sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Ocracy oppression...

You may have noticed the TPUC banner in my side-bar the last few months; also I have been following Captain Ranty's Lawful march to Freedom. Now it appears HMRC is getting worried: "An increasing number of debtors aim to deliberately stall recovery of debts by referring to obscure legislation, payment methods etc..." [Link to HMRC manual] Click on image to link to screenshot in case previous disappears!
'Where the correspondence clearly meets the above criteria, you should immediately refer all the correspondence for advice to: (This text has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) Where you are in any doubt if the correspondence meets the criteria, you should telephone the appropriate contact point for advice. Experience has shown that it would be unusual for a debtor to raise obscure issues such as described above for the first time in a face to face situation; however Field Force and other DMB staff undertaking outdoor work should be alert to the potential situation. (This text has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)  On no account should debtors be given details of any of the internal contact points.'
Worth pointing out that they do NOT say the 'obscure legislation' is invalid.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for the link Span.

    This really is important, for the reasons you point out.

    It would appear that we are doing nothing "wrong" at all.

    Fascinating times, eh?


  2. No worries CR, hoping things start to happen.
