"This evening we have come here to celebrate a great leader who championed a profound idea. That idea was freedom. At home and abroad, she expanded the boundaries of freedom – and sculpted a legacy that spans generations and crosses party lines..."
"...This evening, I speak as more than an admirer of Margaret Thatcher. I speak as a person grateful for the opportunities this nation has given me – and the opportunities she has created for every other individual in Great Britain."
"...And we cannot forget that she is no ideologue, but a person of pragmatism, an optimist whose optimism is founded in her faith in the individual."
"Hers is a generous spirit, a spirit based in an appreciation of personal potential and not of an impersonal ideology. As she said: 'With all due respect to the drafters of the American Declaration of Independence, all men and women are not created equal, at least in regard to their characters, abilities and aptitudes.'"
Rupert Murdoch's inaugural Margaret Thatcher lecture [HERE...at The Guardian!]
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