martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Oneiric Oscar 'oddity'...

Oneiric is 'having to do with dreams'; Jason Gay writes in Vogue magazine that "there are oddities that make sense only in Los Angeles"; he is writing about "The Dream Life of Penélope Cruz". She is certainly in my dreams and the wonderful photographs by Mario Testino simply make me want to dream some more. Seriously though, it's a good article and tells how Pe is the first Spanish-born actress to get a star on the Walk of Fame (she was also the first to be nominated for, and win, an Academy Award) and how motherhood has changed her. Click to enlarge a natural beauty - not just skin deep. 

Johnny Depp said that "A lot of things can be said about this creature Penélope Cruz. None of them are bad."

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