miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Ophiuchus occultation...

Like the old saying: "Once in a red moon"...the longest and darkest total lunar eclipse of the century will occur tonight and apparently the next such eclipse will be in 2141; the moon will be in the Ophiuchus constellation and the eclipse will be visible in Australasia, most of Asia and Japan, India, Africa, Europe and the eastern part of South America (guess who's in western South America right now...d'oh). Pic: "The five stages of a full lunar eclipse, as seen from Rochester, Victoria". Photo credit: Phil Hart, source: SMH Click to enlarge.

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2 comentarios:

  1. It was all over by the time I kbnew about it and I am unsure if the sky was clear enough to see it anyhow.

    If I'm here 2041 I'll be probably be oblivious to what's going on around me...

  2. 2141 Gildy so barring new health advances/more cryonics/discovery of fountain of eternal youth/whatever I doubt any of us will see it! :-)
