domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Ows obambulation III...

Three posts for the price of one: 

Obreptitious overload: [edited 10 pm] at Westminster there's a mind boggling list of All-Party Parliamentary Groups; the one on Islamophobia seems a bit superfluous to me: its purpose is

"To investigate the forms, manifestations and extent of prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the UK today. To review the effectiveness of all legislation with a view to improving the rate of success in the prosecution of hate crimes. To review existing mechanisms for the recording of anti-Muslim hate crimes both through police forces across the country and through third party reporting sites with a view to improving data quality and comprehensiveness. To investigate and review the role of the media in fostering mutual respect and tolerance and guarding against misrepresentations of Islam and intolerance towards Muslims."

With this Invention Of Islamophobia do we hear mention of "Christianophobia", or "liberalophobia" or "socialistophobia"; should we? No: '"Islamophobia" is one of the words that we urgently need to delete from our vocabulary'. Have they noted the seemingly continuous stream of daily/weekly Islamist atrocities (at least two more this weekend) and [Advocatus_Diaboli_69's comment from here] "the fact that Britain is a safe haven for jihadists and their supporters, I wonder if by any chance the [Parliamentary] Group has been able to spot the connections?"

The press this week was full of a poll [pdf] that said 27% of 18 to 24 year-olds in the UK didn't trust Muslims. However, nobody head-lined that 16% said they didn't trust Hindus or Sikhs (or Jews 15%, Buddhists 13% and Christians 12%) so given the aforementioned and linked Islamist atrocities I'd say that 27% was a favourable result!


Obstrobogulous obsecrations seem to have worked on the US Congress after the vote this weekend: maybe these sinister 'Creepy Uncle Sam' horror movie Opt-Out-Of-Obamacare ads played a part: if you're really interested then there is a fairly good fact check HERE with all sides being economic with the truth. They're "happy to report that one of the most paranoid claims about the law — that all patients would be implanted with microchips — appears to have died off" although I guess we can assume the current administration would be happy to get any non Democrat 'chipped'.

That said the Affordable Care Act (if I don't like the Bedroom Tax misnomer I guess I shouldn't use 'Obamacare') is actually the result of decades of ideas from both sides of the political divide and based around 'Romney Care'!


Orinoco Ordure: things go from bad to worse in Venezuela. Shortages of everything (except cocaine and murder), no toilet paper (been going on for a few months!) but plenty of the Devil's excrement: "When it hit the jackpot ["1973 revenues were larger than all previous years combined"], Venezuela had a functioning democracy and the highest per-capita income on the continent. Now it has a state of near-civil war and a per-capita income lower than its 1960 level."

Ows obambulation III...

Three posts for the price of one: 

Obreptitious overload: [edited 10 pm] at Westminster there's a mind boggling list of All-Party Parliamentary Groups; the one on Islamophobia seems a bit superfluous to me: its purpose is
"To investigate the forms, manifestations and extent of prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the UK today. To review the effectiveness of all legislation with a view to improving the rate of success in the prosecution of hate crimes. To review existing mechanisms for the recording of anti-Muslim hate crimes both through police forces across the country and through third party reporting sites with a view to improving data quality and comprehensiveness. To investigate and review the role of the media in fostering mutual respect and tolerance and guarding against misrepresentations of Islam and intolerance towards Muslims."
With this Invention Of Islamophobia do we hear mention of "Christianophobia", or "liberalophobia" or "socialistophobia"; should we? No: '"Islamophobia" is one of the words that we urgently need to delete from our vocabulary'. Have they noted the seemingly continuous stream of daily/weekly Islamist atrocities (at least two more this weekend) and [Advocatus_Diaboli_69's comment from here] "the fact that Britain is a safe haven for jihadists and their supporters, I wonder if by any chance the [Parliamentary] Group has been able to spot the connections?"

