miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010
Olid odorivector's opuscle...
The King of Vacuous two-faced Teflon Tony himself calls the opposition vacuous...oh the irony...and guess who he called vacuous a little over 18 months ago? Yep, the very person he is praising today. Crash Gordon. What a tosser.
"Spare us election sermons from the man who corrupted and degraded British politics". [Oborne]. Hear, hear.
Oliver's omen...
The Oliver of the blog title is Oliver Letwin: I've bigged up Michael Howard and Peter Lilley before, on their warnings about Crash Gordon, but here Mr Eugenides adds Letwin to the long list of seers warning about the Brownstuff. The post is nigh on perfect, the comments are good too."I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who is getting a little bit sick of Vince bloody Cable and the unending waves of guff about his supposedly uncanny powers of prediction and prognostication."
Hat-tip: Letter From A Tory
martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
Outstanding opposition III...
No I do not mean Labour's new best weapon Vince Cable being unexpectedly smug and annoying in the C4 Chancellors debate (IMHO, but reports are so diverse giving 'the win' to all of them but most to VC, who had nothing to lose and no real case to make or "defence" to put forward) but I mean the new "attack" website Labservative.com. It's very good.
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
Right, that's my vote sorted. Anything for Liz. Trouble is, and knowing that nobody can have everything, I've heard Cheryl is a leftie!"Oh, I love David Cameron, I've had lunch with David and Samantha a few times and found them both extremely charming. I think he’s gorgeous. Super-sexy!"
domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010
Overused outrecuidance...
sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010
According to the IFS (see graph, taken from the Institute for Fiscal studies 2005 election briefing publication [PDF] there was a real terms cut in - at most - two years towards the end of that decade. In fact core public spending has not been cut in real terms since the mid '70s under Labour.
martes, 23 de marzo de 2010
OMG! II...
[chickyog]The first 'Lobbygate' scandal back in 1998 featured none other than 'Smeargate' star Derek Draper. That one of the last scandals of the New Labour years features three of its stalwarts – Byers, Hoon and Hewitt – is utterly fitting.
Update, Tuesday: [Link] What about Milburn? What about the others?
For starters.What about Brown's globe-trotting, sun-loving, yacht-tripping, directorship-acquiring, wealth-accumulating, fund-shifting, fee-taking, lecture-delivering, teeth-brandishing, dossier-fixing, war-starting predecessor? Let's suspend Blair!
viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010
Optimistic Ows...
Obamacare option oppression?...
This wouldn't be the first time Obama has got a way round the accepted democratic channels [see Obamachart HERE] and the Slaughter Solution could well cause a spark to further problems. Certainly that's what Glenn- this-is-equivalent-to-Pearl-Harbour Beck thinks! A tad OTT Glenn but I know what you mean!House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill...
Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version.
Update Tuesday, 11:30 am ET: Well I guess everyone knows how it went, I watched some of it live on Sunday night: 7 votes seperated the counts so the difference between 'win/lose' was only 4 votes; now: "The vote is over. The fight is just beginning."... ..."Repercussions from the 219-to-212 vote late Sunday in favor of the Senate's original health care bill could be enormous." [USA Today]. Listening to Joe Biden introduce Obama just now was seriously nauseous but with one bonus good for a laugh. :-)
jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010
The English Free Press...
"The English Free Press is a collection of bloggers who believe that the current constitutional settlement is disadvantageous to England. This website exists to aggregate the feeds of blogs that support the creation of an English parliament; and it also aims to publicise articles and news items about the UK constitution, English politics, English culture and history, and the condition of being English"
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010
Obtruding on our offsprings' obligations...
Clearly governments, after failing to convince their current taxpayers (but still green-taxing and eco-controlling them), are playing the long game and trying to get future generations to carry the torch: I foresee a group of demonstrating youngsters becoming extreme, morphing - as has happened so often in the past - into terrorist groups. Or another possible future: remember Climate Cops (no, not Green Police, that's something else, albeit related!): no doubt some such system will prevail, with an 'edicto de fe' following the denunciation, then an examination by calificadores, who would determine if there was heresy involved, followed by detention of the accused...
