viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Obvious odorivectors...

Something stinks. Is your council making cuts? Are they cutting libraries and other important services that do not need to be cut and cost less than councillors expenses? If they are ask them how much they have in the bank: many councils are hoarding cash despite spending cuts - maybe for a rainy day, after all they are advised to 'keep sufficient sums of money in reserve so that they have a financial cushion to meet sudden unexpected costs' - but they had that anyway, right? Two examples of cash reserves: Labour-led Wakefield Council's will have more than doubled from 21 million quid to over 50 million and Labour-run Bolton Council's more than tripled from 23 million quid to over 80 million [oops, pdf]; these are Labour examples from the Telegraph, not doubt there are others from Lib Dem and/or Conservative run doubt... Hat-tip: Not a sheep

And talking of asking questions, John Redwood suggests a few more: "I do wish the media and journalists would sharpen their questions for 2012."

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