sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008

Origami out of orbit...

Burn up on entry? No chance...not even when it's made of paper. I must admit to being astounded at the news, reported last month on New Scientist, Space: Japanese origami experts have collaborated to make a paper plane - for space travel!!...that "could be launched from the International Space Station and survive a descent to Earth."

The spaceplane is about 20 cm long and is made of paper, but it has passed wind tunnel tests at Mach 7 and 200 °C

Now we can get to see the tests [BBC media player]; they're totally confident of success but the only problems seem to be radar can't track it and cameras probably won't see it!!! If found please return to...

2 comentarios:

  1. Beats making an unconvincing paper swan I suppose. Radar can't see it and cameras can't see it, presumably launch date is fixed for April 1st.

  2. hehehe...I thought the same thing!...I'm waiting to see the astronauts with those triangular 'pirate' type hats on.
