viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Obama off?...

Now you ask is that "off" as in 'not too good' or "off" as in 'going away'? Well, it could be BOTH! After crashing and burning in the the 1st presidential debate even the toady and grossly bias left-wing media haven't been able to avoid admitting that Obama was well under par...or maybe the truth is that this is par when he's got to answer without preparation, without advisers, without tele-prompters. Obama has since tried to claim Romney was lying, he wasn't. Anyway BHO was well off and Gore and others think it could be the thin air! Alternatively, maybe Obama's backers have realised they made a huge mistake in getting a man elected just because he's black (even though his mother was white and he was raised by her parents but...whatever) and are getting him retired to the recently purchased 35 million dollar estate on Hawaii (4 part report HERE) Is Obama trying to lose? Off because he's off?

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