domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

Oncoming oceans...

By 'oceans' of course I mean clear blue water...and at last there is some in UK politics: my favourite MEP, Daniel Hannan, asks in his DT blog "Will David Cameron be Britain's first Euro-sceptic Prime Minister?

"David Cameron has just confirmed that, if ratification of the European Constitution Lisbon Treaty were not complete in every one of the 27 EU states, an incoming Conservative Government would carry out its promise to hold a referendum and recommend a 'No' vote."

I love this bit: "The Euro-phile Andrew Marr assumed an expression of almost Paxmanesque incredulity"...and I've left the orignal link to Hannan's post re bias and BBC political editors last year.

This is a vote winner: I still think the the seeming self-destruction of New labour isn't enough and the Conservatives should stick the boot in while they can...after all, a week is a long time in politics :-)

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3 comentarios:

  1. This could be the start of the big push then - does this mean John Redwood will become visible again and Gerald Howard(?) and that horrible man Cash. Is Teddy Taylor still alive?

    I thought the Lisbon Treaty contains an opt-out clause anyway. I've never known a Conservtive party behaving so timidly when - as you say - they could be sticking the boot in.

  2. John Redwood hasn't been hidden for those that like what he says... me for instance :-)

    Cash just wants to let people 'really' know about the EU and Europe, something ost other MP's seem to not want to say. Teddy is alive (and well???) and could be interested in the current Glasgow by-election...I think.

  3. As an after thought, my problem still is that the three parties are so alike and mostly it's it's who is the nastiest and will shaft the public...

    I might like to see another party in power but when I hear how their policies are likely to affect m, you are tempted to keep with who you know.

    My problem is that the things I see and dislike which for now is mainly local politics is rarely discussed as the media tends to talk of policies that are National so things are passed through virtually on the nod.

    Such as I have mentioned that I dislike the way councils have been disolved and become Unitary with fewer representatives for the population across the UK which has also played in favour of certain parties...

    Or locally here we've had to vote who will repair and become our new landlord of social housing as the council is wound up.

    But all this just happens with little chance to question matters...

    But I were talking about the EU...and that's as complicated as any body to understand. It too seems often to make decisions and if they fail to get a policythrough one way, they come at the same problem via a sightly different route and eventually still get the policy passed as a'll have it whether you want it or not...
