sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

Obvious orchestration II...

Mark Wallace (he of the now neglected, sadly, CrashBangWallace) has an interesting article over at ConHome about Labour candidates and Unite. He quotes Tim Shipman of the Daily Mail who revealed, "Unite candidates or officials have the top spot in every region in Labour's MEP lists apart from East Midlands, where they are 2nd"; now this is hardly ground shaking news and I think anyone even remotely interested knew but it does belie the Labour party scrambling defence of the scandal that was Falkirkgate (their broadcasting arm was very keen to bat it away as a one-off then say it was nothing anyway), surprise!...NOT. Unite admit it but as Michael Savage and Francis Elliott in The Times write (££) "In a development that prompted fresh claims that the union has too much power over the party, it was disclosed that Unite had all but guaranteed that more of its candidates would be handed £83,000-a-year jobs in Strasbourg."

2 comentarios:

  1. My reaction, after reading the links, was to just shake my head at the sheer cheek of what Unite are doing. I don't think you have to be Mystic Meg to see this is a brazen attempt to hang onto power and influence by any means necessary.

    Interestingly Unite has completely changed the old T&G and Amicus stand on the EU (which was anti-EU) but read the comments from members on any blogs or union related messageboards you'll find a surprising number are against EU membership whilst Unite publicly opposes any withdrawal which is a much clearer statement of Political intent.

  2. Yes, it's their own power and not anything that might benefit their workers! This is the problem