Update: I like CF's dodgy salesman take on this:
The offending adverts had presented predications as fact, made exaggerated claims, distorted the evidence and - cheap trick - had tried to instil fear in their audience.
Then the person ultimately responsible for these adverts was wheeled on. He was as evasive as you'd expect a person in that position to be...
And he's not actually selling us anything in the traditional sense - we've got no fucking choice. He's just advertising why he's helped himself to our money, after the event. We paid for the adverts, and we'll pay for whatever Climate Change-related bollocks Ed wants us to.
martes, 16 de marzo de 2010
Osborne out?...
P.S. A couple of well versed questioners re Thatcher, the recession and unemployment; if this were New Labour they would be scurrying around investigating who asked what and why to smear and "reveal" the plant.
lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010
Opting out...
* See epolitix list HERE: 93 Labour MPs quitting so far (all other parties add up to 52)
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010
Other opposition on offensive...
Certainly he is right about the great Margaret and of course he is right about delusional Brown; he could even be right about the big transition but one thing is for sure: this week he has been playing both right and left!"I recognise now something I did not at the time: that [Margaret Thatcher's] victory over a vested interest, the trade unions, was immensely significant. I don’t want to be churlish: that was an immensely important visceral battle for how Britain is governed."
"What I find so striking is that the spirit — dare I say it — of the battle against the dominance of one vested interest, the trade unions, is exactly the same spirit we need now."
"David Cameron and George Osborne are stoking up fears in the markets, actively trying to destabilise the pound and reduce the Government's ability to borrow... "It's like a protection racket: vote for us or our friends in the City will lay waste to your economy, your savings and your job."
"There is nothing positive in the Conservatives' election strategy..."It's a strategy that is completely negative and without hope, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that people aren't going to fall for it."
"I mean this is a man who seems to repel most people who worked closest with him in his own party. I know Gordon has persuaded himself that this recession has nothing to do with him. It is the biggest sleight of hand in modern British politics. Talk about living in denial. It's almost delusional."
"Am I going to soften my language and views that Gordon Brown is personally responsible for a lot of the economical anxiety and heartache in this country? No."
"This election is part of a big transition from rigid 20th century duopoly, to something different. We don't know what that is, but it's already different, that's the point."
Options on obvious obnubilation...
This is simply unbelievable* - literally i.e. methinks it must be more lies - and I await with interest to hear the budget."This contract says we will more than halve the deficit over four years, and we will also reduce the size of the structural deficit by two-thirds over the same period."
Update: Saturday 13th: *Thanks to Fraser Nelson at The Spectator for explaining this Brown
"Two years ago, he forecast no deficit at all by 2014. Now he's projecting one of 5 percent of GDP - simply mammoth - and still makes out that this is something to be proud of... ...[see] chart showing that even Italy (a G7 member) will have wiped out its deficit by the time Britain will - under Brown - have halved it.
You'd be amazed how many journalists, even financial journalists, don't know the difference between the two. [debt and deficit] The BBC news routinely mixes the two up. Where there is financial illiteracy, Brown sees a chance to mislead the voters."
Out of order III...
It is quite a surprise....but then again not really, when you think how New Labour work...I'm sure most of those 341 Labour MP's that come in the 343 highest spots (before we reach the first Conservative!) would have voted another way had they been allowed to. This is odd...and interesting although with some flaws: presumably if they missed the vote they become more liberal (i.e. new Conservative Chloe Smith on zero) and, after all, it's really hard to believe Nick Clegg is less liberal than John Redwood. :-)
lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
So, some eye candy will suffice! My coochy woochy woo, Penelope Cruz, was nominated for best supporting actress but didn't win (it was a tough group won by Mo'Nique in the film Precious). The image on the left is one still of her in Guido's cabaretesque 'dream' scene from the film Nine (click for video)
Full Oscars coverage HERE(BBC)