lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Olympian obscenity...

Laughable London Logo Low...
Truly, mind-bogglingly, disasterous and above all embarrassing; complete and utter crap...really; I honestly hope it's another hoax. You'll note from this link that I'm not alone: HERE 80%+ of people voted to give the London Olympic logo, revealled (reviled?) today, the wooden spoon - out of a choice of gold, silver, bronze or wooden spoon. Apparently it cost upwards of 400,000 pounds!!! I truly believe that a primary school child paid 40 quid could have done better!
"The jagged emblem, based on the date 2012, comes in a series of shades of pink, blue, green and orange and will evolve in the run-up to the Games."
Evolve into what, something tasteful and appropriate or just another pile of poo? "When people see the new brand, we want them to be inspired to make a positive change in their life" said Tony Blair, I bet he's glad he's leaving now! A positive change in their life or or maybe just a change in the logo!! There are half a dozen quotes from various politicians and bigwigs all of which are sanctiminous crap verging on the ridiculous - and ridicule is what this logo deserves.
Update 7:30pm BST. There's a petiton going for anyone who wishes to get the logo changed: it already has nearly 8500 signatures so if you want to sign 'Online petition - Change The London 2012 Logo' click HERE. (edit: ended up with 48 thousand signatures) Thanks to fellow BBC Radio 5 Live Message Board poster Yellowhammer for that link and also for this description of how they designed it.
Update 9:20a.m. BST. Following up on yesterday: several readers have already sent in better alternatives (took them all of a couple of hours and zero expense) BBC Link

7 comentarios:

  1. I think it's appalling Span, I've signed the petition !

  2. Thanks Curmy; it really is infuriatingly atrocious isn't it?...I find myself (unwittingly) becoming an Victor Meldrew!

  3. I can't believe that! I spotted it straightaway but didn't have time to make a comment on the 5Live Board. Loved your link by the way, and the comment that followed about needing 4 more rings!

    It's spooky when something like this happens.

  4. hahaha Thanks Paul. I have no doubt there are thousands pf bloggers out there doing the same!

    Re MB: there are a few good comments on that thread; I got the very last post in tonight answering some fool who said it was brillaint and reminiscent of Andy Warhol!!!!! He had some funny art but at least it was recognisable for what it was - nothing like Warhol!

    I enjoyed the rings fact I'm giggling immature (or is it the beer?)

  5. Signed the petition also (via your post on Gavin's board). God - it really is a pile of crap - pink and stupid. Bet Ken loves it.

  6. It's laughable. All the rot and media speak thrown out by those at the press conference where the logo was launched.

    I noticed on LBC a councillor who works in local government and attended the launch said that those watching made audiable gasps and were not impressed when it was unvailed so it appears only those on stage believe the hype.

    And now the animated film of the logo has been removed from the London Olympic website and probably will not be shown on tv again as the frequency of colours and flashing is feared to cause epileptic fits.

  7. Thanks Sarnia - there are now nearlt 40,000 signatures on the petition and 21,000 votes on the beeb's poll (75% wooden spoon...interestingly when I looked early yesterday the numbers had increased for gold and silver but the overall numbers polled had dropped by 4 thousand odd!!! I wonder if that was a clean-out of double/multi voters or something else...a concerted effort by supporters to raise the 'for' votes.

    Hello Gildy, interesting what you say re 'gasps' etc - I'm not at all surprised....and I read the bit about the withdrawal of the animation online for health reasons re epilepsy etc) - just shows how truly inept and inapt this choice was; clearly the fact that it was animated means they decided it was a 'cool look online for the 'yoof' of today who are online a lot aren't they and will love our cool, quirky logo,'
    ...besides on T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, plates, mugs, banners, flags etc no animation will show up so basically we're left with WYSIWYG...ugly pap.

