I know I'm a bit late with the Labour Leadership contest news but it was amusing - and a relief...honestly!...to see a non male, non white, non plastic, non sound-bite driven, non twat (yes, yes I see the irony) type of person who also happens to be a 12 or 13 years older than the next oldest rival. Diane Abbot was Britain's first black woman MP and now has over 23 years at Westminster, in this year's election she increased her majority for Labour so she must be doing something right locally...mustn't she? The left-winger only had 11 nominations on Tuesday night, 12 hours before the deadline yesterday but in a final rush/push/fiddle she got the 33 needed to be part of the leadership election. Nothing suspicious about that, nothing at all...at all. The Labour leadership debates are going to be a lot more interesting because of her presence. Why are you laughing? I'm not joking!
Update: "Miss Piggy and The Muppets" as one comment HERE puts it. Hehehe...
She'll be a disaster, just watch her sat next to Michael Portilo on Andrew Neil's show, she's a complete lightweight, the Alan Curbishley of politics - 23 years in the game and still useless.
ResponderEliminarWell...that's what I'm hoping :-)