lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

Oil output obstructionist...

Obstructionist...but not on purpose (one assumes!) It was no surprise to see confirmed in black and white the fact that Venezuela's daily oil production has fallen by 25% since Hugo Chavez has been president. Half of the oil now produced (from a total of 2.4 million barrels/day - down from 3.2) is sold the nations that are buddies with Hugo and they pay the Venezuelan state only 30% of the actual market price (3 month payment terms) and the remainder they pay in instalments spread over decades...

"The other half - 1.2 million barrels per day - goes to America, Venezuela's only genuinely paying customer."

Hahaha...what a plonker; I know that we know that he knows that they know that his bullshit, wind-up, anti-imperialist comments are only hot air but it's great to know that he knows that we know that his country needs the very 'enemy' he continues to slag-off. Still, I'm sure the eggs and furniture that PDVSA (the Venezuelan state-owned petroleum company) are producing helps things along. Can you calculate the 'loss' that he has made (he is almost entirely personally responsible) by not being able to utilise the massive surge in oil price effectively?

The daily Telegraph reports more bad news for Chavez, not only is Caracas now the 5th most dangerous city in the whole world but "Venezuela now has more murders than Colombia - despite its neighbour being officially at war against Marxist guerillas." [Link]

El pueblo venezolano merece algo mejor.

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3 comentarios:

  1. Why does the expression 'Marxist guerillas' make me smile? I just love the idea that guerillas should actually be following an outdtated political ideology - surely they should be concentrating on being badass dudes.

  2. You're right, these guerillas just aren't the same these days :-) Same as ETA etc all started with an idea/ideology/'honourable' ideal but all now the same ganster shitheads.

    ...I'm sure a few have ideaology as a drive...but not many! That said there are several sets of 'guerillas' in Colombia, and a few sheltering in Venezuela.

  3. Speaking with a friend last night (in Maracay) he was saying that things are hotting up as the local elections next month are getting a bit edgy....the opposition keeps winning in the polls so Chavez is geting worked up!