The press this week was full of a poll [pdf] that said 27% of 18 to 24 year-olds in the UK didn't trust Muslims. However, nobody head-lined that 16% said they didn't trust Hindus or Sikhs (or Jews 15%, Buddhists 13% and Christians 12%) so given the aforementioned and linked Islamist atrocities I'd say that 27% was a favourable result!

Obstrobogulous obsecrations seem to have worked on the US Congress after the vote this weekend: maybe these sinister 'Creepy Uncle Sam' horror movie Opt-Out-Of-Obamacare ads played a part: if you're really interested then there is a fairly good fact check HERE with all sides being economic with the truth. They're "happy to report that one of the most paranoid claims about the law — that all patients would be implanted with microchips — appears to have died off" although I guess we can assume the current administration would be happy to get any non Democrat 'chipped'.
That said the Affordable Care Act (if I don't like the Bedroom Tax misnomer I guess I shouldn't use 'Obamacare') is actually the result of decades of ideas from both sides of the political divide and based around 'Romney Care'!

Orinoco Ordure: things go from bad to worse in Venezuela. Shortages of everything (except cocaine and murder), no toilet paper (been going on for a few months!) but plenty of the Devil's excrement: "When it hit the jackpot ["1973 revenues were larger than all previous years combined"], Venezuela had a functioning democracy and the highest per-capita income on the continent. Now it has a state of near-civil war and a per-capita income lower than its 1960 level."

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

Opus on olid octet...

Finally, writes Fraser Nelson, "the Labour confession we've been waiting for". And indeed an opus no doubt although the dirt flinging spin cycle certainly won't be washing the dirty laundry that much whiter because by McBride's own confession the vast majority of the lies, deceit and mud-raking remains crusted and ingrained in his head. However, there is one glaring error: FN says "He hardly ever turned his formidable firepower on Tories. His battles were red-on-red." hmmm, what about the infamous Smeargate, which led to his downfall and when, hilariously, a spokesman for Number 10 (with Crash Gordon) said: "Neither the prime minister nor anybody else in Downing Street, except the author, knew anything about any of these private emails." PAH! Linked from the article above (the 'writes' link) is another piece by FN seven years ago (!!!) about 'The eight who know Britain’s future' (the octet of this blog-post title): "get ready for a government in which Cabinet truly has been replaced by cabal." Ed Miliband and Balls (£) et al will no doubt have a more interesting conference season now: how much was known by whom of this evil, snide, lethal, bastard, focused, loyal, Machiavelian, vile, thuggishness, McPoison, McPrick palaver? [delete as applicable] started with Blairites but it finished with Brownites. Cunts. "I am reckless what I do to spite the world." [Independent]. 

Opus on olid octet...

Finally, writes Fraser Nelson, "the Labour confession we've been waiting for". And indeed an opus no doubt although the dirt flinging spin cycle certainly won't be washing the dirty laundry that much whiter because by McBride's own confession the vast majority of the lies, deceit and mud-raking remains crusted and ingrained in his head. However, there is one glaring error: FN says "He hardly ever turned his formidable firepower on Tories. His battles were red-on-red." hmmm, what about the infamous Smeargate, which led to his downfall and when, hilariously, a spokesman for Number 10 (with Crash Gordon) said: "Neither the prime minister nor anybody else in Downing Street, except the author, knew anything about any of these private emails." PAH! Linked from the article above (the 'writes' link) is another piece by FN seven years ago (!!!) about 'The eight who know Britain’s future' (the octet of this blog-post title): "get ready for a government in which Cabinet truly has been replaced by cabal." Ed Miliband and Balls (£) et al will no doubt have a more interesting conference season now: how much was known by whom of this evil, snide, lethal, bastard, focused, loyal, Machiavelian, vile, thuggishness, McPoison, McPrick palaver? [delete as applicable] started with Blairites but it finished with Brownites. Cunts. "I am reckless what I do to spite the world." [Independent]. 

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Orwell On Orinoco...

