"The mud is flying, and it's only August"...why did we think it would be any different? "Obama or Romney, who's more scary?" writes Ruben Navarrette Jr. (CNN). I must say I have not been impressed by Obama at all, and why should I or anyone have expected to be impressed? He was only elected because he is black (yes he was) and he's not even black, said a Freeman last month! However, good or bad, he/they should not be 'rewriting history; it seems clearer what the 30% increase in State Department budget since Obama took office is being spent on:
Inserting himself into the biographies of past presidents on the White House website apparently wasn’t enough for President Obama. His State Department is now editing its descriptions of foreign countries into yet another taxpayer-subsidized campaign commercial for the Obama Administration.Amy Payne at The Heritage Foundation's The Foundry blog "American officeholders are supposed to take great pains to separate their campaigns from their official duties. Using taxpayer resources to blatantly promote the president’s positions on foreign policy—and even editing the historical record—is an egregious abuse of power." She is not wrong.
That's a lot going on...don't you Everest?