Best wishes to all those out there that visit and read and comment on Owsblog. As 2012 makes its way around the globe I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. And in just over 3 weeks the Year of the Dragon begins, it's the only animal of the Chinese zodiac that is not real; I am not sure why I think that is significant but despite everything I hope it bodes well: as the great Winston Churchill said - and it goes for me too; "For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else"
sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011
Optimistic opportunities...
Best wishes to all those out there that visit and read and comment on Owsblog. As 2012 makes its way around the globe I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. And in just over 3 weeks the Year of the Dragon begins, it's the only animal of the Chinese zodiac that is not real; I am not sure why I think that is significant but despite everything I hope it bodes well: as the great Winston Churchill said - and it goes for me too; "For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else"
Optimistic opportunities...
Best wishes to all those out there that visit and read and comment on Owsblog. As 2012 makes its way around the globe I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. And in just over 3 weeks the Year of the Dragon begins, it's the only animal of the Chinese zodiac that is not real; I am not sure why I think that is significant but despite everything I hope it bodes well: as the great Winston Churchill said - and it goes for me too; "For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else"
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011
Obvious odorivectors...
Something stinks. Is your council making cuts? Are they cutting libraries and other important services that do not need to be cut and cost less than councillors expenses? If they are ask them how much they have in the bank: many councils are hoarding cash despite spending cuts - maybe for a rainy day, after all they are advised to 'keep sufficient sums of money in reserve so that they have a financial cushion to meet sudden unexpected costs' - but they had that anyway, right? Two examples of cash reserves: Labour-led Wakefield Council's will have more than doubled from 21 million quid to over 50 million and Labour-run Bolton Council's more than tripled from 23 million quid to over 80 million [oops, pdf]; these are Labour examples from the Telegraph, not doubt there are others from Lib Dem and/or Conservative run doubt... Hat-tip: Not a sheep
And talking of asking questions, John Redwood suggests a few more: "I do wish the media and journalists would sharpen their questions for 2012."
Obvious odorivectors...
Something stinks. Is your council making cuts? Are they cutting libraries and other important services that do not need to be cut and cost less than councillors expenses? If they are ask them how much they have in the bank: many councils are hoarding cash despite spending cuts - maybe for a rainy day, after all they are advised to 'keep sufficient sums of money in reserve so that they have a financial cushion to meet sudden unexpected costs' - but they had that anyway, right? Two examples of cash reserves: Labour-led Wakefield Council's will have more than doubled from 21 million quid to over 50 million and Labour-run Bolton Council's more than tripled from 23 million quid to over 80 million [oops, pdf]; these are Labour examples from the Telegraph, not doubt there are others from Lib Dem and/or Conservative run doubt... Hat-tip: Not a sheep
And talking of asking questions, John Redwood suggests a few more: "I do wish the media and journalists would sharpen their questions for 2012."
Onshore, offshore, over-sure...
...over priced and of course over-hyped. "And that, in the end, is where the lie really is. In the attempt to sell us renewables the assumption is made that energy usage will halve. But energy usage halving has nothing at all to do with renewables, it has to do with energy efficiency. And when we compare energy efficiency plus fossil fuels with energy efficiency plus renewables we find that the renewables are twice the price of the fossil fuels." "Lying With Numbers: Green Energy Edition" from Tim Worstall in Forbes.
The lie being a report in The Guardian of Professor David MacKay, chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change** that purports to challenge the view that 'sustainable energy means higher costs': "But the cost of developing clean and sustainable electricity, heating and transport will be very similar to replacing today’s ageing and polluting power stations, the analysis finds."
** Yesterday the DECC announced a GBP2.5 billion 'boost' in investment, or, in other words, about 210 grand per job created [pdf].
Onshore, offshore, over-sure...
...over priced and of course over-hyped. "And that, in the end, is where the lie really is. In the attempt to sell us renewables the assumption is made that energy usage will halve. But energy usage halving has nothing at all to do with renewables, it has to do with energy efficiency. And when we compare energy efficiency plus fossil fuels with energy efficiency plus renewables we find that the renewables are twice the price of the fossil fuels." "Lying With Numbers: Green Energy Edition" from Tim Worstall in Forbes.
