viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

Overpaying overseers...

From Conservative Home: By TPA Policy Analyst John O'Connell.

In our recent report with the Institute of Directors we advocated a public sector pay freeze as one of key measures to tackle the fiscal crisis. Politicians from all parties followed suit during the Conference season. But in particular we were told that executive pay in the public sector had to be reined in. The squeeze had to start at the top.

Read the rest [Link].

Also out today, the TPA's annual Public Sector Rich List 2009 [PDF] How is it possible that:
  • There are 8 people in the public sector who earn more than £1 million a year, compared with 4 people last year.
  • There are 35 people in the public sector earning above £500,000 a year compared with 21 last year.
  • There are 120 people earning above £250,000 a year compared with 88 last year.
Also, much as I despise Gordon Brown, he is the 324th highest paid person in the public sector. Surely some mistake...

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3 comentarios:

  1. I tried to open the PSRL PDF but a message said it was broken and couldn't be fixed - one of your jokes no doubt!

    There's been a real campaign down here regarding public sector pay, so much so that one chief executive lost his job after his pay was exposed.

    Public sector pay is immoral and we know the reason - I'm sure Shy has more of a clue as he has worked in it, but it's all about dividing the cake.

    As for the PM I've also regarded politicians as public servants who some what bizarrely have the power to ruin our lives. I'd put them all on minimum wage with means tested benefits.

  2. Hello Paul...just worked for me and I promise I didn't fiddle it! It was embargoed before today but I didn't post until midday so it must have been a glitch.

    Public sector pay is immoral and we know the reason - I'm sure Shy has more of a clue as he has worked in it, but it's all about dividing the cake.

    As for the PM I've also regarded politicians as public servants who some what bizarrely have the power to ruin our lives. I'd put them all on minimum wage with means tested benefits.

    Ha! Excellent. Stand on that and you'll get elected (but then suffer the consequences!)

  3. "Ha! Excellent. Stand on that and you'll get elected (but then suffer the consequences!)"

    Yes, the lowering of my standard of living for a start (joking).
