lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

Ows's odd October opinion...

lovely shape; needs gentle handlingWhat a mouth-watering set of quarter-finals: I have to be honest and say that only one team looks out of place...and I sincerely hope that Argentina give them what for!

Australia v England (ref: Alain Rolland, Ireland)

New Zealand v France (ref: Wayne Barnes, England)

Argentina v Scotland (ref: Joel Jutge, France)

South Africa v Fiji (ref: Alan Lewis, Ireland)

It's a tough one to predict but New Zealand won't fall for the 'good' French side that tends to appear occasionally and I also think South Africa, after getting a run for their money, will be too strong for the Fijians (I hope not though!) That only leaves a resurgent England overpowering the golden and talented Wallabies who always seem to have a fantastic set three-quarters no matter who retires/gets injured/whatever...anyway, a tight game but far more tries than in the final 4 years ago. I haven't forgotten what I promised when I commented on my post slagging off England last month! So...semi-final predictions:

England vs. New Zealand (stunning display puts England through)

South Africa vs. Argentina (brusingly tough and bloody encounter sees Argentina win by 5) England vs. Argentina Final looks a great prospect... what are you laughing at?

6 comentarios:

  1. only one team out of place .... really! ... just makes my heart beat that little bit faster and the passion flow ....

    Flower of Scotland ...when will we see your like again .....

  2.'ve seen my comments missbonnielass; I'm not a hater of our northern friends, just angry with the old farts: Scotland always seem to get the easy ride...tell me, what did you like best: the massive (ahem) wins versus the might of Portugal and Romania, the ugly tedious pipping of Italy or the overt capitulation in front of the All Blacks (in front of their home crowd)?

    P.S. Please note I have slagged England off too.

  3. Did we have an easy group ...that's the luck of the draw ..isn't it.
    Best match..for tension and almost unbearable to watch it has to be against Italy..not the best rugby but we're through :)
    The NZ game...asked some friends who went if they were disappointed that we didn't play our best players...mixed views.
    We have a brilliant kicker and are good at the line outs but we need to hold onto the ball more...I'm no expert just grew up in a family with an interest and one of mine plays.
    The best team will win on the day ;) heart will always be with my home team.

    Real men in shorts and all that passion's difficult not to like the game.

  4. Death to the dinosaurs, it has to be a last four of the Anzacs, Argentina and the Boks, anything else will be a victory for northern hemisphere boredom inducing, oxygen stealing, kick and rushing, non-inventive, backward thinking, dogma.

  5. Span

    Laughing? Sage like predictions?

    Aussies? A walk in the park?

    New Zealand? A breeze over the very dark?

    Argentina an England win – No question mark…..

    A prediction from Kenji Mouchard

  6. Mr Mags was only saying the other night when we were watching Argentina beat Ireland that he never thought he would see the day wehn he rooted for Argentina. I replied that they deserved it after the results they have put in. I'll go for Argentina in the final but I doubt they will win whoever they play. I do so wish that I had placed the punt I thought about after they beat France in the first game.

    Been a good World Cup. Have really enjoyed every game that I have watched...well apart from one and I know that you know which one that was.