The lie being a report in The Guardian of Professor David MacKay, chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change** that purports to challenge the view that 'sustainable energy means higher costs': "But the cost of developing clean and sustainable electricity, heating and transport will be very similar to replacing today’s ageing and polluting power stations, the analysis finds."
** Yesterday the DECC announced a GBP2.5 billion 'boost' in investment, or, in other words, about 210 grand per job created [pdf].
jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011
Oncology outrage...
Oh dear, "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has questioned whether the US has developed a secret technology to give cancer to left-wing leaders in Latin America.". [edit p.m. he did not want to make "reckless" accusations, he said, making reckless accustaions]. That said, when you look at the probabilities it does seem a mammoth coincidence: the recent news that the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has thyroid cancer follows Krusty's own battle (no announcement as to where but my "guess" HERE, third paragraph); and add to the list ex Brazilian President Lula had throat cancer and the current leader Brazilian Dilma Rousseff had lymphoma cancer. Plus President Lugo of Paraguayan was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2010...
Oncology outrage...
Oh dear, "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has questioned whether the US has developed a secret technology to give cancer to left-wing leaders in Latin America.". [edit p.m. he did not want to make "reckless" accusations, he said, making reckless accustaions]. That said, when you look at the probabilities it does seem a mammoth coincidence: the recent news that the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has thyroid cancer follows Krusty's own battle (no announcement as to where but my "guess" HERE, third paragraph); and add to the list ex Brazilian President Lula had throat cancer and the current leader Brazilian Dilma Rousseff had lymphoma cancer. Plus President Lugo of Paraguayan was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2010...
sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011
Ominous outlook IV...
"I read the news today oh boy, About a lucky man who..." wasn't in any of these places: Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Hungary, Argentina, Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, Nigeria, Russia etc...all man made. Nature joins in: Philippines, New Zealand.
"Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you... ...Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"
Merry Christmas from Owsblog. Hey, cheer up!
Ominous outlook IV...
"I read the news today oh boy, About a lucky man who..." wasn't in any of these places: Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Hungary, Argentina, Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, Nigeria, Russia etc...all man made. Nature joins in: Philippines, New Zealand.
"Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you... ...Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"
Merry Christmas from Owsblog. Hey, cheer up!
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011
Ocean oil offensive...
The next round has commenced. Barely a week after more oil was confirmed off the Falklands than Mercosur agree to close it's ports to ships flying the Falkland's flag (a small fishing fleet), confirming Uruguay's decision to do so last week..."...the Malvinas constitute the only remaining European colonial enclave in Latin America". They 'Desire the Right' to own them (geddit?). A Foreign Office message read "Nor we or the Falklands will yield to those pretending to intimidate or blackmail the Islands". Well, after the Euro veto, 'Britain is a Christian country' speeches etc it now seems there's a new opportunity for Cameron to be a real Conservative. (I'm joking!...a bit)
Ocean oil offensive...
The next round has commenced. Barely a week after more oil was confirmed off the Falklands than Mercosur agree to close it's ports to ships flying the Falkland's flag (a small fishing fleet), confirming Uruguay's decision to do so last week..."...the Malvinas constitute the only remaining European colonial enclave in Latin America". They 'Desire the Right' to own them (geddit?). A Foreign Office message read "Nor we or the Falklands will yield to those pretending to intimidate or blackmail the Islands". Well, after the Euro veto, 'Britain is a Christian country' speeches etc it now seems there's a new opportunity for Cameron to be a real Conservative. (I'm joking!...a bit)
martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011
Obeli overload - outing obscurantism...