Just a couple of points about life in Venezuela well presented by Caracas Chronicles this week with puppet Nick Ripe continuing and deepening the failures of Chavez Krusty the clown. Firstly, the sinister sounding Ministry of Truth "noticiero de la verdad":

"President Maduro has announced that the government will henceforth produce a “Newscast of Truth” to be carried, en cadena, twice daily.

Just to spell this out for any newbies out there: that means every TV channel and every radio station in Venezuela will be forced to pre-empt its programming, just stop what they’re doing, and carry the same government propaganda broadcast, live, unedited, at the same time. Twice a day."

Then, this hilarious allegory which, as billl notes in the comments, "overwhelms us with the humour of his depiction of Maduros errant thought processes , while at the same time hitting home hard on the absurdity of the regimes financial policies". I will be encouraging my indirect family to do all they can do to leave (like much of the local money, brains and talent already has done).

Orwell On Orinoco...

Just a couple of points about life in Venezuela well presented by Caracas Chronicles this week with puppet Nick Ripe continuing and deepening the failures of Chavez Krusty the clown. Firstly, the sinister sounding Ministry of Truth "noticiero de la verdad":
"President Maduro has announced that the government will henceforth produce a “Newscast of Truth” to be carried, en cadena, twice daily. Just to spell this out for any newbies out there: that means every TV channel and every radio station in Venezuela will be forced to pre-empt its programming, just stop what they’re doing, and carry the same government propaganda broadcast, live, unedited, at the same time. Twice a day."
Then, this hilarious allegory which, as billl notes in the comments, "overwhelms us with the humour of his depiction of Maduros errant thought processes , while at the same time hitting home hard on the absurdity of the regimes financial policies". I will be encouraging my indirect family to do all they can do to leave (like much of the local money, brains and talent already has done).

Ongoing oecist objurgation...

How's that Hope and Change coming? Not my intention to be so anti Obama and it stands out more when I'm not posting very regularly but hey, maybe as I'm still peed-off when the wrong person gets elected for the wrong reasons it is only to be expected...from Gallup, [hat-tip Weasel Zippers] "Americans express record-low trust for both international and domestic problems". "Americans' trust and confidence in the federal government's ability to solve problems internationally as well as domestically has fallen to historic lows this year. There are a number of possible explanations for this loss of confidence: controversy surrounding potential U.S. action in Syria, an enduring low assessment of the state of the economy, or low levels of confidence in Congress."

Update: Because Obama (video)

Ongoing oecist objurgation...

How's that Hope and Change coming? Not my intention to be so anti Obama and it stands out more when I'm not posting very regularly but hey, maybe as I'm still peed-off when the wrong person gets elected for the wrong reasons it is only to be expected...from Gallup, [hat-tip Weasel Zippers] "Americans express record-low trust for both international and domestic problems". "Americans' trust and confidence in the federal government's ability to solve problems internationally as well as domestically has fallen to historic lows this year. There are a number of possible explanations for this loss of confidence: controversy surrounding potential U.S. action in Syria, an enduring low assessment of the state of the economy, or low levels of confidence in Congress."

Update: Because Obama (video)

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Obama's offspring II...

[edited 11:45, reedited for typos!] "…When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned." ** I wrote this post a week or so ago and decided not to post it but it does tie in with current news. IMHO Benghazi was far worse than Watergate, far worse than the Iran Contra affair. How POTUS "and top administration officials deliberately and repeatedly lied to the American public...[aiding?] a well-armed al-Qaeda army that is already attacking our interests and fueling conflicts worldwide" [Link]. Well, including an administration being caught red-handed manipulating the IRS for political purposes and taking into account the multiple Impeachable Offenses "that the president's defenders will find troublesome", what could be worse? Fomenting internal strife would be worse; you maybe think you spot Ows hyperbole but... reading the opening quote to this blog-post and recalling that Obama decided to stir up racial tensions (at the time two weeks after the event and all the while knowing what the police knew) he said "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"; later, six days after the George Zimmerman not-guilty verdict he does it again "Trayvon Martin could have been me thirty-five years ago" (ha!). I thought these were just typical of a plethora of Obama's seemingly cretinous statements but I hope it isn't more sinister and part of a general symptom of virulent black racism being the new normal (to use Colin Flaherty's phrase):

'Black mob violence is now so frequent and intense that even big city editors can’t keep it out of the news anymore. [...] The psychiatrists tell us we are only as sick as our secrets. Nothing inspires more secrecy than race. And no one is trying to keep the secrets more than the liberals who run the newsrooms and city halls across the country.'

