domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Objectionable oration...

After various insults and threats before the elections...and after trying to claim an advance in his Bolivarian Revolution despite the opposition winning in the three most important states (in population terms) —"Zulia, Miranda and Carabobo—together with metropolitan Caracas and four of the capital’s five districts" [Economist]...and after last year's attempts to have the constitution changed to allow [his] re-election (narrowly defeated in a referendum)...and after this week claiming he would not 'personally' seek to remove the constitutional bar on more than two terms which would force him out - from the presidency at least - by Jan 2013 claiming that he could not stop someone else doing it...well he couldn't wait even one week: today in another objectionable oration, he called upon his party saying he "wants a constitutional amendment to permit his re-election".

"Chávez quiere una enmienda constitucional para permitir su reelección" [El País (Spanish)] "El presidente venezolano pide a su partido que inicie los debates para lograr la reforma que le perpetúe en el poder"

The Venezuelan president called on his party to initiate the debates to achieve the reforms that would keep him in power.

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2 comentarios:

  1. You really don't like this guy, do you, Span. Not that I blame you, of course.

  2. When he first started I did like him. Thought he was personally repulsive and should be in gaol for many disappeared in one of his coups in the 1990's BUT he did start to make a necessary differnce but over the last efw years he's just gone long before the statues of him start going up?