[Edited:'dead' image removed] The story that sunk a newspaper. Now, Who will say sorry to Rupert? writes Kelvin MacKenzie in the Spectator. I agree; many won't sympathise with the billionaire media mogul (informal caveat: of course there are many phone-hacking victims and scandals that the NOTW was guilty of, along with [edit Wed 14th] other newspapers - by far the worst culprit is the Mirror [click on image for info obtained from the British Information Commissioner's 'Operation Motorman' investigation by Guido], along with the Daily Mail, The Guardian etc.) but it was the Milly Dowler "news" that became the straw that broke the camel's back and the final reason that the Leveson inquiry was set up! Rupert Murdoch was clearly shaken with events and deserves an apology - if not vast compensation - from The Guardian (and Nick Davies and Alan Rusbridger in particular).
"So what price has Nick Davies paid since he tried to slip his deliberately unintelligible apology into Page 10 of The Guardian on Saturday? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. What price has , the paper’s ho-hum £500,000-a-year Editor paid? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. Not a peep out of the management. You might think they’d call an emergency Board meeting, and sling him out for a mistake of this magnitude."P.S. No the irony isn't lost on me! I know an ex Sun hack (oh, shouldn't use that word should I!) who worked under KM.
Obeli overload - outing obscurantism...
[Edited:'dead' image removed] The story that sunk a newspaper. Now, Who will say sorry to Rupert? writes Kelvin MacKenzie in the Spectator. I agree; many won't sympathise with the billionaire media mogul (informal caveat: of course there are many phone-hacking victims and scandals that the NOTW was guilty of, along with [edit Wed 14th] other newspapers - by far the worst culprit is the Mirror [click on image for info obtained from the British Information Commissioner's 'Operation Motorman' investigation by Guido], along with the Daily Mail, The Guardian etc.) but it was the Milly Dowler "news" that became the straw that broke the camel's back and the final reason that the Leveson inquiry was set up! Rupert Murdoch was clearly shaken with events and deserves an apology - if not vast compensation - from The Guardian (and Nick Davies and Alan Rusbridger in particular).
"So what price has Nick Davies paid since he tried to slip his deliberately unintelligible apology into Page 10 of The Guardian on Saturday? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. What price has , the paper’s ho-hum £500,000-a-year Editor paid? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. Not a peep out of the management. You might think they’d call an emergency Board meeting, and sling him out for a mistake of this magnitude."P.S. No the irony isn't lost on me! I know an ex Sun hack (oh, shouldn't use that word should I!) who worked under KM.
Obeli overload - outing obscurantism...
The story that sunk a newspaper. Now, Who will say sorry to Rupert? writes Kelvin MacKenzie in the Spectator. I agree; many won't sympathise with the billionaire media mogul (informal caveat: of course there are many phone-hacking victims and scandals that the NOTW was guilty of, along with [edit Wed 14th] other newspapers - by far the worst culprit is the Mirror [click on image for info obtained from the British Information Commissioner's 'Operation Motorman' investigation by Guido], along with the Daily Mail, The Guardian etc.) but it was the Milly Dowler "news" that became the straw that broke the camel's back and the final reason that the Leveson inquiry was set up! Rupert Murdoch was clearly shaken with events and deserves an apology - if not vast compensation - from The Guardian (and Nick Davies and Alan Rusbridger in particular).
"So what price has Nick Davies paid since he tried to slip his deliberately unintelligible apology into Page 10 of The Guardian on Saturday? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. What price has , the paper’s ho-hum £500,000-a-year Editor paid? None at all. Not suspended. Not sacked. Not a peep out of the management. You might think they’d call an emergency Board meeting, and sling him out for a mistake of this magnitude."P.S. No the irony isn't lost on me! I know an ex Sun hack (oh, shouldn't use that word should I!) who worked under KM.
domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011
Outside observations...
A day for everything; everything for a day. 11th December is International Mountain Day [UN link] and this year's theme is "Mountains and Forests." ..."Healthy mountain forests are crucial to the ecological health of the world. They protect watersheds that supply freshwater to more than half the world’s people. They are also home to untold wildlife, provide food and fodder for mountain people and are important sources of timber and non-wood products." In many parts of the world mountain forests are under threat; protection and development of mountain forests is of more importance than most people realise: as a large proportion of world population relies directly on 'freshwater stored in mountains for drinking, cooking and washing, irrigation, hydro-power, industry and transportation.' Click on image to enlarge.
