A beer for pussies? No, a beer
from pussies: the first beer with specific lactic acid bacteria from a selected vagina. Polish brewer*
Order of Yoni have produced a beer containing the 'quintessence of femininity.'
Zero Hedge has the details: "
Polish 'Vagina Beer' Contains 'Essence' Of Two Smoking Hot Models". "
The secret of the beer lies in her vagina". No really, that’s what the Order of Yoni have on their website. And those worried about health issues fear not: the beauties in question "
had undergone gynecological [sic] examinations, and then the material was double-checked in the Poznan lab to make sure that the lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the smear." Right, now I’m losing my appetite a bit...
In the
Order of Yoni's FAQ they reveal in fact that they don’t brew in their own brewery but that they are ‘a craft brewery’ “
that commissions brewing to our befriended, partner breweries”. Not sure whether it’s a joke or not, but they go on to say they are looking for supermodels, actresses, celebrities etc., for a future launch of a special series of beers with, for example, edible gold and saffron. Their strap-line “Bottled Instinct” sounds like a poor translation to me; will it have a yeasty aftertaste?