martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Overcast operator's outstanding outlook...

Simply beautiful; on image to enlarge for even more detail; the Daily Mail has more wonderful pics: follow LINK. Kris Dutson, a photographer from Dorset, "waits for hours just to capture the perfect images of storm clouds breaking...scouting out the ideal locations across Britain to capture the most astonishing atmospheric shots on his camera as rain falls." Hat-tip: Euro Referendum.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Some great photographs, I've always called that hill near Bridport 'four trees hill' for obvious reasons.

    The photograph of Pulpit Rock is my favourite, in the summer it's covered with teenagers trying to kill themsleves by jumping off.

  2. yes, there a few onre tree hill two tree hills and three tree hills dotted around the country that have the same draw!