Outside observations...
A day for everything; everything for a day. 11th December is International Mountain Day [UN link] and this year's theme is "Mountains and Forests." ..."Healthy mountain forests are crucial to the ecological health of the world. They protect watersheds that supply freshwater to more than half the world’s people. They are also home to untold wildlife, provide food and fodder for mountain people and are important sources of timber and non-wood products." In many parts of the world mountain forests are under threat; protection and development of mountain forests is of more importance than most people realise: as a large proportion of world population relies directly on 'freshwater stored in mountains for drinking, cooking and washing, irrigation, hydro-power, industry and transportation.' Click on image to enlarge.
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011
Obstrobogulous overture...
This is only the beginning. "As dramatic as Cameron's veto may seem now, I suspect it is merely one of many acts". Essential reading at Open Europe blog: following on from the very informative (and easy to understand!) report: "CONTINENTAL SHIFT: Safeguarding the UK’s financial trade in a changing Europe" [Link to pdf] earlier this week they now post "Ten myths about Cameron's EU veto". After a plethora of misquotes, misunderstandings and at times downright propaganda by others, Mats Persson sheds light and belies certain news outlets and Europhobe politicians of all hues. Well worth a read.
Obstrobogulous overture...
This is only the beginning. "As dramatic as Cameron's veto may seem now, I suspect it is merely one of many acts". Essential reading at Open Europe blog: following on from the very informative (and easy to understand!) report: "CONTINENTAL SHIFT: Safeguarding the UK’s financial trade in a changing Europe" [Link to pdf] earlier this week they now post "Ten myths about Cameron's EU veto". After a plethora of misquotes, misunderstandings and at times downright propaganda by others, Mats Persson sheds light and belies certain news outlets and Europhobe politicians of all hues. Well worth a read.
Obvious obnubilation...
Why are we surprised: the overt obfuscation due to rampant pro EU zeal by the BBC is becoming nauseous. If I hadn't seen and heard a lot of it myself I would have thought those telling me were exaggerating the bias. "Cameron enjoys his best ever newspaper coverage but the BBC is spinning for Brussels" [ConHome], they also have a good image of the main newspaper headlines today."All that has been missing is black armbands and solemn music" [Biased BBC]."How Europhile BBC turned triumph over Britain's veto into disaster" [Daily Mail]. Admitted these sources have their own agenda but they don't claim otherwise...and nobody is forced to pay for it!
Obvious obnubilation...
Why are we surprised: the overt obfuscation due to rampant pro EU zeal by the BBC is becoming nauseous. If I hadn't seen and heard a lot of it myself I would have thought those telling me were exaggerating the bias. "Cameron enjoys his best ever newspaper coverage but the BBC is spinning for Brussels" [ConHome], they also have a good image of the main newspaper headlines today."All that has been missing is black armbands and solemn music" [Biased BBC]."How Europhile BBC turned triumph over Britain's veto into disaster" [Daily Mail]. Admitted these sources have their own agenda but they don't claim otherwise...and nobody is forced to pay for it!
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011
Obeisance over "out" option...
Twats tweet: Ed Miliband: "Outcome at last night's EU summit was a sign of weakness from David Cameron - why did he fail to build alliances before the summit?". David Miliband: "UK jumped into rowing boat with Hungary next to 25 nation supertanker. That is weakness not strength". Douglas Alexander said Cameron's (you mean Britain's?) isolation in Europe was "a sign of weakness not of strength". [ reflections]
Hmm, nothing like agreeing the message beforehand; it wouldn't be so sad and obvious if they weren't trying to say black is white! Glorious isolation: IMHO we will be Better Off Out, two speed Europe or not.
Obeisance over "out" option...
