lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Outstanding opportunities outweigh obedientiary overburdening...

88 days to go. "Some people would rather see Britain fail than Brexit succeed" says Liam Fox (the international trade secretary) [The Times ££]. Correct, there are thousands of them: many of whom - and the most vocal - seem to be whining, lying gibbering idiots (and we know their worst nightmare)

Fox also says that "backing May's deal will free the UK"...[face-palm].  Much of the Times interview by Caroline Wheeler (Deputy Political Editor of The Sunday Times) is about Fox telling everyone that Brexit can only happen by supporting May's [extremely bad] deal. WTF is he on? Why do they call Fox a Brexiteer?

He does get some bits right: "As far as I'm concerned, as an elected member of parliament, I’ve been given an instruction by the British people and it’s my democratic duty to do it". Yes, correct. He wishes people "would start to see the upside of Brexit", he's sick of "hearing Brexit always portrayed in terms of the potential difficulties rather than the optimistic and confident way in which I think people who voted across the country to leave the EU saw it." Good...encouraging. BUT, he also says "What you can be sure of is that if we vote for the prime minister’s deal then its 100% certain that we will leave on March 29"; knowing how overtly bad that deal has been proven to be, these are not the words of a 'passionate Brexiteer'.

Amazingly, most of the comments on that article are from Remainers who don't seem to realise Brexiteers disagree with Fox more than they do!

Anyway Mr. Fox, how are those trade deals? "Donald Trump's offer of a 'quick, massive bilateral trade deal' won't be possible if Theresa May's Brexit deal is backed by Parliament, the US ambassador to the UK has warned." [BBC]

Outstanding opportunities outweigh obedientiary overburdening...

88 days to go. "Some people would rather see Britain fail than Brexit succeed" says Liam Fox (the international trade secretary) [The Times ££]. Correct, there are thousands of them: many of whom - and the most vocal - seem to be whining, lying gibbering idiots (and we know their worst nightmare)

Fox also says that "backing May's deal will free the UK"...[face-palm].  Much of the Times interview by Caroline Wheeler (Deputy Political Editor of The Sunday Times) is about Fox telling everyone that Brexit can only happen by supporting May's [extremely bad] deal. WTF is he on? Why do they call Fox a Brexiteer?

He does get some bits right: "As far as I'm concerned, as an elected member of parliament, I’ve been given an instruction by the British people and it’s my democratic duty to do it". Yes, correct. He wishes people "would start to see the upside of Brexit", he's sick of "hearing Brexit always portrayed in terms of the potential difficulties rather than the optimistic and confident way in which I think people who voted across the country to leave the EU saw it." Good...encouraging. BUT, he also says "What you can be sure of is that if we vote for the prime minister’s deal then its 100% certain that we will leave on March 29"; knowing how overtly bad that deal has been proven to be, these are not the words of a 'passionate Brexiteer'.

Amazingly, most of the comments on that article are from Remainers who don't seem to realise Brexiteers disagree with Fox more than they do!

Anyway Mr. Fox, how are those trade deals? "Donald Trump's offer of a 'quick, massive bilateral trade deal' won't be possible if Theresa May's Brexit deal is backed by Parliament, the US ambassador to the UK has warned." [BBC]

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Outing obvious overturns...

I liked Guido's newspaper montage today: "In a sign of just how much the British media landscape has changed since the referendum, the only two papers to come out fighting for May are the Mail and the Express – both instructing restive Tory MPs to 'now just let her get on with' it." They are also the only two newspapers blatantly targeted by TPTB as essential to change the Remoaner fortunes, comparing the headlines and editorials now to a year or two ago is stunning; all it has done however is mark them as establishment has-beens and their readership in free-fall. They will try to claim they are 'Tory supporting' and that their pathetic 180 degree about-face on Brexit is only about 'stopping Corbyn'. No, wrong: it is part of the clear establishment globalist support May's treasonous deal/stop-Brexit shite-fest and they will suffer for it.

Outing obvious overturns...

I liked Guido's newspaper montage today: "In a sign of just how much the British media landscape has changed since the referendum, the only two papers to come out fighting for May are the Mail and the Express – both instructing restive Tory MPs to 'now just let her get on with' it." They are also the only two newspapers blatantly targeted by TPTB as essential to change the Remoaner fortunes, comparing the headlines and editorials now to a year or two ago is stunning; all it has done however is mark them as establishment has-beens and their readership in free-fall. They will try to claim they are 'Tory supporting' and that their pathetic 180 degree about-face on Brexit is only about 'stopping Corbyn'. No, wrong: it is part of the clear establishment globalist support May's treasonous deal/stop-Brexit shite-fest and they will suffer for it.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018



Dame Cheryl Gillan is a liar; Theresa May is a liar; Alan Duncan is a liar; Liam Fox is a liar...and there are many more.   Prove me wrong you fucking lying traitors.

Update: Philip Hammond is a liar. Yes, yes, this list could go on for ages. 


[LINK] Dame Cheryl Gillan is a liar; Theresa May is a liar; Alan Duncan is a liar; Liam Fox is a liar...and there are many more.   Prove me wrong you fucking lying traitors.

Update: Philip Hammond is a liar. Yes, yes, this list could go on for ages. 

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Ominous outcomes...

et tu, Olly? Treason May's chief Brexit adviser, Olly Robbins, has warned her that the Northern Ireland 'backstop' in her deal is actually a "bad outcome". That could almost be repeated old news because the same thing was said back in April about a previous idea! Also there may be contempt of Parliament proceedings in the offing if she doesn't show the legal advice in full.

Even more trouble: President Trump was right, again, May’s deal with the EU would prevent a UK-US free trade agreement:
a 'bombshell leak': "a confidential analysis of the Withdrawal Agreement by the House of Commons' own expert legal team comes to the same conclusion as President Trump": Brexit Central. Last week's report was leaked: The Withdrawal Agreement: Legal and Governance Aspects [PDF].

"Conservative MP Marcus Fysh... “This document identifies and explains many of the very serious legal problems for the UK that would emerge from the Prime Minister’s proposed Withdrawal Agreement"".

Indeed, not only that, "Theresa May's Brexit deal is illegal and must be stopped" [DT].

Unfortunately, other  previously decent 'Conservatives' have fallen by the wayside', Gove and Mordaunt this weekend adding to the boot-licker brigade putting party before country. The DT link was brought to my attention by Raedwald, who also has a better comment about Gove. 

Ominous outcomes...

et tu, Olly? Treason May's chief Brexit adviser, Olly Robbins, has warned her that the Northern Ireland 'backstop' in her deal is actually a "bad outcome". That could almost be repeated old news because the same thing was said back in April about a previous idea! Also there may be contempt of Parliament proceedings in the offing if she doesn't show the legal advice in full.

Even more trouble: President Trump was right, again, May’s deal with the EU would prevent a UK-US free trade agreement: a 'bombshell leak': "a confidential analysis of the Withdrawal Agreement by the House of Commons' own expert legal team comes to the same conclusion as President Trump": Brexit Central. Last week's report was leaked: The Withdrawal Agreement: Legal and Governance Aspects [PDF].

"Conservative MP Marcus Fysh... “This document identifies and explains many of the very serious legal problems for the UK that would emerge from the Prime Minister’s proposed Withdrawal Agreement"".

Indeed, not only that, "Theresa May's Brexit deal is illegal and must be stopped" [DT].

Unfortunately, other  previously decent 'Conservatives' have fallen by the wayside', Gove and Mordaunt this weekend adding to the boot-licker brigade putting party before country. The DT link was brought to my attention by Raedwald, who also has a better comment about Gove.