sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Odd obnubilation...

I can't help but feel there is something very odd (protecting Obama?) about the 'non' reporting of the 'Disgrace in Benghazi': all the news about a the trailer to a film that happens to be derogatory to Islam and the typical knee-jerk anti-U.S. (and anti western) protests that followed is clouding what has actually happened in Libya: the attack was planned, well armed and coordinated and yesterday Libya even had to close Benghazi air space because of heavy anti-aircraft fire by Islamists...this is major stuff; the most recent news is that the protests are waning in Muslim world (but not elsewhere); perhaps now we can hope some real reporting may soon be done by the US...as Mark puts it, "Perhaps, when they've investigated Mitt Romney’s press release for another three or four weeks, the court eunuchs of the American media might like to look into some of these fascinating questions, instead of leaving the only interesting reporting on an American story to the foreign press".

Update 17/09/12: at last a challenge [Link] An intelligence source has challenged 'the Obama administration's claims that the assault grew out of a "spontaneous" protest against an anti-Islam film.'

2 comentarios:

  1. There used to be an expression (back in the 70's) that when a Government said nothing it was because they knew nothing.

  2. Yes indeed...worrying to say the least.
