining in a structurally unsafe building is, of course, walking out... ... staying in the EU is a greater risk than leaving — the migration and euro crises are deepening, and Britain is being dragged into them — change-aversion is deep in our genome, and we vote accordingly."

Read it all to know why this time you should NOT be averse to change.

Opiparous oxyopia...

BOJO's mojo a GO-GO: "But there should be no confusion between the wonders of Europe [...] with a political project that [..] is in real danger of getting out of proper democratic control". [Politics Home] Suffice to say that Boris is a welcome addition to the Out/ Leave/ GO/ No2EU/ Brexit campaign but IMHO the EU has had no proper democratic control since it started!

'What Brexit would look like for Britain', Dan Hannan [The Spectator]:  "The alternative to remaining in a structurally unsafe building is, of course, walking out... ... staying in the EU is a greater risk than leaving — the migration and euro crises are deepening, and Britain is being dragged into them — change-aversion is deep in our genome, and we vote accordingly."

Read it all to know why this time you should NOT be averse to change.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Opt-out obnubilation...

...obscurantism, obfuscation: UK PM David Cameron keeps on about a deal, a special deal, a "'special status' for Britain within a reformed EU. He has done no such thing. His deal pretends to be legally biding but it is not."...EU Referendum, a constant and clear voice for Brexit [Flexcit: PDF] ..."This is why, on 23 June, we have to vote to leave the EU. To buy into Mr Cameron's pretence is to give him and successive politicians a license to lie. If as a people, we accept this garbage, we will take anything – and deserve what we get."

I also concur with Raedwald: "My feeling following the humiliating charade in Brussels is anger. Anger that already we're so deeply committed to the corrupt, sclerotic, arrogant Behemoth of the EU that silly little people from silly little countries can presume to dictate to the United Kingdom where and when we should pay welfare, how we regulate our financial sector and who we let in. How dare they assume such power over our sovereign kingdom!"

[edit] We can GO and I'm gladly aGOg at GOve's statement, reprinted at the Spectator "Why I’m backing Brexit" or -easier to read and without the comments - at Politics Home if you prefer.

UK Unleashed: "You're going to hear the phrase 'Little Englander' bandied about  a lot in this referendum as a device to cow you in to believing that what you're asking for is a return to yesterday and a rejection of cosmopolitan Europe."  'UK independence' will be from the corrupt and chaotic EU.

Dan the Man on Twitter: "What a lovely time of year to hold our Independence Day parties in the decades to come": Vote Leave, Take Control.

June 23rd 2016: UK Independence Day (to be confirmed?).

Opt-out obnubilation...

...obscurantism, obfuscation: UK PM David Cameron keeps on about a deal, a special deal, a "'special status' for Britain within a reformed EU. He has done no such thing. His deal pretends to be legally biding but it is not."...EU Referendum, a constant and clear voice for Brexit [Flexcit: PDF] ..."This is why, on 23 June, we have to vote to leave the EU. To buy into Mr Cameron's pretence is to give him and successive politicians a license to lie. If as a people, we accept this garbage, we will take anything – and deserve what we get."

I also concur with Raedwald: "My feeling following the humiliating charade in Brussels is anger. Anger that already we're so deeply committed to the corrupt, sclerotic, arrogant Behemoth of the EU that silly little people from silly little countries can presume to dictate to the United Kingdom where and when we should pay welfare, how we regulate our financial sector and who we let in. How dare they assume such power over our sovereign kingdom!"

[edit] We can GO and I'm gladly aGOg at GOve's statement, reprinted at the Spectator "Why I’m backing Brexit" or -easier to read and without the comments - at Politics Home if you prefer.

UK Unleashed: "You're going to hear the phrase 'Little Englander' bandied about  a lot in this referendum as a device to cow you in to believing that what you're asking for is a return to yesterday and a rejection of cosmopolitan Europe."  'UK independence' will be from the corrupt and chaotic EU.

Dan the Man on Twitter: "What a lovely time of year to hold our Independence Day parties in the decades to come": Vote Leave, Take Control.

June 23rd 2016: UK Independence Day (to be confirmed?).

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Oro ounce obstrobogulous outpacing of oil...

The price of gold is now at an "all time high at around 44 times the price of oil". The previous high was 41 times (back in 1892!). Is This The Biggest Crisis In History?

Oro ounce obstrobogulous outpacing of oil...

The price of gold is now at an "all time high at around 44 times the price of oil". The previous high was 41 times (back in 1892!). Is This The Biggest Crisis In History?

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Out, out, out!...

Just Get Britain Out

No original thought from me whatsoever, just links to John Redwood's enlightening (for those not willing to find out beforehand) series of summaries of why we should leave the EU, "taking a topic at a time":

1. We can control our borders if we leave the EU: "Most people in the UK want controlled immigration." [Link]

2. How will we spend all the money we save if we leave the EU? "There is no need for the UK to pay anything for the privilege of importing so much from Germany." [Link]

3. Leaving the EU will be good for our trade: "Our trade is not at risk." [Link]

4. We can have cheaper energy if we leave the EU – and better security of supply: "One of the most damaging policies the EU has visited upon us is dear and scarce energy." [Link]

5. Leaving will be good for farmers and fishermen: "The Water Directives have worsened flood problems... The UK can have a rural policy that looks after rural areas and is sensitive to UK needs." [Link]

6. Why the UK will have more influence in the world if it leaves the EU: [Link]

7. We will be a democracy again if we leave the EU: "A fundamental principle of democracy is that one government and Parliament cannot bind another..."in the EU there are many areas where UK voters cannot change policies..." [Link]

8. Leave must mean leave: "Mexico with a free trade agreement, Canada and 160 other countries around the world trade with the EU but do not pay contributions to the EU budget, and do not accept freedom of movement": [Link]

Just Get Britain Out.

Out, out, out!...

Just Get Britain Out
No original thought from me whatsoever, just links to John Redwood's enlightening (for those not willing to find out beforehand) series of summaries of why we should leave the EU, "taking a topic at a time":
1. We can control our borders if we leave the EU: "Most people in the UK want controlled immigration." [Link]
2. How will we spend all the money we save if we leave the EU? "There is no need for the UK to pay anything for the privilege of importing so much from Germany." [Link]
3. Leaving the EU will be good for our trade: "Our trade is not at risk." [Link]
4. We can have cheaper energy if we leave the EU – and better security of supply: "One of the most damaging policies the EU has visited upon us is dear and scarce energy." [Link]
5. Leaving will be good for farmers and fishermen: "The Water Directives have worsened flood problems... The UK can have a rural policy that looks after rural areas and is sensitive to UK needs." [Link]
6. Why the UK will have more influence in the world if it leaves the EU: [Link]
7. We will be a democracy again if we leave the EU: "A fundamental principle of democracy is that one government and Parliament cannot bind another..."in the EU there are many areas where UK voters cannot change policies..." [Link]
8. Leave must mean leave: "Mexico with a free trade agreement, Canada and 160 other countries around the world trade with the EU but do not pay contributions to the EU budget, and do not accept freedom of movement": [Link]

Just Get Britain Out.