martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Ongoing opening of Office Outlook...

...and I don't mean it taking ages to sort itself out and settle down every time you open it! Microsoft has announced plans to open up the format of the data files used by its e-mail program Outlook, says the BBC. Paul Lorimer, Group Manager, Microsoft Office Interoperability said "In order to facilitate interoperability and enable customers and vendors to access the data in .pst files on a variety of platforms, we will be releasing documentation for the .pst file format. This will allow developers to read, create, and interoperate with the data in .pst files in server and client scenarios using the programming language and platform of their choice"... 'The platform of their choice'...hmmm, yes, could have used that a while ago.

Open Office, "The Free and Open Productivity Suite" now enjoying it's 9th birthday is good and does a reasonable job of being an Office alternative but there was never any real competition for Microsoft Outlook, many alternatives but none that came close except maybe Mozilla's Thunderbird. This is progress from last year when Chris Caposella wrote of "Microsoft’s Commitment to Document Format Interoperability". Continued progress.

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3 comentarios:

  1. People only use Microsoft for two reasons, firstly it's ubiquity and secondly we aren't all geeks. People who care about these things tend to go for Linux in my experience.

  2. Yes...or if you hate "the Empire within the Empire" (like Chavez does...all Ven Gov is Linux)

  3. I'm sure you're having great difficulty I suggest HERE, as you can see, it's easy: just fucking googled it (not being rude!...much)
