jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Overtly overstaffed...

"Frankly the job could be done with half as many. It could be more productive, more efficient, it could deliver a lot more value for money for the taxpayer. And the levers of change, the ability to affect change are so rare, because of the culture. I was amazed how many people frankly deserved the sack, and yet that was the one threat that they never ever worked under because it doesn't exist as long as they're being not criminal or whatever."

He [Ex-trade minister Lord Digby Jones] had ameliorated that harsh statement by saying just beforehand that the civil service was "honest, stuffed full of decent people who work hard"...Diggers, we know...we know...and we know the rest of what you said about them is true too.

Interestingly, back in April, Digby Jones said "I am a supporter of Gordon Brown and I believe in what he is doing." I wonder if that opinion has changed recently?

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5 comentarios:

  1. To be fair to Digby he did go onto explain that he meant two things: firstly that his meant the job could be done by half as many if Parliament itself was reformed, we now have twice the number of Government ministers there were when Churchill was P.M and a much higher number than under Mrs T. Secondly he said that too many people join the Civil Service with the view that it's for life and forget that its the taxpayer who pays directly for their salary and pension.

  2. Paul, I'm not having a go at DJ, I like the guy and thought he did a good job at the CBI. I even didn't mind when Gordy roped him in...interesting that he said this the day after (I think) that Cameron said he'd reduce MP numbers by 10%...re your second point then I think they should be reminded; constantly. If The HoC can change laws willy-nilly the they can change the work description and contract of the CS.

  3. As far as Local Government is concerned, I believe that it is significantly overstaffed. I worked there for 29 years and I came across quite a number of people who carved themselves a comfy little niche over the years. IMHO, the public sector does carry too many passegers, some of them quite highly paid.

  4. It's okay Span I didn't think you were. What I should have posted was that the difference between the printed word and DJ actually speaking on PM conveyed subtle differences - as is often the case.

  5. Shytalk...I have absolutely no doubt! Imagine what you saw multiplied over the whole counrty (and extrapolated for those councils that are bigger/smaller than where you were.)

    paul, no worries...usually, when "live", people will always soften the blow but for some reason when chatting to a journalist won't!