Twats tweet: Ed Miliband: "Outcome at last night's EU summit was a sign of weakness from David Cameron - why did he fail to build alliances before the summit?". David Miliband: "UK jumped into rowing boat with Hungary next to 25 nation supertanker. That is weakness not strength". Douglas Alexander said Cameron's (you mean Britain's?) isolation in Europe was "a sign of weakness not of strength". [ reflections]
Hmm, nothing like agreeing the message beforehand; it wouldn't be so sad and obvious if they weren't trying to say black is white! Glorious isolation: IMHO we will be Better Off Out, two speed Europe or not.
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011
Oppressive outlook...
Today I received (again) an email that was originally made
If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labour
If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the afghan border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy.
If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
If you cross illegally into Britain you get...a job, a driver’s license, national insurance card, welfare and many benefits, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house (sometimes where most can't afford to live) free education, free health care, public documents printed in your language, the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect from the British. And, in many instances credit cards and you can vote.
Also it seems you get to bend and break the laws at will. Paraphrasing Leo McKinstry: if the cowardice and self-loathing exacerbated by the supine, guilt-ridden mindset of our lily-livered ruling class liberal elite continue to "refuse to expect the same standards of civilised behaviour from certain minorities that they demand of the indigenous population", then, Ows opines, "Like the Roman, I see the River Tiber foaming with much blood".
Oppressive outlook...
Today I received (again) an email that was originally made
If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labour
If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the afghan border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy.
If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
If you cross illegally into Britain you get...a job, a driver’s license, national insurance card, welfare and many benefits, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house (sometimes where most can't afford to live) free education, free health care, public documents printed in your language, the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect from the British. And, in many instances credit cards and you can vote.
Also it seems you get to bend and break the laws at will. Paraphrasing Leo McKinstry: if the cowardice and self-loathing exacerbated by the supine, guilt-ridden mindset of our lily-livered ruling class liberal elite continue to "refuse to expect the same standards of civilised behaviour from certain minorities that they demand of the indigenous population", then, Ows opines, "Like the Roman, I see the River Tiber foaming with much blood".
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011
Osawatomie Obama...
Osawatomie, Kansas. Could the worm be turning? No. However David Preiser's 'Stop Press' over at Biased BBC writes how at last - at long last - the BBC has actually put up something that doesn't show Barack Obama in a good light. needless to say the arms to Mexico debacle (and subsequent misinformation) plus the eco billions wasted (most given to Democrat donors) and the overall 'corruption goes almost entirely unreported (or cleansed of any mention of you-know-who)...imagine if it were Bush.
Osawatomie Obama...
Osawatomie, Kansas. Could the worm be turning? No. However David Preiser's 'Stop Press' over at Biased BBC writes how at last - at long last - the BBC has actually put up something that doesn't show Barack Obama in a good light. needless to say the arms to Mexico debacle (and subsequent misinformation) plus the eco billions wasted (most given to Democrat donors) and the overall 'corruption goes almost entirely unreported (or cleansed of any mention of you-know-who)...imagine if it were Bush.
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011
Ostara optical offering...
OK, I know it's not Easter but bear with Anglo–Saxon myth Ostara was goddess of the moon, fertility, and spring; she was often depicted with a hare’s head or ears, and with a white hare standing in attendance. Elsewhere it has been suggested that her lights, as goddess of the dawn, were carried by hares. This blogpost is to help draw attention to Magick4Terri, a fundraiser to benefit Terri Windling (Click on image for Terri's "The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares") and my mate Charlie is doing her bit:
"Magick 4 Terri is a heart warming and magical fundraising initiative organised by the friends and colleagues of editor, artist, and writer Terri Windling in her time of need."Charlie's painting is of The Triple Hares, an eternal cycle; the circular motif has an optical illusion: each hare has two ears yet there seems only three ears in total; the "ancient symbol of three hares or rabbits running in a circle and joined by their ears which form a triangle at the centre of the design." [Link] The hare often appears in world mythology and "was believed to have mystical links to the female cycle and to the moon which governed it."
Ostara optical offering...
