sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

Oeillading Olga...

OK, no excuses, just wanted a break from the political posts!...and what a lovely break Olga is!

The gorgeous Olga Kurylenko
oeillade n. - glance, ogle.

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6 comentarios:

  1. Good bone structure - where's the top of her head?

  2. I'm sure I've read that cropping the top of a model's head in a photograph makes you focus on the face and eyes.

  3. That may well be true Bonnie but in this case you focus on her boobs and then that long neck of hers.

  4. Hi bonnie, yes that's what I'd heard to, of course Paul's statement also has merit...


  5. "Hi bonnie, yes that's what I'd heard to,"

    I bet you didn't type that with a straight face!