Colin's book certainly hit home last year and continues to do so.  "But who’s to say what would happen if black America exerted even half of the emotional fervor and brainpower it does over cases like Martin’s to thinking about how to keep black boys from going wrong?" - John McWhorter ...with links to how the numbers don't lie. "The media needs to be as honest with black people as we need to be with ourselves. No group gets ahead by turning away from its real problems."

I enjoyed the 'Conversation' HERE. First Joel Pollak was saying the the media tit-for-tat was pointless: 'this is a game without winners. I'd rather not play'. "Yes, there is a crime problem in the black community. Yes, there is an failure among black leaders, from Obama on down, to do anything about it. That story doesn't need new white victims to make it potent." Then John Hayward: "What we need is a full frontal assault on gang culture, something on the scale of the media-savvy full-spectrum assault on George Zimmerman's imaginary racism...." and finally, with key points if you ask me, Debra Heine: "But when an incident like the Trayvon Martin killing happens, what we see is a whirlwind of political activity - the race hustlers move in with their bull-horns, the media runs with their racialist narrative, and white liberals, steeped in white guilt, try to outdo each other proving how morally outraged they are about the incident... A sort of mass hysteria ensues. It takes a sort of hysterical blindness not to see the evidence".

Now, before the shrieks of hysteria start I would like to add that statistically the rate of violent crime in the USA - albeit high by first-world standards - is falling and the homicide rate has been falling steadily for centuries when population is considered (an aside: how weird is this?) My point is why does Obama accidentally on purpose always make things worse, surely all these young men - that would look like his son if he had one - need to be told something more than excuses from the race industry hustlers and seeming encouragement from the president; surely he's not a racist? He could be but it certainly seems like everyone who disagrees with him is.

** 'Our Greatest Danger' (Herbert Hoover 31st POTUS)

Update 8 pm BST: that 2nd last link names 15 moronic things that liberals blame on racism against Obama: now it's moronic 16.

Obama's offspring II...

[edited 11:45, reedited for typos!] "…When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned." ** I wrote this post a week or so ago and decided not to post it but it does tie in with current news. IMHO Benghazi was far worse than Watergate, far worse than the Iran Contra affair. How POTUS "and top administration officials deliberately and repeatedly lied to the American public...[aiding?] a well-armed al-Qaeda army that is already attacking our interests and fueling conflicts worldwide" [Link]. Well, including an administration being caught red-handed manipulating the IRS for political purposes and taking into account the multiple Impeachable Offenses "that the president's defenders will find troublesome", what could be worse? Fomenting internal strife would be worse; you maybe think you spot Ows hyperbole but... reading the opening quote to this blog-post and recalling that Obama decided to stir up racial tensions (at the time two weeks after the event and all the while knowing what the police knew) he said "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"; later, six days after the George Zimmerman not-guilty verdict he does it again "Trayvon Martin could have been me thirty-five years ago" (ha!). I thought these were just typical of a plethora of Obama's seemingly cretinous statements but I hope it isn't more sinister and part of a general symptom of virulent black racism being the new normal (to use Colin Flaherty's phrase):
'Black mob violence is now so frequent and intense that even big city editors can’t keep it out of the news anymore. [...] The psychiatrists tell us we are only as sick as our secrets. Nothing inspires more secrecy than race. And no one is trying to keep the secrets more than the liberals who run the newsrooms and city halls across the country.'
Colin's book certainly hit home last year and continues to do so.  "But who’s to say what would happen if black America exerted even half of the emotional fervor and brainpower it does over cases like Martin’s to thinking about how to keep black boys from going wrong?" - John McWhorter ...with links to how the numbers don't lie. "The media needs to be as honest with black people as we need to be with ourselves. No group gets ahead by turning away from its real problems."