OK, I know it's not Easter but bear with Anglo–Saxon myth Ostara was goddess of the moon, fertility, and spring; she was often depicted with a hare’s head or ears, and with a white hare standing in attendance. Elsewhere it has been suggested that her lights, as goddess of the dawn, were carried by hares. This blogpost is to help draw attention to Magick4Terri, a fundraiser to benefit Terri Windling (Click on image for Terri's "The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares") and my mate Charlie is doing her bit:
"Magick 4 Terri is a heart warming and magical fundraising initiative organised by the friends and colleagues of editor, artist, and writer Terri Windling in her time of need."Charlie's painting is of The Triple Hares, an eternal cycle; the circular motif has an optical illusion: each hare has two ears yet there seems only three ears in total; the "ancient symbol of three hares or rabbits running in a circle and joined by their ears which form a triangle at the centre of the design." [Link] The hare often appears in world mythology and "was believed to have mystical links to the female cycle and to the moon which governed it."
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011
Otiose outrecuidance...
What could they have been thinking by producing are THIS? On January 1st the EU will celebrate the first 10 years of the Euro euro banknotes and coins. Incredibly, the unbelievably inane and sanctimonious sounding soundtrack fails to mention the EU once; Europe is mentioned continuously.
Hat-tip: England Expects via EU Referendum.
Otiose outrecuidance...
What could they have been thinking by producing are THIS? On January 1st the EU will celebrate the first 10 years of the Euro euro banknotes and coins. Incredibly, the unbelievably inane and sanctimonious sounding soundtrack fails to mention the EU once; Europe is mentioned continuously.
Hat-tip: England Expects via EU Referendum.
Offensive? Obviously OTT? Or only one opinion...
OTT, LOL, FFS! Not one for bandwagon jumping but...On Thursday night the BBC had received 5000 complaints...this morning it was over 21,000. This sounds like an orchestrated witch-hunt which means the Unions and their lefty minions have really got into a hissy fit and are trying to ratchet-up the faux outrage...and were looking increasingly stupid with their calls for sacking and even talk of legal action... luckily even dick-heads like Prentis saw the stupidity and accepted Clarkson's apology. John Prescott said that he knew "Jeremy Clarkson likes winding people up but it's worth pointing out he gets £1m a year from the licence fee/public sector." Nice one John, this made the BBC even more uncomfortable as they have more than a few grossly overpaid from the public purse.
![]() |
Matt, brilliant, as usual |
53.3%: No. Lighten up, it was just funny banter
46.7%: Yes. He crossed the (picket) line
No surprise at the DT, hehe. And, in the same DT (Ows update 3:30pm GMT) James Delingpole NAIL'S IT today: "How the BBC ganged up with the militant Left to attack Jeremy Clarkson".
jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011
Oxygen of openness, or opprobrium?...
In 2002, a new think tank Migration Watch UK warned that the UK could expect a net inflow of at least two million non-EU citizens per decade...The Independent, August 6, 2002: "Migration Watch UK is a nasty little outfit, and its duplicitous research should be treated with the gravest suspicion." WRONG! The Guardian, 7 August 2002: "A swamp of muddled thinking". WRONG!
This week, Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migration Watch UK said: "...our figures and predictions have been consistently accurate since our formation, however much they have tried to pretend otherwise."..."It is now abundantly clear that the public do not share the enthusiasm for the mass immigration that has changed parts of the UK beyond recognition and has, in many cases, weakened community cohesion."
"It is shameful that the political system was intimidated for so long by false innuendo from the Left about racism. As a result, three million immigrants were admitted by the previous government between 1997 and 2010 while one million British citizens left the UK."
miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011
Ophidian office....
Ssssivil sssservice ssstrike. Possible deadly strike news! Mr Hakkul is an Indian snake-charmer who is "usually called in whenever a snake is spotted in the area and he has saved many lives over the years, local journalist Mazhar Azad told the BBC." However he has got fed up with waiting after various years of petitioning various government offices with the aim of getting "a plot of land where he can 'conserve' his snakes."
Meanwhile, back in the UK, we can hope that striking public sector workers have now been told /learnt /realise the truth: that their pensions are better than most; if they really want fair then a bigger surprise awaits them...I mean they are inconveniencing the very people that CONTRIBUTE to their pensions.
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