Slap on the face: GORDON Brown was red-faced again last night after his MAKE-UP tips were left in a taxi by a bungling aide.
Slap around the face: A Saudi judge has told a seminar on domestic violence that it is OK for a man to slap his wife for lavish spending, a newspaper has reported.
Slap-up meal: security research released to coincide with the InfoSec event last month revealed that 37% of workers in London would be willing to sell company secrets if the price was right: amazingly, 2% said they would betray their company for a free slap up meal.
Slap happy: No doubt dazed and incoherent from multiple blows to the head the UK prime minister apologises - on behalf of all political parties - for the ludicrous expenses claims made and said "public trust must be restored immediately".
Slap and tickle: So DO people have more sex in the countryside than in the city? Oh Liz...
That top is not a very good fit is it Liz?
ResponderEliminarI know...great isn't it? if you clck on the image there's another one not so ill fitting but equally nice. :-)
ResponderEliminarbtw...2 hour later...I'm worried, she keeps looking at me...I'm getting obsessed (blasted devil!) the picture is taunting me...