I enjoyed the 'Conversation' HERE. First Joel Pollak was saying the the media tit-for-tat was pointless: 'this is a game without winners. I'd rather not play'. "Yes, there is a crime problem in the black community. Yes, there is an failure among black leaders, from Obama on down, to do anything about it. That story doesn't need new white victims to make it potent." Then John Hayward: "What we need is a full frontal assault on gang culture, something on the scale of the media-savvy full-spectrum assault on George Zimmerman's imaginary racism...." and finally, with key points if you ask me, Debra Heine: "But when an incident like the Trayvon Martin killing happens, what we see is a whirlwind of political activity - the race hustlers move in with their bull-horns, the media runs with their racialist narrative, and white liberals, steeped in white guilt, try to outdo each other proving how morally outraged they are about the incident... A sort of mass hysteria ensues. It takes a sort of hysterical blindness not to see the evidence".

Now, before the shrieks of hysteria start I would like to add that statistically the rate of violent crime in the USA - albeit high by first-world standards - is falling and the homicide rate has been falling steadily for centuries when population is considered (an aside: how weird is this?) My point is why does Obama accidentally on purpose always make things worse, surely all these young men - that would look like his son if he had one - need to be told something more than excuses from the race industry hustlers and seeming encouragement from the president; surely he's not a racist? He could be but it certainly seems like everyone who disagrees with him is.

** 'Our Greatest Danger' (Herbert Hoover 31st POTUS)

Update 8 pm BST: that 2nd last link names 15 moronic things that liberals blame on racism against Obama: now it's moronic 16.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Opinionsnämnden on offspring's orientation...

Opinionsnämnden is the advisory committee of a self-regulatory agency for marketing and advertising in Sweden. They are in the news indirectly regarding their Toys R Us gender discrimination ruling a few years back. Now the same thing will happen in the UK [NRO]: "toy retail giant Toys R Us today committed to being more inclusive it its marketing of toys to girls and boys" says the 'Let Toys Be Toys' press release. Toys R Us seem to agree with the consumer campaign group (that apparently 'represent thousands of shoppers' [what about the millions of shoppers who will presumably see this as ridiculous, pointless, patronising 'politically correct' shite?]) in their concern with the influence on children of sexist stereotypes that are still widely used in the toy industry...FFS. That said, I'd agree if it would reduce the amount of pink, plastic, pap that poses as girls's toys. I'll leave you with a few quotes from the Swedish reasoning: apparently it was a group of 11 to 13 year-old children that complained, however, we hear that their teacher (uh huh...) explained that it was the 'culmination of more than two years of long-term work by the students on gender roles'... ..."the Toys"R"Us catalogue 'discriminates based on gender and counteracts positive social behaviour, lifestyles, and attitudes'...  ..."guys want to be princesses sometimes", no more! Purleeze!

Opinionsnämnden on offspring's orientation...

Opinionsnämnden is the advisory committee of a self-regulatory agency for marketing and advertising in Sweden. They are in the news indirectly regarding their Toys R Us gender discrimination ruling a few years back. Now the same thing will happen in the UK [NRO]: "toy retail giant Toys R Us today committed to being more inclusive it its marketing of toys to girls and boys" says the 'Let Toys Be Toys' press release. Toys R Us seem to agree with the consumer campaign group (that apparently 'represent thousands of shoppers' [what about the millions of shoppers who will presumably see this as ridiculous, pointless, patronising 'politically correct' shite?]) in their concern with the influence on children of sexist stereotypes that are still widely used in the toy industry...FFS. That said, I'd agree if it would reduce the amount of pink, plastic, pap that poses as girls's toys. I'll leave you with a few quotes from the Swedish reasoning: apparently it was a group of 11 to 13 year-old children that complained, however, we hear that their teacher (uh huh...) explained that it was the 'culmination of more than two years of long-term work by the students on gender roles'... ..."the Toys"R"Us catalogue 'discriminates based on gender and counteracts positive social behaviour, lifestyles, and attitudes'...  ..."guys want to be princesses sometimes", no more! Purleeze!

