I often wonder what use these sort of amnesties have: more often than not it's the people who would never use them in a crime or even the type of weapons – if stolen – that would be used by the real criminals; as the article confirms...
"Few of the exchanged weapons were late-model 9 mm and .45-caliber pistols, the sort used in many of the more than 100 murders last year in Orlando and Orange County."Among the weapons handed in were these gems: three military-style target rifles worth more than $3,000, a .308-caliber M1-A Springfield rifle worth about $1,500 and an "unblemished 1903 .32-caliber Colt pistol caught the eye of a knowledgeable deputy who checked the Internet and found it was worth about $1,400."...but they will be destroyed just like all the other weapons…I guess they can still kill but it seems a shame. Some good news: "A portable crime scene" off the streets: "No questions asked, right?" asked one man, described as looking like an old biker, questioning the promise of anonymity for everyone turning in a gun. "Absolutely," said deputies: the man then produced a homemade, 40-shot assault pistol with an illegal, cut-down rifle barrel "worth a five year mandatory minimum sentence in federal prison".
Mind you all this does make you wonder if it's worth it when as soon as the children go back to school they can tool-up on the cheap! See what's in the surprise 'Sale' in Gavin Corder's post HERE.
There was a gun amnesty in the U.K back in the late 70's and my Dad had to hand in my Grandads Colt 45. It was a real shame because it had been made safe and had actually belonged to my great, grandfather when both he and my Grandad (Mum's Dad) were security guards in the East End in the years between the wars.
ResponderEliminarI wonder how many people knew that the premises of the printers of Vogue magazine were guarded by two West Ham supporters who carried Colt 45's?
Nice one Paul, how many anecdotes like that would make people stop and think about waht they actually see everyday. Stories everywhere!