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Ophic oil...

First an excerpt from Oslo observations: "Remember the science is settled? Remember there is consensus? Remember drowning pets and exploding children? Remember being told not to eat meat or the Inconvenient Truth and Al Gore's Nobel prize?"

Anyway, I digress, in this pdf are all the numbers in the video (left); the global CAGW snake-oil salesman are getting found out...the 50:1 Project. "What if I could show you that it’s 50 times more expensive to try and STOP climate change than it is to ADAPT to climate change? Well I can, in less than 10 minutes, right here in this video". On that site there are full length interviews with all those who speak in the video.

Worth noting too on What's Up With That? the complete debunking of the 'consensus'.

Ophic oil...

First an excerpt from Oslo observations: "Remember the science is settled? Remember there is consensus? Remember drowning pets and exploding children? Remember being told not to eat meat or the Inconvenient Truth and Al Gore's Nobel prize?"

Anyway, I digress, in this pdf are all the numbers in the video (left); the global CAGW snake-oil salesman are getting found out...the 50:1 Project. "What if I could show you that it’s 50 times more expensive to try and STOP climate change than it is to ADAPT to climate change? Well I can, in less than 10 minutes, right here in this video". On that site there are full length interviews with all those who speak in the video.

Worth noting too on What's Up With That? the complete debunking of the 'consensus'.

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Oligodontous operations...

There must be amazingly good security services in Venezuela: since July 1999, when a hunter was arrested with a .22 rifle and cartridges (and opposition members publicly denounced by Krusty) there has been talk of over 60 alleged assassination plots (or magnicide or krusticide...SIXTY!). There is a data base HERE from Ultimos Noticias giving all the details; 52 are related Chavez and already 11 directed at Nick Ripe! Caracas Chronicles reminds us that "in only eighteen of those cases, the authorities have released any details to the public." Despite all this there has not been a single attempt, not one single trial and - obviously - not one single conviction. Needless to say it's always the far right, usually Colombian, usually ex Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and often the evil empire. I'm no Obama fan but how do you answer "Is President Obama so weak that decisions are made for him in the United States to kill a Latin American head of state without his knowing it?". I noted there was no talk of any attempt in 2012 [edit: see update below]...what with Krusty's poor health perhaps they thought it would have seemed a bad show to invent another plot to threaten to kill him. (the image - click to enlarge - shows all the info in a handy graph)

Update: a further hat-tip to Kepler (whose blog is well worth a read) who pointed out that I was wrong, there was an 'attempt' in 2012.

Oligodontous operations...

There must be amazingly good security services in Venezuela: since July 1999, when a hunter was arrested with a .22 rifle and cartridges (and opposition members publicly denounced by Krusty) there has been talk of over 60 alleged assassination plots (or magnicide or krusticide...SIXTY!). There is a data base HERE from Ultimos Noticias giving all the details; 52 are related Chavez and already 11 directed at Nick Ripe! Caracas Chronicles reminds us that "in only eighteen of those cases, the authorities have released any details to the public." Despite all this there has not been a single attempt, not one single trial and - obviously - not one single conviction. Needless to say it's always the far right, usually Colombian, usually ex Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and often the evil empire. I'm no Obama fan but how do you answer "Is President Obama so weak that decisions are made for him in the United States to kill a Latin American head of state without his knowing it?". I noted there was no talk of any attempt in 2012 [edit: see update below]...what with Krusty's poor health perhaps they thought it would have seemed a bad show to invent another plot to threaten to kill him. (the image - click to enlarge - shows all the info in a handy graph)

Update: a further hat-tip to Kepler (whose blog is well worth a read) who pointed out that I was wrong, there was an 'attempt' in 2012.